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RealM722's Trophy Cabinet


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Man, I read the first 3 paragraphs and I had to stop :( cause now i am sure I want to play Forbidden West xD I enjoyed Zero Dawn so hearing this game is bigger and better just makes me more excited to get my hands on it. 

Once i also play it, I can read the rest of the post safely. 


Noow for the other topics you had in mind... All of them are good material but there's one that always catches my attention ?

1 hour ago, realm722 said:


"Do All Games Need An Easy Mode?" - This is a real underrated subject I've been itching to talk about for a while now. 

Hell yeah this is one "controversial" subject, since it almost always covers either my favorite game series ever or Celeste. Obviously, waiting for this topic to pop up, saving the impression for then :D


So again, awesome 1 and 1/3 post xD

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A little late, but I'm glad that you loved Dragon Quest 11.   The character work in that game is just absolutely astounding, not to mention managing to carry a convoluted plot over three acts and having it all make sense and tell a wonderful story. 


The twins are indeed great.  I think games are usually to frightened to do what they did with these characters and not only did they do it, but they did it well.   


I might have been one of the ones making noise about Sylvando, but I had no idea about the character going into this game, and the character just struck me, another bold choice by square that turned out well.  I think part of the charm is the surprise though and if you go in expecting it, it can make a weaker impact.   


As for Eric, did you play in English?  I think that the japanese voice actor for specifically eric (and sylvando) are so much better for my impressions of them in the game.  It really helped with some of your critiques of the character.  The problem is I think I prefer the English for everyone else, but its much closer.   


I'm so pumped to get to Horizon.  I only got through your first 3 paragraphs, but if this is just better and bigger version of the first game then I'm definitely going to enjoy it.  I'll have to come back when I finish it (Only God knows when that will be ?) and finish the review.  

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Like the others in here, I only read the first 3 paragraphs as I'm currently playing through Horizon Forbidden West, but I'm glad it seemed to have met your expectations. This game might make me necro my thread as I have some things to talk about it as well, good and not so good. The not so good is pretty nit picky from me, as the game as a whole so far is amazing. Honestly, the best part is still the combat, it's just so satisfying.

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On 3/4/2022 at 3:18 PM, realm722 said:


Explaining the Method to My Monthly Gaming Madness


A great read, and frankly something I could take a lot away from! I'm seldom able to have a real system in place, and as a result am either getting a lot done at once or scrambling to get anything done at all! Only a week into March and I'm already like "Crap what am I gonna definitely for sure no questions asked plat this month??"

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On 3/7/2022 at 9:39 AM, Together_Comic said:

As for Eric, did you play in English?  I think that the japanese voice actor for specifically eric (and sylvando) are so much better for my impressions of them in the game.  It really helped with some of your critiques of the character.  The problem is I think I prefer the English for everyone else, but its much closer.   


I did play with the English voice actors! I actually listened to Tim Rogers talk about DQ11 S Edition(a MUST watch for any Dragon Quest fan) and heard him briefly talk a bit about it. I absolutely understand the appeal of listening to the native Japanese acting (I can't imagine the Yakuza series with English VA) but since I bought the base physical edition of the game the choice wasn't even presented to me. That all being said - thanks for mentioning DQ11. The more I think about the game as time has passed since playing it my mind continues to be boggled by its scope. 


21 hours ago, Grotz99 said:

Like the others in here, I only read the first 3 paragraphs as I'm currently playing through Horizon Forbidden West, but I'm glad it seemed to have met your expectations. This game might make me necro my thread as I have some things to talk about it as well, good and not so good. The not so good is pretty nit picky from me, as the game as a whole so far is amazing. Honestly, the best part is still the combat, it's just so satisfying.


Yessss!!! I have been itching to see someone make a lengthy review of the game here and while I checked many profiles and saw others were knee-deep in Elden Ring or other titles I was excited to see you had actually completed the majority of the trophies in Forbidden West already! Please feel free to get as petty as you like. I went ahead and watched quite a few Forbidden West "reviews" by some of the major YouTubers and could at least understand where all of them came from. Dunkey saw it as "another generic open-world game". Girlfriend Reviews made one that had me CACKLING about how relevant all of its humor is. SkillUp probably had the take that best embodied the way I felt. (Super awesome combat, good side content, story is a bit too sci-fi for me). Another complaint I've seen that I didn't include in my review(somehow) is the complaint of constantly needing to pause and hold triangle for looting materials in the world. I get it. It's not ideal and they absolutely 100% include a faster pick-up option in future patches but I dunno man. The game's so freaking gorgeous I really don't mind pausing to pick up a medicinal berry... even if it's for the 2000th time. 


