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Option to Remove Completed Games From Gaming Sessions = [Use PSNP+]

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This has been suggested hundreds of times, but I'll never get tired of seeing these posts since this is sorely needed. I think Sly is working to implement this as I've seen this idea on many threads where he has posted and asked for feedback. 

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I've seen this suggestion a couple of times and still think it's needed too. That would also give me the opportunity to hide games that neither have an online feature or offer share play at all. Can't imagine how annoying it must be for people with 100+ in their collection to scroll through single player only PS3 games for example. 

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  • 6 months later...

In the Gaming Sessions page there are options for GAMES I OWN, ALL GAMES, and individual games. I think it would be useful to have a MY INCOMPLETE GAMES (or similar), so that only sessions for the user incomplete games are shown.

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  • 4 months later...

I think that's a good idea, since sometimes I'm looking to see what sessions are open for the games that I didn't finished yet, but not for a speciffic game.


Still the easier way to implement this would be using the 100% (S rating in the site) as a check, it wouldn't remove the games that we don't have 100%, but completed the online, but it would clear out it quite a bit (for me at least.. but I'm part of probably a really small minority..). I say this because making checks to mark the games as "online complete" would be a nightmare and would require to much human input.


Said that, the current way may make more people willing to help on games that they already finished, but I doubt it.. I still help on a few games that I finished, but usually if I feel like helping, I look for sessions for those speciffic games..

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If it's just an optional thing that can be turned on/off, and Sly really wants to implement it, then it's whatever to me. If it's a one or the other kind of thing though, I'd rather keep completed games in. When I see a game I've already gotten the plat/100% for in the sessions, it gives me the chance to help others, as well as revisit it if I really want to. There are a lot of games I've already platted that I wouldn't mind helping other people out with, just because I really like the game and would love an excuse to play them again. I'd give a list, but I really don't want random messages from people begging for help. 

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I like this idea, could be a neat little feature that can be toggled on/off. I would use the 100% or S rank as the check for this as it's easier to implement while still remaining useful. This would be especially handy for people with a huge list of completed games, but even for me it'd make it easier to find sessions for any uncompleted games I may have at the time.

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On 2/20/2018 at 7:32 PM, ExHaseo said:

If it's just an optional thing that can be turned on/off, and Sly really wants to implement it, then it's whatever to me. If it's a one or the other kind of thing though, I'd rather keep completed games in. When I see a game I've already gotten the plat/100% for in the sessions, it gives me the chance to help others, as well as revisit it if I really want to. There are a lot of games I've already platted that I wouldn't mind helping other people out with, just because I really like the game and would love an excuse to play them again. I'd give a list, but I really don't want random messages from people begging for help. 

Second on that.  Optional to turn on/off would be best option. 

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I think a filter option like this this would be a great addition. I would suggest something a little different though. The site knows which trophies you've earned, and each session lists which trophies are being boosted... So why not put that information together and filter out sessions where you've already earned all the trophies that are being boosted?

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  • 2 months later...

This has already been suggested in some form in other threads.




One user even suggested a userscript for achieving this, so it should be possible with the current website design.


Is this in the backlog? Any chance for us to see what's prioritized and in the pipeline?

Otherwise can we donate somehow to make this happen?


Please provide me/us with an update on whether we'll be able to permanently filter out some games from the session list,

mine is so clogged with game sessions that I won't join anytime soon, I want to hide those..

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  • 1 month later...

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