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RealM722's Trophy Cabinet


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Good read as per usual! Quick question....you gave Infinity War and Endgame the same rating, yet you have Infinity War as a 'watch again' and Endgame as a 'zero interest'....just curious why? I've seen both about 15 times and absolutely love them and actually slightly prefer Endgame. I know that the end of Endgame was either too over the top or too pander-y for some people, but I absolutely ate it up.


I am also a movie buff and own over 600 movies myself. I haven't done what you have yet as far as a rating system, but I've recently decided that I'm going to watch every movie I own, in order that I bought them, from beginning to end. The first movies I bought were the original Bond movies and my goodness are they trash lol Entertaining trash, but trash. Austin Powers makes a lot more sense now too. I had bought them on sale forever ago and just never watched them.


I'll have to dissect your list a bit further, but that first part jumped out at me since it was at the top.


/edit ok just had another look quickly and some of your zero interest to rewatch I need a follow up to lol The Big Lebowski is one of those movies that gets better with each viewing since you pick up all the subtleties you missed the first time. I actually didn't really like that movie the first time I saw it but it is now one of my favorites. I also feel like I've answered my first question by looking at your other Superhero movies....the majority of them seem to fall under the zero interest category so I'm going to guess that just may not be a genre you enjoy a lot. The Nolan Batman's are some of my favorite movies as well but are a zero interest entry for you. LA Confidential is in my top 5 favorites of all time so I agree with your rating there....so much to unravel here :P

Edited by Briste
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On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, DrBloodmoney said:
12 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

My two cents - 


 First of all, lemme say - thanks for the extensive reply. ? I was worried the post would end with me talking to a wall but you gave me plenty to chew on. 


On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

This might be true, but when it comes to the reviews you are aiming at here - i.e. the ones written by this site's users, on their own checklists, I have to ask - is anyone actually making any claim to "objectivity"?


Personally, I think, since subjectivity is 'baked in' when reviewing taste-based media anyway, actually, the reviewer should be doing the opposite - they should strive to make the review as objective as possible, given that the subjective aspects of the review are unavoidable, and will shine through regardless.


Personally, if I love a game, I know that love will shine through anyways, but I try to ensure I at least mention any negative stuff, as otherwise, it just comes off as bad writing. If I dislike a game intensely, I try to at least highlight some stuff it did well (if there is any,) - otherwise I don't feel like I am doing what the point of a review is - highlighting all pertinent aspects, then packaging them in digestible format in which my own opinions - and their basis - will come through.


That's not me actually achieving objectivity - but it is me aiming for objectivity, in order to do due diligence within a format that is inherently subjective by nature.


 I think I overexaggerated that point. While I referred to users with trophy checklists on here, a decent amount of what I had in mind also came from a lot of what I read on YouTube videos beneath lengthy video game critiques/analysis (I know, I know - MY FAULT for trying to discern the sincerity of YouTube comments). 


I feel like we're in agreement on your second point. When I say "gush to me about your favorite game", I hope that most people don't fall into the habit of "if you love something beyond the ability to criticize it - you don't love it more, you love it sadder." A game that pops into my head for this is Persona 5. I freaking love that game, for a whole lot more reasons than the game itself (the way I discovered, that I've seen two different people play through it for 100+ hours), yet I think my "negativity" of the review would probably be left to "yea if you can't stomach anime nonsense/dialogue at times you may find your enjoyment quickly dissipate". I'd really want to convey that as someone who can stomach that stuff, I adored the game. Focus far more on the way I genuinely felt, yea? The same applies vice versa. 


On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

I will often add a note before a review if something important needs to be kept in mind - for example, when I reviewed Tales of Arise, I felt it was important anyone reading it knew that it was my first and only Tales game.

That is important background info, as it means I am unable to use any comparative tools to consider where it sits in the landscape of a franchise, only where it sits in the ladscape of my gaming in general - but I don't feel the need to do that in every case. I just don't think it is always applicable.


Yup! I do the same thing. Especially if it's a beloved series with multiple games. I quite genuinely didn't care for "inFamous First Light" and kinda thought it was weird why it was a Playstation franchise that I frequently saw praised. Then I played "inFamous Second Son" and was more like oh hey yea I get it now. 


On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

This, again I agree with, for the most part - but not the bolded part exactly. 

"Trust" isn't the right word, I don't think.


If you, as a reviewer, are doing what you outlined in point 2, then there shouldn't be a question of whether someone can "trust your word" - it's just a matter of agreeing or not, and of what parts of a review you can anticipate.


If a reader needs to know EVERYTHING about your tastes in order to understand whether to "Trust" you, then I would argue that the review itself is lacking.


Your tastes will become apparent over time and across reviews, of course, but if the actual 'review' is so devoid of factual information about the game, or (more importantly) sound basis for the opinion, that the reader needs to rely on outside sources and background knowledge to work out if they would like the game, then I would argue the review itself is lacking.


I'm 100% certain I have reviewed some games as great that others hated, or something as shit that others have liked, but (aside from once, when some random wandered into the checklist forums after getting lost on his way to 4-chan) I don't generally get hateful or vindictive comments back about those instances, or even significantly spiteful or negative counter-point. Just heathy fun debate.

I think the reason is, I highlight the basis for my opinions in the review themselves.

I like to think that if someone reads them, they may very well go, "well, he clearly didn't like it, because of this stuff, but that is stuff I like, or can deal with" , and that's great! If that happens, I think the review was a success.

They shouldn't ever be going "Well, he hated it, but the writing is so subjective that I can't even work out whether I would based on that review."

If that is the case, then I think, I failed.


Honestly, 100% agree with you. "Trust" isn't the right word. I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to think of a replacement and just made the statement unbelievably wordy in the end lmao. But you're very correct. If I can't just read a review and see where someone's coming from and have to rely on a rolodex of context regarding their gaming history, they did a bad job. Perhaps a better way to put it would be.... it'd be extremely convenient to be able to look at a glance at someone's entire gaming interest. Not out of mere judgment just to say "WOW this guy dislikes a game I like? He's trash." But rather I think it'd be incredibly useful for finding "hidden" games that we bypass all the time since there are only oh so many games being talked about at any one time. I think it would also make for a very fun debate you mentioned - I've thankfully never had anyone come in here and wanna fight me on any takes ?. I hope that made some sense. We're both in agreement that a review should be able to stand on its own without any context. But as a nerd, damn I'd sure love some!!!


