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"Cheesing" Trophies

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No matter what, I'll always go for the trophies in the easiest possible way on that game and if the game was any good then I'd keep playing it after I got the platinum try to get better to then fulfil those requirements without "cheesing". It takes a special kind of elitist to get at people simply for doing any methods that aren't the intended way by the game. I've discovered and implemented a pause exploit that can be used in most fighting games that have trials and this allows you to stop the game and do your next command on the game while in the pause menu, then when you unpause the game the input is registered by the game. Not many people really mention the pause exploits for fighting games, but whenever I've had people criticise me for using it, I'll always say "it's the same trophy on my profile than anyone else". Aside from that, I have around 7 turbo controllers, however I don't need to use that many at once at all, those controllers were also the cheapest controllers altogether at the cheap price of £7.99 each. If a mindless grind can be done automatically with a turbo controller simply button mashing the :cross: button, then there's no point trying to be active for it, it feels good when you can get trophies for games without actively grinding the game. 


I also boost most multiplayer games if I play them, because it's better to not stress yourself out further with the grind. I'm not upset that people cheese trophies in particular, but rather when they cheese them and still rate the difficulty of that game as being the most difficult game on PSN. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 suffers from 99% of people cheesing the game but after they do that, they'll then go on forums to say that the difficulty of the platinum is 10/10 and the most difficult platinum on PSN. No trophy requires you to become a pro at the game to get the trophies, there's always more to a game than its trophies, nobody who plays something like Street Fighter V at Evo is going to say you're a badass for getting the platinum. I've always said that trophies don't define gaming skill. I just like improving how I see my own profile when I get trophies, but I'm not obsessed with them and often take frequent breaks from doing them. 


I might have "cheesed" more trophies than most people, however a lot of people still somehow see my profile as something special, but here goes with listing a lot of the crap I've done: 


  • Used a turbo controller to constantly press :cross: on Divekick to automate playing 2000 ranked online matches with someone else who was doing the same thing. 
  • Used a turbo controller to constantly press :r1: on Injustice: Gods Among Us both times I got the PS4 platinums for it when I was going for level 100, interacting with an object gives you XP every time you try. 
  • Used a turbo controller to constantly press :cross: on Injustice 2 to automate runs of the Endless Battle Simulator in the multiverse. 
  • Tied some string to a fan on Gran Turismo 5 and tied the other end to the left analog stick, then turned on the fan and it pulled the left stick down to get past the menu in B-Spec mode and I held the enter button on a USB keyboard to keep going past menus. 
  • Held :r2: on a PS3 controller and held the left stick to the right while grinding A-Spec mode on Gran Turismo 5 and held Enter on a USB keyboard, this allowed for A-Spec level 40 to be done inactively on the Indy 500 track. 
  • Turbo'd the :cross: button on Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to continue doing player matches online to accumulate 30 hours of online play time on PS3 and PS4, on vita I just stayed in lobby mode and let the game keep running from there, as you can't turbo that one. 
  • Left Unreal Tournament 3 on all day and night for most of my "Online Champion" grind and AI got wins for me without any movement needed from myself. 
  • Used a turbo controller to constantly press :cross: while grinding level on Mortal Kombat X, doing this allowed me to win matches with the 1-hit modifier against a 2nd controller that was also turboing :cross:
  • Turbo'd the :r1: button on Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for a lot of my matches to win matches while I was asleep. 
  • Held the :r2: button to keep getting kills on GTA IV after getting into position on top of a sniper rifle on Happiness Island. 
  • Spent over 300-hours idle on Mortal Kombat 9 to accumulate play time for "My Kung Fu is Stronger".
  • Used a turbo controller to constantly press :triangle: + :cross: on Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge while playing the Acolyte 04 trial to level up while I was asleep. 


Aside from all those automated grinds I did, I've also boosted the multiplayer for a lot of online games, too many to really recall. Not many people really bitch about turboing or anything of the sort because it's not like the game would have taken any skill to do if a turbo controller can even do the work for you. I've probably turbo'd more things that I didn't list, but I'm not ashamed about that whatsoever and nobody should be, I rate the difficulty of what I experienced on a game accordingly when I have the platinum. 

