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Uncharted 3.-#14

Honestly if it wasn't a uncharted game I'd of given up. Not sure why, but my run and clean up had so many glitches. I must of fallen through the world 5 times atleast and had to restart numerous checkpoints, talks of which checkpoint spawning is a joke..next to five enemies. Thanks. Or just not spawning the enemies but yet they still shot at me. Then the game refused to accept is even beaten it on easy (crushing first time) and had to grab a cloud save so I could farm chapter kills. Maybe I should of tried re installing but 1-2 ran amazingly so I don't know.

Maybe it was comming straight off 2 but the story is just boring. Great dialogue and ofc the characters are amazing but I still don't know where certain characters went after the first half.

Eh. A week until 4 and it hasn't killed my hype. I still like 3 but it's short comings along with glitches had me a bit peeved at points. You can tell this was the B team.

Edited by VitalFury
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