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Does earning Platinums feel rewarding enough?


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While I enjoy getting plats as is, I've always wished there was something more. At least a special animation, scene, item or something from the game.

Few examples that popped in my head -

Final Fantasy - classic FF theme plays and screen of the old school original FF sprites dance with congratulations message.

Fallout - somebody runs up and gives you a fatboy with unlimited ammo.

Tales of Series - A special dialog opens up with all the party members talking about how they can't believe how much they've achieved, perhaps even making fun at the fact it was a super grind.

South Park - the game makes fun of you for wasting time, calls you a loser. Lol

Skyrim - suddenly the Elf super Fan from oblivion shows up and now wants to follow you around being annoying.

So on and so on, you get the idea.

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i only count the unlockable content after beating a game as a real reward, especially if the reward is worth it, like dead space 2 and 3's devil horn, Resident Evil HD rocket launcher, RPG of all kinds if you unlock extra costumes or that awesome weapon you're waiting for, or at least an art gallery.


right now due to the DLC taking over, devs nowday start to sell you off these stuff instead of you getting them with your hard effort, it's not rewarding if you just pay to get them.

so in term of playstation, a virtual Platinum Trophy is your reward for all those hours you spent, i don't see them rewarding enough... 


me after a 1 to 10 plats ( WOHO! another platinum, i'm so good at this, i Rule!!  :dance: )


me with 20 plats ( yes! i finally done it, ok whats next?  :yay: )


me around 30 plats, my current.. ( awesome, next  :| )


Soon, me hit 40 plats ( yay  :rolleyes: )


sure sometime one can enjoy platinum a game, in my case it was Lone Survivor, Dead Space 1, God of War 3. but if you look at them as rewarding enough?

then i may say No, most of these games plat didn't worth the pain i been through.

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It feels rewarding in general.

It's not the platinum itself, but rather what it means.

A platinum (often) equals "you have done everything in the game" which is a nice feeling.


But some games give you a platinum without exploring everything, which I don't really like and don't feel rewarding (enough).

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I actually judge every game I play by the feeling I get when the Plat pops.  Sometimes I'll put a lot of time and effort into a game and the Plat will be very rewarding (like Red Dead Redemption).  Other times I put very little effort in, or the game is easy but the last trophy is just annoying, which ruins the overall experience, and the Plat is more of a 'meh' moment.  I have heard that Plat tropy pop almost 80 times now, and while it sounds no different than any other trophy pop, sometimes it does, in my mind, sound better.  It just feels better.  But I found that for some games I've played lately, I'll purposely do things the easy way, if available, just to streamline things, which takes some of the sense of accomplishment out of it.  Obviously a simple example of this would be boosting terrible online trophies in a few hours instead of spending weeks trying to earn them organically.  While the latter would make me rage and pull my hair out, it would feel more rewarding in the end.  I have been playing some easier games recently, and I think its time to add in some more challenging ones, just to get back to that sense of accomplishment for a Plat.


TL:DR version:


Plat trophy feels...


Amazing: Red Dead Redemption, Gran Turisnmo 5 - cause they were time consuming, challenging, but also fun

Good-ish: Far Cry 3, Lollipop Chainsaw - cause they were fun, but really easy

'Meh': Majin, Sherlock Holmes - cause they weren't terrible games, but I felt like I was just going through a process

Pointless: Sonic's Genesis Collection, all Telltale games double plats, Sly 4 cross-save plat - cause they were easy and I only played them for easy plats


^^ that is a simple example of how I felt getting certain plats.  If you've played those games, you probably get why the plats for them felt that way.  And I don't regret any of my plats, but I do judge them based on those feelings.

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Even though I still stand by my original statement...I just came across I think the only game that made me feel that the Platinum just wasn't rewarding enough for the game due to lack of trophies.

And that game is Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. Now I know that if you don't have the Dark Arisen edition and just the normal game then the Platinum is going to be enough, but adding Dark Arisen and no trophies to go with it? 




Defeating Daimon as well as Daimon V2 > Grigori.

Defeating Death > Grigori

Bitterblack Isle > Gransys.

Hell even the story that went with Bitterblack Isle felt more satisfying than what was given during the main game.

