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The Last Movie You Saw?


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Or commonly known by its English name, Memories of Murder


I was a bit iffy about this movie at first. The cinematography is beautiful, the acting is great [I mean it's foreign so its hard to differentiate between bad/good tbh but I thought everyone did a great job] but it's really slow till around the half way mark. Just sort of plods through from beat to beat but I was hooked by its central mystery; and the movie just kept amping up and up till it reached its conclusion which was absolutely immense and horrifying in the most subtle, brilliant ways possible. It'snot just a detective story that's gripping due to its roots in a real life unresolved serial murder case, but it's a look into the turbulence of South Korean society at the time and the dangers of mob mentality.


In regards to the ending

It's absolutely chilling to the f*cking bone when you realize that with the case being unresolved to this very day; and it's relative recency the murderer is still out there and he was likely watching the film with everyone else. When Park Doo breaks the fourth wall and stares at the camera, he harkens back to earlier in the film where he talked about being capable of telling the innocent from the guilty by looking at their eyes. The ending is directly addressing the actual killer who was likely sitting in theaters watching a movie about his own twisted work.

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I saw WEAPONiZED last night.  It is truly, completely awful. 


Seriously, it is on the level of 'Threat Level Midnight'.  The acting, delivery, story telling (it jumps all around and makes you wonder what the heck is going on), directing, characters, logic (a car hits the back of another and the the trunk explodes and is on fire?  what?), special effects, sound effects...  It was like a film student drop out got a hold of some expensive equipment and made a 1.5 hour action/suspense movie.

I will say one positive thing about the music.  It wasn't bad, BUT the delivery was terrible. E.g.


the MC 'went to the bathroom' to snoop (cliche much?) while his partner and the homeowner extremely awkwardly sat in silence.  The music played up stress/tension like he was going to be caught, but the HO is wheel chair bound and we keep getting shots of him just sitting there with the partner in awkward discomfort.  The HO makes no effort to check on the MC.  What stupid delivery!  It did however avoid another cliche of almost being caught in the act and an awkward confrontation.


If you like really bad movies, you have to see this one!  I would love to jump into all the things that made it epically bad, but it would take forever.

Edited by dmsleight
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