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Top 5 Favourite Games You Unexpectedly Adored??

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Great topic! Good to see a thread started that is about a positive look at some games???? ?.


For me, the first ones that come to mind are:


1. Demons Souls


A friend who knows I am a bit fastidious about trying to platinum games gave me it as a jokey present - this was before I had really heard anything about it, and all he had heard was that it was super difficult (this was before there was a whole Souls-like genre to reference and Demons Souls was still a kinda-wierd, kinda-broken Japanese rpg) took a while to get it’s hooks into me, but now I’m a total Souls junkie!


2. Syndicate (PS3)


Had to get a third game in a 3for2 deal, and couldn’t find anything I fancied, so picked it up figuring I’d just flip it later. Gave it a go, and it became my favourite FPS on that console!


3. Lone Survivor


Thought it would be a puzzle-platformer. (Don’t ask me why?) but turned out to be an absolute belter of a story, like pixelart Twin Peaks Apocalypse!


4. This War of Mine


Thought it would be a simple management sim (which it kind of is) but wasn’t expecting such a deep, and at times awful, connection to the characters - the realistic background stories and photo images make the game pretty harrowing.


5. Rayman Origins


Didn’t expect much more than a sub-par Mario (I never played previous entries) but what I got was one of the best co-op games my wife and I have ever played!


6. Assassins Creed 2


HATED the first game, but got given the second for christmas. Faked enthusiasm in front of the person who gave me it, but almost from the first scene I loved it, and have been a loyal member of the Creed ever since!


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1. Bioshcock.  Was just expecting another generic shooter but I've never played a game with such a unique feel and atomshere! All time faveourite game series.


2. Neverend.  I was really surprised how fun this little gem was!


3. Drawn to death.  This got so much hate but personally I loved it!  Really different.


4. Bloodborne.  Never having played a souls game I wasn't expecting anything special but WOW. What a beast!


5. Flame over.  I loved playing this, platting it on the other hand not so much lol, that was a challenge alright.

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1. Sleeping Dogs.


Was uncertain if I would get on with this but as a fan of sandbox stuff I headed in. The storyline, the missions and the characters we all superb and I ended up buying it on PS3/4 and 360/One and maxed it each time. Just a fabulous game with some classic quips from street vendors. The DLC was poor though for me


2. Mafia II


Having played the original on PC I was drawn into the sequel thinking it would be more of the same. But the change in era and the updated gameplay just makes this one of the best games ever. The haunting intro music is as good as it gets and you really feel for your character. Excellent missions with one that harks back to the original and made me smile.


3. Bioshock Infinite


Loved the first and played it across the consoles. However found 2 a little bit meh and not a patch on the original so when Infinite was released I was not expecting anything special. I could not have been more wrong. It is for me the best game of all time (apart from Bombjack obviously!). When you add in the DLC which finish off the tale perfectly you have gaming nirvana.


4. Just Cause 1 & 2  (not started 3 yet but its in the backlog pile)


Was intrigued by the new features of using a glorified lasso to hook onto everything and jump on to planes and cars and parachute down into areas. It just works and although in both games you find yourself having to put in the hours to get all the stuff done, it is always a pleasure to play.


5. Burnout Paradise


The change of style from a crash based idea to a more racing style game lured me in. And for me it is the ultimate driving game. When they added the extra area via the DLC and you hit the ski jump thing for the first time, it generates a rush of pleasure that confirms why gaming is the best thing known to man



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1. Danganronpa- I was always interested in this series, but I never actually played it until last year. I didn't expect that I would become completely addicted to it. I've become so obsessed with this series, and I only wish I had played them sooner.


2. Yakuza 0- same thing really. Always interested in the series, but didn't play any of the games until recently. Absolutely love this game, probably my favorite game of all time.


3. Beyond Two Souls- I rented this game once expecting to make fun of it, but I got really invested in it. I know a lot of people hate it, but I really liked it.


4. God Of War- I expected this game to be good, but not this good. I had never really played a God of War game, just a little bit of some of the games, but I knew the general gist of Kratos and the lore. Everything they did with the game was perfect. I especially love how they made Kratos a likable character, incredibly likable.


