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Watching someone else play?


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Didn't really know where to put this...


Sometimes I watch people play a game on youtube.

Example: I watched someone play Arkham City from start to finish (no side missions)

Example: I watched someone play Fallout New Vegas for the first few hours.


I just watched all the cutscenes of Arkham Origin.


What do you think of this?

Have you ever done this?


I do this once in a while when I can't afford a game but when I'm really interested in the story.

It mostly feels like watching a movie instead of playing the game.

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I used to do it a lot a couple of years ago, but now I get bored after a couple of minutes xD if I'm too interested on the story wikipedia is a much easier way to know what happened. I still watch a couple of gameplays when I'm not sure if I might get a game. Not too much because I don't want to spoil the story.

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The only time I watch someone else play is when :

.There are more than two of us and we are taking turns on a fighting game.

.Taking turns on CoD

.My sister is playing GTA V

.My bro and sis playing NBA 2K14

Other than that, I don't like watching people play.

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The only gameplay I really watched on YouTube was Nark from Classic Game Room and that was for his reviews, not just the gameplay. Now that CGR is gone from YouTube I really don't visit that site much anymore. 


I also used to watch SeaNanners and Hutch back the the MW and MW2 days but neither one are the same anymore.




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I watch GameGrumps and AlChestBreach which are mostly commentary related. But Al is known for reviewing Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Skyrim mods aside from when he plays a different game on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. Even though I don't have those games for PC and neither a good PC to run them it's interesting to see all the different mods he reviews with his funny commentary.


If I want to see how a game is before I buy one I check out TheRadBrad. Or if I'm really bored I'll just watch a "movie" on a game.

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I like to watch friends and family play just to get a feel how different people play. I suck at FPS but I watch my nephew and cousins play COD and Battlefield and I think it has made be a shitty FPS'r instead of just plain horrid. Interest me how people play so differently. Makes me appreciate developers and all of the styles they must adjust the gameplay/AI to.

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Let's Plays are not something I'm into, however I did spend many, many hours watching my ex-fiancé play the Sims 3. I also watched all the cutscenes from StarCraft II: HoS on youtube, so I wouldn't have to buy it and be confronted with the fact that my pc is inadequate for gaming...

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I watch things like game reviews or something like the stuff from NerdCubed, Lets Play sessions by Achievement Hunter etc for the comedy value and silly things or to discover something other than just the mainstream Triple A games but I tend to avoid full walkthroughs. Depending on the game I may avoid anything related to said game say for example AC4 Black Flag. I might watch the odd trailer but for the most part I want to enjoy it all first hand even down to the menus and music so I avoid the releated media as much as I can.

Edited by allsop1986
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I watch some now, not as much as I used to, but mainly it's the comedic ones, like Rage Quit on Achievement Hunter, or some of the stuff Tobuscus has. If I don't watch them for that, it because I'm stuck, or I might watch some of the Minecraft videos to get some ideas or hints.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't watch gameplay on You Tube just to watch someone play. I do however watch my son play games often. I just find it awesome how his gameplay is different from mine. I'm meticulous and like to take my time and explore.

He likes to go in and just accomplish the level, knowing that he can always go back to replay the level later. I try to not make it a habit so I don't learn some of the storylines though.

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I watch YoVideoGames.. this has to be their funniest video yet, and I'm planning in watching Bayonetta 2 this way as well if they do a Let's Play of it.. I'll expect they will as they do cover most of Platinum Game's stuff and this will be my only way of getting near to playing it lol



This be the saltiest Virtua Tennis video on YouTube probably.

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