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Should Shovelware Be Worth Zero Points?

Shovelware Zero Points  

606 members have voted

  1. 1. Should All Games Marked As Shovelware Have A Vaule Of Zero Points?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Alternatives

    • I Voted Yes But Prefer Alt - Rarity Leaderboard
    • I Voted No And Want Alt - Rarity Leaderboard
    • No Alternative
  3. 3. If A Rarity Leaderboard Happened, What Cut Off Percentage?

    • 20%
    • 30%
    • 40%
    • 50%
    • 60%
    • 70%

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19 minutes ago, Komrade_Dusty said:

I personally think an alternative leaderboard would make more sense having a cut off of 90% or 95%. I feel like shovelware are games you can basically fall over backwards into the platinum.


"(...) games you can basically fall over backwards into the platinum"

By that you implied a platinum you can get almost by accident? Just making sure I understood what you wrote.

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On 10/22/2022 at 9:32 PM, Walt the Dog said:

Considering that imported visual novels tend to be full price, there are certainly people who have gone that far in the past. Whether or not they'd still go that far in the deluge of $1-4 trophy apps, that's a bit tougher to say.

Those visual novels are/were big in japan and thats where they tend to stay

japan is big on reading apparently

americans need actual game play

wether its good or bad they dont seem to care

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1 hour ago, BlitzkriegHottie said:


Do it for the lulz and then put Hannah Montana on your trophy cabinet. 


Ultimate Chad move IMO. 


What's the most embarrassing plat anyway? I see JoJo Siwa is getting a game, maybe that one? I'm considering getting the most embarrassing platinum and putting it on my cabinet. 


"Youtubers Life OMG!" has to be the most cringe game title ever, I think I'll keep that one in mind, I mean, just look at this beauty:



It's an ultra rare platinum too, so I can even use that excuse. Yeah, the perfect murder, alright *rubs hands*


I think I'd draw the line at playing Siwa. Be thinking Chris Hansen was about to come through my door.

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I'd say this whole pursuit is a waste of time as it is, if people wanna waste money as well as time then who are we to stop them from buying their shovelware and filling their profiles with dross.


If it makes them feel bigger and better inside - live and let live surely?!

Edited by smattychew
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3 minutes ago, ScintillaWolf said:


Anyone caught hoovering up the platinums for the jumping [insert food] games should be forced to jump the exact amount of times required for the plat, with the named food in hand, on film, or be kicked from the leaderboard.


Edit: And do it twice over for Turbo editions.


We've had a number of solutions for consideration, and this is one of the best.



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19 minutes ago, ScintillaWolf said:


Anyone caught hoovering up the platinums for the jumping [insert food] games should be forced to jump the exact amount of times required for the plat, with the named food in hand, on film, or be kicked from the leaderboard.


Edit: And do it twice over for Turbo editions.


And what would the punishment for the strokers be?



You know what? Let's not go there... ?


Edited by BlitzkriegHottie
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This thread started out somewhat interesting and objective, then quickly turned into subjective, conjecture, mud-slinging and other shenanigans.


You want some hard numbers to go with those theories? Here are the trophy rarities according to PSN. Fetched almost half a year ago from Sony's servers.

I suspect the trophies with a 0% rarity (unobtained) either glitched, fresh and unearned so far (or not calculated), from unreleased games or otherwise largely irrelevant to the issue at hand.

Sony only record their rarity in steps of 0.1%, which is the same scale (horizontal) as shown in the graphs below.

Now, if only someone could produce the same data from PSNProfile's trophy data... We'd realize how insignificant a blip trophy hunters are on the Sony radar.



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23 hours ago, Letenko said:

And those are exactly the days I miss. I am aware that there is no way to go back, but I would still strive to reach that standard.

There’s a lot I don’t miss. Janky performance for a number of games. Tacked on multiplayer that’s there for the hell of it. Shoddy game mechanics as was more common with older gaming generations. More bugs/glitches, sometimes resulting in trophies not popping. 

You get the idea. 

However, in contrast to games like Killzone: Shadowfall and Knack 1, trophy lists in AAA games now are just dull and boring. There’s no more difficulty related trophies unless you care about DLC, and the games themselves are more about playing it safe than trying something new. 

Thankfully, most proper indies and some AA production games deviate from the AAA gaming standard. Indies can be a legitimate 10/10 in difficulty for most players but they never hinge on unfairness. They can still experiment and try out new things, something the AAA industry has largely abandoned.


2013 to 2016 was the sweet spot. Games weren’t as janky as those in 2005 - 2010, the early years of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation. But there was still a degree of challenge and most trophy lists still demanded a modicum of skill, even easier games in the 2/10 to 3/10 difficulty range. 

Now it’s basically a system with seemingly no standards, so you end up with shovelware crap that is asset flipping to horrible grindfests like Fortnite that could potentially take you thousands of hours. 

We started getting garbage games shortly after Sony moved to California and became Sony Interactive Entertainment. Prior to 2016 it was Sony Computer Entertainment. Trophy lists had better standards prior to the move. Anybody saying Sony California has nothing to do with the state of games getting released on the PS Store has a bad opinion in my book.

Edited by AJ_Radio
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This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  

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29 minutes ago, pjcooper2012 said:

This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  


You're the one who sounds butthurt.


