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                                          Not Afraid of the Dark
                                                  Clear The Assignment in KURAYAMI Mode.

Damn, when the mode's description specified that STEM would be "in complete darkness", I literally did not expect that the areas you have to go through would be literally covered in black. Hell, even sections when there's supposed to be like lights reflecting off  lamps, light bulbs, fire, or whatever source of light there is, everything is literally turned off from these sources in this mode... and I loved that. Only source of light you'll have is your flashlight, and that's it. Even when you trigger a cutscene, the background is completely dark still, which I thought was a rad transition. The mode wasn't like AKUMU though, cause if you did get hurt, you wouldn't get insta-killed like you would be in AKUMU, and I was a bit disappointed about that, since I adored AKUMU mode. Oh well, the KURAYAMI mode was still a pretty sweet mode concept though. Mode definitely made the atmosphere creepy as fuck. But even in total darkness, you could see the enemies glowing, be it their bodies or eyes that are glowing, so you shouldn't worry about just going through the darkness and then you stumble into something not knowing what it is cause of how dark it is, and *surprise surprise* it's an enemy. And turning on your flashlight on enemies doesn't reveal your position to enemies (well, for me it didn't blow my cover. Some people say when they pointed their flashlight at enemies, or that if enemies could see the source of light coming from your flashlight, they would go investigate, or just know where you are right away. But I'm not sure if that's actually true, so I can't confirm, since that never happened to me. And I pointed my flashlight a lot at enemies when in cover, and they never noticed the light, even when it was directly pointing right on their face. :dunno:

Overall, I loved "The Assignment". Loved that stealth is your only way to get through the DLC, and that you never had any guns to use, aside one section in the game in where you do have to use a gun to progress through. Aside that minor section, loved that the only ways to get through the enemies was to have options like taking cover, and calling out enemies with your voice as a distraction, or throwing bottles to a direction in where they would follow, or call a phone to attract an enemy's attention, and when they enter the room in where the phone you're calling is ringing, you can go and lock the door of the room. :lol:


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Call of Duty: Ghosts


:bronze: Made it Out Alive

Escape 1st time in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.



:bronze: Sprinter

Reach the exfil chopper with 1:30 remaining on the clock in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.



:bronze: No Man Left

Escape with all four players in Regular or Hardcore difficulty.


No need to go online anymore for this game! Though the people I played for these trophies were quite fun!

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                                                                                                                        The Flapmaster




      Hands down the most frustrating trophy in the game. I think it's awesome how the devs want to troll us on the trophy hunting with this minigame.

      It took me almost 2 hours straight to get it done, the hitbox is really broken though.

      The game itself is the craziest thing I've ever played, i'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected with my brother.


      (On the EU store is on sale if anyone is interested)

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Nerves of Steel
Beat the developers' record completion time of 9 minutes and 25 seconds (Expert mode)

Hours and hours of memorisation; 8 hours of trying; game crashes; buggy controls, but I finally got there, and to be in the top 10 for doing so is pretty sweet. Also, at 1.37% this is my 2nd rarest trophy behind Tales Master from Pinball Arcade. Edited by IronMask75
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