5.Sleeping Dogs- Pretty much the same as the others. I think I first played it when it was free on Plus. Played it on a whim, and ended up loving it. You look like you could use a pork bun

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Overall, I've had many more good experiences than bad ones with games and prefer to not complain anyway.  I generally try to find something enjoyable even in weaker games, and rarely get hyped about a game or pay much attention to it until I play it.  So, coming up with 5 is fairly easy... it's just a matter of limiting myself to only 5.  :P


1. The Last of Us Remastered -- This was the first game I played on PS4 (it came bundled with it in fact) and I also got my first trophy from this one.  I played it blind, having never read any reviews and knowing nothing about the game, except that it was apparently popular enough to bundle with the console.  Needless to say, I was blown away.  I know a lot of people want to stay up on gaming news etc, but playing something great with no prior expectations is a wonderful experience!


2. The Banner Saga -- I picked this up on a PSN sale just because it was cheap and seemed interesting.  It turned out to be a real gem.  I liked it so much, I bought the sequel right after the first game and played it.  I'm looking forward to the third one which is supposed to be released in July.


3. BioShock Inifinite -- I just played this, so it's hard to tell where it will rank later when it's not so fresh in my mind.  For now, though, it belongs on the list.  I hadn't played any of the BioShocks until recently.  I liked the 1st one, the 2nd one seemed like more of the same, but still enjoyable.  But, I guess that set the expectations too low for the third one, since it really blew the first two away.


4. Transistor -- This was a PS+ game, and I had no idea about it when I started playing it.  I ended up loving it.  I've still got the theme from the game as my PS4 theme, actually.  Just a really interesting game.  I do wish the combat had been a little more challenging though.  The story and interesting world carried this one onto the list.


5. Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Console Edition -- Another gem from a PSN sale.  It's an odd game in some ways, but I liked it more the more of it I played.  It's hard to explain, but it's sort of like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, with less random dying and some fairly tough semi-turn-based combat.  I could see this game not being for everyone, but I really enjoyed it.

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1. Spelunky: This game was "free" for PS+ subscribers on October 2014, if I recall correctly I was getting rid of Uncharted 3 multiplayer trophies back then when I decided to give this game a try. I checked the trophies from Spelunky and saw that one of them required you to complete the game within 8 minutes, I wanted to face that challenge even without checking any videos from this game (I didn't watch videos nor check if games had unobtainable trophies back then). I played the game and it kicked my ass big time, the randomly generated levels that I faced time after time upon getting a game over screen kept me going, it took me a lot of hours to reach the next world and some days to make it to the final world. My PS3 broke before I was able to beat the game and I had to wait for about 4 months (when I bought a Vita) to play the game again and get the last trophy a few weeks after that. I replayed the game several times after that, some times deleting and re-downloading the game on my Vita to complete everything from scratch again. My best time to complete all trophy requirements was a few minutes above 7 hours, unfortunately I cannot earn the trophies twice. I wish this game had a platinum as there are several actions that you can do in order to have more trophies (like having 99 hearts, ghost running, getting an eggplant, having 2 ghosts on screen, etc). I hope its sequel, Spelunky 2, gets a platinum.


2. Helldivers: I expected to like this game, and I was right. I played the game solo except for the times when I went for the trophies that required other people. After some hours to get familiar with the game, get all stratagems and familiarize with them, I got the hang of it. Helldive missions weren't that bad, especially against Bugs and Illuminates, as I usually completed all of its objectives without losing more than 1 or 2 lives. Helldive missions against Cyborg are a different thing as the annoying tank unit can sound the alarm, I hate those tanks. Even the bosses aren't that bad to do solo if you replicate what you watch on the youtube videos that show how to beat them. On the other hand, when I helped a friend, I struggled to do well, probably because I was in total control when I played solo, or I must have been rusted since I haven't played the game in while when I helped my friend. 