On 11/26/2021 at 10:22 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

...and if I'm understanding you correctly, I'm supposed to take your advice, and decide that I now don't "trust" you, just because you ranked Dear Esther as a bad game, or Dr.Strangelove as a bad movie?...


...sorry, but I'm still prolly gonna read your reviews anyways 1f61c.png


Heheheh... I really did not like Dear Esther. That's probably the meanest review I've done in all my years here. I'd honestly like to read your review on it if you had a convenient hyperlink to it :P. As for Dr. Strangelove - this was the literal review that I wrote for myself, "Uh.... I think I just didn't get it. Watched while playing Brig levels on Infinity Runner but even watching the first 30 minutes late last night a lot of it just missed the mark with me. I think I'll listen to an analysis later of why this movie is good since... I just didn't get it I guess." (still need to watch that analysis lmao)


Thank you again :D


On 11/27/2021 at 8:50 PM, Briste said:

Good read as per usual! Quick question....you gave Infinity War and Endgame the same rating, yet you have Infinity War as a 'watch again' and Endgame as a 'zero interest'....just curious why? I've seen both about 15 times and absolutely love them and actually slightly prefer Endgame. I know that the end of Endgame was either too over the top or too pander-y for some people, but I absolutely ate it up.


I am also a movie buff and own over 600 movies myself. I haven't done what you have yet as far as a rating system, but I've recently decided that I'm going to watch every movie I own, in order that I bought them, from beginning to end. The first movies I bought were the original Bond movies and my goodness are they trash lol Entertaining trash, but trash. Austin Powers makes a lot more sense now too. I had bought them on sale forever ago and just never watched them.


I'll have to dissect your list a bit further, but that first part jumped out at me since it was at the top.


/edit ok just had another look quickly and some of your zero interest to rewatch I need a follow up to lol The Big Lebowski is one of those movies that gets better with each viewing since you pick up all the subtleties you missed the first time. I actually didn't really like that movie the first time I saw it but it is now one of my favorites. I also feel like I've answered my first question by looking at your other Superhero movies....the majority of them seem to fall under the zero interest category so I'm going to guess that just may not be a genre you enjoy a lot. The Nolan Batman's are some of my favorite movies as well but are a zero interest entry for you. LA Confidential is in my top 5 favorites of all time so I agree with your rating there....so much to unravel here :P


Ultimately, I gave Infinity War that rating since I literally DID rewatch it lol. I saw it once in theaters with some friends and months later I saw it again on Netflix as a bit of a background movie while playing a game. I personally find it slightly more rewatchable than Endgame due to the fact there's less downtime(I understand why of course, Endgame served as the finishing of an arc for so many times they needed to wind many things down. But it doesn't give me the same urge to revisit as each sequence in IW with each stone being collected) and I think Thanos is such a star he's simply more present in the former than the latter. 


I need to watch some Bond movies!!! I'll be honest and say I haven't seen a single one. For the longest time, I disliked Daniel Craig even though I hadn't seen a movie with him in it. Then I finally actually watched one (Knives Out) and said wow this guy is pretty great! I think I'll enjoy some of the older ones first and that'll likely increase my enjoyment of Austin Powers (which sadly has been removed from Netflix as the streaming wars rage on)


I enjoyed The Big Lebowski! A high 7's is very high praise from a stickler like me lol. I should clarify that being a "rewatchable" or not isn't really an indictment against the movie. Sometimes I have an itch for it, sometimes I don't. A lot of the movies in 2021 haven't reached that status for me due to how recently I've seen them. It has to be a movie I LOVE to want to see it again right away. I actually enjoy Superhero movies more than most "casual movie critics" I think. I enjoyed all the latest Stars Wars for what they were lol. I absolutely love the Nolan Batman films. Batman is my favorite superhero(as seen by my Batman: Arkham game reviews). I've still gotta finish the Trilogy! 

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2 hours ago, realm722 said:

I feel like we're in agreement on your second point. When I say "gush to me about your favorite game", I hope that most people don't fall into the habit of "if you love something beyond the ability to criticize it - you don't love it more, you love it sadder." A game that pops into my head for this is Persona 5. I freaking love that game, for a whole lot more reasons than the game itself (the way I discovered, that I've seen two different people play through it for 100+ hours), yet I think my "negativity" of the review would probably be left to "yea if you can't stomach anime nonsense/dialogue at times you may find your enjoyment quickly dissipate". I'd really want to convey that as someone who can stomach that stuff, I adored the game. Focus far more on the way I genuinely felt, yea? The same applies vice versa. 


I like that - and I know what you mean. It's particularly pointed when the negative stuff, I think, is technical, rather than taste-based too. For example, I loved Persona 5 too (as all good people should ?), but I'd say all the negatives with that one are, as you say, purely taste-based. If you don't like the anime-leanings or the characters, then you aren't gonna love it, but that's not really something that is a result of some problem with the game - just the audience it caters to.


On the other hand, Invisible Inc (which is a game I love so much it's currently in my No.2 spot!) I think is amazing, and everyone should at least try... but it has a memory leak issue. Play it (on console) for more than a couple of hours, and it starts to drop frames, and run slowly and look choppy, and only gets worse as time goes on.

That is a real problem - and in something like an FPS, it would be game breaking - however, because of the nature of Invisible Inc, in that each mission is at max an hour long and the loading times are so short that you can literally close and re-open the app in 20 seconds, and doing so after every couple of missions completely alleviates the problem, I didn't use it as a detrimental factor... 

....but there is no world in which that issue should be omitted in a review. It has to be mentioned - it's something I think can be easily avoided in the game without hassle, but people should be forewarned A. that it happens, and B. of how to avoid it.



2 hours ago, realm722 said:

Honestly, 100% agree with you. "Trust" isn't the right word. I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to think of a replacement and just made the statement unbelievably wordy in the end lmao. But you're very correct. If I can't just read a review and see where someone's coming from and have to rely on a rolodex of context regarding their gaming history, they did a bad job. Perhaps a better way to put it would be.... it'd be extremely convenient to be able to look at a glance at someone's entire gaming interest. Not out of mere judgment just to say "WOW this guy dislikes a game I like? He's trash." But rather I think it'd be incredibly useful for finding "hidden" games that we bypass all the time since there are only oh so many games being talked about at any one time. I think it would also make for a very fun debate you mentioned - I've thankfully never had anyone come in here and wanna fight me on any takes 1f602.png. I hope that made some sense. We're both in agreement that a review should be able to stand on its own without any context. But as a nerd, damn I'd sure love some!!!


