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Naughty Dog: An Uncharted Collection Would Be Really Cool to Have on PS4

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Stop with the remasters. Nextgen Is for nextgen, and for new games. That's the whole point of buying the PS4/Xbox One. Who would buy it for the remasters? There are hardly any new games out at the minute, and the console released nearly 9 months ago.

Also don't get me wrong, I love Uncharted and still haven't played Uncharted 3 or 1. Only 2. But I would rather buy them for the console released intentionally, (PS3) to play them. I wish they would focus on new games for us than to keep us sitting here replaying these old games.

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I can understand Sony remastering these games for ps4 since according to their survey 1/3 of users never had a ps3, but still they are somewhat insulting the loyal customers and the devs could have used the time for you know making new games?

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This is a bad idea considering how people are calling the ps4 "The indiestation4". What they could did is sell remasters in the drought periods and have new games to cover the peak sales time period, that will make the new customers experince classics games and the old customers won't feel like they have been short changed.

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Only fanyboys are calling it that but then again all systems are selling indies. Don't see a problem with them selling remaster collections


It's probably due to the indies not being at the same quailty of Steam's libary of indies.

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I feel like it's disrespecting the customers who bought the PS3 and all the games. If they knew this would happen, why would they get a PS3? The people who didn't get the PS3 get to play the best version of three games while the people who bought the original three games get nothing.

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It does seem perfectly sound for these remasters to be made. I mean as far as I can tell the next installment of previous groundbreaking game series' will be on next-gen consoles. (Many are incoming this year or next.)

Would make sense to allow all those new to Playstation or console gaming the opportunity to experience the original games before diving head long into a series at what could be its very end. 


I can't really see why people are complaining about it. I mean those who played them when they originally came out have lived the wonder of the older games for years. While you enjoy the latest installment to the series, those who have missed out can enjoy these remastered versions. 


I think it would be different if there was added content. This is what always bugged me about albums and films being re-released with extra content and for cheaper than the original. 


I obviously would love to see an Uncharted collection for PS4. The announcement of Uncharted 4 did nothing for me as I know little about it. Just started playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss on the Vita and it has peaked my interest. 


Of course this is all speculation. I can see how, when all that's on the horizon is remakes of titles people played to death years ago, frustrations rise to peak levels. I forget that some people can finish a game in a few days and get hungry for more almost daily. 

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I don't really have a problem with porting games over from previous generations. Game bundles and HD remasterings of old games onto the new consoles give me opportunities to play games I may have missed out on as well as the option to replay some games I loved with a breath of fresh air, however; I understand the frustration. For the most part, we all don't want to keep replaying the same games over and over. With games being so story driven the replayability of most games is usually worn out after 2 or 3 play throughs, so we crave more games. New adventures, stories, fights and experiences. But we tend to want these new experiences out of purely selfish reasons and deminish the would be value of these re-releases.


Would I prefer new IP or installment in a game series instead of re-releasing the same games over and over? Sure would! But is it a bad thing that devs keep pumping out old games remastered in HD or in a collection? Absolutely not.


When a game is re-released with upgraded graphics or in a collection for a new console generation it ends up costing the company very little money compaired to what it would cost to develop an entirely new game. When more money is coming in, thanks to sales of these collections and remasters, it provides the devs with increased funds to work with. I am reading a lot of comments, here as well as other forums, saying something along the lines of "Why are they[Naughty Dog] remastering the Uncharted Trilogy instead of making a new game?" It is comming across as a common misconception that these devs have their entire development team working on bringing these older games and collections to the new consoles rather than working on something new, and this simply isn't the case. For Santa Monica, BioWare, RockStar or any other studio out there to bring their older games to the newer generations of consoles does not require an entire team to do so. This process can be accomplished simultaniously with the development of new IPs and instalments and I would be willing to bet that this is exactly the case with Naughty Dog.


Although it is just rumor and speculation at this point, Naughty Dog could have all available staff working on Uncharted 4 or their unnamed project while freeing up a handfull of their talented studio to work on upping the graphics and putting together the collection for release on the PS4. Keep in mind, that in a number of cases these collections aren't even put out by the original studio, they simply contract it out to another smaller studio.


Although many of us may have played the games already and may not feel the need to replay them or that their mere existance is insulting, these collections will continue to sell and the studios will continue to make money off of them. So we can sit here and say that it's stupid and we've had enough already, but when it comes to making money... They'd be stupid not to do an Uncharted collection on PS4.

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This wouldn't be so bad, if the console wasn't so new. I've been ok with the HD re-releases we've gotten on PS3, because it took a few years after the PS3 was released for them to start being released. At that point, people had forgotten about the games and re-releasing them made sense. Especially since the jump to HD made for a significant difference between the PS2 version and the PS3 version.


However, these PS4 ports are ridiculous. Some games getting re-releases are less than a couple of years old, and they don't look significantly different. There's absolutely no need for them to be re-releasing games yet, outside of trying to make a quick buck. They need to be focusing on creating a unique library of games. Even if it only takes a handful of people to port the games, that's still time and energy that could've been put towards possibly making a new game better or getting it out faster.


Thanks to the PS4 being primarily a port machine, there's almost no reason to even buy one. If you look at it objectively, you'll realize that you can play almost every game on an existing platform already, and that's just sad. I'm probably going to be getting an X1 soon instead of a PS4, because they have a substantial number of new games coming, instead of just ports of indie games and PS3 games I've already played, or could just buy on PS3/PC way cheaper.

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These remasters of recent games is starting to get out of hand. New N Tasty's a remaster of something 17 years old, therefore it's more worthy of a remaster than something that's hardly older than a primary school pupil.


Give franchises time to age before remastering them, not do it at the earliest possible opportunity.

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In some way i'm happy about this to happen, for people not interested in PS Now. If i wouldn't already beat every uncharted i would be happy to buy them instead of renting through PS Now. You'll have it running smooth on your PS4 (well i guess they will) and not depending of your connection speed.

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