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Favourite to least favourite Uncharted games?

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After finishing UC4, I can't help but make a very big distinction in my rankings.


This is my ranking pertaining to story (from best to worst):

1. UC4

2. UC3

3. UC2

4. UC1


And this is my ranking pertaining to gameplay:

1. UC2

2. Tie: UC1 ~ UC3 ~ UC4


So if you assign points, they go as follows:

UC4: 7 points

UC3: 6 points

UC2: 6 points

UC1: 4 points

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every one knows it's 4>2>3>1>GA.. Only Greg and Colin say 3>2.

 No, not everbody 'knows' that because 2, 3 and 1 are all > 4 :P.

It's just opinion mate, everyone has their own personal preferences.

Edited by LucasV9991
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I haven't played Golden Abyss yet so I'm leaving that one out, but feel free to add it into your own ranking. (Single player modes only)


I'm going to have to go 3 > 2 > 4 > 1. Drake's Deception just blew me away


Yes Drakes Deception is so underrated for me its

1. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

​2. Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception

​3. Uncharted 4 A Thiefs End

4. Uncharted Drakes Fortune

​5. Uncharted Golden Abyss

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1. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune



The Elbow Drop in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception was a great added feature introduced in Uncharted 3 I would lure every enemy I can and scurry up a ledge just so I can drop the elbow every time. :yay:


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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Uncharted: Golden Abyss


Honestly, all the games are utterly fantastic (though Golden Abyss isn't near the standard set by Naughty Dog, in my opinion) and I don't really have a "favorite." I put A Thief's End at the top because I think that is the absolute best end to a gaming series I've ever seen. Everything was handled perfectly and fans of the series should be very happy about that. Plus the special thanks dedicated to Amy Hennig was just a classy move on Naughty Dog's part. 





basically this I absolutely love the series especially uncharted 4 and 2 was a little disappointed in UC4 because I thought there was gonna be a death but I still very much love the game 

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i still like 2 the best - love the variety of environments and intensity of some encounters, especially the train and jumping between trucks


1 is underrated and its appeal lies in its simplicity.

4 felt 'tired' somewhat - the only good thing about it was the characterisation, but the second half of the good looked samey on the island and the encounters and scenarios weren't that intense - it felt 'slow'. i can't put my finger on it exactly but the experience wasnt as vibrant or intense as 2.

i'd rank 1 and 4 the same.


3 felt like a chore in many places - again due to dull environments. but it does have my favourite 'moment' when the plane busted open in the sky

Edited by rockstarjazz
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It's hard to make a definitive list since they're all great, and I'll probably change my mind like five minutes from now, but I'll give it a go anyway.

  1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
  2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  3. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  4. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  5. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I almost put Uncharted 4 on top thanks to that fantastic ending, but I think I preferred Uncharted 2 overall. Only slightly though. I do think some people give Uncharted 3 a bit of a hard time. It's third on my list, but I'd consider the top three all very close in terms of quality. I think Bend did a fantastic job with Golden Abyss. If you told me that was a Naughty Dog game, I'd probably believe you. I would definitely put it above the first Uncharted. Not that I think the first game is bad, because it's not. Quite the opposite in fact, but it's a little rough around the edges. Since it's the first game in the series, that's only to be expected though.

Edited by Undead Wolf
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Haven't played Golden Abyss since I don't have a PSVita.


1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Masterpiece, best Uncharted ever.)

2. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

3. Uncharted 1: Drake's Fortune

4. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (I love Uncharted, but this one sucked hard...)

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Uncharted 2 > Uncharted 4 > Uncharted 3 > Uncharted: Drakes Fortune


Uncharted 2 was the game that brought the series to epic proportions. It had three great new characters, great sense of humor, great intense gunfights, and an overall interesting story. It brought Drake to new, varied locations and was more fleshed out and polished than it's predecessor. Even the original PS3 game still holds up, it's awesome.


Uncharted 4, definitely a must buy for ANY PS4 owner. Graphics are phenomenal, and while it has the weakest villains in the series, the stealth sections and Drakes great sense of humor make up for it. Multiplayer is definitely worth checking out. My only disappointment is it's the last game Naughty Dog has made of Uncharted.


Whereas Uncharted 2 brought forth the power of the Playstation 3 and really made many game reviewers to turn heads, Uncharted 3, not so much. My issues with it start with the villains simply not being as engaging, and unrealistic compared to the two antagonists in Uncharted 4. The ship graveyard was there for filler, those 7 foot tall giants were annoying and there weren't as many engaging sequences. Uncharted 2 had sequence after sequence of great gunfights, Uncharted 3 didn't have as many. The reason I put this one above Drakes Fortune is because it has more refined gameplay, better graphics and more to play around with. The desert was easily the highlight of Drakes Deception and once again showcased the power of the PlayStation 3. Another plus is thrown back grenades, which you couldn't do in Uncharted 2.