That's true - I think for the most part, that does come over time though. I reckon people on here know pretty quickly that, for example, I come "pre-primed" to like puzzle games - that's not to say that I won't hate a bad one (and might actually rank a mediocre one harshly, as I have played enough of them and have enough love for the genre to identify the reasons why it isn't measuring up)... but I'm not just going to say "Well, it's a puzzle game - use a guide, it will be done quick. Boring."

Same for rjkclarke with adventure games, or Copanele with souls-likes, or Baker with jpgs or Yuber with fighting games or Destructor with racing games... but yeah, that comes over time - there isn't an easy "cheat sheet" of tastes!



2 hours ago, realm722 said:


Heheheh... I really did not like Dear Esther. That's probably the meanest review I've done in all my years here. I'd honestly like to read your review on it if you had a convenient hyperlink to it :P. As for Dr. Strangelove - this was the literal review that I wrote for myself, "Uh.... I think I just didn't get it. Watched while playing Brig levels on Infinity Runner but even watching the first 30 minutes late last night a lot of it just missed the mark with me. I think I'll listen to an analysis later of why this movie is good since... I just didn't get it I guess." (still need to watch that analysis lmao)


Haha, well, I did do Dear Esther (current No.72 out of 255, so probably equates to a 4-star(ish) game for me,) but it was ranked early on, in this batch:




...when I hadn't gone full-force into long reviews yet, so it's just a short paragraph!


For me, the setting and writing were so poetic that it really hit me - and that voice over is such a joy to listen to... there may be al little bias in there, given that I'm Scottish... having been to those Hebridean islands, I know that game really captures the weather-beaten isolation of those places in a way few games ever have!

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Game: Chambara


Analysis: I bought Chambara for $3.49 in mid-November 2021. What a simple but fun concept!


Chambara is a game that can only be played if you own multiple controllers. It's intended to be a co-op stealth-death match game. You'll have the option to select an arena from the nine offered in the main menu, along with two distinct colors that will be utilized to separate you from the opposing player. The trick is that these same colors will mimic the colors on the map. So if you do black and white, the entire map will be black and white. One character will be 100% black. The other 100% white. The fun and trickiness of the game comes from trying to assassinate the other player before they can assassinate you. You have a dash maneuver, the ability to wall jump, be capable of turning off your screen by "closing your eyes" blinding you and your opponent from seeing precisely where you are as well as a turn maneuver that spins you around 180 degrees. It's not the most in-depth or overly complex system but it works wonderfully to make the game easy to understand right away and once you get a handle of the snappy controls you'll have a grasp of things within 5-10 minutes of playing.


Would I recommend Chambara? Maybe. I managed to earn the 29.40% rarity 100% completion in a mere 55 minutes. The reason for this is - with two controllers you can blaze through all the necessary requirements for each achievement. The other controller will be AFK and you'll be mowing them down map across map and it's why this is such an easy game to complete. That being said - could someone have fun with this for the $3.50 price point as a genuine game to play with someone else? I definitely think so. It may be a mere one-off, but it's a better concept than I've seen compared to other local multiplayer games. Given how it was released back in 2016, I was hoping that the developers, "team ok LLC" would have made something notable since then but that appears not to be the case. Here's their steam. Plus their YouTube channel. They seem like a solid group of blokes but given how nicely made this game was I was hoping they had created something else by now. Maybe something in the future someday!  But that's all for me to say on this game. The next one will be a doozy. I thought I had enough "sleeper" hits for 2021 but this next one swept me off my feet in a ridiculous way. (Hint: It's a roguelite ladies and gentlemen)


Panda Score: 6.0 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 1.7 / 10

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On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:



I Don't Want Objective or "Unbiased" Reviews of Games





Okay - sorry this one is a bit late - so feel free to ignore this if you want to..... I wanted to reply at the time, but I had a million things going on,and I was barely even maintaining my own thread.....


...... But anyway, I'll throw my thoughts in on this one.


First off that was a hell of a good read...... I guess that's a given really when it comes to you.


On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:

Subject #1 - Can you even be "objective" or "unbiased" when reviewing a video game?


That's definitely tough for sure - and I'm about to do the absolute hack journalist thing and pull a quote from the conclusion, and try and actually give it some relevance and context here.


On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:

"I'm going to take my bias out when writing" this perspective. If you love the Yakuza games, I WANT to read you gush about why.


I'm fairly sure that when I reviewed Yakuza 0 myself - I actually might have done both of those things.... I very much gushed about how much I loved it, but I'm fairly sure I did the other thing too :facepalm:


.... I know more than once I've written " in the pursuit of objectivity" or something of that nature - but what I really mean by that is that going into a review I absolutely won't be blind to a games flaws if it has any particularly glaring ones. I don't feel like you should only talk about the things that you like - that isn't a true representation of your experience with the game.


Or equally get too caught up in how much I might like it despite something fundamentally not being good. I can think of quite a few games I'm eventually going to end up reviewing that fall under that category.  If you ever read my Venetica review months back, you'd probably get what I mean by that. Where I very much loved that game, loved almost everything about it - but you'd have to possess literally no critical skills to not be able to see that, that particular title is incredibly rough around the edges.


I think if you want a very cookie cutter review - which you obviously don't (and I don't either if I'm honest) - then you probably can remain unbiased a bit easier.


We don't have those constraints in our trophy cabinets or checklists, we kind of have that freedom to make them sound as much like they are coming from us as possible - a truer representation of our experiences if you will. But I think I'm definitely guilty of the trying to stay objective a few times - all the time I was writing my Agents of Mayhem (wish that would stop repeating like a bad smell,)  review, I just wanted to say how joyless the experience was - I got that part across - but I found that game genuinely infuriating by how bland it was, but I also didn't ignore the fact that some aspects of it were decent.


So I've fallen into that trap myself unfortunately.


But I do feel that if I love a game - then when I review it people will absolutely know about it, you yourself do this incredibly well too - it'll be pretty unavoidable, nor would I try to, but I think I'd also feel obligated to mention what isn't good about it, but still didn't detract from the experience.


So I guess I spring that trap upon myself yet again.


Problems......, Problems ?


On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:

Subject #3 - You, the reviewer, have a responsibility to make it clear to readers what games you love.


I do get where you're coming from on this one - at least to a point.


Look - this is going to sound brutal, but how many outside of ourselves actually look at our first posts as much as we do? I update mine a lot, literally after every new review, but I doubt anyone else looks at it very often.... It's actually really easy to navigate and find reviews now if they wanted to, but how many people are going to go out of their way to go there.


