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Trophies Are Missing / Hidden or Private Trophies - How to Fix It

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16 minutes ago, Xaedere said:


Don't we wish. A week and counting according to the earlier updates in this thread. 

What are you talking about? Those previous members had their issues resolved. Not everyone comes back and posts on the thread that things have resolved, but I usually check on their profiles later to make sure they have in fact resolved. 

This is unrelated and likely a PSN issue that will resolve shortly. 

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11 minutes ago, BlindMango said:

PSN must be having issues at the moment, wait maybe an hour or two, earn a new trophy on PSN and sync it, then update your profile here again and all should return back to normal. I've placed an announcement at the to of the forums regarding this.


Your profile viewcount and other settings will not be lost. You've simply just updated your profile at a time when PSN is returning sporadic profile information, which happens from time to time.



Thank you so much. I totally had no idea what was going on haha. Thankful for the fast update!

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not sure if this helps at all but i have a friend this is happening to. when i look at his profile on psn all his trophies show to me. but here on psn neither me or him can see anything it says private. if its a psn issue im not sure why they would display. but i also dont know how the coding is to link progress so i could be wrong

ah nevermind i just read the above post

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It's happening on True Trophies as well, you can enqueue yourself but it doesn't update to further sync your new trophies, but at least it still shows everything you previously unlocked.


Edit: oh no nvm, it was able to sync and update my trophies there as well. Guess its just a issue with the hooks on here

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Same problem. Might be an issue with Sony's APIs? Double checked my privacy settings, they were never changed, have always been set to "Anyone". No games are hidden on the account side. 


Trophies appear fine from the PS4 XMB. Forcing a profile update here does nothing (am lifetime premium member).


I can try earning a new trophy tonight to see if that fixes it. 

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10 minutes ago, LOL_Jokke97 said:

all my trophies are hidden now too, did not change any settings, went in and double checked.

try earning a new trophy, re-syncing and updating your profile here.


My trophies disappeared last night. But I have since earned another couple of trophies, synced them with PSN and my trophies are now updating fine here again ?

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It's still intensely annoying, regardless of how long it supposedly lasts. I don't have another trophy I'm likely to be able to hit within the next several days now I've finished up with LJW (the other plat I've been working on is very long-term!), so if that's the only "fix", my profile will be stuck like this for at least a week. ? 

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1 hour ago, BB-BakkerJ said:

How long does it take before leaderboard rankings return?

Couple hours, I think. Hakoom was hit by it and he’s back up top.


4 minutes ago, grimlockjoey said:

I have trophies but the site says I don't.  Didn't change anything and just gone.  I did double check my privacy settings on psn.  I can't even view my own trophies.


Aww, no trophies here 1f61f.png


This profile is probably private


How do I change my privacy settings?

Follow the instructions on the first page.

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I can't update my profile. I did check my privacy settings and rearned trophy again but it doesn't work. I created this account today, should I wait one day?


EDIT: It works now. Thanks anyway!

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18 minutes ago, DividedByMankind said:

Hello guys. why does my LB Rank still says **soon** its been a half day.


I'm not sure on the exact time the LB updates, but just give it some time. By the end of the day it should update for you.

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Hi everyone,


I'm having a problem with Uncharted 4 refusing to show up on my profile and I just can't figure it out. I did quite a bit of searching here and elsewhere for people with a similar problem but couldn't find anything. Apologies if this issue is documented and I missed it.


Background: I bought the physical version of Uncharted 4 in 2016 when it came out, played through about half of it (winning trophies on the way) but didn't finish and eventually sold it. Last month when it was free on PS Plus I picked it up again and noticed that the digital version didn't recognise my saves from the physical game. It didn't matter, I wanted to play through the whole thing anyway, so I did. About a week ago I noticed the game was missing from my profile here so I checked my list of hidden PS4 games and saw that Uncharted 4 is in the list twice and both entries were unticked. This is the only duplicate game in my list and the only time I've ever seen a duplicate.


Things I've tried:

  • Setting my trophy privacy to 'No one', gaining a trophy, syncing with PSN, updating my profile here, setting trophy privacy to 'Anyone', gaining a trophy, syncing with PSN, updating my profile here (as described in the first post of this thread)
  • Every combination of hiding / unhiding the two entries in my list (one hidden, both hidden, both unhidden etc.), gaining a trophy, syncing with PSN and updating here in between each change
  • Hiding all games, gaining a trophy, syncing with PSN, updating here then unhiding them all and doing the same

Things To Note:

  • Looking at my trophy list on the PS4 and 'My PlayStation' section of the PSN website everything seems fine. I can see trophies for Uncharted 4 I unlocked in 2016 and those I've unlocked more recently.
  • I don't have a problem with any other game - those I hide or unhide show up or disappear from my profile here without a problem
  • I've never owned a PS3 or Vita

If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd be enormously grateful. ?



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