18 hours ago, YaManSmevz said:

A great read, and frankly something I could take a lot away from! I'm seldom able to have a real system in place, and as a result am either getting a lot done at once or scrambling to get anything done at all! Only a week into March and I'm already like "Crap what am I gonna definitely for sure no questions asked plat this month??"


Honestly, the biggest thing it has helped with is avoid choice paralysis hah. Whenever I don't go out of my way to say: "I'm 100% playing that regardless of how I feel when I start it", I tend to get antsy about playing anything new and wanna stick to my comfort games (Rocket League) rather than branching out. I will say - as someone who at least tries to plat/100% every game - if you're picking something way outside of your comfort zone that you MAY not enjoy. Make sure it's short. You can stomach a crappy 10-hour experience at the end of the day without wanting to nuke your console. A 40-hour+ slog though? Yea... that'll get someone to consider giving up trophy hunting altogether lol

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19 minutes ago, realm722 said:

Yessss!!! I have been itching to see someone make a lengthy review of the game here and while I checked many profiles and saw others were knee-deep in Elden Ring or other titles I was excited to see you had actually completed the majority of the trophies in Forbidden West already! Please feel free to get as petty as you like. I went ahead and watched quite a few Forbidden West "reviews" by some of the major YouTubers and could at least understand where all of them came from. Dunkey saw it as "another generic open-world game". Girlfriend Reviews made one that had me CACKLING about how relevant all of its humor is. SkillUp probably had the take that best embodied the way I felt. (Super awesome combat, good side content, story is a bit too sci-fi for me). Another complaint I've seen that I didn't include in my review(somehow) is the complaint of constantly needing to pause and hold triangle for looting materials in the world. I get it. It's not ideal and they absolutely 100% include a faster pick-up option in future patches but I dunno man. The game's so freaking gorgeous I really don't mind pausing to pick up a medicinal berry... even if it's for the 2000th time. 

I love watching girlfriend reviews, but she has gotten more tolerable to games and actually plays them more herself now. My wife is still like the early reviews where as I don't get tired of hearing the bow pull sounds come out of the controller 100s of times in fights, it sometimes gets annoying for her lol. Shes gone for the next week though so I'm going to power through and finish HFW, start playing Elden Ring coop with a friend and still try to knock out my daily mileage in GT7. Have way too many games going at once right now....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gotta agree with your main complaint for Ikenfell. Victory Mode was an unnecessary addition. I think I avoided using it until the final boss, but just knowing it was there made battles seem pointless. I think that was the game where I suggested they add a trophy for using Victory Mode for the first time. At the very least, this would allow you to have some sort of bragging rights if you manage to make that your last trophy.


It's the same reason I can't bring myself to play Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs, despite it looking like a really fun game. Just knowing there's an "I win" button if the game gets too hard ruins the experience.


Still, glad you enjoyed the game. It didn't win any awards from me last year, but I remember nominating it for a bunch of things, including best soundtrack.

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Thanks for the shoutout! Personally, while I do think accessibility modes can ruin trophies in some instances, I'm not against their inclusion in general. Ikenfell on its own is not particularly difficult, so I don't think it desperately needs them - but in a harder game (particularly not an RPG where you can just grind enemies to your heart's content) there's definitely an argument to be made for letting the player skip parts of the game that are simply too hard for them. As an experienced gamer, it's rare that I get to points in games that I simply cannot beat, but I remember my childhood being full of half-finished games, or games I needed to use cheats to win. And friends who don't game except on rare occasions often tell me that most games are too hard for them, and I think those sorts of people deserve to be able to play games even if they're not good at them. One of my former roommates had a switch but barely used it, and when I asked they said they like games but they just have too much trouble with them. It takes a lifetime of gaming to get to the point where games are as easy for people as they are for us. And no offense, but I think people being able to play games in the first place is more important than you potentially being tempted into playing a game with less difficulty than you it would have normally. Most games I play have an easy difficulty, but I don't feel obligated to use them unless I find the gameplay particularly insufferable.


A good compromise, I think, would be if the 'victory mode' voided trophies; that way you can have your cake and your bragging rights.


It's been a while, so I don't recall whether I used victory mode or not. I believe I may have used it to skip one of the secret bosses, and / or skip re-fighting the final boss when I was going for the secret ending. For me it was purely a matter of tedium, because... man, Ikenfell's combat is charming at first, but it definitely starts to wear on you a bit by the end.

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19 hours ago, Cassylvania said:

Still, glad you enjoyed the game. It didn't win any awards from me last year, but I remember nominating it for a bunch of things, including best soundtrack.