Granted, they have more reason to look at yours - because you've actually got a tiered system where you rank your games in order of preference. That's great, but I also feel like someone would only have to read a page or two of your thread to see you have an incredibly eclectic taste in games - you don't play just one kind of genre and leave it at that.


You can see that from your opening post too - there are a bunch of different genres scattered all over the upper echelons there.


Unfortunately - I just noticed Doc already said what I was about to elaborate on myself- so I'll just quote that.


On 30/11/2021 at 8:32 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

That's true - I think for the most part, that does come over time though. I reckon people on here know pretty quickly that, for example, I come "pre-primed" to like puzzle games - that's not to say that I won't hate a bad one (and might actually rank a mediocre one harshly, as I have played enough of them and have enough love for the genre to identify the reasons why it isn't measuring up)... but I'm not just going to say "Well, it's a puzzle game - use a guide, it will be done quick. Boring."

Same for rjkclarke with adventure games, or Copanele with souls-likes, or Baker with jpgs or Yuber with fighting games or Destructor with racing games... but yeah, that comes over time - there isn't an easy "cheat sheet" of tastes!


Exactly this - liking a genre or a game series doesn't mean you'll favour it more or less.....


I guess there isn't a catch-all here - it'll require a bit of homework from people either way.


On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:

Subject #2 - You, the reader, should get to know the tastes and preferences of people you listen to for reviews.


Doesn't this element of it just come hand-in-hand with actually reading the reviews or pieces from those people though? I think that's what you're saying anyway.


Me for example. I really like unpicking the minutiae of characters,story elements, cinematography, sound, thematic elements that kind of thing (I probably subconsciously want to be reviewing films ?,) without delving too much into spoilers - but I couldn't write that in my opening post, and that be true for every single thing I write - I don't always play games with story elements. You'd only really find that out by reading through a couple of my posts.


Doc's review of Lost at Sea recently is a good example of knowing someone's taste and preferences, and that being something that can also save you from making a bad purchase - and reacting accordingly. I knew from reading that review that I'd almost certainly despise that game, in almost the same way he did, possibly even more. But that comes from reading his posts for a long time, knowing. Just like with the comparison you made with Cassy - I knew I usually like the type of game Lost at Sea is masquerading as - now I know to avoid it.


Like Doc alluded to, knowing those kinds of things come with time.


On 26/11/2021 at 2:00 PM, realm722 said:

Subject #4 - Conclusion and Reconciliation


That was a fascinating read - and it definitely brings up some interesting points and questions..... I already do the would I recommend it thing myself, but sometimes I really struggle with that, because you and I both play some pretty out there games. So finding a comparison point is usually pretty difficult - so it sometimes boils down to the fact you can only really recommend this under a few very strict conditions.... So in a way we're still putting further constraints on ourselves by doing that too.


On 30/11/2021 at 8:32 AM, DrBloodmoney said:

Haha, well, I did do Dear Esther (current No.72 out of 255, so probably equates to a 4-star(ish) game for me,) but it was ranked early on, in this batch:




...when I hadn't gone full-force into long reviews yet, so it's just a short paragraph!


Okay so I know that you don't like Dear Esther - but that should kind of prove right some of your own points in your article.... I know you don't like it, but if I see any Walking Simulators or games of that nature make their way further up, then I know that's probably a game worth at least thinking about if it hadn't been on your radar....


This might seem like shameless self promotion (it isn't,) I know you said you'd be interested to read Doc's thoughts on Dear Esther......  If you wanted to read mine too you can find them here.




Although - I'm kind of in a similar boat to Doc with this one. So if anything @DrBloodmoney, it isn't the fact you're Scottish that made that game resonate with you (I mean it could be,) but I very much loved that experience too.


If I wrote that review now - it'd probably be much longer myself..... I'd probably spend at least one thousand words just gushing about Jessica Curry and how amazing she is as a composer - and that I'd practically give a limb to be her personal sound goblin...... Snuffling along I'm imagining a limp "YEEEEESSSS MISTRESSS, I CAN GO AND MAKE THE SOUND EFFECTS, CAN I PLAY WITH THE SYNTHESISER?" Well that took a weird turn.....


I'll get around to looking at your Movie Spreadsheet properly soon too, I did give it a quick glance, but I wanted to look at it properly.




On 30/11/2021 at 5:19 AM, realm722 said:

As for Dr. Strangelove - this was the literal review that I wrote for myself, "Uh.... I think I just didn't get it. Watched while playing Brig levels on Infinity Runner


For all the good aspects of Dr, Strangelove as a story - and there are plenty, it's incredibly well written satire, and some of it, is still relevant to this day. it's also a fascinating visual spectacle. You would have missed out on some amazing visuals, and creative direction from Kubrick by having the film on in the background whilst you play it. So even if you didn't like it by the end of it, if you had time, I'd recommend just switching your phone off and giving that film your full focus. 


How do you manage to watch films and play games at the same time by the way? I've never managed that, I always end up never focusing on one thing enough, that's why music or podcasts are my go to, because they only rely on the fact you need to listen.


Anyway - sorry for the long as anything post, I guess you should have expected that from me anyway :lol:..... I'm definitely going still be following along and reading your awesome stuff, even if you do end up half watching Seven Samurai or something on your phone whilst playing Farming Simulator 22 ?

Edited by rjkclarke
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On 11/26/2021 at 6:00 AM, realm722 said:

I Don't Want Objective or "Unbiased" Reviews of Games

I finally got around to catching up on your thread and I know this post was over a month ago, but I it had me thinking of how to tackle what I was doing for "reviews". When I go into a thread and see what game someone wrote about next, there's 2 things that come to mind: Is it a game I've played before and is it something they liked as much as I did or not, or is it something new that might interest me? The third thing is if it is something that I know I'm going to play in the future, but I usually skip those for the time being as I absolutely despise spoilers. The trick is how to write them in a way that intrigues people who likes those type of games by giving them a synapse of what the game is about, as well as including your own critique about what you personally liked/disliked and why so people that have played it can compare thoughts about them.


If and when I get back into writing up some thoughts on games again, here is how I imagine my posts will go:


The Pitch

(Short back of box intro into what the game is about)



(What the gameplay is like which will include dislikes and likes.)


My Biased Thoughts (Beware Possible Spoilers)

(This is the area where I have trouble. I would like to include anything I liked or disliked about the game, which might include spoilers for some. I usually will try to keep anything story related vague so that people that have played the game would know what I'm referring to while others are oblivious like an inside joke. Thought about just putting this section in a spoiler area, but it's really most of the meat of the post will be and give people the idea of what I like in gaming, there isn't much I dislike as I have games from almost all genres.)