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I think there have been a ton of great ideas in here on presenting plats in a unique manner.  They do give me satisfaction, but I have less than others, so the plats still feel fresh to me.  I earned one in First Light and that felt great, even though it was easy. The Walking Dead one did nothing for me, because it was just beating the game.  I also got the 'plat' on Bayonetta 2, which felt really good, bc it took a great effort to get and I enjoyed the process.

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The main reason I platinum games is to be done with them. Not subjectively, but objectively -- that is, to earn the platinum. Without the platinum, the game feels unfinished and it's difficult to move on to other games.


That subtle "PING" sound is all I need to be relieved of my stressful burden. The grind is over, and it's now time to switch games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It makes me feel like I got my money's worth. Getting all trophies in a game basically means you've searched every nook and cranny to get there, and to me, it feels more like an 100% game completion. (Unless it's mandatory for the platinum) That way, I can sit back, and be proud of the good money spent and my accomplishment. 

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I don't try to get platinums, they're too much work for me. When I do get them, it makes me happy for a minute, but it doesn't give me a whole lot of satisfaction other than that. Trying to get a platinum takes too much time and struggle for me and take away from the enjoyment of the games I play.



I think if you got an avatar and theme for every game you platinum that would be great.

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Yes, for me, what we have right now is rewarding enough. Seeing that shiny platinum trophy unlock after all the work I had to get it, is an awesome and addictive experience! I've been trophy hunting for three years and now that I already have what I consider to be a nice collection, I feel so proud of everything that I've achieved! Besides, I also interact with a lot of people online, mostly gamers that aren't trophy hunters and they congratulate me and say "You're awesome, you have 60 plats!" and I love it! So yeah, I don't need anything more than that!  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last month I earned my 2nd platinum trophy (Transistor); my first was several years ago. I remember the feeling of relief when that final trophy popped (especially so because I thought it might be glitched and I might not get it) and the thought of "I have reached the peak of my journey with this awesome game. Now there is nothing left to experience and it is time to move on." It was one of those feel good fuzzy moments that stuck with me for a couple days.


But I've been thinking lately about that experience. What percentage of gamers even attempt to go for the platinum in anything? And then what percentage of those actually stick with it to the end? Not that those who don't are doing it wrong; people play games for different reasons. But for those that do strive for the platinum, often going through painful grinding and/or completing uniquely difficult challenges, that moment when it pops feels like a let down. The last trophy you need pops, there's a few seconds of delay, and then the platinum trophy pops as if it were an everyday bronze. That's it; nothing else happens. I wasn't expecting Ode To Joy to start playing like in Peggle, but I was kinda hoping for a little more than "You've earned a trophy!...You've earned a trophy!" It makes me wish that Sony had actually implemented that Trophy Room that they showed off in the reveal for Home all those years ago, just so I can have a few seconds of gazing on the shiny product of my hard work. The system as it is now makes the Platinum trophies feel like just another trophy that advances your "Trophy Level" more than Gold trophies.


I'm guessing that for you hardcore trophy hunters, each platinum really is just another one for your hoard. I'm speaking for the majority of gamers who don't have the time to earn them as if it's their job. To me, platinums 

are a special and rare treat that are mostly beyond my patience level for each game I play.


What do you guys think? Would you want there to be some cheesy celebratory thing that happens (like, say, a short clip of a gigantic shiny trophy in a display case accompanied by angelic chorus music) when you achieve Platinum status? Or is it perfect the way it is?

Im in that exact same position but for me I just love earning trophies and when I got my second platinum (lego marvel) I was exactly the same about the trophy hunting but I just cant give it up. I may not be good at it but I cant get enough of it lol

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Personally, it depends on the game I'm playing; if I like the game, then I'll do everything to platinum it. I was really satisfied when I platinumed Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition, so I guess my platinuming adventure began. Though, not all games that I own I want to platinum, so it's not a loss.

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  • 8 years later...

For easy games, no, as it didn't require any effort, for difficult games, yes, as it lets you know you never have to go through the pain again unless you want to go the extra mile and do the region stacks and other versions of the game.

Edited by Yukiko Miyamoto
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