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The basics, really:

- Left the game on overnight in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for the 15 hours I had left for playing 100 hours.

- Rubberbanded the sticks on Tales of Vesperia for who onows how many hours to finish off walking 500km.

- Used a glitch that lets you carry Vs mode handicap into survival mode in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.

- Changed the day on Tales of Xillia 2 to get the best Cat Dispatch bonus every day.

- I left Senran Kagura Bon Appetit going for 3/4 of the song, then played the last portion to win for the extra 100 songs I had to do after finishing everything else.


And a lot more that I could remember if I check my trophies. Those are just a few examples.

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  • I sit in class and just keep pressing start on Treasures of Mon. Blitz and let the time wind down in order to rank up time for the 100 hour trophy. I have five lives and each match takes 1 minute and it takes 3 minutes to gain back a life. I have slowly made it from 9 hours to 40 hours over the summer alone :P Almost halfway there.
  • For Shake Spears, I went to an easy level and did the same thing where I just kept pressing play in class in order to rank up coins to upgrade my character the last few levels
  • Helldivers vehicle thing that someone else mentioned.
  • Keeping my controller on overnight in Loadout. To be fair, I planned on playing the game legit but the sever shutdown was announced a week after I started playing :( I eventually decided not to go for the 100 hours. Same thing for LittleBigPlanet 2 and create mode.
  • Skipping VNs to get alternative endings. I will usually read one or two, but after that the story gets too repetitive for me. Steins;Gate and Hatoful Boyfriend were exceptions.
  • Do we still count moving the clock? I've done that on any time/date game like Batman, Adventure Capitalist, Clicker Heroes, Nova-111...
  • When I was younger, I would let my little brothers play the first play-through of many of my Lego games. Made babysitting easier since they played together and then I could do the second play-though and finish the trophies, which I never got around too :P . This probably isn't too bad in itself, but they caught on to me when they got older and started asking for treats as payment, which I complied. I swear kids have a sixth sense when someone is a pushover.

I know I'm a much more sketchy trophy hunter then this, but I can't seem to think of any other times I "cheesed". I had a turbo controller but the only time I used it was for Telltale's Jurassic park because I physically couldn't press x fast enough to do the perfect sequence. 


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I think one of my worst cheeses was leaving my console on overnight multiple times while playing Earth Defense Force Insect Armagaddon online. Just let other people finish the waves for me, while I'm sleeping. :P 500 rounds was the trophy, I did maybe 20 myself.

Edited by MMDE
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I'm someone who wants to earns his trophy as legit as possible but I've cheesed a few.

- Apotheon: Olympian: Beat the game on Olympian Difficulty. I was playing on my second playthrough of this game thinking I set the difficulty on Olympic. After beating the game I saw that it     was'nt. I did'nt want to complete the game again because I wanted to platinum other games but on the other side if I did'nt do it then I would problaby never earn the trophy. So I used a glitch that   you that let you load the last boss on Olymoic difficulty and after defeating him I got the trophy. I still feel guilty of it though. I also recommend the game.


- Killing floor2: VS Human Win: Win a VS survival match playing as the humans. I tried legit while playing with my brother but we ended up by whoever played as the zeds just do nothing.

-Saw 2: This was on xbox360 but does'nt really matter. You need to play this game on halloween and christmas. I wanted to do this legit because I started playing this game in September of that  year. But at the end of October I ended up in the clinic so I could'nt play on halloween. On Christmas I was still recovering from my stay at the clinic so I completly forgot it. Ended up time skipping because I wanted to complete the game 100%.


This one I did without knowing it, but I still write it down:

-Claire: So there is a glitch that if you load your game, the difficulty switches to the highest one. I noticed at the end of the game that by my saves it said I was playing on Nightmare difficulty instead of hard. So I ended up getting the trophy for playing on nightmare by only running half the game on that difficulty.


