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The Mummy (2017) starring Tom Cruise.


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The Mummy already went downhill when they got rid of Rachel Weisz and now Brendan Fraser? Just give the movie another name, I love the first two movies but I really didn't need Tom Cruise.


You guys know Daniel Craig was not the 1st James Bond, right?

Same goes for The Mummy, while Brandan Fraser movies might be popular, they were not the 1st movies in the franchise.



Edited by GrayFT
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Whenever I think of the mummy Brendan Fraser and his charisma pops up in my head.  

Its not the Mummy without Brendan Fraser. It'll flop.

The Mummy already went downhill when they got rid of Rachel Weisz and now Brendan Fraser? Just give the movie another name, I love the first two movies but I really didn't need Tom Cruise.

My thoughts exactly. 


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I don't get how Brendan Fraser could be so good in those two huge movies, and then star in embarrassing flop after embarrassing flop for the entire rest of his career.


Also on the topic of the last series, Arnold Vosloo (Imhotep) is from the same city as me and he was way more attractive than Brendan Fraser in these movies and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Let's just forget about this scene:



I will go against the grain and say this one looks fun though. I actually really like Tom Cruise as an actor and don't see him as "too serious" at all - movies like Mission Impossible aren't so far removed from something like the Mummy once you break it down a bit. They have their share of one-liners and gags just like the Mummy films did.

Edited by Andrea
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You guys know Daniel Craig was not the 1st James Bond, right?

Same goes for The Mummy, while Brandan Fraser movies might be popular, they were not the 1st movies in the franchise.



I actually didn't know The Mummy is a franchise. Maybe I should check out a few of those older movies :hmm: .My dislike for Tom Cruise probably has something to do with the fact that I'm not too keen on a reboot with him. That's not to say that the movie can't be decent once it's out, it'll just take a lot to get me to see it.


And I know Daniel Craig wasn't the first James Bond :P, I don't really like him as James Bond (what actor do I like actually :huh: ). I like Pierce Brosnan the most, and just like with The Mummy I think it's because I saw them quite a few times when I was a kid and they got stuck like that in my head, so I can't really see anyone else fulfill those roles (even though they probably do a fantastic job). Nowadays it already takes a lot to get me to watch a movie, I've got to be seriously hyped so maybe I'll catch this one in a few years when it's on tv.

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Not a fan of Tom Cruise, mostly because it seems every single character he's done, even if they're mostly nice guys, still inexplicably come off as slight pieces of shit. I'm fairly confident the character direction he was given for Jerry Maguire was, "Just be yourself for this movie, Tom. Just give me, 100%, Tom Cruise at home."

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I myself, have not seen the original Mummy yet, but I love the Brendan Fraiser ones.  The humor in those movies felt right for the type of movie it is.  The trailer for this movie makes it look way too action oriented... and even modernized as well.  It just looks, well, bland to me really.  I mean when I was watching the trailer, it did not interest me so far... so unless another trailer comes out and makes the movie look more interesting, I'll pass watching this in the cinema and just wait till DVD.

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