Platinum Fun Factor

(This is a new section I would be adding describing the road to the platinum and if it was worth it. Was there any trophies that took a boring and horrendous amount of time that would sour the experience of the game for someone. I've seen too many games that went from this is great to omg when will this end, I should have wrote my review after just beating the game...)


The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

(Going to keep these, for people that want to know, the difference between bad and ugly is if it is a game design flaw(bad) or something mechanically broken in the game(ugly). Ugly can range from terrible controls to glitches to something that strait up pissed me off because the game wouldn't let me do something right.)



(Another new section that I would like to incorporate from your feedback about what other games I've played that this relates to, in case others have played the same games and looking for something similar)


Sorry for building this in your thread @realm722 but I was intrigued by your post and other's feedback and if you want I can just pack this up and take it back to mine to get some feedback. I almost feel like all of this talk about what to put in threads should be it's own thread to help others build out their threads and discuss what works and doesn't work.


On 11/26/2021 at 6:00 AM, realm722 said:

Subject #2 - You, the reader, should get to know the tastes and preferences of people you listen to for reviews.

This I will admit I sucked at with mine and I should put in some kind of system for the first post to include this. Like I said before, I usually only write about games I hate or love now a days, but still track anything I completed in my first post.


Not sure how to edit and add a quote, but you should watch the Bond films. I started with Goldeneye around the time the N64 game came out and it will always have a close place to my heart. Then I worked backwards binging random ones around Thanksgiving when they would have marathons on TV with my dad. I did try to introduce my wife to them starting from the beginning with Dr. No and that was a mistake, I forgot how slow it was. The new ones are a lot more fast paced and packed with with action. My personal favorite is probably You Only Live Twice, shortly following that might be The Man With the Golden Gun and Goldfinger for the oldies. There is no order to them, (except the Daniel Craig movies), but I wouldn't want you to get discouraged by watching any of the unpopular ones first. 


Edited by Grotz99
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23 hours ago, Grotz99 said:

Sorry for building this in your thread @realm722 but I was intrigued by your post and other's feedback and if you want I can just pack this up and take it back to mine to get some feedback. I almost feel like all of this talk about what to put in threads should be it's own thread to help others build out their threads and discuss what works and doesn't work.


Not sure how to edit and add a quote, but you should watch the Bond films. I started with Goldeneye around the time the N64 game came out and it will always have a close place to my heart. Then I worked backwards binging random ones around Thanksgiving when they would have marathons on TV with my dad. I did try to introduce my wife to them starting from the beginning with Dr. No and that was a mistake, I forgot how slow it was. The new ones are a lot more fast paced and packed with with action. My personal favorite is probably You Only Live Twice, shortly following that might be The Man With the Golden Gun and Goldfinger for the oldies. There is no order to them, (except the Daniel Craig movies), but I wouldn't want you to get discouraged by watching any of the unpopular ones first. 


No, thank you man! I honestly think you in a few sentences summed up perfectly what I essentially do on every review thread here. 1) If it's a game I played, I'm very curious if they had a very similar experience or radically different one than I did. 2) If it's a game I haven't played, should I play it based on what they think? I imagine most people have this same mentality. Of course, if it's a game I know I'm going to play and likely love I won't read it (which is why @Copanele's review of Hades is something I'm finally gonna read when I play and platinum it for my 175th plat milestone). There is an odd 3rd scenario with games such as Rain World where I'm never going to play due to how much they intimidate me but wanna know how someone else experienced them.


The Bond movies will be something I'm looking forward to! Currently, I'm engaging in an Arnold Schwarzenegger binge. It was a movie blind spot I had that I hadn't seen a single movie of his up until over a month ago. Since then I've enjoyed Total Recall, the first two Terminator's, Pumping Iron... damn he's charming! I'm not exactly coming down from the mountain with the tablets with that take but I finally understand he became the #1 movie star and ended up the Governor of California lol. 


On 12/4/2021 at 10:24 AM, rjkclarke said:

Look - this is going to sound brutal, but how many outside of ourselves actually look at our first posts as much as we do? I update mine a lot, literally after every new review, but I doubt anyone else looks at it very often.... It's actually really easy to navigate and find reviews now if they wanted to, but how many people are going to go out of their way to go there.


Granted, they have more reason to look at yours - because you've actually got a tiered system where you rank your games in order of preference. That's great, but I also feel like someone would only have to read a page or two of your thread to see you have an incredibly eclectic taste in games - you don't play just one kind of genre and leave it at that.


Hehehe no offense taken! I 100% understand that my request for an incredibly detailed and frequently updated OP is something most people wouldn't use. But I would dammit! It's something I really respect that Dr. has put into with his rankings and you've done it yourself! They're something I've used when I'm playing more of an under-the-radar game, and before diving into, I'll check what so-and-so wrote about it to quickly see their thoughts and if they have anything I should watch out for (such as, do this collectible as you play VS. leaving it as clean-up for the end and such)


On 12/4/2021 at 10:24 AM, rjkclarke said:

Okay so I know that you don't like Dear Esther - but that should kind of prove right some of your own points in your article.... I know you don't like it, but if I see any Walking Simulators or games of that nature make their way further up, then I know that's probably a game worth at least thinking about if it hadn't been on your radar....


This might seem like shameless self promotion (it isn't,) I know you said you'd be interested to read Doc's thoughts on Dear Esther......  If you wanted to read mine too you can find them here.




Thanks for linking your review! I read it, and I get where you're coming from - I just... I went and read back my review of the game to remember how I felt and I was probably too mean in that review lmao. It did manage to reawaken how I felt about the game though. There was just nothing there for me personally. I think it ultimately comes down to the fact I don't think the game actually had a whole lot to say. It used vagueness and emptiness to create an atmosphere but there's nothing deeper beyond that. I thought the Director's Commentary was unintentionally hilarious since it seems so unneeded for a game of such small scope. I know you said "if you don't like you can just turn it off and not get the trophy" but I personally play games and judge my experience with the game factoring in my experience with getting the trophies. I think for most other people who just play games in general, your point works. But this is PSNProfiles. I also feel like my general taste for art is reflected here. Can a person who generally digs Jackson Pollack paintings find great joy in Dear Esther? I think so. I don't really care for them. They're neat to look at for a moment. But if you were to ask me to choose between any Pollack painting or any landscape painting (in my subjective, biased, personal opinion) I'm taking the latter every time.


