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Do you try to get every Trophy from a game you can!?


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Most people will have read the title of this topic and raised an eyebrow. Anyone who cares about Trophies will obviously do this, it's kind of a necessity in order to get the Platinum. I am what my friends would call a Trophy whore. I live for the sound of the Trophy ping. However my limited skill prevents me from getting that shiny Platinum in a vast number of games. (For vast read 50% of my fairly small collection.)


So I was wondering, in a game that you cannot Plat. Be it a glitch; low population or closed servers for online trophies, or just plain lack of sufficient skill like me. Do you still try and get every other Trophy from that game!?


I am currently working on Muramasa Rebirth for the Vita and it had me thinking this. I have 5 trophies left to go but I know that I just cannot play it well enough to obtain the last two trophies. There are still 3 trophies that I could get but having played through the game and having seen all of the endings I find my willingness to press on and get those 3 trophies, knowing it will forever sit unfinished, a bit lacking. I enjoyed the ride and got alot of trophies along the way but it may be time to call it quits, 


What would you guys do in my situation? Press on and get the highest completion you can or shelve it with sadness?




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yes mate, I eventually get the plat of everything I touch.  surrender is not a option for me, if I don't know then I learn, if I fail then I retry "analyzing" the mistake I did & avoid it so it wont happens again.  Never surrender on what u do no matter how hard it is :P the price hardwork gives is always amazing :D

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yes mate, I eventually get the plat of everything I touch.  surrender is not a option for me, if I don't know then I learn, if I fail then I retry "analyzing" the mistake I did & avoid it so it wont happens again.  Never surrender on what u do no matter how hard it is :P the price hardwork gives is always amazing :D

He's no casul u know.

As for me, i have some problems buying games i know i'll never plat, but i also don't insist of platting every game i have. I've been playing some MK9 and UMvC3 for the last few days, both games i've pretty much written off as unobtainable, but i still had lots of fun going for some of the other trophies regardless. In fact, it's kinda refreshing to play a game without putting myself under pressure trying to get all trophies, i feel that's what ruined Metro Last Light for me.

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I won't go near a game if the platinum is literally unobtainable. I like the possibility of being able to reach 100% completion one day.


If I feel a platinum is beyond my skill level then I'll usually complete it to the best of my ability with the hopes that one day I'll go back to finish it. Though it's incredibly unlikely to happen for a lot of the harder games I've started as I don't think I'll ever be good enough.

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Most of the time yes, I try to get most of the trophies. Trophy hunting is more of a side thing for me. I get games because they look fun or sound fun.


My beliefe is, if the game was enjoyable or was bareable to complete I'll finish(or try to) finish off the achievements. So I feel that I didn't waste my money.

Edited by HeroMAXD
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i used to try and get all of the trophies but my interest for that game just used to drop off after i finished the campaign for it and it was very tedious for me to carry on. this was when i was playing a new game every couple of weeks. now, i only play games i enjoy and and going to get trophies from them as i know they'll be the ones i'll most likely get the platinum in

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Depends on whether I have too boost the multiplayer trophies. Single player trophies I will max out, but boosting really pisses me off.

Boosting to level 100 ruined GTA V for me completely, and is pretty much the reason I don't have platinum for Tomb Raider and a few others.

If I can do them myself then I'll stick at it until they are done, but I've given up on boosting

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It really depends on the game I'm playing.


I always try out multiplayer a few times, but mostly I don't care about it.

If you were to look at my platinum or 100% collection, most are singleplayer or feature a very small online proportion.

Games like UNC3 has two very easy online trophies, while I like AC 3 wolfpacks which encouraged me to play more.


After a while I get bored by most games.

For instance Ni No Kuni is a game I love, but requires a lot of grinding.

I'm losing my interest for now, so I'll stop playing it.

Who knows if I continue today, tomorrow or in a year.


If a game really interests me, it's no difficult taks for me to try to get all of them at once.

For example Dragon's Dogma was a game that I loved every second. So it was normal for me to try to collect them all.

If I really like a game, I will try to squeeze out every drop. Something like that.


But I'm trying to stop caring so much about trophies.

The only reason people hide trophies, like I do, because we have a few 0% or very low scores, thinking it will mess up our score.

But I shouldn't care, because no one else cares about my score :P

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Depends on whether I have too boost the multiplayer trophies. Single player trophies I will max out, but boosting really pisses me off.

Boosting to level 100 ruined GTA V for me completely, and is pretty much the reason I don't have platinum for Tomb Raider and a few others.

If I can do them myself then I'll stick at it until they are done, but I've given up on boosting

If you didn't know, you can grind levels in Tomb Raider solo. Start a private rescue match by yourself as a hero, change the settings to 20 minutes and 20 medkits, and then just bring the medkits back to base. You can drop them for extra XP.


On topic: I try to, because I like my overall completion % to be above 70% at least, but I usually stop. What's the point if I'll never complete it anyway? (Gran Turismo 5... :( )

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