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Sony asking how satisfied are you with trophies?

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Simply having a 1-5 scale is hardly helpful to gather feedback. 

For the most part I'm happy with trophies, but there are plenty of ways to improve them. You won't get that information if I voted in the middle. You'd think I just don't care. 

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Odds are this kind of feedback is just on the trophies UI and how satisfied you are with that.


Don't be expecting any wild changes to come in response to negative feedback.


Though if by chance they are looking for genuine feedback on trophies as a whole, with that kind of a simple feedback system then it could come across as if they have plans to overhaul entirely with something else and therefore nitpicking to negative vote may instead result in them entirely replacing the feature with something else and I'm sure that's not what y'all intend for at all.


8 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

…but all the people who do care about trophies and would be sad to see them go are also compulsive complainers, and will rate themselves “dissatisfied” due to some minor gripe or thing they’d like to have…

The biggest users of the trophies system are the biggest whiners but I guess this is not unexpected as oftentimes the biggest 'fans' of something usually are the biggest critics. I remember people saying it a lot with Star Wars fans and how you're not a real Star Wars fan unless you hate everything Star Wars xD I think the same thing basically applies in these parts, a 'true' trophy hunter hates trophies and everything surrounding them lol.


There's striving for better and improving upon something you care deeply about and there there's just nitpicking and always finding flaws where there are none just to be upset... and I see the latter a lot.

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I've seen this pop up quite a bit. Trophies are okay, they just need a few tweaks. Like make the trophy type determined by the difficult of the requirement needed to unlock the trophy, and do something about server shutdown trophies. Some developers are nice enough to change the requirement of the trophy to make the platinum still possible, but not all developers do this. So, if you just happen to miss a trophy that requires online matchmaking. while the servers are down. you are out of luck. Thus making the platinum impossible for eternity.

Edited by Yukiko Miyamoto
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1 hour ago, DrBloodmoney said:


…thanks for your words of comfort, youngster.


I was actually pointing out that such a survey is useless.

I wasn’t “worrying” about anything.


Still, nice to see that simply offering an opinion is enough to be compared to your (presumably septuagenarian at a minimum, if she’s a Baby Boomer as you imply) mother being scammed.


I’d probably point out that assuming everyone else on a site is a quivering infirm elder, whom you have to protect and comfort with your youthful wisdom is the most “genZest” moment I’ve ever witnessed…


…but unfortunately, I am, admittedly, old enough to know that neither “GenZest”, nor “Boomerest” are, in fact, words.

Doc, I'm not talking about you hahahah, I'm agreeing with you and then expanding on that. We both said the same thing, I think there was a misunderstanding here.

I'm talking about the people that believed voting negative will change the trophies. Voting in a survey about the UI won't make sony change the way trophies work.


I mean, it was quite obvious what the survey means, as Daiv also pointed out.. there's no need to blow my comment out of proportion lol. I want to make clear that I don't think like you describe me in your comment, at all.

Edited by Jeanolt
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21 hours ago, Mendarxis said:

But give me one reason why Sony should even consider removing them? Selling these games is probably profitable and they do not harm anyone. I mean, who cares of psnp leaderboard? It is literally a meme.

I would like to note that shovelware is a problem beyond the trophy sphere. It is getting excessive and should not continue the way it is on any platforms storefront. Elitists can be insufferable in how they whine about 'ez trophies' and seem to care more about everyone else's profile than those people themselves... but let's not allow triggering them to influence a decision to defend or encourage the existence of the kind of shovelware we see these days.


In terms of profitability, like, I wouldn't encourage a successful restaurant to sell buckets of the chefs feces just because a couple weirdos keep coming in and buying it from time to time... not a good look on your overall brand image xD.


In terms of removing the actual trophies however, totally not, they should stay otherwise that's a middle finger to those who did fairly partake in something that was completely allowed at the time. But further releases shouldn't exist and previous releases should be nuked off the store too and only accessible to those who already bought them. I'm sure some folk would then complain about how 'unfair' that turns the leaderboard for those who didn't already buy them before delisting but... bah, who cares it's a meme already as you say lol.

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Likely an unpopular opinion on a trophy site but I say blow it all up and start again. One game = one stack, no regional stuff and have PS4, PS5 and now PC cross progression for trophy lists. Be able to pick up where I left my game on PS5 on the PC if I wanted to, Xbox has the feature already. Would get rid of autopops too while we're at it.

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1 hour ago, Dry said:

I still miss the old, pre-October 2020 profile/trophy level system (1-100 > 1-999).


This is only thing that slightly bothers me. I want my old level back. Other than that, I don't have a problem how trophy system currently works.

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I think earning trophies shouldn't be forced on people. You should have the ability to opt-in or out. Especially now that there are more and more people struggling with trophy addiction. I bet for them just turning of notifications is not enough when in the back of their head they know they're still earning them. Having no trace at all of anything that has to do with trophies on their superior PS4 or inferior PS5 UI would probably be a big help towards their recovery. Now I always have to prescribe my patients a Switch.

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  1. Get rid of the "points" system that they make devs abide by when creating their trophy lists. It doesn't help alleviate the shovelware problem, but rather just limits great games from having reasonable/accurate trophy lists. We all know there are plenty of Bronze/Silver trophies that feel much too difficult to be anything other than a Gold. Instead replace it with a dynamic rarity system. All Common are Bronze, Rare Silver, Ultra Rare Gold and then Platinums rarity would just be equal to the highest rarity in their list, maybe with bonus trophy XP for it being a Platinum (they might already do that bonus thing idk).
    Maybe add a caveat where people can't lose/gain XP/Levels from a trophy rarity decreasing/increasing later on. That way more people would also be incentivized to play games on release and get trophies ASAP to snag the Ultra Rare amount of XP.
  2. The likelihood of them removing/altering specific and already unobtainable trophies is astronomically low. They might introduce a new way to force devs to maintain their own trophy lists, but not sure how well that would go down on their side. Ultimately, I think they should just allow deletion of lists that contain unobtainable trophies that you don't have. They can easily determine if it's unobtainable based on the last time someone earned it and if it passes a certain threshold of time, so almost no manual work would be involved after creation of a program to monitor their databases.
  3. Rewards for achieving a Platinum/100%, like just an avatar or theme.
  4. Having some cool trophy tracking features and leaderboards like on here, while not necessary, would be the cherry on top.