On 12/4/2021 at 10:24 AM, rjkclarke said:

How do you manage to watch films and play games at the same time by the way? I've never managed that, I always end up never focusing on one thing enough, that's why music or podcasts are my go to, because they only rely on the fact you need to listen.


Anyway - sorry for the long as anything post, I guess you should have expected that from me anyway :lol:..... I'm definitely going still be following along and reading your awesome stuff, even if you do end up half watching Seven Samurai or something on your phone whilst playing Farming Simulator 22 1f60f.png


Hah - it's pretty simple. I sit in an office chair in the middle of the room, have the TV in front of me, and have a desk to my right that I always have my laptop on and will put on YouTube videos, Podcasts, or Movies depending on the game. This is incredibly dependent on the game. If it's something that requires 100% attention or is a narrative-focused game - I honestly won't watch anything and my laptop will be closed. But if it's a roguelike, racing/sports game OR something repetitive (think... the FF7 Remake Combat Simulation fights), I'll flip something on so that I can listen and occasionally glance over. Typically, I won't put anything that requires too much visual attention. So no action movies or the like. On rare occasions, I'll be "watching" movies that capture my attention so much I'll pause them and dedicate my full attention to them on my own right before bed. This happened with the romantic drama 5 to 7 on the list. I started watching it while collectible gathering in Mirror's Edge Catalyst and said "damn this is GOOD" and watched the final hour at a later time. Thank you for your lovely replies as always! ?

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16 minutes ago, realm722 said:

The Bond movies will be something I'm looking forward to! Currently, I'm engaging in an Arnold Schwarzenegger binge. It was a movie blind spot I had that I hadn't seen a single movie of his up until over a month ago. Since then I've enjoyed Total Recall, the first two Terminator's, Pumping Iron... damn he's charming! I'm not exactly coming down from the mountain with the tablets with that take but I finally understand he became the #1 movie star and ended up the Governor of California lol. 


He was the first person I voted for as I turned 18 when he ran lol. You know you have to watch his Christmas movie, Jingle All the Way.

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Game: The Adventure Pals


Analysis: I bought The Adventure Pals for $3.74 back in mid-June 2021, and despite the fact I was suffering from some PGGD while playing, this is a decent game!


It's not exactly revolutionary or all that memorable, but if you want an easy straight forward platinum in under 10 hours - I think you can have some fun with this. I decided to finally get around to playing it since it had been 6 months since purchasing it. The game essentially consists of small hub worlds (5 in total) with levels scattered about that consist of 5 internal levels that you need to beat in order to complete it. These typically take between 9-12 minutes if you're trying to get 100% completion gathering all the cupcakes and stickers (which are "hidden" on each level are necessary for two trophies). It's well-made! You play as a kid whose name I don't remember (Wilton? Winston? Walter?) and are given the task of trying to find your father who's been kidnapped while also taking down the Evil Mr. B. This is a kid's game. But that doesn't serve as an excuse when I must admit that the overwhelming majority of the humor in this game fell flat for me. I didn't care about any of the characters, felt a lot of it was quite generic or had been done before, and it reached the point where I just started skipping much of the dialogue from the 4th world onwards. This could again by the PGGD that made me sour on it (especially since I loved the banter in Going Under) OR the humor simply isn't aimed at me. 


Would I recommend The Adventure Pals? Eh. Sure, I guess. It's a very tepid "yes" of a shrug from me. The positives of the game are that the combat is solid and it's an easy game to fly through. There's only one missable trophy that this guide over at PlaystationTrophies so helpfully pointed out for me. There are a few guides on YouTube that help show you how to collect 100% of the collectibles, but to be honest, once you get familiar with the general routine of a level, it becomes incredibly easy to sniff out the cupcake on each level. Plus, the game has an incredibly user-friendly feature that allows you to play a single level from each area once you beat it which allows you to blaze through the clean-up phase. I should mention that the overall difficulty isn't too challenging given the game's generous death system (just restart from the beginning of the level and try again). I died less than 15 times during my full playthrough. Ultimately, it's a fairly empty-calorie game that I enjoyed towards the end due to its simplicity and despite being well-made (cute characters, sound combat, straightforward trophies) will struggle to remain in my memory once a few months pass by. I'll classify it as the "Typoman of 2021" in my gaming repertoire for the year. 


Panda Score: 6.5 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 2.3 / 10

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Game: Shantae and the Pirate's Curse


Analysis: I bought my 1st ever Shantae game for $9.99 back in mid-June 2021 and damn if it isn't a good selection to cap off my gaming catalog of 2021.


The Shantae series has fascinated me ever since I first discovered it. (of course, yet another Cassylvania discovery and I'm not going to @ them since I think that'd make me liable for harassment given the number of times I've done so recently). It's a franchise that I've heard nothing but good things about - and didn't know much regarding aside from their eye-catching purple-haired protagonist and that it had some Metroidvania elements. What are my thoughts? I liked it! I'm a little surprised to discover its garnered such a dedicated niche fanbase over the years (the original Shantae was released in 2002, the sequel in 2010, this third installment in 2014, and two games have been released since with one as recently in 2019). The reason for this surprise is that I don't think this game, in particular, was anything special. There's a lot to critique here. We'll get to that in a later paragraph. My guess for why this series is so beloved is this - it has a very charming art aesthetic and all the women have gigantic boobs. You could classify them as honkers. A real set of badonkers. That's cool. I like that the game is honest with itself and plays into it (there's a sequence where you get mistaken for a princess in a temple and quite literally dress up a Princess Leia from Star Wars, and the game directly references this). 


Since we're already here, let's talk about the dialogue. I uhh... didn't find a lot of the game's humor to be funny. There's a squid that jokes about being a filler boss. Not super common but occasional fourth-wall breaks. I don't know if this is some residual PGGD affecting my humor in games. I should clarify that I didn't hate the dialogue. I thought the characters could be charming, some situations would get a chuckle out of ridiculous they are, and the game never lost sight of the generally wholesome vibes that are at the heart of its design. 


I felt that the combat was adequate even if there's not a whole lot of depth. For 90% of the damage you'll be doing throughout the game you'll be whipping enemies with Shantae's hair and that's about it. Her pistol gun upgrade is essentially useless if you don't want to get bullied by monsters and does so little damage you'll only occasionally bust it out to do damage to long-range enemies. You also can't fire it while crouched without automatically standing back up again. That's one huge thread of an issue I found in so many of the game's systems. Why are there completely useless moves you can spend 400 munny on in the store? There's a backdash maneuver that I never touched. A "kick" animation that I tested out a few times after purchasing it but could never get to work 100% of the time when I wanted. "Recover" is the only one I used consistently. Also, "Metroidvania" is doing a serious gymnastics routine for this game to be classified as such. The maps for each island are incredibly tiny in all reality. I was surprised by this when I went through the game for clean-up on the cacklebats and squids I had missed. This isn't a bad thing, but it's not really a "Metroidvania" in my mind if you have to return to one specific point (your boat) to always leave and there's no way the maps are ever connected. Thank goodness for pirate flairs. 


