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What is the worst game you love?


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Past Cure(PS4): The game tries to be a narrative 3rd Person action game with a story full of psychological/horror themes and it fails miserably. I think, this game is one of the nearest we have to a playable Neil Breen/ Vanity project film.


Autobahn Raser 2 and Gundam Battle Assault 1 (both PSone): A really terrible racer and a terrible fighting game, but I spend countless hours playing both games as a kid and even now play them from time to time.


Gungrave GORE (PS4): Not  terrible per se, but extremly mediocre, repetitive and grindy, but with a lot of style. I have the platinum and 100% in the PS4 version and consider to make the PS5 version my next milestone, only because of how much dumb fun the game was for me.

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2 hours ago, Finch_III said:

I wouldn't go as far as to say I 'love' this game, but it stuck with me longer than I expected given how mediocre it is: 




Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is a narrative adventure game where you travel across the US collecting 'stories' from the many interesting people that you come across. The game itself is so, so bad in many ways: 

  • Traversal is a *massive* chore. Slow, clunky and monotonous
  • The map is barren, ugly and boring 
  • There are sleep, food and health mechanics, which seem kinda unnecessary given the style of the game 
  • The open-world graphics (if you care about that) are terrible


But putting aside all that, this game has a kernel of something really interesting in it. The soundtrack is awesome, and I still listen to it occasionally. The writing, voice acting and illustrations in-game are all really good, setting a perfect Depression-era vibe. And some of the stories you collect are pretty compelling; some spooky, some funny, but mostly tragic. 


It's a game that had some real potential, but falls quite badly short because it struggles to be know what it is. It's supposedly a narrative tale, but it's jammed with a bunch of random gameplay elements (like health bars, equipment and 'mini games') that all feel slapped on.


So yeah, it's an objectively meh game – but one that I think has some value. A game to be studied, not to be played perhaps... 




The game was such a commercial flop the developer did a self-reflective post-mortem on it. I love the narrative in games - sometimes more than gameplay, counterintuitively for this hobby perhaps - but I never got around to this, likely never well. 

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The Senran Kagura series. 

I started playing the original on the Nintendo 3ds and I had fun with it, even if I was aware of the bad reception, with all the fanservice the game has. But I liked anyway, the game is fun and the characters are interesting. The sequels expanded the gameplay and the roster of characters, so they are better in every aspect, but they are still far from what a good game is. 

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A hardcore trophy hunter dedicated to 100%-ing every game surely won't agree with me but I found Knights Contract a fun time if played on Easy difficulty. The game's major flaw is that you have to protect a partner who has poor AI and on higher difficulties, this apparently can get incredibly frustrating. That's why I put it on Easy and played through a game with some novel ideas, unique boss fights and an entertaining story. It's still janky absolutely wouldn't recommend the game to people who want to plat everything they play but I loved it overall. Shame Game Republic shut down and that probably put a nail in the casket for this game ever being playable beyond the PS360.


The Order 1886 and Forspoken are straight up good games in my book. Both have bad plats though, for different reasons.

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1 hour ago, PhantomFear94 said:


The game was such a commercial flop the developer did a self-reflective post-mortem on it. I love the narrative in games - sometimes more than gameplay, counterintuitively for this hobby perhaps - but I never got around to this, likely never well. 


Yeah, before I bought the game, I read that post-mortem and a few articles about how poorly it performed. But it was on sale, so I thought what the hell! 


And, honestly, I wouldn't even be able to recommend the game to others because it's not a good game haha. Which is why it's good for this thread, although, I wouldn't go as far as to say I loved it. But it did leave an impact. 


I also thought about posting Everybody's Gone to the Rapture for similar reasons. I think about that game quite a lot. It was very haunting. The only reason I didn't use that instead is because I think it's actually a good game, plus it was pretty well received, both critically and commercially. It's just one of those games that about 90% of gamers will dismiss as a boring walking sim. (And the platinum was super tedious). 


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Something about the way I games is that I view games is that there is no such thing as "So bad it's good." Since I view what others would consider bad, to instead be Charm. That being said there are a couple of games that I like to gave glaring flaws that make me surprised finished them.