3. Terraria: This is another game that I played solo, althought this time I completely played it solo until I got the platinum. When I played the tutorial I had no idea how to add wall to my in-game house, I had to watch a youtube video for that. After creating a world and building a house in it, I slowly learned how the game worked. Transition from normal mode to Hardcore mode was very tough to me. Hardcore mode enemies easily killed my character most of the times even after wearing molten lava armor. After doing a little research I mine better ore and eventually got better gear and weapons as well to conquer almost all enemies and bosses of the game. Everything but the special events, namely the Pumpkin Moon and specially the Frost Moon, was easy to beat; reaching later waves of both events required to build special arenas. After setting those special arenas, I finally got the last 2 pets that I need for the trophy before the platinum. The devs added more stuff (pets, crafting stations, armor, and a boss among other things) after I platted the game, and I got all of them, I was even able to beat that boss, which is the thoughest (fortunately for new players, it is not required for the trophy), and got his emblem and all other drops. I forgot to mention that I lost my first world, and all the progress I got in it, and I had to recreated it, however I backed my worlds and character after that. I still have the game installed on my memory card, I don't plan to uninstalled it. I am going to check if more stuff was added into the game. 


4. The Hungry Horde: Before playing this game I watched some videos. The goal of the game is to survive as many days/nights as possible infecting all humans on your path. You get extra time everytime you reach a checkpoint. Reaching checkpoints looks easier than it actually is. It took me a day or two to be able to get enough extra time so I could reach later days/nights (for trophies). Along the way are mini-games, which made the game even more entertaining to me. One trophy requires to play all mini-games on a single run, this ain't that hard once you get good at this game. I had to delete and re.installed the game without any patches as there is one trophy that wasn't popping for me; it popped after I re-installed the game upon meting the requirements. The toughest trophy to get was the one that requires to push 15 balls in a single run, as sometimes the game doesn't spawn that many snow levels. 


5. Paranautical Activity: I got this game on a sale when it was very cheap. I checked some videos of the game, and it look awful, yet interesting. I checked the trophy list of the game here and it showed zero 100% achievers. I also surfed the web to know if there were unobtainable trophies and found nothing. Because of that, I decided to buy this game and to see if I could be the first person to get all trophies, or discover if the only trophy that the closest player on psnprofiles was missing was glitched. It took me a while to get familiar with the game and its playable characters, enemies, items, etc. It almost took me 12 days, but I was able to confirm that the game did not have glitched trophies, but the trophy "ParaNUT" requires a lot of grinding. This trophy requires you to complete 45 (if I recall correctly) unlocks (objectives) for it to popped. Completing the game in less than 8 minutes, beating the game with all characters, beating hard mode several times, having 30 items equipped at the same time, beating the game without picking any items, are some of these unlocks. Despite it sounded tedious, boring, or hard, I really enjoyed completing all these unlocks and becoming the first gamer to 100% complete this game. I had to do a couple of unlocks twice because after earning those unlocks, closing the game, and turning off my Vita, the screen displaying the unlocks of this game show that I did not complete those unlocks, that really pissed me off as one of them was not easy to achieve (beat the game without picking any items). I decided to complete other unlocks and redo the ones that I lost later, fortunately, I didn't have that issue later. This game deserved a platinum, I will gladly displayed it on my trophy cabinet if this was case.

Edited by Deceptrox
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1. Life is Strange: I got this free on PS Plus, and didn't actually even know about this game until last year when it popped on on plus. I'm more of a JRPG fan, so the graphics and visual style were not exactly my type and I had never played a drama style game based on just choices before. But it turned out to be a wonderful story and I really enjoyed the characters, dialogue and gameplay that I got quite into Drama and visual novel games afterwards. Pity it was really short, I finished it in less than a week. 


2. Tales of Graces F: Way back when I bought this, I never heard of Tales before and only really played FF and KH. I was just looking for a new game to play after I'd finished FF13 at the time and came across this in the sale section of HMV and randomly picked it up. The visuals initially looked strange to me with Sophies long purple hair and the childhood arc, but in the end it got me addicted to the tales series and I ended up playing them all! I also went to the Tales festival in Japan twice and have lots of Tales series goods. 


3. Nier Automata: I'm not great at action games and not into robots either, so the storyline and concept deterred me initially. However, after playing it, being able to play on easier difficulties, the beautiful visuals and deep story with many endings made me really like this game. Worth every penny indeed!


4. Psycho Pass: I'm not into anime at all, but this was another ps plus free play so I got it anyway. I ended up enjoying the story a lot.


5. Amnesia V Edition: My first otome game so I had my prejudices, but really enjoyed it and have played many otome games since. It got me quite into them actually, more so than VNs. 

