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"Cheesing" Trophies

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Hey guys, me and my friend @Bushido7745785 started a podcast called PlatCast and every week we have two topics to talk about and we choose one to ask the community for opinions on and mine was what trophies have you "cheesed"? i.e. left the game on overnight, used an exploit to speed up the grind, rubber bands on sticks and buttons? Looking forward to your replies!  

Edited by ChernobylNinja
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I just got the plat for Fallout Shelter after leaving it on overnight for 2 nights in a row. I feel no shame. This game's trophies were poorly designed in my opinion and basically marred a fun, simple experience. Can't say I was too sympathetic when I woke up to find the majority of my vault dead and/or on fire! xD 

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Gran Turismo 5 there is one trophy that you need to complete two 24 hour races, where you can either drive it yourself alone or do it in B-Spec where an AI driver do it alone without inputs. Of course I did the B-Spec route and didn't touch my console for the day.


Project Cars had the same thing, complete a 24h race, but this time I could park on the last corner of the track and wait until the time was up and move forward 200m to cross the finish line and get the trophy. Of course unlucky as I'm, my region had a power outage when I was eleven hours in.


Gran Turismo 6 had a trophy where you needed to complete a whooping 12700 Km of distance, but all the other trophies only takes 5000 Km or so. I found that the fastest car in the game (Red Bull X2010) would ping pong Indianapolis (an Oval Track) at a insane speed but never stop, grinding away the distance fast. I kept the console on overnight, slept, waked up, made my breakfast, answered some e-mails, turned on the TV and I still needed about 4 laps to complete the distance. It was magical, but lazy.


Did a similar thing with Final Fantasy XIII-2. You need to win in a slot machine minigame, but if you are unlucky it could take up to 3 hours to get it. But this time I was out of rubber bands, so I asked for my younger cousin who was visiting at the time to press down the buttons while I could grab some scotch tape.

In the middle of taping my controller, the little dude won the jackpot and for some reason was a little disappointed that I didn't need to tape the controller anymore (kids are strange).


Bonus: I was playing Metal Gear Solid that came bundled in Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Collection, and I couldn't for the life of me pass the button-mashing torture scene. I removed the brush part of a electric toothbrush to uncover the metal mechanism and hoovered it just above the X button so it would press it really fast. After that I passed this part with flying colors.  


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18 minutes ago, ElBolovo said:


Bonus: I was playing Metal Gear Solid that came bundled in Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Collection, and I couldn't for the life of me pass the button-mashing torture scene. I removed the brush part of a electric toothbrush to uncover the metal mechanism and hoovered it just above the X button so it would press it really fast. After that I passed this part with flying colors.  



I remember rubbing a spoon back and forth over the X (?) button at a decent pace back in the PSOne days when I was trying to go for that specific ending just to see it, since someone had told me it changed depending on what happens in the torture sequence (I initially thought it was SUPPOSED to be impossible until I found you could actually survive it). Ended up creating a jagged edge along that button that was actually somewhat sharp to the touch. I was way younger, and way shorter on cash, so simply buying a second controller wasn't really as much of an option as it is now if I were to somehow break a controller or one would happened to stop working. I had to live with it, and it kind of... sucked... but, I regret nothing.

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Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions - Gatherer trophy.


I have a PSTV which made this trophy easier/wouldn't hurt my Vita screen. I used the guide on this site to find a good build and level, then just put a rubber band around the controller and left it.

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When going for the Helldivers platinum, I used the exploit where you get in a vehicle and rubberband the controller such that you constantly go in a circle and run over bugs in order to up your kill count to 100,000 enemies. xD


Oh! And when doing That's You! for PS4, I had to download and learn how to run 4 emulators so that I could get the 6 player trophy. I didn't want to ashamedly ask my buddies to help me get a trophy because they don't understand it...

Edited by TristanBrown17
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The 24 hour races in GT5 aren't things you cheese, B-Spec is still part of the game. Horrifically implemented in a game seemingly designed to be as unintuitive and unengaging as possible, but still. 


The various LittleBigPlanets' fondness of a "spend twenty four hours in create mode" trophy are the ones I've done that come to mind. In Karting you could get an elastic band on the controller and leave it overnight, but the others you had to be active. I don't remember how it went for the first one, I'm trying to but I think my mind blocked it out once I was done. 

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Wolfenstein: The New Order - you only need to finish the last chapter on UBER difficulty for the trophy. Combine this with overcharge method on the last boss and it's a piece of cake.


Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection - it's possible to enable tweaks (unlimited ammo, 1-shot kills) using a glitch on Brutal difficulty which makes it so much easier.

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Mine are all pretty standard ones...


Jak 2 & 3: The oh-so famous Orb glitch


Ratchet and Clank (PS3): Rubber banded the controller and did the infinite bolt glitch. I literally left it on for 8 hours straight collecting bolts until I hit 1 million.