I also would be remiss if I didn't talk about the miserable checkpoint system. I recognize that things aren't that bad due to the general frequency of save points, but due to the 2-heart challenge of beating the game without any health upgrades to earn a trophy - WOW did this game remind me a horrifying amount of Chasm. Did you die? Congrats, you lose all your progress since your last save. Doesn't matter if you beat a boss and forgot to save when returning to Risky OR found any collectibles. Do it again. There were some sections on my blind playthrough that infuriated me. I had to look up a guide to figure out how to get past the guards when you're stuck in Princess Leia's outfit. If you get seen - it doesn't matter how far you're into the level, you get reset back to your dungeon. 


Now would be as good a time as any to talk about the game's trophies. They're solid! There are quite a few missables if you don't glance at the list beforehand, with the majority of them relating to trying to defeat each boss while taking zero damage. With the "super pike ball" and "super monster milk", many of these fights became 1-2 minute endurance tests at best. I managed to defeat "True Pirate Master" on my very first attempt and found "Dagron" to be the hardest one to complete without getting hit but it still only took me 20 minutes of attempts to get it. A subtly incredibly annoying trophy is "Zombie Survival Guide" which requires you to platform past 16 screens worth of enemies and avoid getting hit a single time. That took me far more attempts than I'd like to admit. The two hardest trophies in the game are "Squid Savior" (Complete the game without any Health upgrades and all Heart Squids collected) and "Speed Runner" (Saved Scuttle Town as fast as possible!) I recommend completing the 1st one on your blind playthrough. It makes the speedrun a breeze with some upgrades and forces you to be more careful while attacking enemies. Speed Runner is only tricky due to the tight 2-hour window, and I found that I couldn't collect 100% of the items needed for the 100% speed run. Thanks to the helpful PSNProfiles guide, I managed to get the trophy at 1:51:23, 25/32 squids, and 13/20 cacklebats. I then wrapped things up on the 100% run at 2:32:47, 32/32 squids, and 20/20 cacklebats. I earned the 13.12% rarity platinum in 3 weeks and 6 days. I'll add that my experience with Shantae was greatly improved once I know the layouts of each map, the objectives to clear each obstacle, and the upgrades (especially the dash and cannon) unlocked from the very beginning. It's crazy how limiting Shantae's moveset is without the ability to dash across a bunch of screens OR double/triple jump). Oh - and since I added it in my notes, I HATED the dialogue box color/font that they decided to use. That's some real junior crew graphic design. Who decided to settle on that? 


Would I recommend Shantae and the Pirate's Curse? Maybe. I recognize that the tone of this review has been overwhelmingly negative. But I will genuinely look back on this game in a positive light. Shantae's an overall fun gal and since this is the 3rd entry in her series, I'm bit curious to see where her story leads in the following games. Even if it'll probably be quite a bit of time before I decide to continue with the franchise. Overall, I appreciated how short and sweet the game was in the grand scheme of things and I can enjoy some fan service. The combat was serviceable. The art was nice. The bosses were mediocre and often one-note. The music was groovy as hell! Two incredibly sharp difficulty spikes I found were the first time you enter Mud Bog (my goodness those purple enemies hurt like HELL) and when you reach the tower at the end of the game. The platforming difficulty sky-rockets compared to anything else seen in the game. Cheekily enough, there's an easy peasy skip you can use to avoid all of those sections(I didn't use it on my blind). Overall, I'm incredibly curious how dedicated Shantae fans feel about this game in comparison to the rest of the series and hope I don't get stoned by any of her loyal supporters for the review. I'm glad to say I've finally played an entry in the series and ultimately it's a delightful way to close the books on my gaming resumé of 2021. 


Panda Score: 7.1 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 3.9 / 10

Edited by realm722
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On 12/11/2021 at 0:31 AM, Copanele said:

I however experienced another slight issue, it's PRE GREAT GAME depression. When the anticipation for a game is so great I don't feel like starting another game until I play that one.

Examples from my side were:


God of War 2018

Guilty Gear Strive

Elden Ring (I know I will love it)

Shadow Man (remaster, I keep refreshing the damn main page to see the trophy list on PSNP as well)


I...have no idea how to deal with THIS instance xD 

With my backlog, this is what I get. When I was trying to finish getting the platinum in games before moving onto new ones, if there was a grind or it just got boring to finish, I would get antsy waiting to hop onto the next new game. My current games played ATM is a testament to what happens when I waited too long. OK, one was to coop with a friend recently, but the other 4 I don't really have an excuse to playing all at once and 2 are big story games. I wouldn't call it depression, but just an itch that is asking to be scratched.


Yakuza does a perfect job at not letting that happen. As much as I love the series, when I finish one game, I can't just hop into the next with how dense the games are, but I will always be thinking of the series and time out starting the next one. When I do that though, the game before needs to be pretty good for me to get through it so I can start the next Yakuza game. Worked out pretty well this last time as I was playing RE Village, but unfortunately I wanted to wrap up The Banner Saga and ended up playing the 3rd one before wanting to play Yakuza 4. The Banner 3 isn't a bad game, I actually thought it did a great job wrapping up the series, but I did not have the motivation to do multiple play throughs at the time for all the trophies, I needed to go to Kamurocho for some unfinished business...


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Really appreciate the shoutout. It definitely goes to show you've put in a lot of work into your trophy checklists thread. Much better than what I can say for mine.


5 hours ago, realm722 said:

#4. Furi (9.10 rating)


Furi is definitely a gem. Challenging without being unfair. Just the right music to keep you motivated. Your mistakes will help you improve and get better. It stands out because it only features bosses, not regular enemies like most games.


Playing on Furi, and later Furier difficulty was notable enough to keep me hooked.


5 hours ago, realm722 said:

#11. MLB The Show 20 (8.00 rating)


This is a pretty easy trophy list, but I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish with Diamond Dynasty. Having all those stubs reminds me of Fantasy Football, when I used to play that. MLB the Show 18 had one of the best trophy lists in my opinion. Almost all trophies were player based/skill based, with technically one online trophy for downloading an item from the vault. I loved developing my RTTS (Road to the Show) character.


