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:bronze:  Team Player
Complete one level with 5 Feats of Strength enabled in Co-op.





:silver:  Final Destination
Complete The End in a party of four.



Outside of gathering people together to get these trophies, they're pretty easy. Even though enemy health will scale up with each additional person, the amount of resources you get increases as well so you can build more towers and do more upgrades especially on The End.
Using a map build I saw from a video, The End wasn't bad at all since the trophy doesn't require the 5 Feats of Strength to be active.
For the Team Player trophy, we did it in groups of two to keep the enemy health as low as possible and selected The Park, the first level after the tutorial. Using the same strat I used to beat the map solo, it went smoothly.


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Dirt Rally 2.0



Fire Up That Car... Again

Finish in the top tier of a Daily Challenge Community Event in an Audi Sport quattro S1 E2.



Pretty much have the platinum now! This was one of the trophies that worried me for a while, but in the end I managed to get it on my first try haha. Super happy, but I'm still not sure whether I should make another game my 40th platinum :D 


Edited by Suparichie123
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Trophy #4,517




Mafia II - Jimmy's Vendetta DLC (PS3)




:bronze:Explorer - Drive a total of 1,000 miles in vehicles in "Jimmy's Vendetta."

3,654 Achievers out of 298,049 Owners for a rarity percentage of 4.42% (Ultra rare)


PSNP uses a weighted rarity rating for DLC Trophies, so whenever you see an Ultra Rare in the list of a game's expansion you know you are in for a bad time. Of all the dumb, unnecessary, and frankly poorly thought out DLC Trophies, Explorer is perhaps one of the most infamous examples.


This lowly Bronze is one of ten Trophies in Jimmy's Vendetta, the first addition to Mafia II following its release in 2010; interestingly, it launched only two weeks after the base game came out.  An arcade-styled batch of content, this DLC features an incredibly loose narrative that sees you run through dozens of hastily thrown together combat and driving missions as you try to get a high score for the meaningless leaderboards. No wonder they got it out so quickly, then! It's the quintessential post-launch cash grab offering nothing that you didn't see or do during the main game, and it's frankly a little laughable.


Vendetta's Trophy list is okay if a little grindy outside of Explorer, which is downright bizarre; it asks you to travel 1,000 miles (1609 km) in vehicles across the DLC. Problem is, a completionist playthrough will only get you to between 150 and 250 (optimistic estimate) miles across its 6 to 8 hour run time. Meaning that you have to grind out at least three times as many miles to meet the bizarre 1,000 threshold. Applying Hanlon's Razor, there is no way anyone at 2K Czech thought this Trophy's requirements through or properly play-tested it.


Now, players would normally have to grind for hours.... and hours.... and hours driving up and down the highway, constantly sticking to the speed limit or having to deal with the overly-anal police in the game. However, because Mafia II had a rather troublesome development behind it, a few mostly benign glitches remain in the release build. Including one method where you can clip through a luncheonette window with your car, sending you tumbling through base of the environment into oblivion.


Why is this useful? For one, it accumulates 'City Score' (points for each jump, drift, etc.) which takes you to Millionaire through about 3 and a half hours of falling, but for two, if you rubberband the R2 button, that distance you fall is counted as having been driven. So, about 90% of people who have unlocked Explorer have let their PS3s (and PS4s, because this PoS Trophy was NOT toned down in the Definitive Edition re-release) run overnight for multiple nights, with the car tumbling through the void and the R2 button taped down. And that looks a little like this;






Nice one, nothing like letting my poor PS3 run for hours on end for a stupid, lowly Bronze. Maybe someone should lose their job for this. Oh, wait, all of the devs did ;_;


I am incredibly sad that 2K Games closed 2K Czech down and we never got to see a true sequel to Mafia II - and rather incensed that the franchise was then whored out to Hangar 13 who shat out what I consider to be one of the worst games of the Playstation 4 era in Mafia III. But the original Czech team really did themselves no favours in my eyes by sticking in this bizarrely stupid Trophy - and it was only through their own shortcomings that I could unlock somewhat hassle-free.

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Las Vegum, here we come!:bronze:
Enter Las Vegum



Multiplicatus Maximus:bronze:
Earn a 6x multiplier



Let the games begin:bronze:
Buy an upgrade



Brave Gaulish warrior:silver:
Finish a challenge at Gold rank



Starry-eyed soldiers:bronze:
Stun 10 Romans at once



A gift for Panacea:bronze:
Buy a figurine



Fulliautomatix' treasure:bronze:
Find all the diamond helmets on a level



These Venetians are crazy!:bronze:
Gain access to Venice


By Toutatis!:bronze:
Beat 100 Romans under the effect of a magic potion



I do thank you!:silver:
Free Battermix



These Egyptians are crazy!:bronze:
Gain access to LuckSore

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