I vaguely remembered you reviewed the game but didn't entirely remember how your final verdict of the game. After reading your review again, it is hilarious how similar our experiences were. These sentences in particular...



Cassylvania on May 14th, 2021 on Ikenfell:

I only used the win-the-game button near the very end, when I was lost in the Spelltower and got sick of refighting the same enemies, but I encourage you to play the whole game without it. The combat is pretty fun, even if it can get tedious. My team was almost exclusively Maritte, Ima, and Gilda.


Make me feel like by some bizarre osmosis you influenced how I played the game lmao. Literally identical to what happened to me. I wonder if there was some way they could have incentivized the player to use the other 3 remaining characters since they really did fall to the wayside once the team roster filled out.


18 hours ago, Darling Baphomet said:

One of my former roommates had a switch but barely used it, and when I asked they said they like games but they just have too much trouble with them. It takes a lifetime of gaming to get to the point where games are as easy for people as they are for us. And no offense, but I think people being able to play games in the first place is more important than you potentially being tempted into playing a game with less difficulty than you it would have normally. Most games I play have an easy difficulty, but I don't feel obligated to use them unless I find the gameplay particularly insufferable.


Agreed! I've been helping someone learn how to play video games for the very first time the last few months and it is unbelievable how complicated managing a 3rd person camera for a character is an open-world game. They insisted on learning how to play Horizon Zero Dawn since they wanted to prep for the sequel. I cannot tell you how painful it was watching them fumble with the camera, have Aloy walk directly into walls, have the camera stare into the sky during combat, etc... If I hadn't been there to help, I don't think they could have progressed. Eventually, they got the hang of it and pretty much play entirely on their own now. But I do think there's a balance. Obviously, people playing games for the first time need help/modifiers that make that experience easier compared to an experienced player. But I'm not sure completely removing combat from the equation is the solution. Part of playing video games is figuring out what the games ask of you. If every game offered an easy opt-out where you can entirely bypass the challenge, is that a good thing? Isn't some part of the charm difficulty? and if not, I'd question what is truly lost between playing in that manner compared to watching a no commentary let's play of the game on YouTube. 


Ultimately, I really like your compromise. If the mode had voided trophies, I would have never activated it. I also 100% agree that ikenfell's combat is fun at the start but after the umpteenth time of watching the same enemy animations... eh. Still happy I played it though so thank you again!

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Totally awesome write up of the Dead Cells DLCs man - bravo, and congrats on getting that S-Rank back! ??


I'm playing these myself right now - done pretty much everything except get past Hand of the King on 5bc - your write up is really giving me some ideas though - I've never really fucked much with bows or crossbows, (My Symmetrical lance brutality & Bleed build has always been my go-to!) but that tactics build sounds pretty sweet, and might be the push i need to get through to the Astrolab!

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Game: Wreckfest


Analysis: I got Wreckfest for free when the PS5 edition became available for PS+ Users back in May 2021. Finally felt like it was time to play it nearly a year later. 


Why Wreckfest? I am pretty much down to play any racing title once it goes cheap enough and has any platinum that isn't utterly absurd(looking at you, The Crew). Wreckfest seemed destined to be a game I'd inevitably scope up for $5-10 when it went on sale in the future before it became available. Racing games in general are far from my favorite genre but I do enjoy playing them (average score of 6.98 according to my spreadsheet). I haven't scratched the itch since August 2021 with NFS: Hot Pursuit so it felt appropriate to finally dive in. 


The Heart of Wreckfest - What is the unique take Wreckfest has on the racing genre? Demolition modes and an emphasis on rashing. While the vast majority of the races during the career mode deal with races of 3, 6, or even sometimes 12 laps - you will occasionally get the reprieve of a demolition mode where you either try to survive and remain the last surviving car or can endlessly wreck over and over again as long as you're causing the sufficient amount of wreckage amongst other vehicles. It's all okay. I personally played the game on Easy and Novice AI difficulty and still felt a decent enough challenge to not win every race by a mile. The demolition modes are a bit silly. If you want to be the last surviving, avoid contact with all cars by driving away from the action until the timer pops up critiquing your way of playing for being cowardly. This timer is so absurdly generous this will never influence your playstyle. You can love tap another car and it'll reset the timer. Just avoid all the mayhem till the end and take out the remaining 1-2 cars for the easy win. The free-for-all mode is a bit sillier since I guess it calculates how much wreckage you do vs. how many times you wrecked? Even after gaining the platinum I don't know how the formula works but you probably won't need to worry about knowing it either in order to win the majority of the events. 