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I'll give you a few games that I played or picked up on a whim that I ended up adoring.


1. Deadrising 2: I actually had a few friends that played it together in highschool and kept urging me to get the game. I eventually caved in and got it for my birthday. I thought it was going to be a horror game with lots of grotesque stuff, but I found myself playing this silly zombie game, running through a mall with a teddy bear strapped to an assault rifle and a light saber! :P I had such a blast playing this with my friends, that maybe I will revisit it one day and play it again.

2. Until Dawn: I hate horror games, especially after playing P.T at a friend's house, but thought that I would play this for fun and get an easy platinum. I was wowed by the graphics, the story plot, and how it gripped me from beginning to end. I thought the psychiatrist at the beginning was awesome and how the chapters always began with this. It's still a top 5 PS4 game (not including remakes) for me.

3. Remember me: I heard this game was okay, maybe even mediocre, but I was very impressed with the game and almost felt bad I didn't play it sooner! The story was interesting and I liked the dystopian feel. The combat is like a smart version of Batman or assassin's Creed, where you customize your own combos to fight off bad guys. I really appreciate it more since a lot of games use a countering system, but I enjoyed this one more as I found myself spending a lot of time making powerful combos to heal me or destroy my enemies. The special attacks also kept it from feeling too repetitive.

4. Metal Gear Solid 2: This was my roommate's game that I decided to give it a try. I saw him play it a little (he kinda sucked at it, lol) and wasn't very impressed with the fixed camera angles or the story (he was playing as Snake the whole time I watched). But I thought, "Well, I won't get another chance to play it for free." and gave it a shot. To this day, I think this game is extremely underrated and would play this 100 times over MGSV. Raiden's story was cool and I loved the stuff with Emily. The boss battles were great and thought each part of the game brought something new. This game got me hooked to the series, though I think this game also made me hate MGSV and MGS PC since those 2 are nothing like this one.

5. Lightning Returns: FFXIII - If you were like me and thought "Why?" when FFXIII-2 was announced and thought "WTF" when I saw the ending of FFXIII-2, you'll understand me when I thought the 3rd one would follow suit. I can't say that I absolutely adored the story, but I can say that the gameplay was some of the funnest RPG I had played in a while. I loved the dresspheres, lovedthe customization, loved the "leveling system" as it made it so there was ZERO grinding, and I loved the time management system. It kind of felt like a Majora's Mask and tried to use my time extremely well before the end of each day and planned out when I needed to do particular missions. I did a blind playthrough and found it to be extremely rewarding for exploring new areas. This is a game I could also see myself playing through it on the hardest mode someday to really give me a good challenges, even though I'll get no trophies for my efforts.

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On 5/3/2018 at 4:16 PM, Deceptrox said:

5. Paranautical Activity: I got this game on a sale when it was very cheap. I checked some videos of the game, and it look awful, yet interesting. I checked the trophy list of the game here and it showed zero 100% achievers. I also surfed the web to know if there were unobtainable trophies and found nothing. Because of that, I decided to buy this game and to see if I could be the first person to get all trophies, or discover if the only trophy that the closest player on psnprofiles was missing was glitched. It took me a while to get familiar with the game and its playable characters, enemies, items, etc. It almost took me 12 days, but I was able to confirm that the game did not have glitched trophies, but the trophy "ParaNUT" requires a lot of grinding. This trophy requires you to complete 45 (if I recall correctly) unlocks (objectives) for it to popped. Completing the game in less than 8 minutes, beating the game with all characters, beating hard mode several times, having 30 items equipped at the same time, beating the game without picking any items, are some of these unlocks. Despite it sounded tedious, boring, or hard, I really enjoyed completing all these unlocks and becoming the first gamer to 100% complete this game. I had to do a couple of unlocks twice because after earning those unlocks, closing the game, and turning off my Vita, the screen displaying the unlocks of this game show that I did not complete those unlocks, that really pissed me off as one of them was not easy to achieve (beat the game without picking any items). I decided to complete other unlocks and redo the ones that I lost later, fortunately, I didn't have that issue later. This game deserved a platinum, I will gladly displayed it on my trophy cabinet if this was case.

