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Just finished hunting simulator..as a huge supporter and multiple platinum earner of cabela's games (6 or 7 in total) I couldn't turn this down unfortunately it fell flat as most of the cool features only work on easy difficulty... And being the savvy trophy hunter I am of course had to earn the stacked (thank God they stacked) difficulty trophies all in all not a terrible game but a tedious platinum nonetheless... Will plat tales from borderlands by weekend 

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platinum #204 The Book Of Unwritten Tales (ps4)

completed in 4 days and 8 hours

platinum rarity 34.99% uncommon

platinum name: master of unwritten tales


finished this one before the night was over, i'm going to start on hatoful boyfriend next as i seemed to have found the guide that should help me get all the endings (the one on pstrophy isn't reliable) enough for me still have plan to begin dynasty warriors 6 empires that one is next on the platinum list (after that i will look at last/next weeks game to decide where to go from there).


before all that i need to get some sleep, the weekend is coming.

Edited by kingdrake2
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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

:platinum: #83

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection 




There are a few factors that make this plat so common. The biggest factor is that there is no trophies for beating Shining Force 1 & 2. Being able to manually save is another. If these two factors were removed, there would be a lot less people platting this collection.


Speaking of Shining Force: I can wait to sink hours into this series. OMG, the memories this collection brought back. I only wish there were some Sega CD titles in here. I remember this one Sega CD title (can't remember the title for the life of me) where you can play as several different leaders. One was a vampire. You controlled an army in this turn based strategy game. I sunk so many damned hours into that game as well. 


On to the trophies. Piss easy is the best way to describe it. This plat could have been WAY harder. Most of these retro collection's trophies are pretty tough. This one just happened to be one of the easiest. I can wait to tackle the Capcom Arcade Cabinet's trophy set.


This is a must buy for any gamer in their 30's and 40's as well as any retro gaming enthusiasts. Highly recommended kids.


An aside: I got this game from the pawn shop I bought my super slim ps3 from. They were going to thrown in only one game and a controller with the system. I talked him into giving me two games. Since out of his whole inventory, I was only really interested in Street Fighter 4 (vanilla) and the Sega Collection, I made sure I talked him into the deal. Don't know why I waited so long to tackle this collection. Oh well. Glad I eventually did.


Very easy overall. Only trouble I had in the entire collection was the Yatta Yatta trophy. Definitely can be frustrating due to how fast the beans move down, but if you were any good at Tetris back in the day you should of had no problem. The others like the Sonic Spinball one were more luck based, but otherwise completely doable.


Capcom Arcade Cabinet is probably one of the most difficult out there. If you ever get those trophies in Gun Smoke and Commando, be sure to give us some tips on how to beat them.


I honestly wish more of these old classics would make their way to Steam, Xbox and Playstation with support, but it looks like that's still a long ways coming. I would of loved to see every single SEGA game from that collection get their own set of trophies. But one can only dream.


Midway Arcade Collection looks pretty doable. I've been thinking about buying that.


Glad you enjoyed the SEGA collection as much as I did. Definitely recommend. Not difficult at all.

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2 minutes ago, Spaz said:


Very easy overall. Only trouble I had in the entire collection was the Yatta Yatta trophy. Definitely can be frustrating due to how fast the beans move down, but if you were any good at Tetris back in the day you should of had no problem. The others like the Sonic Spinball one were more luck based, but otherwise completely doable.


Capcom Arcade Cabinet is probably one of the most difficult out there. If you ever get those trophies in Gun Smoke and Commando, be sure to give us some tips on how to beat them.


I honestly wish more of these old classics would make their way to Steam, Xbox and Playstation with support, but it looks like that's still a long ways coming. I would of loved to see every single SEGA game from that collection get their own set of trophies. But one can only dream.


Midway Arcade Collection looks pretty doable. I've been thinking about buying that.


Glad you enjoyed the SEGA collection as much as I did. Definitely recommend. Not difficult at all.


The Midway collection is really good too. I highly recommend you pick it up. I did much of the Sega collection with my honey. He's also the one who bugged me to start Double Dragon Neon. For some reason, he loves doing coop with me. He's also the one who did Yatta! trophy. I didn't get to experience that one much. I wasn't too interested in the game and he was. I let him at it. Couldn't have been too difficult if he got it.


Also, I didn't realize how many Sonic games were made in such a short time. I thought Nintendo milked the shit out of the worlds most annoying plumber. Sega sure gave them a run for their money.

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35 minutes ago, Phil said:

:platinum: #83

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection 




There are a few factors that make this plat so common. The biggest factor is that there is no trophies for beating Shining Force 1 & 2. Being able to manually save is another. If these two factors were removed, there would be a lot less people platting this collection.


Speaking of Shining Force: I can wait to sink hours into this series. OMG, the memories this collection brought back. I only wish there were some Sega CD titles in here. I remember this one Sega CD title (can't remember the title for the life of me) where you can play as several different leaders. One was a vampire. You controlled an army in this turn based strategy game. I sunk so many damned hours into that game as well. 


Hey bro, the game you are describing is "Dark Wizard". I easily sank a couple a hundred hours on that game to get all the general's endings. So much awesome!!!!


https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg1.game-oldies.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpackshots%2Fsega-cd%2Fdark-wizard.png&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fgame-oldies.com%2Fplay-online%2Fdark-wizard-sega-cd&docid=vCmgQJphve065M&tbnid=ERc8dr7nT1_d2M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiJqYKHvanWAhUBUCYKHc4uCHEQMwg2KAAwAA..i&w=564&h=800&bih=530&biw=320&q=dark wizard sega cd&ved=0ahUKEwiJqYKHvanWAhUBUCYKHc4uCHEQMwg2KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8



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