Besides where's the sense of accomplishment Stroking The Sausage and Jumping The Turnip up the leaderboards. I can't speak for anyone else but I can assure you that not buying these games to go up the leaderboard and being where I am because I didn't play any of those games, I am very much the opposite of butthurt.


Erm.... you could say I'm...very buttheal?

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44 minutes ago, pjcooper2012 said:

if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  

 How would it die? The shovelware players don't really talk in the forums since all the debate these apps inspire is shittalking (we are gonna miss out on a lot of that though).

I think it will make more people care about the leaderboard as well, since you suddenly could be competitive without wasting time and money on that garbage. 

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1 hour ago, pjcooper2012 said:

This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  

When you really look into it a small percentage of people are constantly engaging in shovelware.  a bit higher percentage has tried it out.  Playing shovelware isn't the standard.  It's a minority of people engaging in it.  As i've personally mentioned many times there is a lot more to the shovelware debate than just the leaderboards.  Point being, people speaking out against shovelware aren't just elitist and upset about their ranking.  Sony has already taken action once to clean up sovelware off the top of the new games list.  Countless people complaining about missing indie game in new games list because it's lost in piles of shovelware.  People are addicted to the shovelware in a very unhealthy way.  It's very narrow minded to claim the argument is only about the crappy leaderboards which weren't much better before shovelware came around.  I think the scope and rate of the releases of these titles and the problems that is causing has far outweighed our little community leaderboard here on psn profiles.  


Make no mistake about it, most people don't care what you play.  If a 30 year old man give or take wants to sit around and watch a sandwich bounce up and down fine by me.  I will guarantee you if they made these games worth zero points there wouldn't me more than a handful of people still playing them.  All this isn't to say shovelware hasn't contributed to ruining the leaderboards too but i think the risk it poses to becoming an excuse for Sony to scrap the trophy system someday is a far greater concern than the leaderboard.  They already took action once.  what action might they take next time?


also, not that I care a lot about what people think but people outside the trophy hunting community are looking in at this shovelware crap and wondering what the hell kind of stupid hobby we're engaged in.  After all, they gotta deal with it too.  Kinda embarrassing really.  


In short, I don't think caring about the state of your hobby makes you an elitist or someone who is butt hurt. I see one of two things happening and that is people quit engaigng with shovelware  or people keep abusing it and eventually Sony one day will put an end to it.  Either way shovelware isn't going to be around forever.

Edited by steel6burgh
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1 hour ago, pjcooper2012 said:

This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  


Numerically speaking, that is untrue. Using last popular games tab as metric to how calculate many current players uses this website, it's about 20k players, but most shovelware games sits under 1k owners. Basic math, 1k out 20k is 5%, so even if all shovelware players would leave the site because of zero points being earned on main LB, it would hardly kill the site, more like just a small decline.


* This is just an example, the number of current players and current shovelware players is definitely different than those 2 numbers, made into simpler number for easier understading.

Edited by Otonio_Bruno
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3 hours ago, pjcooper2012 said:

This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  


You need to realize there are still plenty of people in the trophy hunting community who have been into this hobby for over a decade now.


If I was competitive like Hakoom was in the early days only to be overtaken by someone who stacked a thousand shovelware titles, I sure as shit would be mad about that. Because now I have to play those games to even compete anymore, and if you don't, you simply get left behind.


Most of us don't care for leaderboards, myself included. But I still play for personal accomplishment, which is what a lot of us still do.


There's no getting around the fact that Sony has allowed these games to be sold on the store, so they along with the developers/publishers issuing this crap are the ones winning.


The trophy hunting community is far different now than it was in the old days (2008 - 2012) and I reckon it's the same thing with Xbox Achievements.


3 hours ago, Letenko said:

Good. Let them leave and form a new, shovelware community where I promise neither me nor my elitist, butthurt friends will bother them. Pinky promise.


They'll attack you anyway for even saying I want more actual games on the store instead of the shovelware nonsense. No matter how bad something is, someone out there will defend it.

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I voted yes on giving shovelware 0 points, BUT I would also include a cut off date. All the games who have been released until date XY when the measure goes into effect will remain just as they were. That way, the people who spent actual money on those plats get to keep them. All other games after that point will receive the zero points treatment.


I think this would be fairest to all the people involved, you still have the option of catching up on the leaderboards over time by gaining the "sanctioned" shovelware games while the leaderboard leaders get to keep their points and move back to normal games.

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11 hours ago, pjcooper2012 said:

This has to come from some elitist who is butthurt they arent high on the leaderboards so they want to get rid of anyone who buys shovelware, if that did happen specifically for this site then this site would die almost everyone who enjoys the leaderboard aspects and who even slightly plays shovleware will migrate anywhere else  

Agree with the first part, i bet a fair few who voted yes are only doing so because they can't keep up. Disagree with the 2nd part, the vast majority of people don't care for these games and as bad as this sites leaderboard are, the others are much worse, especially for cheaters. 


I think this site would maybe lose a few people, but i think it would gain more in the process. Because of these spam games i completely lost interest in PS4 trophy hunting, if these spam games went to 0 i would probably get back into PS4 hunting and i know a lot of others who would as well. 

Edited by GUDGER666
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