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What is the point in life?


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Concept of consciousness is something that should be kept in mind when thinking about determinism like previously on this thread. How could there be a "you" in a fully deterministic reality? Why, you may ask? Thoughts need a conscious being to exist that can then make choices from their observations about the world surrounding them through thinking. Within a fully deterministic world there would be no thinking at all, only a complex material mindless and soulless puppets reacting to stuff around them.


In short as René Descartes wrote "I think, therefore I am".


And an answer to the on topic question was answered below.


On 8/30/2023 at 1:27 AM, Spider-Man916 said:

To love the Lord God Almighty with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and all your being and to love your neighbor as yourself.  Praise Jesus. 🙏✝️

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I don't want to quote some fancy intellectual who swallowed a thesaurus, because to me the simplest way of looking at things is best. No answer will satisfy everyone, nor should it. Find your own meaning and live by it- if you're feeling happy with where you're at that means you're probably not far offtrack, and learning to be content with your life is better than chasing happiness when happiness is fleeting. 

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Scientifically, we only exist to survive and procreate.  That's the cold, mechanical point of life.  That's how other animals live.  Unlike other animals we're evolved enough to question the world and universe around us, question if that really is the point... but the truth is we're insignificant specks in the universe.  If the human race went away tomorrow, the Sun will continue to burn, the Earth will continue to erode as it always has, eventually a meteor will hit it and create some new life that'll survive and procreate long enough to eventually get smart enough to question their point.




Spiritually, we exist to feel fulfilled and happy.  Just because we're insignificant specks doesn't mean we can't do the little things that give our individual lives purpose.  For some people it's raising a family, for some people it's partying and having fun, for some people it's helping others, for some people it's playing assloads of amazing video games, for some people it's making art or music, for some people it's all of those or other things.  Of course there's a little gray area, unwritten rule there in that you shouldn't do things that make you happy at the expense of others... and if you decide to have a family, you have to put them first... but besides that, fuck it, man.  There's no actual point to any of it.  Make today count in any way that matters to you.

Edited by Dreakon13
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I'm really spiritual so I'm not sure how to explain it. We're all special. You're watching my brief existence, in this particular social media, witnessing an historic event no matter how small it is, and I'm watching yours. In my short time here I saw many people come and go, and I know one day will be my last here. It's exactly like life, the difference being that in life we can make big differences in people; their lifes, families, etc.


I do believe in destiny, but it's up to everyone to believe in anything they want. I saw someone saying they were muslim, and they had a "confused" reaction. Why? What did they do wrong? Nothing. Beliefs are personal and there are as many as people in this world. I'd say the only thing we need to do in this world is love and respect each other. If we all were the same it would be so boring.


In a personal level, I'd love to travel through the world, discover new cultures, create art, find love, and watch the end of the final fantasy vii remake because I'm not sure if it'll release during my lifetime.

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Years ago, I'd say to be happy and prepare for your future. But now, after some personal life events and self reflection, I'd have to say treat everyone with kindness as often as you can, and tell your close ones you love them, because you can be here one minute, gone the next. In the blink of an eye from anything. So life IS short. Make what time we have memorable, and make it count however you see fit. Be there for others, but don't leave yourself behind.


So what is the meaning of life? It's whatever you want it to be. Everybody has a different vision, a different story, a different path, but we are all here to live, and make the most of it. 


So enjoy this ride while we have it, because we never know when it ends, or if a new chapter begins after.  



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Life it is meaningless if you don't have Jesus Christ in your life. The point of life is to love God with all your heart, mind, strength and soul. Loving God it is obeying his commandments as the scripture tells us in the bible.


We need to confess and repent of our sins to God daily and he will forgive our transgressions. Repent means to fully surrendering to God and not living in sin. Seeking God's righteousness daily through prayer and reading his word. The Holy Bible KJV (King James Version).


In proverbs 3:5-6 it states "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths" (KJV).


Pray to God to fill you with his Holy Spirit and to guide you with his spirit.

Edited by Remain-Vigilant
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The thread kind of goes round in circles. And different people say different things and believe different things at different points in their life.


Sometimes there just isn't an answer as not all questions have them and people just go with whatever sounds comfortable for them. 


Maybe the point of life is what you happen to be doing right now. You're alive right now so whatever you're doing right now counts because that's part of life. You don't have to do anything special. The fact that you're just breathing means you're doing whatever it is. You're living, the good feelings, the bad feelings, the struggle, that's the point because it's all part of living. What life is, is the point of life

Edited by olliebear66t
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44 minutes ago, Alindawyl said:

If by “this” you mean “a link to this video”, then yes nobody posted that.


But I suggest you check page one of this thread again….


31 minutes ago, Kittens Are Awesome said:



You must have missed it.


I meant the video, yes.

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Well, I certainly don't believe there's any inherent point to living, nor have I heard even marginally convincing arguments to that effect (and religiosity definitely doesn't do it for me). My existence is either a happy or unhappy accident, depending on how I'm feeling that day, and usually, I lean towards the latter being closest to the truth. My main goal in life is simply to find as many interesting, fulfilling diversions as I can to pass the time until I either die, or humanity invents sweet life extension technology. I'm also quite skeptical about the concept of free will, so it's not like I have a choice in the matter.


Wouldn't say that I'm a hard antinatalist by any means, but I am somewhat sympathetic to the idea that life, on the whole, isn't worth living. Were I presented with a hypothetical button which would alter time so I was never born to begin with, I can't say with certainty that I wouldn't press it. Please note that this is very different to desiring suicide, so don't bother getting alarmed by this post. It's just a thought I've had.

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I feel the value is in asking the question, not in finding the answer.


Your answers will probably change in the course of your life, depending on where in your journey you are, what happened to you and around you, what your current reality is like, what you've read, what you've thought about, and so on. For me, the answer has never been static. When I'm in a good place, my view on life is a lot more positive where I may define the point of life as making the world better and people happier than when I go through a valley of depression where my views may be nihilistic and fatalistic. It's the same with the quest for happiness: If you're in love and it is mutual, you feel happy right then. If your life is going sideways, you may well feel having a more engaging job or more material goods will bring you happiness. If you're in pain, the greatest desire will be to simply be free from pain. It's just all so relative and ever changing. Perspective is dynamic.


Yes, you can reduce the answer to biology and say, "The point is to reproduce.", but this Darwinist view is just one possible take that not even all scientists agree on. Wallace, who developed and published Evolution Theory together with Darwin, had a different, much more spiritual explanation for what drove evolution, but it's Darwin's more "mechanical universe" view that prevailed. But there is a lot we don't know. The vast majority of the universe consists of dark matter, and nobody actually knows what that is. There is no shortage of physicists who believe in a God (an intelligence behind it all). So, the biological answer is probably too one-dimensional and incomplete. Formerly held beliefs about the universe turned out to be untrue -- the universe does not always follow laws we thought we had figured out. Does it matter for your life, though?


The benefit of asking the question about the point of life is that it may lead you to reading widely and broadly, from Greek philosophers to Taoist writings, from religious takes to scientific works. And by doing so, you may pick up some ideas for HOW to live your life. And, ultimately, I think that is the better question.

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