Personally don't see the issue with auto-popping or just multiple lists for the same game. If people want to do that then that should be fine, and realistically there's no point complaining about it because Sony probably sees it as a way to incentivize people to buy/play a different version of the same game, so they ain't getting rid of them. Regional lists however are dumb and still don't understand why they exist. Like games don't really have region-exclusive content anymore right? So the trophies are always the same anyway. Maybe it's for the same reason I mentioned above, but then I feel that they'd have regional lists for every game and they don't.

Sorting is the only feature I can see getting added UI-wise, like they'll want to keep the design consistent with the rest of the console menu design; no way they'll change it drastically.

Also don't think we'll see any removal of shovelware games. Like come on, it sucks but why would a company get rid of something they profit off of?

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13 minutes ago, ZekroFire said:

replace it with a dynamic rarity system

Online-required trophy system. Cool. So Sony can lock trophies behind PlayStation Plus and claim it's required to earn trophies since their rarity cannot be calculated without access and the constant calculations that would be needed to maintain the dynamic changes as they happen. Also, trophy hackers can really mess with people by flooding accounts with Ultra Rares that we know Sony doesn't remove from PSN.


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Very dis-satisfied 

6 hours ago, Dry said:

I still miss the old, pre-October 2020 profile/trophy level system (1-100 > 1-999).

You dont like how now a single bronze trophy is worth like 50 levels? Lol

i just added a co worker with like 600 random trophies and zero platinums and the guy is like trophy level 200 something lmao

and i look at my trophy stats and level and im like, yeah, that doesnt measure up


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To say something different that I haven't read:


The game's trophy list must be one, and the DLCs have a separate 300 points like non-platinum games (optional, it could have more points). For example, Tales Of Arise with 100% and then another with the DLC.


Of course all retro games must have trophies, I don't know how expensive it will be, but getting excited that Tekken 6 is going to arrive in the service and not have anything... is the death of my brain. At least my main incentive to play them again are the trophies, without them then I use an emulator and on top of that I don't pay anything.



Anyway, this survey is very generic and I am sure is for other things.

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Ever since I saw this thread I have been waiting to see if Sony will give me the chance to share my opinion on trophies, but alas, no luck yet 😁. If there's no text input, it probably matters very little anyway.


Overall I'm generally happy the way everything is right now. I think if people want to spend money to earn trophies on shovelware titles then power to them (I'm guilty of trying a couple before I knew better...), it doesn't affect anyone else, as they are just virtual items that have no real purpose once unlocked. One thing I do have an opinion on is deletion. The discussion surrounding deleting trophy lists has been around for a long time, and I have read a lot of great opinions from others on both sides of the line. I like the idea of the trophy lists being a record of your gaming history. I also have so many games on my profile that I haven't finished, and so many more to play that aren't on there yet. Yes, the dream of a trophy hunter is 100%ing the list, but I doubt I'll ever have enough time in my life to get there, and I accept that. That being said, I do like to think that the possibility of it all is still available to me. I'm open to restricted deletion on trophy lists where the ability to obtain the trophies has been removed from the game unexpectedly.


If I was ever given the chance to delete just one trophy list, I could tell you which one I would delete straightaway with no hesitation. GTA V on the PS3. The main reason is the Run Like The Wind trophy. It became unobtainable without warning when the bounty feature got patched out, and was never patched back in. Not only that but online was rife with hackers by the end, so I gave up on ever completing any of the other online trophies when the shutdown happened, since I was locked out of the platinum anyway. I've since 100%ed GTA V on the PS4 version, and that's what holds the most meaning to me, and where all my fond GTA V memories are, so keeping the unfinished PS3 version on my list as well has little value to me.


I think at the very least there could be more of a standard to be applied to these situations. Even in cases where developers have updated trophies that became unobtainable to something else, it doesn't reflect the original achievement for those who got it originally (especially if the original way was harder)... but truth be told this bothers me way less than just straight up unobtainables. I've also put in a lot of hours in some games to beat shutdown dates, and I don't think that effort for those who have done that should be removed either. I guess in summary there's a lot to think about if deleting trophies/lists ever became a real thing. All I can say is GTA V PS3 would be gone from my profile in a heartbeat should the day arrive 😅





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I am happy with trophies as they are, but there should probably be some standards set by Sony:


- Put some sort of value on trophies, i.e what constitutes a bronze, silver or gold

- Ensure developers do not abandon games with trophies that are unobtainable 

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On 4/20/2024 at 6:08 AM, Hitman_Spinksy1 said:

I want the ability to be able to sort them alphabetically like the PS3. A smily system to collect data is pointless though, they don't know why someone is happy or unhappy and will just do their own thing anyway.

I was playing Ps3 last week and marveled at how much better the original layout was. If I’m working on completing multiple games in a series, I go out of my way to get the final trophy of the sequel before finishing the original game so that way they line up chronologically. My favorite thing with getting trophies is trying to line up the game art tiles in a way that looks cool. I did that with Remnant 1/2 recently but now that new DLC came out it’s going to mess it up 😭😭😭

TLDR—It would be nice to be able to arrange game tiles

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