  • Invisible Hours: This is by the same developer a The Sexy Brutale and features a 4D map screen were you can see what happens at each second on the map. This is a Time loop, or time manipulation game, but unlike the fantastic Sexy Brutale where it serves a puzzle game, in IH, you are pretty much just watching it like it's a TV show, (Which i'm sure they thought was enough since this was one of the earliest VR games, but it's not VR any more.) Basically this game is a murder mystery where you follow a character, to get their side of the story, then go back in time to see another characters actions. The game also has an Elon Musk reference that aged like milk (2:25). But why do I like it? The ideas it has are lofty and it was one of the only major story games at the start of PSVR, the characters and twists are also genuinely unexpected and even when I'd finished a character's story, it turned out another character was having the most insane thing happen to them at the same time.


  • Gemini Heroes Reborn: A game in the universe of the Heroes TV show that I never bothered watching, the game's story is... okay, the graphics are... bad, the gameplay is repetitive but okay. But what makes this game shine is the dual worlds mechanic that were only single level features in Dishonored 2 and Titanfall 2. Switch between the future and the past instantly. It's a single mechanic that makes the whole package worth playing.


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Caligula Overdose on PS4: This game is basically the vita game shoved onto PS4 without much improvement, so the graphics are worse than a PS3 game, if not PS2 level, the characters mouths don't move when they talk, the faces are completely flat like those old PS1 games, and the game colour scheme is all grey and white so it looks dull. Also, all the enemies look the same with no variation, they are all just students. The battle system is time consuming as you have to select 3 commands per character and adjust the timing and attack order, so 9 per turn unless you leave your party to the AI, and the whole 500+ students and solving their traumas for the platinum is a massive chore. However, I loved the characters, story and especially the music. I thought the OST was one of the best in terms of JRPGs. I would say i liked it more than FF music, if not as much as the Persona OST. I also liked the overall concept of trauma and regrets, and replaying your life in a virtual world. It was also pretty cool choosing a protagonist and also being able to choose to be part of the "bad guys" for a nice bad ending.

Thankfully, Caligula 2 was a massive improvement in the gameplay and graphics front, and also had an amazing OST.


I have played a few furyu games now, and I have come to realise one thing about this company: 90% of their budget is put into the games music and OST, the story and characters tend to be good and dark, but the graphics are always absolutely shit for a modern JRPG.



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Shoutout to the folks that also liked Remember Me and The Order:1886!!


I still to this day crave a second for both of those titles. I really enjoyed the story and level design in The Order and I thought the story in Remember Me was super unique. I really enjoyed how rhythmic the combat was in Remember Me. 


As far as games from *cough* like 20+ years ago, one of my favorite games is Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge. I have no idea how well this game performed at the time but I don't think it scored very high, but I still play this game at least once a year along with Dark Cloud.


Can you remember Fur Fighters? – That Green Dude

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Agony - lol I kinda hate myself for even saying I like it 😆 I know it's bad in so so many ways!


Deadpool - it got a bad rap because of kinda lazy combat and gameplay but I still immensely enjoyed all the deadpool humour and cutscenes and silliness enough for me to still like it.


Saw - This also got a bad rap, I cant even really pinpoint why, maybe just cuz movie tie-in games are generally not great, all I know is that I actually quite liked it. 🤷‍♂️


And I agree with The Order: 1886 although it was kinda lacklustre it looked great (especially great for its age) which, sometimes, is enough for me. Enough so that I may well play it again, or would welcome a sequel.


Edit: I will add though I'm pretty easy going, most games I will miracualously find some enjoyment in, even if generally renowned for being shit, I'm easy to please lol. There are very very few games I ever moan about. 😊

Edited by esstee11
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PES 2014 for me, it was an unfinished game on launch and the PS3 struggled hard to run this game, the fps was probably less than 10 during cutscenes, it ran really badly but for me i love what they were going for in this game and that was realism but it just didn't work out too well, i still love the game despite the hate on it and low scores.


Back in 2013 they had a demo for this game on the store which they accidently put on, it wasn't meant for the public, they pulled it off after an hour, i managed to get it and even to this day i can just re-download it whenever i want on the PS3.