I really enjoyed the game, but Hardcore mode made me rage quit. The ghost always decided to show up at thd worst possible time such as when I'm all ready barely surviving a room with monkeys, with no jump upgrades. Maybe I'll attempt it again. The speedrun objective for ParaNUT seems pretty awful. Dingy's aren't a very common drop.

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In no order:


  • Valiant Hearts: Beautiful story interweaving multiple people during an extremely tragic time in their lives.  Fantastic music and artwork.  
  • Axiom Verge: The best Metroid since Super Metroid.  Expertly crafted pixel art and a phenomenal bit-trip sci-fy soundtrack make this one man game a must have.
  • Celeste: Incredibly addicting platformer with a simplistic look, an amazing soundtrack, and a difficulty level tuned to perfection.  It's a 5 taco game. 
  • What Remains of Edith Finch: The best first person adventure game I've played on PS4.  Firewatch was really good, this is even better.
  • Nex Machina: The absolute standard for awesome arcade twin stick shooters.  Don't not play this game.  Seriously.  


*all current gen games on PS4.


Edited by angelgrievous
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38 minutes ago, Avalynch said:

I really enjoyed the game, but Hardcore mode made me rage quit. The ghost always decided to show up at thd worst possible time such as when I'm all ready barely surviving a room with monkeys, with no jump upgrades. Maybe I'll attempt it again. The speedrun objective for ParaNUT seems pretty awful. Dingy's aren't a very

common drop.


Use the katana glitch, it doesn't consume ammo and kills everything really fast, specially bosses, an monkey will no longer be a threat.


For Dingy, peek on every room before entering it, if you see the elevator in it, take that room.

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On 03/05/2018 at 11:31 AM, MIKEY-L-666 said:

1. Bioshcock.



In no order:


1. Alice Madness Returns: I walked in thinking it was a kiddie platformer but damn the story was so twisted in such a good way! 


2. Infamous 1: bought the disc for $5 at EB games and thought little of it. I was truly mesmerized by Cole's powers, the story, as well as playing evil/ good Cole!


3. The Saboteur: arguably the most underrated/ unknown title that was just very very good. It never ceases to amaze me that very few know about it! 


4. Batman Arkham Asylum: Not my favourite entry in the series but it was just very cool given that I received this as a present from my brother and I left it for a while, not

thinking much about it. This game introduced me to one of the best series out there so it deserves a spot here. 


5. Wolfenstein the New Order: I walked in thinking this was a generic Nazi shooter and boy I was wrong! The gunplay, the story was nothing short of kicking butt!


Runners up: Those didn't make it just because I was sorta expecting them to be good but they certainly surpassed my expectations though. 


Sleeping dogs, MW2, Uncharted 2, Mafia 2, Dying Light, Alien Isolation


As a final note, Mirror's edge would've been on my list but I just wanted to stop myself fron listing it everywhere whenever there's a similar topic :P


Edited by PooPooBlast
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1. Katamari Forever

Picked it up because the box art looked nice, ended up being a super fun and relaxing game.


2. Demons Souls 

After a friend had told me this was the hardest game he had ever played I had to try it, instantly fell in love with the game. Ending up buying the game 3 times so I could platinum it again and never got bored, easily in my top 10 games of all time.


3. Red Dead Redemption 

Didn't really know anything about this game before picking it up so was really shocked by how good the story was and having a ending I don't think i will ever forget is a plus. 


4. Hyperdimension Neptunia

Found this cheap while looking for something to fill my jrpg itch, instantly fell in love with the characters (by characters i mean the best one) Has lead to Hyperdimension becoming one of my favourite game series.


5. The Binding of Isaac

Never would of looked at this if it wasn't for ps+ and I would of missed out on what is now my favourite indie game and will forever have a place on my vita.


honourable mention, Lolipop chainsaw as I didn't expect to have so much fun with it.




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53 minutes ago, PooPooBlast said:


5. Wolfenstein the New Order: I walked in thinking this was a generic Nazi shooter and boy I was wrong! The gunplay, the story was nothing short of kicking butt!



Wolfenstein: The New Order would be my 6th.  Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood are 2 of my favourite games on the system.  I didn't like the new one much, ignoring the stupid trophies I find that its difficulty is luck based, it's environments are repetitive and the feeling of being a badass is gone for a cringy story.   Such a shame they so drastically moved away from TNO because it was amazing. 