Drakes Fortune is still a great game, but it's one of those titles where I recommend the Remastered version over the original. It all takes place in one area and I felt it made the game a bit boring and lacking in variety. Naughty Dog was trending new water at a time when they sold off the Jak and Daxter series and need a new IP to relive the successes of the past, particularly with Crash Bandicoot. Graphics are the worst of the four Uncharted games because nobody had any idea what the Playstation 3 was capable of. Villains weren't engaging nor realistic which would be corrected in Uncharted 2 and 4 respectively. Just a lot of flaws with this one. 


It's pound for pound the BEST playstation exclusive franchise, there's a lot to love about Uncharted that either isn't there or prevalent in the God of War franchise. God of War is fantastic and it's another must play exclusive franchise, but overall I feel it falls a little short of the greatest that is Uncharted.


Haven't played Golden Abyss yet.

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This is probably the one of if not the best first-party franchises ever, and perhaps one of the greatest franchises of all times. Uncharted has changed video games for the better and I think has been instrumental video games finally receiving some respect. I hate to rate these, as I don't want the last place ranked game to seem like a negative. Each title is fantastic in its own way. Simply put, there is no such thing as a bad Uncharted game. Anyway without further ado:


#1: Uncharted 4: A Thieves End (Quite possibly probably the greatest video game ever made. Wrapped everything up so well. Utterly gorgeous, captivating, and moving.)

#2: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (The spectacle, the action, the story). 

#3: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (Underrated, but not quite as stupendous as Among Thieves which set an impossible bar only to be exceeded by A Thieve's End)

#4: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Impossible to forget the start of it all).

#5: Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Criminally underrated and underplayed).

#6: Uncharted: Fight for Fortune (Not a bad game, but uh.....it's a card game. Nuff said).

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My list is probably the least popular. I didn't like 4 as much as I thought I would.


  1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 
  2. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  3. Uncharted 4: Thief's End
  4. Uncharted:  Drake's Fortune
  5. Uncharted: Golden Abyss

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  • 2 weeks later...

4 worse than 1 and 3? whattttt i wouldnt even begin to understand this 


I was really expecting to like 4, but its combat is terrible. Cover is so devalued. Taking away the grenade throwback is just pure trolling on Naughty Dog's part. Some of the big battles with no checkpoint in the middle are an exercise in restarting until you can grind out a "groundhog day" victory by already knowing everything. The exploding mummies are a perfect example. They give you no real way to get through the mummy room except by dying and restarting to find the little chinks and cracks of safety. What a disappointment. Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 were all much more enjoyable.


Maybe when I get done with Crushing I'll see it in a better light. But right now it feels like an unworthy ending to a fun series.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I was really expecting to like 4, but its combat is terrible. Cover is so devalued. Taking away the grenade throwback is just pure trolling on Naughty Dog's part. Some of the big battles with no checkpoint in the middle are an exercise in restarting until you can grind out a "groundhog day" victory by already knowing everything. The exploding mummies are a perfect example. They give you no real way to get through the mummy room except by dying and restarting to find the little chinks and cracks of safety. What a disappointment. Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 were all much more enjoyable.


Maybe when I get done with Crushing I'll see it in a better light. But right now it feels like an unworthy ending to a fun series.


I disagree combat was on par with uncharted 2 ,yes while the cover function was almost completely thrown out it brought up the rise of the stealth which they been trying to do right since uncharted 2 which was a nice little added feature..maybe on lower difficulties its easier to win as you said "groundhog" but on crushing i find it a different story even when you know where they are at thats half the battle plus i kinda saw this before with last of us and older uncharted games maybe except 3 but most of the time you win by ground hogging it...  i love uncharted 4 so maybe there is some bias, but i also put uncharted 2 on my greatest game of all time before uncharted 4 came out so idk

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I disagree combat was on par with uncharted 2 ,yes while the cover function was almost completely thrown out it brought up the rise of the stealth which they been trying to do right since uncharted 2 which was a nice little added feature..maybe on lower difficulties its easier to win as you said "groundhog" but on crushing i find it a different story even when you know where they are at thats half the battle plus i kinda saw this before with last of us and older uncharted games maybe except 3 but most of the time you win by ground hogging it...  i love uncharted 4 so maybe there is some bias, but i also put uncharted 2 on my greatest game of all time before uncharted 4 came out so idk



I don't want to tell anyone not to like 4. It has an outstanding level of polish and attention to detail in a lot of areas. I didn't care for its story myself, but I understand why a lot of people would. I didn't care for the fighting, but I understand why a lot of people would. Everyone judges games differently, and the areas where it falls short outweigh the strengths for me.

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