Fantasy XIII-2: Rubber banded the controller to get the slot machine fragment which is complete luck and is required for the 100%


Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes: Now, this one is a little bit out there... I printed out the instructions online for 2 people. Next, I put the settings to show the bomb on the TV screen instead of instructions. Then I put a bunch of old college books and placed the VR on top of it (to act like someone was wearing the VR). Lastly, I went to the hardest bombs in the game and defused them with my brother on the TV screen instead of looking through the VR. We literally would pick which modules to solve and pass the controller back and forth after we figured it out on our instructions that we printed out. In essence, we created a 3rd player using college books to act like it was wearing the VR headset. It's a 0.57% rarity for the 100%, so yes, it's totally worth it!

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Bloodborne - I cheesed end game trophies (the ones to see all 3 ending), I used cloud save at the very end of the game and once I was done with one ending I would upload my cloud save to the system making me start right before the end game again, saving me a good amount of hours


Amnesia Collection - Basically the same thing as Bloodborne, I used cloud save to see all ending in a matter of minutes, making me save a good amount of hours

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18 minutes ago, maiathewinners said:

Bloodborne - I cheesed end game trophies (the ones to see all 3 ending), I used cloud save at the very end of the game and once I was done with one ending I would upload my cloud save to the system making me start right before the end game again, saving me a good amount of hours


Amnesia Collection - Basically the same thing as Bloodborne, I used cloud save to see all ending in a matter of minutes, making me save a good amount of hours

Which trophy are you talking about for amnesia collection? The dark descent decisions can just be done by selecting continue, no need to download save.

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Cities Skylines have a trophy which requires one to play for 1001 in-game nights, which on the high speed took roughly 170 hours or so (if I remember correctly). After earning all the other trophies I still had many dozens of hours left. However, for some reason I don't like leaving the Playstation on overnight, so I would turn it on around noon while I was studying for exams in December and let it run for a few hours while I was reading. Quite soothing, really, to have it play in the background like that.

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I try to refrain from cheesing trophies but I have been guilty of it recently with Rocket League. There's a trophy for driving a total of 50km and it didn't pop when it should have, nor after a few extra km. As I was on track for a decent time on fastest achievers I decided to rubber-band the controller overnight to rack up the extra/missing distance. I was surprised to find that it took an extra 6 hours and popped at roughly 90km. Don't feel bad about it at all as I had already met the trophy requirements legit, not my problem if their descriptions/triggers are a buggy mess.


I also used the cloud-save trick with Bloodborne and immediately regretted it as I ended up playing NG+ twice anyway.


Image result for ashamed gif


This one I am ashamed about.

Edited by Zolkovo
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I've done it where possible on a number of occasions as I can be quite lazy when it comes to boring things like grinding, farming, chores etc..


1. FFXII PS2 and TZA remake- Jelly auto-leveling, a one way ticket to lv 99 the lazy way. Setting up the gambits was all that was needed.


2. FFXIII-2: Chocobo riding trophy where you had to cover a certain number of steps on chocobo. I used a rubber band for about an hour and had the bird run around in circles.

Also, for the Lucky fragment which involved playing the slot machines where it's pure luck (you can get it in 5 mins of slots or 5 hours... very very RNG). I cello-taped the controller to keep having the slots real while I cooked dinner, and was lucky in that I got it in 30 mins. I got the plat twice in this game, again on the JP version and wasn't so lucky as it took 2 hours that time.


3. Tales of Vesperia: Had to travel a certain distance which was very far, and also where black bunny ears for 5 hours- I doubled up on these two trophies by rubber banded to controller for 5 hours. 


I think that's about it so far for me. 

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Uncharted 1-3 Remastered: Beat the game on crushing then used the glitch to use infinite ammo and one shot kills to do Brutal (because F that).


HLM: Used the PS3 glitch to get all A+ levels once you have like 13 of them.


Fallout Shelter, left it on to get the raiders.


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I used rubber bands for both the Overclocker (Drive a total of 5,000 Miles in a single car) and the Rough Terrain (Drive 2000 miles offroad) trophies in The Crew. These both required multiple hours of driving beyond finishing everything else in the game, which I did not want to do. So I let the rubber bands do it for me.

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Guess it would be rude to not include Sound Shapes, cheesed my way to an easy platinum by using the cloud sync option. Played the game on the ps3 & got most of the trophies & then cloud synced my save over the the ps4 to get them there, once I got the platinum on the ps3 I cloud synced it over the the ps4 to get the platinum on that & then cloud synced it over my newly bought vit which resulted in me getting the platinum in 15 seconds & 100% of the achievements in about 40/45 seconds.



I guess I could throw Final Fantasy 9 into this, as it was released digitally on the ps4 I bought it as it's one of my favourite FF games. Looks like that used the US version for it as you can use options to speed the game up, turn off fights, deal 9999 damage in one it & give help in battle. One of the achievements is to get a member of your part to level 99, I took advantage of the speed up ability & dealing 9999 damage to get some party members to level 99 yearly early on in the game. There's also an achievement for getting a weapon at a certain point in the game but you have to get to that place in under 12 game hours so took advantage of turning off fights, speeding up of the game & dealing 9999 damage for boss fights that get to that point of the game in about 5/6 hours

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