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Not buying modern games or consoles until later...


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2 hours ago, Avatar_Of_Battle said:


I didn't have much choice on the PS3. :P  but I'm glad it worked out that way tbh.


Pre-ordering has different worth for each person, but for me I'm pretty much cemented in what I like so I know what is good for me, I know I want, and what I think is worth pre-ordering I do depending on what's going on. As for trouble...it's not much for me since I tend to wait for days where I have to be out anyways, and the midnight releases here are small. I haven't gone to all of them but I don't remember waiting particularly long. :hmm: 


The first Darksiders is better than its sequel I think. First was fun and relatively different for me story-wise. The 2nd was also good it was just...it felt like it dragged out more than it should have with added RPG elements. I know I've played Spyro back on the PS1...but idr anything about it (not surprising lmfao.) 


The only time I'll go digital is if there's no other option or it's just so cheap the option won't be around for physical probably ever lol. I don't do anything that could get my account banned, not that I know how to anyways, but it's one of the few reasons I don't like digital. 


There was the Xbox 360 as the other choice. That console is pretty much dead in the water at this point.


I just don't think pre-ordering is worth it simply because I feel a lot of AAA games these days are trying to copy each other to a certain extent. I can argue that games that were around when I was growing up were pretty much platformers and space shoot em ups but the industry was going through a massive change to 3-D.


I don't understand why people pre-order Call of Duty but if that is the series they so wholeheartedly enjoy they are free to do it. I got tired of Call of Duty after Black Ops 1 and Modern Warfare 3, pretty much the same crap over and over. Same with Battlefield, I don't particularly care about buying or playing Battlefield 5.


Darksiders does look pretty interesting. I wonder if it's pretty similar to The Witcher 3 or the Castlevania games on the PS3 in terms of RPG elements. It looks like a pretty good hack and slash kind of game. But I'll likely do the PS4 versions since you can no longer platinum the PS3 version of Darksiders II.


Well I do the same thing. I buy digital if it's the only way I can get a certain game, but for games like Knack 2 or God of War I'd much rather prefer physical. You can sell those games on eBay or some other website that deals in used games. Plus I don't want to just have my console sit there for several hours at a time downloading those games in the first place, especially when we're talking 40 - 60 GB games that are quite massive.

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6 hours ago, Spaz said:


There was the Xbox 360 as the other choice. That console is pretty much dead in the water at this point.


I just don't think pre-ordering is worth it simply because I feel a lot of AAA games these days are trying to copy each other to a certain extent. I can argue that games that were around when I was growing up were pretty much platformers and space shoot em ups but the industry was going through a massive change to 3-D.


I don't understand why people pre-order Call of Duty but if that is the series they so wholeheartedly enjoy they are free to do it. I got tired of Call of Duty after Black Ops 1 and Modern Warfare 3, pretty much the same crap over and over. Same with Battlefield, I don't particularly care about buying or playing Battlefield 5.


Darksiders does look pretty interesting. I wonder if it's pretty similar to The Witcher 3 or the Castlevania games on the PS3 in terms of RPG elements. It looks like a pretty good hack and slash kind of game. But I'll likely do the PS4 versions since you can no longer platinum the PS3 version of Darksiders II.


Well I do the same thing. I buy digital if it's the only way I can get a certain game, but for games like Knack 2 or God of War I'd much rather prefer physical. You can sell those games on eBay or some other website that deals in used games. Plus I don't want to just have my console sit there for several hours at a time downloading those games in the first place, especially when we're talking 40 - 60 GB games that are quite massive.


I didn't make myself clear on the "choice" part, my bad. It was the period of time between my PS2 and PS3 where I wasn't in a position to do much so being current with games wasn't a choice for me. As for the Xbox, I did play at various friends places and I wasn't a fan of any of their exclusives or the controller. Aside from Fable no other game on the Xbox was something I'd wanted to try.


I haven't played Witcher 3 or Castlevania(yet) but Darksiders is definitely faster than the former with combat. It's more like the Castlevania games if I remember gameplay vids right. And yeah the ps4 version of Darksiders II is the better route. As for the RPG elements they're more present in the second game with how the game tackles the weapons and quests and such.