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With most of my games I looked them up and thought I'd like them before buying them, but I definitely have 4:


- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. My favourite PS Plus discovery so far. I know fans of the series tend to dislike this game so it'll be interesting to compare once I get to Human Revolution, but I just had a really good time playing this considering I had almost no knowledge of what it was about. The plat took some notebook planning because of almost every trophy being missable but it was worth it in the end (Breach mode can do one though).


- Wolfenstein: The New Order. I didn't enjoy the 2009 game and only bought this because there was a deal I couldn't pass up in the store. Really loved the story and everything about it. It's a shame the second one doesn't seem to be as well liked, but I'd like to try it eventually. 


Infamous: Second Son/ Infamous: First Light. Probably the most fun I've had just zooming around a city since Spider-man 2, especially with Fetch's powers.


Star Wars: Battlefront. Controversial one here, but I'd had the game sitting around for about a year after my dad gifted it to me. I'd tried the demo you can play while installing and couldn't really get into it, and also very rarely played multiplayer at the time because I thought I'd be bad compared to other people, and since the single player/co op stuff sucked I just deleted it. But when I eventually decided to just get the plat over with I ended up having a ton of fun on some of the modes, especially the DLC modes. It's definitely lacking in a lot of areas but I think the map design was still a lot better than BFII, which I got bored with after about 4 months. And it was one of my most memorable journeys to platinum maybe because of the length it took to get to level 100. One night there was a group of about 6 of us boosting from about 12 am to 8 in the morning which was a bit ridiculous and I was pretty loopy by the end, but we ended up getting to know each other and I'm still friends with most of them.


I guess my #5 would maybe be Assassin's Creed: Rogue since even though I loved Black Flag I was initially fatigued by the thought of more naval combat. Wasn't expecting to enjoy the story so much.


Actually now that I think about it, I wasn't expecting to love Alien: Isolation so much since I generally hate horror games. It's actually my favourite PS4 game so not sure how I forgot that. People tend to complain about it being too long but I don't think I even took notice of the length, and I've replayed it a lot. :P


(Apparently I like game titles with colons)

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No real order here, just rambling.


1. Dead Space- I was actually super interested in it before it came out. I remember reading about it and loving the idea, but then the demo came out and I was disappointed with it. They chose the engine room ambush to showcase the game, and even though it was a good part to pick for giving the player an idea of what the weapons and enemies were like, it was bad for everything else. My friends and I lost interest in it because the demo left us thinking that it was just another space shooter where you killed hordes of enemies. I bought the game like a year later and absolutely loved it. I was really kicking myself for judging it so harshly based on that demo because it ended up being one of my favorite horror games ever.


2. Batman Arkham Asylum- I had never even heard about it before my best friend got it. Her whole family was really into Batman and they were obsessed with the game. She actually held a sleepover just because so many kids wanted to come to her house and take turns playing it. All of us loved it and I decided to buy it too because I didn't want to wait to borrow it from her. I replayed Asylum a few months ago and I still enjoyed it a lot.


3. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2-  I'm not a naruto fan and I didn't think I would like playing a Naruto game. (Especially because fighting games were also not really my thing.) Now this series is like a guilty pleasure and I own all of them even though I've never watched or read shippuden.


4. Sonic Generations- Years of 3D Sonic games being mediocre or straight up awful made me feel like there wasn't much hope for Generations when it was announced. I was really pleasantly surprised by how good it ended up being. I still play it every now and then when I feel like going fast. 


5. To The Moon- I kept seeing threads about the game on /v when it came out and most people were recommending it for it's story and music. I went in not knowing anything more than that and didn't expect to like it much because I'm not a fan of story heavy games with little gameplay to back it up.


The story was so freaking sad it messed up for like 2 weeks after I finished it. I loved it and it gave me hope for story based games, but I can't play it again. It's just too sad 5 me.


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1 hour ago, phantomfear9494 said:


Wolfenstein: The New Order would be my 6th.  Wolfenstein: The New Order and Wolfenstein: The Old Blood are 2 of my favourite games on the system.  I didn't like the new one much, ignoring the stupid trophies I find that its difficulty is luck based, it's environments are repetitive and the feeling of being a badass is gone for a cringy story.   Such a shame they so drastically moved away from TNO because it was amazing. 

