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Trophy Spam Issue


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4 minutes ago, NathanielJohn said:

So just to be clear: your argument is that trophy hunting should be work, not fun?


Like your argument against this thread is “no, that would make trophy hunting more fun”? Did I get that right?

No, you've got it completely wrong.


Competing at the highest level of anything is naturally going to be work. You're going to be competing against people willing to forego fun in favor of other results.


the argument here seems to be that people willing to forego fun need to be removed from the competition entirely. The goal seems to enforce "feelings" or filter out certain motivations. It's so fascinatingly bizarre. 

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If it were me I say we just don't count the jumping games and breakthrough games and keep ratalaka.  We should just block the true spam companies and make it so none of their games count or show up on the new games list.  If you only want to count one Ratalaka stack that would be fine too.

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Speaking of   the broken rarity Leaderboard, I’m stuck here for a long time


Even though I have like 10,000 more points than the other users there, when do I scale up?

I’m okay with whatever is done, you’re bound to piss off someone no matter what you do, it’s better to do something than letting things stay as they are, I’m even noticing on recent PSPlus games, that TL is registering more users than PSNP, something that was preposterous in the past.

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6 minutes ago, GraniteBeast603 said:

What do you think this proves? Of course they prefer the games be fun. But some players are willing to forego fun "just to stick around".


Nah I said that these top players also found these games to be killing the joy of trophy hunting. Where it used to be your normal PS3 era games with a hannah montana occasionally jumping in. Now you are litterally working for multiple hours pressing X. Fun right? The landscape has changed for the worse and these players agree with that notion. That is with or without the logic of "working to get to that point". Honestly, the top leaderboard always 'worked' to get to that point. But just like real life work, it can be fun. It doesnt have to be tedious. It used to be fun, now its a mandatory forced thing to do. 


Also if I call anything in trophy hunting (or gaming in general) an athlete it would be people that general master games like:

A. Speedrunning;

B. Platting ultimately hard games;

C. Breaking hard gaming records;


Because the idea behind is that they need months or even years of training next to having natural talent to compete with the established. If I really want, I could be in the top 100 within no time. But fuck no I'm not getting on that addiction train of just playing tedious trophy apps to get to that point.


Like about mastering ultimate hard games, did you even see the crazy halo 2 LASO bounty run. Shit is crazy man



The current leaderboard are nothing close to this at all lmao.


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19 minutes ago, janpham said:



Dürrenhofstr. 35

90478 Nürnberg



Catch me if you can

HAHAHAHA, is this for real?

I mean,  what can you even offer to that guy? You’re already hooked, you’re not the one owning the site you know.

Lmao, I cannot fucking believe this.

Maybe he’s dumb enough to fall for it.  though, he did say he was the… *holds laughter* CEO of “ThiGames”.

Edited by farradono
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31 minutes ago, Nathan_Joseph said:

The biggest issue of these trash games is they are just too damn fast. So why don't we just filter games out by average time to plat?


Say anything under an 1hr to plat is worth no points or heavily reduced points for example.

no because there are actually games that could be hard done in a hour.  I'd bet someone with a little practice and luck could learn to finish downwell in a hour yet it' a hard game.  It's best to eliminate things based on extremely high rarity.  Better yet would be to just ban certain developers.

Edited by steel6burgh
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4 hours ago, PhyrxianLibrarin said:

There's no system for a leaderboard that isn't going to be exploitable in some way by the real devoted hunters. If you cut it off by rarity, hunters will specifically target games that are just below that rarity. If you cut it by time, hunters will play games just over that time. No matter what the math behind the leaderboard is, a small number of people are going to look for gaps and loopholes in the math and take advantage of them.


That is the nice part of the rarity LB, if people start targetting "easy" low rarity trophies, those trophies will stop being low rarity and will become common ones, it is a nice way that the rarity leaderboard will purge itself from fake low rarity trophies.

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4 minutes ago, steel6burgh said:

no because there are actually games that could be hard done in a hour.  I'd bet someone with a little practice and luck could learn to finish downwell in a hour yet it' a hard game.  It's best to eliminate things based on extremely high rarity.  Better yet would be to just ban certain developers.


They said average time to plat. You're going to get at least one trophy well before you're practiced enough to platinum the game in one hour, meaning you would have to set up an alt account to practice on (or do it on another platform.)


In order for Downwell to be ineligible in this instance, almost 38000 players would need to specifically practice this game on another platform or account, then perfectly speedrun and platinum it in one hour, a feat only performed by 15 players on this site thus far. And the other ~38k would all need to finish in under 2 hours or so because of how averages work.