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I'll buy release day for anything I'm super keen on, but mind you, that's not a lot of things. I'd say per year there's maybe 5 physical games I would day one. Digital is different, and by digital, I mean smaller digital only games, I have a lot less of a problem spending 20 odd bucks on something that looks amazing than having to hunt for a deal to spend 70 on EA's latest "shove disc in your machine and wait for an hour of patches to download" game. 


But it's case by case and depends on deals too. Example, Hyrule Warriors, I day one'd that, because if you traded the old version on Wii U toward it you got an extra 20 bucks trade value, so I got I think 21 for the game, and then 20 on top, so I had 40, then I price match'd a store selling it for 60, paid the difference in gift cards I had from whatever their last trade deal was, and I basically got the upgraded version on a console I'll actually play with cool new content and shit, day one and everything, for 20 odd bucks of gift card I had floating around anyway. Donkey Kong was a similar situation, except it was a better deal tbh, they had a deal where if you traded in any two games you could get DK for 29 bucks (RRP is 80 or 90, I forget) so I walked into a department store next door, bought two old Lego games for 5 bucks a pop, traded them in, got DK for for 40 bucks day one versus the RRP of 80 or 90. With that in mind, deals like that will often tempt me, I probably wouldn't have bought either of them at all if not for those deals to be honest.


Then you have the odd thing like Spider-Man in a few months that I would day one no matter what. Things like Grand Theft Auto where you know the game will be worth it day one, I'll get too. But there isn't too many like that anymore really.


Another thing to consider, at least here, is that the department stores will have the games for 60-70 on the week of release, and then go back up to full RRP for a few months, RRP usually being around 90 odd bucks for a PS4/Xbone game, and then when they finally drop down a bit, they hit the 60 odd mark you could have got them for day one, which in turn leads to me buying shit like Call of Duty (if the year's one interests me), Pokemon, and so on day one because I know it's the cheapest price I'll be able to get for a few months and even in a few months I'll be lucky for it to hit that price again, you can usually tell based on the series and dev / pub how the thing will go in terms of price drops, it's why anything Nintendo I'm interested in I will day one because 60 odd day one is the best price (at retail anyway) you will ever get a damn Nintendo game for, Hell, Wii U games are still going for 60 odd in the few stores stocking them.


However, preordering can fuck right off. All the things I said above are reasons for day one-ing, there is absolutely no reason to give them your money in advance and if you do, you're going to let them get away with calling the printed map in Red Dead 2 an "exclusive preorder bonus" when Rockstar has been including maps for free since the god damn PS1, and I'm not stretching that, I have GTA London's map over there, in it's A4 and a half sized glory.


Fuck preorders, fuck preorder culture, fuck anyone who defends preordering. I don't care what they offer you, if they have it ready to go day one it should be in the damn game day one, not held back for the idiot who's willing to pay more.

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The only games I have been preordering are the remaining PS Vita releases since most of them are Visual Novels and they are 20% off with prime. I used to never pre-order until last year because I could never afford to do so. Now I’m in that area where I’m able to so I make it count if I put one down. 

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Yeah I almost always wait due to the following reasons:

-Much cheaper price; a lot of games are at least 50% off within 6 months  

-Bugs and glitches mostly fixed

-DLC cheaper too

-Had time to look at reviews and gameplay and assess if a good game in the long run rather than buy on impulse

-Already have backlog with plenty to play so a waste of money if you're going to buy but not play straight away, especially as there's also the chance of becoming a ps plus game

I tend to only buy games nowadays if I see a great deal with most of my purchases being AAA games from 2016-2017 at around £10 or less and even then my backlog grows exponentially. The idea of purchasing a game at launch, at >£50 is ridiculous to me.


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I for one appreciate the people who subsidize the rest of us by buying on day 1. Me personally, I have such a massive backlog that it's pointless to ever do so, because I know I won't get to it very soon. As a result, I get to be a cheapskate and don't impulse buy unless there's a very tempting discount.


... It also doesn't help that I have the option to rent major releases that I'm excited about on day 1. I do however always buy the DLC if they have trophies and when they're discounted.

