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Kill Your Completion... Again(Finished)

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Day #1 - 2 hours played - 4/12 trophies - 19%


I'll be honest I don't really get what is happening in this game, I just seem to be going from one location to another without any real aim. There are cutscenes which consist of viewing the main character through a camcorder but they don't seem to add much. 


As for the gameplay I'm not too impressed with it at the moment. The gameplay consists of mostly climbing sections where you have to quickly reach the next ledge to rest, otherwise your stamina bar starts to decrease and you die. The problem with this is that you never know where to go when you start climbing and there are usually multiple dead end routes. This wouldn't be a problem except most of the climbing sections are designed to be just long enough that you can reach the end without losing stamina, but if you take a wrong turn then your stamina decreases so you have 0 chance of completing the next climbing section without losing stamina. Luckily the climbing is mixed in with the occasional fight, but these seem as simple as stealth killing the first enemy, shooting the guy with the gun and then getting everyone else to surrender. I've also got stuck in the scenery multiple times, forcing a restart, which is quite irritating. I'm not massively excited to carry on with this game but I'll persevere and hope it gets a little better.



After a natural disaster the protagonist wants to find his wife and child. That is the basic plot of the game. I thought the story was well-told, but for some reason there are several people that share your viewpoint of not getting what was going on. It was subtle in it's story-telling, but I liked it for that and other reasons. I also loved the ending, which again a lot of people didn't understand and thought it was unfinished. Although I thought that the ending couldn't have been any clearer.


Hopefully you'll end up enjoying it more. It's not an action-packed game. it's a survival game, that's the core gameplay, limited food, water and stamina as well as ammo. The only thing that I disliked about it, is the weapon controls that at times seem iffy.


I played a bit of I Am Alive back in my X360 days and I was not really impressed either.


I thought it was great for what it is (a survival game). I felt that it  nailed the concept fully.

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You really are not writing as much as you used to do...

LOL, smart-ass. I just posted the picture from. My computer and then added the rest from my phone.

Also, both Fez and Hohokum seem to have reappeared from the hidden game black hole.

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After a natural disaster the protagonist wants to find his wife and child. That is the basic plot of the game. I thought the story was well-told, but for some reason there are several people that share your viewpoint of not getting what was going on. It was subtle in it's story-telling, but I liked it for that and other reasons. I also loved the ending, which again a lot of people didn't understand and thought it was unfinished. Although I thought that the ending couldn't have been any clearer.


Hopefully you'll end up enjoying it more. It's not an action-packed game. it's a survival game, that's the core gameplay, limited food, water and stamina as well as ammo. The only thing that I disliked about it, is the weapon controls that at times seem iffy.



I thought it was great for what it is (a survival game). I felt that it  nailed the concept fully.


I "got" it, I just was not impressed by how they handled the gameplay and story elements. I'll give it another shot some time since I got it on PS+, I did not "hate" it or anything, it just did not impress me at all. I think I played two, maybe three hours?


LOL, smart-ass. I just posted the picture from. My computer and then added the rest from my phone.


You know me, I can never resist making useless comments which often seem to be funny only to me :D


Remember: the hard code to post an image is (img=...) but with regular brackets, and your phone will probably be able to copy the url from an image. It's how I post on my phone :)

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Update: November 2nd


Game 1/10: Gone Home (PS4)

This was an interesting game. I went through it once without knowing anything about the trophies or what to expect, and I thought I accidentally was playing a horror game. The atmosphere is creepy - lights flickering, storms outside, nobody home. (I later found out this team also worked on BioShock, so that explains it.) I will admit, once I got through my first playthough, it was too tempting, so I got all the trophies in the game.... My bad.


Game 2/10: Far Cry 4 (PS4)

I played the first far cry way back on Xbox and have the platinum for the remastered version on PS3. Figured I would get around to this one eventually. I played for about one hour, liberating my first bell tower, and still no trophies, so this one is at 0%. I did experience a lot of motion sickness here, so if that keeps up, this one might have to stay at 0%. :(


Next on the list is: The Division (PS4)


  • Lego Ninjago: Nindroids (PS Vita)
  • Proteus (PS Vita)
  • Bloodbourne (PS4)
  • The Division (PS4)
  • Far Cry 4 (PS4)
  • The Wolf Among Us (PS4)
  • The Walking Dead: Season 2 (PS4)
  • Gone Home (PS4)
  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
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Update: November 2nd


Game 1/10: Gone Home (PS4)

This was an interesting game. I went through it once without knowing anything about the trophies or what to expect, and I thought I accidentally was playing a horror game. The atmosphere is creepy - lights flickering, storms outside, nobody home. (I later found out this team also worked on BioShock, so that explains it.) I will admit, once I got through my first playthough, it was too tempting, so I got all the trophies in the game.... My bad.