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1 minute ago, Darling Baphomet said:


They said average time to plat. You're going to get at least one trophy well before you're practiced enough to platinum the game in one hour, meaning you would have to set up an alt account to practice on (or do it on another platform.)


In order for Downwell to be ineligible in this instance, almost 38000 players would need to specifically practice this game on another platform or account, then perfectly speedrun and platinum it in one hour, a feat only performed by 15 players on this site thus far. And the other ~38k would all need to finish in under 2 hours or so because of how averages work.

ok i missed the average part.

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1 minute ago, Darling Baphomet said:


They said average time to plat. You're going to get at least one trophy well before you're practiced enough to platinum the game in one hour, meaning you would have to set up an alt account to practice on (or do it on another platform.)


In order for Downwell to be ineligible in this instance, almost 38000 players would need to specifically practice this game on another platform or account, then perfectly speedrun and platinum it in one hour, a feat only performed by 15 players on this site thus far. And the other ~38k would all need to finish in under 2 hours or so because of how averages work.


I have seen profiles with several 1% ezpz games as a clear effort to decrease the 99.99% average rarity of those games, it wouldnt surprise me people leaving one month on some accounts to finish those games (getting the last trophy) just to tamper on the average time.

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Can we at least remove the shovelware games from the New Trophy List section?  I feel like that shouldn't be controversial at least; that section of the site is pretty much unusable right now because it's so infested with EZPZ plats being released nonstop.


The leaderboards have so many other issues beyond shovelware plats that trying to fix them now is like putting Flex Tape on a crack in the Hoover Dam.

Edited by KimBongUn420
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Maybe the best course of action would be to filter all of these games out by a team of people, the same way we have a CRT for example. Because let's face it, the developers found a way to release all this crap on Sony's platform (or they just released it without having to find a way, idk), but the majority of their income is not from the avarage gamer but from members of PSNP and similar websites. If the community somehow miraculously reaches a consensus on what to do with the issue, the next day/week/month, the developers will do what's necessary to counter it anyway. And we'll spend another x years arguing about it. 


I have no idea, does Sony ban people for using save files manipulation to earn trophies? Or people who got GTA trophies because they had a "hacker" in their game? If they don't and we do, why don't we just do the same with this crap and be done with it? 


I mean, someone really needs to make the hard call already. Not everyone will be happy. Or we could just argue about it for the next few years. 


Maybe really just filter this crap out and make an unmoderated, anything-goes leaderboard for people who enjoy playing with one hand. And don't judge them for what they're doing with the other. 




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Since I posted this thread (not even a full day), there has been 8 new trophy lists of these spam apps, and one list for a game where you can use a cheat code to 100% the game in some few minutes (two more lists of this game was released just an hour or two before this thread), and one list for the new Ghostbuster game.

Edited by MMDE
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30 minutes ago, MMDE said:

Since I posted this thread (not even a full day), there has been 8 new trophy lists of these spam apps, and one list for a game where you can use a cheat code to 100% the game in some few minutes (two more lists of this game was released just an hour or two before this thread), and one list for the new Ghostbuster game.


It is quite jarring to see the state of the store is these days. I remember when Steam sort of "let go" and started letting a bunch of shit games get published on the market and it caused a big commotion at the time, but as far as I know nothing was really done about it and there's still not a lot of quality control. I guess Sony is following the same route and have caved to just collecting a paycheque however they see fit. There's nothing rewarding about tapping X a bunch of times. The people purchasing and playing these games are just too far deep and have to keep going I guess.


I wouldn't even let a toddler play shit like this because it'd turn their brains into mashed potatoes. Next thing you know they'll start injecting ads like mobile games

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There seems to be some talk about not counting stacks at all, I don't agree with this as a whole, Take trails of cold steel I It take 100 hours+ to do that game (even on the stack there is a 100 hour trophy) and I have it stacked having this removed would be painful, Persona series is another that comes to mind and there are many others.

I'd go for stacks over a certain rarity percentage like what was mentioned in the first post 80% plat rate or something on them lines

Edited by fisty123
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5 hours ago, MMDE said:

Since I posted this thread (not even a full day), there has been 8 new trophy lists of these spam apps, and one list for a game where you can use a cheat code to 100% the game in some few minutes (two more lists of this game was released just an hour or two before this thread), and one list for the new Ghostbuster game.



I've started a thread in the general Discord channel.

Edited by AMadScotsGuy
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