Edited by NamoPh
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I used to do this but when I finally got the game, I have no desire to play them anymore. This is why I started renting game and got to play the latest game as soon as it came out, and because of that there's a sense of urgency (this might be a bad thing for some people since you'll feel rushed but that actually motivates me) and it feels good to be in the zeitgeist of the game release even if you're only playing it alone and don't really engage in the community, IMO obviously. Oh and I bought the game when they're on sale or have GOTY edition, so like you've already beat the game and now you're only doing the DLC after they're complete.

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There's only a couple of games I buy at launch. Everything From Software blesses us with for example.

Final Fantasy Games, Devil May Cry 5 is a definite pre-order for me, Metal Gear was a series I always played on release... well, was. Then there's Monster Hunter, which I always gonna pre order and Zelda. But.. that's about it.


Consoles on the other hand I will always buy as soon as possible. Yes even the Mid-Gen ''refresh'' consoles. I'm just a sucker for hardware, I love new tech and I really don't care how other people think about that.

I'm in love with my Xbox One X and in my opinion it's the single best console on the market right now.

I honestly don't get why gamers always feel the urge to justify their game purchases. This is a phenomenon I don't see in other cultures that often, and if I do it doesn't seem so passive agressive.


I love new shit, so I'm gonna buy new shit when I can.



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The only games I have bought at launch have been games that I was eager to play by developers that I knew needed the money to stay in business and make me a sequel. It's still selfish as all hell, no matter how knights-of-the-round-table other people make it seem.

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I only get them on Day 1 if I'm going for the collector edition, the rest when they're at least 50% off... since I don't have time to play them anyway. Oddly, God of War and Detroit: Become Human I was able to dive into them from the beginning

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16 hours ago, IgorPro-PS said:

Such strategy is good for trophy hunters because we buy 100s of games.

Pre-orders are for players and fans. Not for trophy hunters )


Trophy hunters also generally have a backlog. 


The vast majority of people, including casual gamers only buy a few games here and there. Mostly AAA games like the stuff that is shown at E3. They think the games look cool and snazzy and super duper awesome and they must preorder and buy the game on release day. 


I look at both indies and AAA games. There’s a lot of games out there that the general public misses out on that are usually worth a look. 

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On 09/06/2018 at 10:23 PM, Cassylvania said:

I have four general rules when it comes to buying new or used games. These aren't strict, by any means, but they are guidelines I try to follow.

  1.  I only buy games that I think I'll enjoy. This allows me to eliminate the majority of new releases. (Of the things shown today at the EA press conference, only Unravel 2 looks like something I'd touch.)
  2. I believe that every $1 I spend on a game should warrant at least 1 hour of playtime. This is the rule I'm the most lax on, but I'm always leery about spending $20 on a game that I will finish in under 5 hours. I don't care how "good" it is -- that's not usually a good investment. (There are obvious exceptions to this.)
  3. I don't spend more than $30 on a game unless I KNOW I'm going to love it. This usually means pre-orders are out, unless it's a remaster, and it means I'll usually wait on new games until they drop in price.


OMG, I finally found someone with the same " rules " as I set myself :)

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I have no problem paying full price as long as I am getting the complete game. The problem is with all the disc locked content and or with-held content it makes it hard for me to support those kinds of practices. This year I have only pre-ordered 2 games because the Developers said there would be no "dlc" and I want to support those kinds of developers every chance i get. I am also not a fan of digital only, which is why i love Limited Run, Yes I pay more for a physical copy but that does not bother me.


The only exception is when I know the games wont be easy to find after launch.


I used to pre-order all the time.

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On 09/06/2018 at 9:02 PM, Spaz said:

Maybe some of you can relate.


I generally DO NOT PLAY or even BUY newly released games until a year or two after they come out. By that point, something else comes along that's newer, and the masses jump on that because it's seen as hip, trendy or whatever.


These days I just find the preordering, the hype and the popularity surrounding a lot of new games to just be utter bullshit.


God of War was a rare exception because I bought that within a couple days of release, and I played and dicked around for a while until I earned my first trophy. I broke my own standards and general way of doing things by not only buying Assassins Creed Origins, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Middle Earth: Shadow of War, I also paid for all the DLC along with the initial price fee ($59.99).


A couple people don't understand why I don't care much for the Pro and that's because I can't afford a Pro or a 4K TV anyway.


In a way I feel we have too much.