Ahh shucks! Really? I haven't played the new Colossus yet but I was looking forward to it. Looks like I'll have to experience it myself but it's still a shame to hear it though. 


And haha I'm no stranger to perma death modes. Max Payne 3 was really tough, so tough I called it quits after well over 8-10 runs but it's okay! Loved the story though and I don't mind having it unplatted. Same goes for The New Colossus

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Ok, first things first, I am only using a Playstation since January 2018. Naturally theren't that many games on my list that I played on this system. However I am playing games for over 30 years on all kinds of consoles and computers. There are really a lot of games that I could put in here. I hope that is not against the general idea of this threat. Anyway here it goes.


NieR:Automat: Like so many other have already mentioned this game is amazing. But what surprised me the most was that the story actually made me think about what's going on. Normally I experience a story without bothering too much about it or even recognize it as such, but not this time, there are so many heartbreaking or stunning moments. And of course it's not a game you play in a linear fashion, no you play the story from multiple angles and it really starts when you thing you're done! And I am a sucker for tragic heroes, or anti-heroes. It really is a must-play!


System Shock 2: Ok, it's old, came out in the 90s and it's for PC only. But it's the predecessor to BioShock. It has a lot in common with it, you run around in a desolate Spaceship, encounter mutants and learn about what happened via audio files and various messages. But it has one thing that makes it absolutes amazing. S.H.O.D.A.N. one of the best antagonists in the history of video games. Like I said it's a lot like BioShock just richer or deeper. It also is one of the first games I played that had a really dense atmosphere and the way you interact with S.H.O.D.A.N. was so different from the usual games back than.


Homeworld: Another PC only game from the 90s. It's a very good strategy game set in space. What sets this game apart and blew me away was the story however. It is like Battlestar Galactica! You are in charge of a few thousands people looking for their homeworld, hunted by an evil opponent the entire time. The music is fantastic and the interaction with your fleet feels very authentic. The fighters and battleships are constantly chatting via radio and they are commenting the battle from their point of view. The heart of your fleet is the mothership and it's almost a living thing, thanks to the human-AI hybrid who controls it. Everything in the game feels very authentic and you even begin to care for your fleet. Not like other strategy games where you just mass produce units and send them to their death. And the space battles! Just like those great Star Wars battles. Amazing game and still in my top 10 after all those years!


Ori and the Blind Forrest: Sorry to put a Microsoft game in here but it's easily the cutest and most magical game I have played in my entire career even better then Trine 1 & 2! If you have an XBox or PC, play it! Absolutely worth it. The story is interesting but a bit of a cliché, it does however pull you into the world right from the start and you cannot but care for your little protagonist. And the story has a lot of great moments that makes you sad or put a big smile on your face! Superb controls and gameplay elements complete this game and turn it into a real masterpiece.


Divinity: Original Sin II: This was a PC only game until recently, it's coming to PS4 in August. And I will probably buy it again. It is a full blown tactical RPG, as I like to call it, Tactical because it's turn based. Maybe you have played the first part, or heard about it so you know what this is about. If not, well it's a typical party based Fantasy-RPG with magic, dragons and everything that comes with it. What I really like about it is that you start the game on the wrong side of things, you are a criminal and sent to a prison and that it's a rather personal story or stories actually. What's so great about these, apart from a few clichés is that you choose or create a hero who has his/her own agenda and origin. For instance there is this elf who was forced to become an assassin but broke the bond and now hunts down her former master. Sounds a bit like a cliché, I know, but it is not just the background. You actually learn more and more about their stories and interact with NPCs differently depending on what origin story you chose. So the game tells actually one big story from the perspective of these unique characters and it unfolds a bit differently every time. There are 5 or 6 of these origins and they are all interesting or even unusual. The world is very well designed and full of quests and lore. And you can do whatever you want. Kill every character? Sure you can do that, even important story NPCs! Quests have more the one way to finish them! and so on. And the game "reacts" to the things you do, a very rewarding experience. I put over 500 hours into this game over the course of a few months, that's how much I adore it.