Game 2/10: Far Cry 4 (PS4)

I played the first far cry way back on Xbox and have the platinum for the remastered version on PS3. Figured I would get around to this one eventually. I played for about one hour, liberating my first bell tower, and still no trophies, so this one is at 0%. I did experience a lot of motion sickness here, so if that keeps up, this one might have to stay at 0%. :(


Next on the list is: The Division (PS4)


  • Lego Ninjago: Nindroids (PS Vita)
  • Proteus (PS Vita)
  • Bloodbourne (PS4)
  • The Division (PS4)
  • Far Cry 4 (PS4)
  • The Wolf Among Us (PS4)
  • The Walking Dead: Season 2 (PS4)
  • Gone Home (PS4)
  • Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered



I think you should (re-)read the premise of this event...

Edited by BillyHorrible
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The Last of Us is definitely stingy on the trophies until the end of the game. Then it's like the flood gates open and the trophy drought finally ends. Totally agree on the MP and it was one of the rare MP's that I actually enjoyed quite a bit. Nice change of pace compared to other games and I liked the slower pace, sneaking around and setting up ambushes with my teammates.  :ninja:



From what I remember, that's pretty much how I Am Alive is for the entire game so you probably know what to expect in terms of gameplay by now. Like voodoo said, it's more about survival aspects like supplies and the stamina mechanic than it is action-oriented. That part doesn't really change throughout the game. For me it was basically a "meh" game which had some ideas I appreciated. Didn't love it, didn't hate it, decent budget game, and glad I got it from PS+ but probably wouldn't have bought it. Hope you end up enjoying it more.


Well, I can't claim the Cubs as "my" team anymore. I stopped watching them religiously when Harry Carey passed. Heck, I still hold a grudge they put lights in Wrigley!

They are still my second favorite team behind the Red Sox. I used to live a mile from Fenway and would walk my dog around the ballpark a couple times a week.

But the Cubs are a part of my childhood and adolescence and will always hold a special place with me. I can still name the starting nine from 1989. Have dozens of Jerome Walton rookie cards too (they are worth something, right?). I do follow them through box scores in the newspaper, which definitely outs me as not a millennial. Still watch them when I have time too, but if the Sox and Cubs are on, I'm going Boston.

Funny you mention Chapman. Watching him reminds me a bit of the Reds' Nasty Boys. Fun to watch somebody just lean back and hurl gas and there's nothing the hitters can do.


That was a little bit before my time but most of the players were still around during the early 90's when I can first remember watching games as a kid. Mark Grace was in his prime, Sandberg and Dawson were older by then, Maddux, Shawon Dunston, Rey Sanchez, random guys like Walton and Tuffy Rhodes a few years later. Remember that dude? Think I remember him hitting like 3 home runs on opening day one year and thinking he was going to be great. Not so much.


The Cubs actually had a minor league team in my hometown (no idea why) for a couple of seasons but that was before I was born. My older brother remembers seeing Maddux and Strawberry playing there. I started collecting cards in the early 90's but have a bunch of older ones too so I'm sure I still have some Walton rookie cards sitting around somewhere. Know that I had these:




Alright, I'm going to stop talking 90's baseball because I could go on forever but I'm pretty sure nobody else in this thread has any interest in that at all. Time to start back on some Yakuza 5 and I'll post some thoughts later this evening.

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I'm sure I still have some Walton rookie cards sitting around somewhere.

Ive got a couple thousand basketball and football cards in a box in my attic. Probably 200 baseball cards too, though I literally have no idea what all is in there anymore.

I had 3 or 4 binders full of my more immediately valuable cards including a bunch of Emmet Smith rookie cards. But I'm pretty sure my druggy cousin stole them out of my dad's house when I was away at college. >:F

On a gaming note, I had a cancelation today so I'm heading home in about half an hour. 1230pm. :D Mim is volunteering at the kids school so I'll have the couch and TV all to myself.

Also forgot to mention. I earned three more Lego Marvel trophies before anything in TLOU so my starting completion was, 73.37%. With the one TLOU trophy I dropped to 72.65%, so a really significant drop.