What do you guys think? Do you wait until a Game of the Year Edition for most games, do you buy later on to save money?

sorry to call you out here but this is one of the most bi-polar-like posts I've seen in a while...actions vs words vs more words = confusion...sounds more like this is a budget thing in disguise justified by some eccentric reasoning which is fine...what I'm reading is that, as a result of limited income, you pick and choose what you buy carefully...totally respectable...i think most people do in various aspects of life...


supply <-> demand = business...too much what?...i don't get it...are people buying?...then first sentence of paragraph lies true...are you or I buying it?...maybe not but that likely means it wasn't made for people like us...


sometimes I hit up the PSN store and buy stuff...or I go to the local gaming shop and buy stuff...if I see a pre-order that seems interesting whether it be on the PSN store, the local game shop, or mentioned in the forums here, I pre-order it...same for goty, dlc, whatevz...if I feel I want it, I get it...it's just that simple...so I guess that's my strategy...disposable income and more important things to worry about...i just buy and play whatever seems interesting and that I don't already own...


good on them if a person's gaming consumption strategy makes them happy...mine does too...if I fall into a class of people that someone considers problematic or whatever based on my above choices, that's that person's problem not mine as far as I'm concerned...

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15 minutes ago, ProfBambam55 said:

this is one of the most bi-polar-like posts I've seen in a while...actions vs words vs more words = confusion...sounds more like this is a budget thing in disguise justified by some eccentric reasoning which is fine...what I'm reading is that, as a result of limited income, you pick and choose what you buy carefully...totally respectable...i think most people do in various aspects of life...


supply <-> demand = business...too much what?...i don't get it...are people buying?...then first sentence of paragraph lies true...are you or I buying it?...maybe not but that likely means it wasn't made for people like us...


sometimes I hit up the PSN store and buy stuff...or I go to the local gaming shop and buy stuff...if I see a pre-order that seems interesting whether it be on the PSN store, the local game shop, or mentioned in the forums here, I pre-order it...same for goty, dlc, whatevz...if I feel I want it, I get it...it's just that simple...so I guess that's my strategy...disposable income and more important things to worry about...i just buy and play whatever seems interesting and that I don't already own...


good on them if a person's gaming consumption strategy makes them happy...mine does too...if I fall into a class of people that someone considers problematic or whatever based on my above choices, that's that person's problem not mine as far as I'm concerned...


This is speaking from personal experience. This isn’t a professional giving his take on games. 


I understand from a business standpoint that these companies absolutely have to make money. And what better way to do that to give out preorder deals and try to get people to buy on release day? 


They want people to buy on release day, not a few months later when there is a price cut for such games. As much as I enjoyed The Order 1886, it was NOT worth the $59.99 price tag. At $20 I thought it was a very solid game. Just not anything more than that. 


I don't speak for the average gamer, you are correct in saying I do pick and choose my games carefully. My big backlog and a low budget to work with has made me look up games prior to a purchase, even going as far as to see what trophies the game will have. 


I feel in ways the industry is giving out too much in regards to preordering and just coming out with games in general. The video game industry is the biggest, most profitable one in the world, backed by huge corporations making billions of dollars in profit and a significant portion of that is coming from people who will buy anything. Just look at the people spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on microtransactions. 


I encourage people to save up so they get more bang for their buck. In a way I feel we have enough games to last us several years, heck some of our backlogs we’ll never get around to fully completing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These days I tend to do similar thing, though I never plan to wait for a year. I don't buy games on day one anymore since I encountered a glitch in Rise of the Tomb Raider, in which I had to do another playthru of 8 hours just to obtain a single (bronze) trophy. Fast forward to today, I always wait a month or two before purchasing a game, in which I assume any glitch might have been ironed out.

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Since I'm pretty much always broke, I never get new games on their release date, usually it's at least 2 to 3 months after when I save up enough to get half priced used copy or if I get lucky I'm exchanging whatever I have and still have any value. But then again even if I would work right now and earn enough to buy games day one, I still wouldn't do that, because it's really off-putting to think that the game you worked so hard for and you have to pay up to 70€ it's not even a full game :/.

