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What do you do when you're not gaming?


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Typical day:

    Wake up, coffee, check out True Trophies to plan possible platinums and look at trophy lists, check out PSNP to see what's new and look at guides if needed, turn on which ever system I need for the game in mind, game until food time, eat, game until food time, eat, game some more until beer o'clock, drink, fall asleep thinking about what trophies are closest for the next day!. Exhausting as it sounds, this is only on days off....I also have to stop gaming 5x a week to annoyingly go to work (but it gives funds for more gaming?).

Other trivial shit gets in the way like shopping and mowing the lawn (lawn mowing simulator?), but mostly it's games, food and beer?, so it ain't all bad!.

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Usually if I'm not gaming, I'm probably asleep or doing house work, but I also paragraph roleplay with my fiance on discord and write original stories / fanfiction. I like watching let's players and twitch streams, too, but I have the attention span of a gnat when I'm not using my hands, so I always end up browsing here or reddit for something to read while they end up as background noise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

When I'm not gaming I'm usually playing guitar, mainly just practicing over jam tracks with occasional cover here and there. Also enjoy less serious gaming with my gf (who is also a pretty big in gaming, just not to the extent that I'm) I also skateboard from time to time when I have the motivation, definitely not as much as when I was younger because falling hurts a lot more now a days lol, but I like to get in when I can. 

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  • 11 months later...

Honestly, overcoming years of mental health issues that were left unaddressed. Since I was twelve, I didn't know how to grow or cope with my anxiety and depression and years later, I feel like I truly can start living my life.

I went to my second concert ever just a few weekends ago, seeing on of my favorite bands live, and almost cried when I got home. Soon I'll be working at a food pantry for some much needed expereince but also happy I'l be doing something absolutely helpful.

Also watching reruns of The Office and Arrested Development,geeking out about Silent Hill with others, and struggling to find anime to get back into. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Drawing! I spend a lot of time drawing and trying to improve my skills to make up for all the years I wasted not practicing art properly due to lack of motivation.

Besides that also the usual stuff like watching stuff, listening to music, talking to friends, cleaning the house etc.

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  • 1 year later...

Working - welder / fabricator 

painting-ink n watercolor 

reading this forum or discord 

cooking food- researching new recipies

bugging my cats 

when the weather is ok-nice i like to go to trails near my house or hiking/ camping 


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reading (book is the best food for my brain) ,piano (2 years now ,i wish i started earlier ) watch anime and series ,some movies but rather than before (cinéma nowadays got no soul and meanings thanks cgi and let's not offend someone ),cooking (pastry first ,french and italian classics some north africa ones too) and take care of my girl ,boy and wife.Not enought sport i know that




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