Well that is it for me. I whish you both succes with your podcast! 

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Did it a couple of times, most notably AFK grinding for the original Injustice. Anything that isn’t cheating is fair game in my opinion, since the trophy rarity will generally reflect the difficulty of the easiest way to obtain the trophy anyway.

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Ark: Survival Evolved - Used the in-game admin commands to obtain pretty much all of the trophies

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Used a stun-loop cheese method to beat the hardest optional boss in the game (Lingering Will) and several of the Org XIII members

LittleBigPlanet 3 - Played the unpatched disc version of the game and used a glitch to get the Guy Called Quest trophy

Stardew Valley - Used a money glitch where you named your character the codes for the two most expensive items in the game, then spoke to the Inn owner over and over again.  Put all the items into the shipping container and got the max money trophy.  Also works to gain other items by naming your chickens certain codes in the game.


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The very first game i cheesed was Darksiders on ps3

Dark Rider - ride for 100 miles

i just mounted my horse, went to a cleared, open area and rubberbanded that puppy

I think it took around 4 hours i dont remember

i watched a couple television programs to pass the time

Edited by Property_Damage
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The Last Guardian and Little Nightmares had no deaths/speedrun trophies that I abused cloudsaves for. Would play 10-15 minutes then save to the cloud, would download that save from the cloud if I died or felt I took too long in a section.


I also left the game running overnight for Unholy Heights to get lots of gold and Fallout Shelter to add up raider attacks.

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On 29/07/2018 at 11:10 PM, Angus1343 said:

Which trophy are you talking about for amnesia collection? The dark descent decisions can just be done by selecting continue, no need to download save.

I was talking about the Dark descent ones. I didn't know you could just hit continue, I feel stupid now

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I will normally try to do a trophy or game legitly, avoiding easy modes/glitches but sometimes I will take that easy way out if it is beyond ridiculous or I just want to be done with the game. I can't remember all the games but here are a few that I've cheesed.


Deformers: I currently finished this via boosting with myself on steam and having that account quit over and over... Wasn't a huge fan of the game so I just wanted that one done.


Starhawk: Grinding the wins before the servers closed by playing games on the other systems where I live, Though this required some work to do but still easier than winning 100 matches in each mode.


Star Wars: Battlefront: Playing the Objective; You have to get the top score in Blast but I am not the greatest player. BUT I intended to keep trying. One day I got in a lobby with just one other person and I thought I would mess around, probably lose. Turns out I was good enough to get the lead. As the game continued, players would pop in either on my side or theirs but I stayed in the lead, most would leave after a short bit. Just near the end, the opposing team got a really good player. He started to catch up to me fast and... The match was over. We won. I was in the lead. I accepted my fate and moved on with my accidental trophy. 



So that is the ones that I can recall. 

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All the tomb raider trophies a friend and I spent maybe 10 hours launching grenades at each other, not necessarily cheesing, but close enough


AdVenture capitalist: after about 2 months of legitimate playing I gave up and just time skipped for about 8 hours. most boring game ever, absolute regret downloading it

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Uncharted 1-3 Remasters - Cheesed my way through Brutal with tweaks.

Uncharted 4 - Pretty sure I used tweaks for Crushing. :hmm: 

Kingdom Hearts - Technically cheesed my way through the speed run twice...although since it takes longer I'm not sure it's cheesing it. :P

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Stun looped Lingering Will for his trophy.

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep - Defeated Vanitas Remnant 6 times through both versions by Strike Raiding him through a rock lol.

Darksiders - Cheesed the ride for 100 miles twice with the PS3 and PS4 versions.

Gauntlet - I don't remember which trophies, but I definitely rubber banded the controller for this game.

Dynasty Warriors 8 - If I remember this right I sped up Vocal Enthusiast by playing a certain stage because it could be finished in seconds. (and if this counts)


I'm sure there are others but I just don't remember them all. 

Edited by Avatar_Of_Battle
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