In terms of the "game feel", I did not love how Wreckfest controlled. I know there are adjustments you can make with regard to each car and some grander versatility in the difficulty section but I typically don't like fidgeting with those settings unless I'm going for a very specific trophy. Again, I'm a casual racing game enthusiast. It felt like if you ever pressed too harshly to turn you would inevitably spin out. If you have the damage set to "Realistic" you will devastate your car in 1-2 turns if you don't sufficiently slowdown. Other cars can single-handedly crush your run by damaging your vehicle to the point of being incapable to reach an adequate speed. I had one event that sticks out in my mind where it was an obscene 6 laps that felt like it took an eternity. Every other vehicle had wiped. Mines was the only one left. I was at 7% health and my car couldn't go beyond 30 miles per hour and could barely turn left. It took 7 minutes apiece to finish the last two laps. That was a miserable experience. I'm fairly certain you can crush and still win the event if you're the last car remaining but I didn't know that then and didn't want to take the risk.


Perfectly Average - I think what I'll most remember Wreckfest for is that the game is perfectly sufficient. It's not particularly memorable or awful, just sorta there. It's the Andy Dalton of racing games. I didn't hate my time with it. But I'd probably agree with the sentiment that it was largely "empty calories" and a game to have on in the background while watching videos like "Daryl Talks Games" absurdly good YouTube channel that mixes video games with psychology. The game does not bother with a story mode. You play through a series of events in a career mode choosing each one. Make sure you go out of your way to complete the ones found on this list as you play since they're mandatory for a gold trophy. There's also an Online component which I knocked out of the gate before I even got my feet wet thanks to @ytx hitting me up with plenty of time. We were able to crash our lawnmowers into a wall for a solid 15 minutes before each of us got the necessary 20 online victories. Shoutout to him! Other trophies are fairly one note and easy with a quick Google search and the grind to Level 50 can be handled in 1-2 hours by using the recommendations found in the Trophy Guide. I was Level 35 when I finished the campaign, I believe that's the consensus where just about everyone finishes.


Would I recommend Wreckfest? I'd probably pass on this one unless you're a racing game enthusiast. If you want a fairly easy rare platinum in a reasonable timeframe, you could do worse than Wreckfest, but despite the fact I only had 17 game hours logged according to the PS5 tracker - the individual races themselves felt agonizingly long at times. Particularly the 6 lap races in the latter Championship series. Felt like they could have been handled in 3 laps and the game wouldn't have lost an ounce of quality. Finally, I'd also like to give a shoutout to @StygianWolf4 for their helpful thread and video that helped accelerate the process. All in all, I earned the 15.66% rarity paltinum in 1 week and 11 hours. 


Panda Score: 6.5 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 2.3 / 10

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2 hours ago, realm722 said:



No worries at all buddy! I'm glad you found my video helpful, although I did end up replaying the entire game just to make that video, but it was worth it. Thanks for the shoutout, much appreciated :) 

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6 hours ago, realm722 said:


Game: Katamari Damacy Reroll


Excellent work as always!


I'm super excited to play this. A buddy and I obsessed over We ? Katamari on the PS2 way back in the day, so when I saw this remaster it was a non-negotiable immediate purchase. Thank you for reminding me that I've got this one waiting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually feel like games go on too long more than games are too short. I still like most of the games I play, but Marvel's Spider-Man was a game that felt like there was too much fetch quest-y crap to do that made it feel like it dragged a bit. Game was amazing, but was like 10 hours longer than it needed to be just from the repeated crimes and bad guy zones to clear. Langrisser I & II was also too long. That one was like 20 hours longer than it needed to be due to all the different routes that needed to be cleared. 


I don't usually equate the dollars spent on a game to reflect the length. I mean, if I spent $50 on a game that was over in a few hours, I'd probably feel a bit cheated...but if the game only needs to be a few hours, I'd rather spend $50 on a game that didn't make me hate it by the end than $25 on a game that took 100 hours because you had to do a million fetch quests or kill 40,000 aliens.


A couple of games I felt were a bit too short were actually games that weren't that short. I would have loved to have had The Last of Us 2 be another 20 hours longer to flesh out some of the gaps in the time lines. The end of that game felt a bit rushed to me. I really enjoyed it, but for a story driven game like that, I wouldn't have minded it going longer. Same with the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series. The ends just seemed to come a bit quickly in them, especially if you didn't do all of the side content or companion quests. Dragon Age is an odd one actually because I felt like it was too short as far as the story goes, but too long as far as the grinding and fetch quests go.


I guess at the end of the day, if the game is story driven it is far more likely to feel 'too short' for me if the story feels rushed than say a platformer or puzzle game. As far as money goes, if I enjoy the game, I don't really care how much it is but if the game sucks then any amount I pay will be too much.

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