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This Game Is Only 1 Cent In NA Store

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I know it's AI art, but I think a lot of these trophies would be neat milestones. A lot of good titles in there.

But I definitely wouldn't want to buy these lol. I'm curious how they even make money at a penny. Does Sony take 30% of 0.01? I'm sure it will sell more than that, from trophy whores, but what if it did just sell one. Does Sony round up? Do they take the penny? 

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You know this is peak trophy hunter pandering when the trophy icons look better than the actual game.


That being said, I hope this wraps up the story. Have we bustled down this road enough? Perhaps the the whole point was the friends we made along the way while bustling.

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, CuteBoringLove said:

Why is it 45 cents CAD?

Playstation Store's US to CAD exchange rate is so weird.


IKR. International currency exchange rates always confuse me.

This game is 35 cents in my AUS store. Yet 1 cent in the NA store.

How the hell did that happen? 1 cent U.S should be 2 cents AUS.


But in your case, it's all whack. 45 cents is wrong IMHO.

Should be no more than 2 cents also. Wtf?


I also bought the HK version which is $1.76 in my currency.

Why is 9 HKD? Should be 1 HKD too. Makes no sense to me.

But whatever. It's cheap enough I guess. Lol


Edited by TheDarkKratos
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