Edited by Hemiak
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Day 2 - inFAMOUS


Trophy Stats: 3/50

Playtime: 2.5 hours



First Impressions: First of all, I have never played an inFAMOUS game before. I've neither seen nor read any footage, articles, trailers, or any other media about any of the games. Basically, I'm completely new to the series. 


Gameplay: I don't have much to say, really. I come from a very JRPG gaming background, so it was a bit difficult to get control of the gameplay. The jump controls are so floaty (can't think of a better word). It's great for jumping one building to the next, but for a more precise jump...well, I would miss and die. I've died several times from missing a jump. In a way it almost reminds me of the controls in Alice: Madness Returns.


I also found the attack controls a bit weird. For the life of me I couldn't aim properly. The controls weren't "tight" enough that I just blasted the enemies away and died as a result. It's embarrassing to admit that I died several times during the first mission. I'm playing on Medium btw. I don't want to take the easy route because I still want a bit of a challenge. I just have to get used to it.


Plot: Definitely intriguing. Can't wait to see what happens next.


Well, that's it for now. Will try to write something more exciting and thorough for my final review. 



Glad you like it, I started playing for the first time after having played both PS4 entries and I just could not get through it. Still gathering the strength to push me to finish it and start the second one, which I also have.

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@Hemiak(it's a pain to quote on Vita..): It's probably like me with Dishonored. I said it usually only drops about .3% when I begin a new game, but this one has a ton of DLC trophies, as does The Last of Us. So, naturally, bigger percentage drops. :/ 


About to finally start playing today; I slept for over 12 hours. :/ Guess I'm well rested? 


And I have a ton of cards in a bin somewhere. Don't know if any are worth shit, though.. I collected all kinds when I was a kid: Baseball, basketball, football, hockey, Pokemon, DBZ, etc. I have my Michael Jordan and other ones in a small binder, but none are rookie cards and may not be very valuable. Ah, the days when the Bulls were the best team around.. Cubs better win tonight! I need something to celebrate, as none of my teams have won since I was 10. ;w;

Edited by DamagingRob
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So wait are we doing 1 game a day or 1 game every few days? Or is it down to what we wanna do?

You have three days per game.

If you finish early you can do whatever you want. I wouldn't advise you to actually start the 2nd game for the month though. Most people either start an extra game, or usually play something they already had started.

Edited by Hemiak
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Day 2 - Murdered: Soul Suspect


Just a quick update from me today.  The game has a hub world that you're (somewhat) free to explore, the seriously haunted town of Salem, but the narrative leads you to specific self-contained areas separated by loading screens.  I've played through to the end of the second of those areas, a church.


So far I'm finding the whole thing doofy but likeable, but I'm hoping that the investigation sections will require a bit more thought later in the game.  (Hmm, I've gathered all these clues about the circumstances of the murder, which one will cause this person to spill the beans?  Oh, the clue "there was a murder".  Brilliant.)


Trophies: 19/46

I'm enjoying your take on the game. I thought it wasn't as bad as the critics have claimed. I did want to alert you that there is a point in the game where you can't go back to earn any trophies you missed. Not sure if you care, and I don't want to give anything story-related away, but I can give you an easy heads-up as to where to stop before you proceed and miss out

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Yakuza 5

Day 2

Trophies: 3/57 (4%)


Before discussing my progress or the actual gameplay, please allow me to mildly vent for a moment. So, Yakuza 5 doesn't have an autosave feature and unfortunately I learned that the hard way. I could understand not using autosave in platformers, survival-horror, or games where using manual saves is part of the strategy. Not having it in an open-world game filled with side missions, collectibles, and lots of dialogue? That's just f'n stupid. While we are on the topic, in order to save in Yakuza 5 you have to be wearing your Clark Kent glasses, enter a phone booth and rip off your clothes to reveal a Superman costume hidden underneath. Okay, I made up the Superman parts but you do have to enter phone booths scattered around the map. Those things still exist?  :huh:


 I just realized that this game sounds absolutely horrible on paper but for some strange reason I'm enjoying it.  :dunno:

Many opne world game have save locations. Even GTA 5 has them. But I think GTA 5 has auto save too.


This game sounds like I would enjoy it. Unfortunately there's no Yakuza game on the PS4 yet. I have to wait for Yakuza 0.

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...The fact that it's an open-world set in an urban city filled with side missions and involves the criminal underworld, might make you think this game is similar to the likes of GTA, Sleeping Dogs, etc... 

I have a friend that really loves the Yakuza series and he says GTA is the obvious comparison people always try to make but it's really more like Shenmue if anything.

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