Lots of trading cards and getting better cards, yet somehow they made the trophy list not rely on actual online multiplayer.


5 hours ago, realm722 said:

#14. Bully (7.80 rating)


It's stuff like this that made me lose a lot of respect for Rockstar. Not because of the game itself, but the fact that they have shoved this under the rug for so long. I'm sorry, but the fact that this is 15 years old with Rockstar seemingly not giving a damn about their older IPs just boils my blood.


Bully was definitely a novelty for its time. Pulling pranks on older kids, having pranks backfire on the local gangs, giving wedgies to random kids, it was all in good fun. Honestly I wouldn't even begin to think how a sequel would fare with today's audience. We have become, shall we say..... soft? The juvenile humor in this game was great, and I feel we need more of this in these trying times.


Still, it was hard for me to ignore the age of the game, the fact that this was indeed from a different era. Doing a remake of Bully and Manhunt like 2K Games did with Mafia would definitely get double thumbs up from me.


5 hours ago, realm722 said:

#52. Chasm (5.80 rating)


Ouch. Pretty low rating to be giving this considering they desperately tried to make this look like a 16-bit JRPG.I thought it was okay. I used the same seeds for all my playthroughs, because I didn't want things to be randomized. Chasm was severely lacking in the sound department.


5 hours ago, realm722 said:

#57. The Last Guardian (3.70 rating)


This game gets bashed to hell from so many people. Even from a non trophy hunter's standpoint, The Last Guardian has gotten a lot of mixed reviews. But as a trophy hunter, every other player criticizes the awful trophy list.


Quite the contrast from Shadow of the Colossus. It's a shame that SCE Japan Studio is no more, since I felt that they at least tried to be a little different. Knack is a game I'm still looking forward to playing, although come to think of it, a number of Japan Studios games have medicore to awful trophy lists.

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Thanks for the shoutout man, your checklist is one of a kind. Turning it into some kind of gaming newspaper sprinkled with numerous articles brings in a breath of fresh air, always fun to read them between two gaming reviews. Looking forward to seeing your topics for the upcoming year ?

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I did expect the year end awards on your trophy checklist and boy was I not disappointed xD again, great writing, thoroughly enjoyable from start to end!

Many thanks for the shoutout as well :D always a pleasure to check this remote and peaceful corner where it's only about games and nothing else!

Also VERY glad that "The Last Guardian" is the very last game on the list. That's only the perfect place for that type of game!

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4 minutes ago, Copanele said:

I did expect the year end awards on your trophy checklist and boy was I not disappointed xD again, great writing, thoroughly enjoyable from start to end!

Many thanks for the shoutout as well :D always a pleasure to check this remote and peaceful corner where it's only about games and nothing else!

Also VERY glad that "The Last Guardian" is the very last game on the list. That's only the perfect place for that type of game!


I feel like I'm about to "It can't be that bad, can it?" my way into playing this game... ?


Appreciate the shout out Realm.  I really enjoy the high quality of your write ups.  Its always an entertaining read when you finish a game. :).

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Nice reading, as always! I am one of those people that read pretty much everything you write, but rarely find the time to really engage (most of the time I am so late to the party that the conversation has already moved on ?). That being said, I really enjoy how you structure your posts, and the same holds for your review of 2021 :) That's quite a few games, and all of high quality, too! 


Happy to re-read the nice words you have for Furi (and Jotun... those are nice words you have for Jotun, right? ?), and it's always great to see how a single game can resonate with someone on such a level as FF7R did with you :) 


In any case, I'm looking forward to reading more from you next year, and maybe I'll be able to interact a bit more as well... 



4 minutes ago, Together_Comic said:

I feel like I'm about to "It can't be that bad, can it?" my way into playing this game... 1f602.png


Appreciate the shout out Realm.  I really enjoy the high quality of your write ups.  Its always an entertaining read when you finish a game. :).


The game itself is not that bad, but the shit controls can get on your nerves given that you need to play through the game multiple times. It has also one of the worst trophy lists I've experienced, with combat-related trophies in a game that shouldn't have any combat at all, and the worst - without exaggeration - collectibles I have encountered in any videogame. Hints that will only trigger if you play the game like a brainless 5 year old. 90+ of them. Fuck those hints and whoever decided to include them as a trophy. 


Now, have fun with the game ?

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4 hours ago, Arcesius said:

Nice reading, as always! I am one of those people that read pretty much everything you write, but rarely find the time to really engage (most of the time I am so late to the party that the conversation has already moved on 1f602.png). That being said, I really enjoy how you structure your posts, and the same holds for your review of 2021 :) That's quite a few games, and all of high quality, too! 




Excellent work, man! As usual, your systematic approach pays off dividends? I am yet again given more homework, and I love it. Jotun, Islanders, and Spiritfarer are already on the shortlist thanks to your fine reviews, but I guess I'll have to dive into Going Under and The Show '20 as well (I was content with just playing '19 for the rest of my PS4 havin life until your words on that game reminded me that I'm not twelve years old and happy to be limited to Ken Griffey Jr. anymore).


Your love affair with FF7RM will never not be entertaining as hell to read about! I love the effect that game has had on you and I'm quite happy to get to see you gush over it one more again!


While I'm here...


My wife also binged on Jane the Virgin not long ago... which means I also binged on it. At first I thought it was cheesy and silly, but then I remembered that telenovelas are supposed to be like that (fond memories, man.. those things seriously got me through puberty?) and before long I was enjoying it right alongside her. Even still when one of us are sweatin somethin the other's like "inhala... exhala..."


You've definitely got me re-thinking my checklist OP. I have everything arranged by date, but it's true, I do like it when people have ratings handy. We all want a nice looking place to hang our thoughts, after all! I might have to see if I can figure out a way to combine all the above with minimal clutter, or revamp altogether. I've largely resisted edits, but lately I've been asking myself why...


He's a changed man, folks.


Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, great post! Great job too on meeting trophy goals consistently, something I could really try to be better with myself. A ten month UR streak is mad impressive, as is completing 57 games - I don't think I even played that many! Looking forward to reading about what you get into next year. Props all day, my dude!

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Thanks for the mention man & I'm really glad to see you did enjoy Moonlighter a lot as well. I really do like your list & I think that is honestly a really cool idea that I might have to nab for myself as I think it'd be a pretty cool idea to look back at all the games I've platinumed this year & see which ones I ended up enjoying the most. Don't worry though, if I do go through with it, you'll know right away as I'll be giving you credit for the idea ;).

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