Just a funny video on it i found years ago 😂



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A lot of the games listed so far aren't even that bad lol.


Something I think is pretty dang bad in many ways but I still love a lot is the Battleship game from 2012, the movie tie-in game. Whole game takes place on 1 tile set (barren islands), there are only 4 or so guns, and you're fighting the same like 3 enemies the whole game (and the shooting controls feel very off, weird acceleration on aiming from what I recall.) But it has this SRPG layer where you need to pull up a map in combat and command your battleships around to take out enemy ships or offer you ground support in the form of screen clearing attacks. It's pretty neat being an unusual genre mashup.


I feel bad even calling it bad because unlike plenty of other games at least it's bug free and works the way you expect it to. So it has that going. But it's not a game I'd really recommend to anyone either unless they enjoy unique genre mash ups. It was made by Double Helix who went on to do the Killer Instinct and Strider reboots, which people generally enjoy. So I think a lot of the problems with the game were probably just budget/time related and not so much the actual developers.

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10 hours ago, ShadyWARcotix said:

Driver 2:
frame drops and pop ups as hell, the cop A.I. is the most ridicilious difficulty I have ever seen in any video game and some of these missions were very unfair back in the day but Driver 2 is still on of my fav games of the ps1 era. 
The music still blasts.

If not for you, I was going to die believing that Driver 2 was one of the best PS2 games I played!



To me, I think it's Dark Souls II. I know it has very positive scores all around, but it's the black sheep inside the souls community. I think I love because it was the first souls game I played, and I remember it as a truly epic journey. Having beaten DS 1 and 3, I can clearly see it's flaws now: unconsistent level design, subpar music scores, questionable game design choices, but I still love it and would glady wipe it from my memory to start it over, especially the DLCs.

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Shadow the hedgehog and Bomberman hero, the former is just so bad its good and the later was a mario 64 style platforming gem from Bombermans weird period where they tried experimenting with gameplay styles other then the traditional grid style to keep the series relevant to mixed results(we got Bomberman 64, Bomberman tournament, and the excellent Bomberman jetters Anime being highlights of this push) Bomberman hero had its issues but i thought it had a good foundation to build upon and would have loved to see a sequel to this that fixes its issues instead of yet another top down grid based game recent Bomberman games default to.

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If I like a game. Obviously, I dont think it's bad or I wouldnt like it. 

A few games I like that people get pissed at me for liking (because people getting mad at people for liking a game is way to common):
Final Fantasy XIII series
Duke Nukem Forever
Arkham Origins
Marvel's Avengers
Saw/ Saw II
The Mayo Trilogy
VR, in general
Agents of Mayhem
Saints Row 2022
The Order: 1886
Resident Evil 6
Enter The Matrix
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (I would love a rerelease that fixed the bugs instead of being the one Tomb Raider game everyone pretends doesnt exist)

They's others but these are the one that come to mind. 
Some of these, I dont get as much negativity as I used to because the hivemind has decided it's okay to like them but I dont have short term memory. I remember how normies were acting when Arkham Origns and The Order came out.

6 hours ago, NerdRage04 said:

Shoutout to the folks that also liked Remember Me and The Order:1886!!


I still to this day crave a second for both of those titles. I really enjoyed the story and level design in The Order and I thought the story in Remember Me was super unique. I really enjoyed how rhythmic the combat was in Remember Me. 


As far as games from *cough* like 20+ years ago, one of my favorite games is Fur Fighters: Viggo's Revenge. I have no idea how well this game performed at the time but I don't think it scored very high, but I still play this game at least once a year along with Dark Cloud.


Can you remember Fur Fighters? – That Green Dude

I've never heard a lot of hate toward Remember Me. It's just seems like no one has heard of it. I love it, though.I just dont like the unskippable cutscenes on repeat playthroughs. 

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I wouldn't call it a bad game, but Pac-Man World 3 is my pick. It was my first PS2 game and I beat it countless times, loved everything about it. The game itself is a very bland 3D platformer with very little to offer when compared to the genere's heavyweights (Ratchet, Jak, Sly, etc). Even fans of the series vastly prefer Pac-Man World 1 and 2 over this one.

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