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Wipeout HD

Sony gave that one away after the massive hack back in 2011, so I just tried this one out. I didn't like it at first, due to the controls and the difficulty. So I just gave up after one race and had this game in my list for quite some time. At one point, I was trying to boost up my completion rate of my profile. And since Wipeout was sitting there with only 1% I decided to play for some trophies and to finish the campaign at least. And then it clicked! Amazing fast and hard game which I absolutely started to love. I never saw myself getting the platinum, due to hard requirements but had fun nonetheless. Then it was sitting in my list again for quite some time until I picked it up again and got all of the remaining trophies.


Burnout Paradise

Also a free game after the hack. I am not a big racing guy actually but just tried this one out and was blown away by the game. Loved the soundtrack, the city, the cars, the graphics, the possibilities, DJ Atomica etc. So after the game expired, I bought the complete edition. Still love this game to this day and even it's successor Need for Speed Most Wanted 2 ;) 


Steins Gate

I always thought that this game was the easiest and cheapest way to boost a profile, cause all the "trophy hoes" had this one in their list with a completion time of only a couple of minutes. From time to time I heard that this novel was supposed to be really great. Many channels and shows mentioned this one and I kept hearing about it over and over. So I gave it a try and it was one of the best gaming experiences I ever had! The start is maybe a little slow and the main character unlikeable but that changes quickly. This game gives you a really amazing and immersive story which is absolutely fucked up (in a good way). I can't recommend this game enough and feel actually sorry for all the people who just buy it for the platinum and skip through this game.


inFamous First Light

I never really like the franchise. In fact I never had the interest to try it out. This one though came with PS Plus and I ended up loving it. I loved the graphics, the pacing and combat system. But the best part was this challenge mode where you had to fight through many different waves. I love stuff like this which gives you some sort of challenge and makes you better and better the more you play. So eventually I bought Second Son, hoping it would be just as good. Unfortunately it was not. At all.


I don't really have a fifth one, cause for the majority of games I heard too many great stories about them or picked them up, cause I already had some sort of interest.


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Really great topic! And since I am a bit of a statistic nerd I made a little list to see how often a title was mentioned. I was merely curious at first but then I thought this might actually be interesting to you guys. It's not every title, only those that are mentioned at least twice. Here we go:


  1. NieR:Automata (6 times)
  2. Bloodborne (4 times)
  3. BioShock Infinite (3 times)
  4. Demon Souls (3 times)
  5. What Remains of Edith Finch (3 times)
  6. Wolfenstein the New Order (3 times)


Mentioned 2 times:

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Batman Arkham Asylum


Burnout Paradise


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Final Fantasy Type -0

God Hand

God of War (2018)

Last of Us (remastered)

Life is Strange

Sleeping Dogs

Tales from the Borderlands

Tales of Graces F


The Saboteur

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Wipeout HD


Total Number of Games: 121


Last Post added: JackReacher_1994

Edited by Durandal
corrections & updating
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Awesome topic!


There I was, a little 12 year old me finally learning about the internet (back in the stone age we only had dial-up (and no it isn't elvish)) and I had  found these awesome sites called IGN and GAMESPOT. "Damn" I said to myself "so many games, and these nice people are telling me which ones are good and which aren't." As I scroll down I see the this ghastly game, GOD HAND with a rating of 3.0. "Well fuck that game." I exclaimed as my mom took my internet from me thinking I had learned the bad words there and not at the park (thankfully there are no more kids in parks these days) little over a week later my dad for some reason buys it for me. Before the first line was spoken I had fallen in love with it. Thanks dad! Haven't visited IGN since.


Awesome vampires that do not sparkle? CHECK
Awesome takes on folklore, old movies and everything that makes castlevania great? CHECK

Satan? C.H.E.C.K.


I haven't played a fire emblem game before that one for over 10 years. Had completely forgotten about it. And I loved it! it was so emotional, a black and white story but with so many things done right that I cannot express them with words. A 3ds is worth it alone for this game.


Are there things to say about this game that haven't been said already? I adore it, it's the first game in my headcanon for the souls series and the best game of the four in my opinion. Also,Tower of Latria.


I was done with the series. Loved Ezio's story, despised AC3 and I thought to myself "well I had 3 awesome games, 1 ok and 1 terrible, that is enough." And in comes Edward Kenway! THANK YOU EDWARD KENWAY! 

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