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I can completely relate to this. I don’t usually buy games that come out right away; unless it’s something that I’ve been following for a while. Games today release as a vanilla version of it, only to have a ton of DLC to be released as a season pass or just individual DLC (Fallout is a perfect example). Then after it’s all released, the GOTY, Ultimate or Complete “version” of that same game comes out and it’s cheaper than buying all the DLC separately. Not only that, you can find good deals for games shortly after it’s initial release. I don’t mind if I wait a few years on a game because I can get that version cheaper than full retail price. I even got FarCry 5 for $10 online brand new, Middle-Earrh Shadow of War for $5. So it actually pays to wait. 

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I'm generally the same as you - with such a backlog of games I own and also a list of older games I still want to buy, paying top dollar for an often unfinished game at release makes no sense. I'll either buy when on when in a digital sale or second hand (I would never buy a full price digital game, it's a rip off) 

Rare exceptions are games like Persona 5 and, I'm sure, the new Dragon Quest; that is games that I really, really want to play, have already been out in Japan for a while, and are unlikely to drop in price once released here for quite some time. 


No interest in mid gen consoles either - no 4K TV and I decided to spend my money on PSVR instead, which is much more revelatory than a slightly crisper image on a TV. It remains to be seen if next gen will be the first I don't get a console at release. If I still have loads to play I might wait for mid gen as my starting point next time. 

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I'm of a very similar mindset to you. I usually will not buy brand new games, partly because of the cost, and partly because so many games launch full of bugs, many of which can be game-breaking, at this point. I tend to wait at least a year and get the Game of the Year or Complete Edition for around half the price of the base game at launch.


might make an exception this year for Spider-Man and Soul Calibur, but it's doubtful. Chances are I'll pretty much forget about them until sometime next year.


As for the newest systems, I didn't get PS3 until 2011, 5 years after launch (and about halfway through its surprisingly long lifecycle) and didn't get my own PS4 until just last year, 4 years after launch.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think I've bought only one game right when it got released:  Final Fantasy XII on PS2.  Yeah, it was fun waiting in line to snag my copy after putting $5 down or something, but I don't think I would ever do that again.  Don't get me wrong; I love gaming.  I only have so much time during the year to focus on it.  I have also long despised putting down $49.99 or more on something that is, while fun, not worth the price.  That, and as I've said elsewhere, I still have quite a bit of time left on my PS3.  I haven't even seriously thought about getting a PS4, much less anything on the horizon.

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On 6/9/2018 at 10:23 PM, Cassylvania said:

I have four general rules when it comes to buying new or used games. These aren't strict, by any means, but they are guidelines I try to follow.

  1.  I only buy games that I think I'll enjoy. This allows me to eliminate the majority of new releases. (Of the things shown today at the EA press conference, only Unravel 2 looks like something I'd touch.)
  2. I believe that every $1 I spend on a game should warrant at least 1 hour of playtime. This is the rule I'm the most lax on, but I'm always leery about spending $20 on a game that I will finish in under 5 hours. I don't care how "good" it is -- that's not usually a good investment. (There are obvious exceptions to this.)
  3. I don't spend more than $30 on a game unless I KNOW I'm going to love it. This usually means pre-orders are out, unless it's a remaster, and it means I'll usually wait on new games until they drop in price.
  4. All other factors equal, I buy physical over digital. To me, the box art is part of the game. When somebody comes over, I want them to see my collection on a shelf -- not a bunch of boxes on a monitor.

I don't think I've ever bought a Collector's Edition in my life, but I might just do that this year when Valkyria Chronicle 4 comes out. That tank and artbook look sweet.


I tend to follow these rules as well. Not as strictly as I should, of course, but IMO they make up a good set of rules to try and follow and help me keep on top of my spending so it's not excessive. The biggest exception to the above list would be #4 - I do prefer physical media, but my platform of choice for a game really depends on the game, and if a digital copy is cheaper and/or more convenient I'd go with that (for example I want to play Stardew Valley on Vita for the portability, which means getting it digitally, rather than opting for the physical edition with its goodies). Other than that I tend to agree with the OP and try to stick to older games (ie, stuff that's been out for a year or more). IMO you get a better experience that way - more DLC (especially with a GoTY edition), QoL patches (which are becoming more common), potentially a lower price, and also walkthroughs etc might have already been made. 

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