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Words and phrases that you hate...


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Any kind of 'Leet' (being a twatty Internet nerd isn't something to be proud of)

The term 'noob' (everyone starts somewhere, and if your calling someone a noob, you've played whatever game you're playing too long)

People who forget to say 'an' instead of 'a' before a word beginning with 'H' - (it should be "an historical..." not "a historical...")

People who don't pluralise after the word 'none' - (its "none of them works" NOT "none of them work" - None means 'not one')

People who don't know when to use 'Who' or 'Whom'

'YOLO' 'LMFAO' 'EPIC' or most other tired, ancient memes.

The work 'memes'!

People who can't understand 'your' and 'you're' or 'there', 'their' and 'they're'


People saying Pacific instead of Specific! - if you do this, don't say words anymore, you've lost your rights to language! ;)

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People who forget to say 'an' instead of 'a' before a word beginning with 'H' - (it should be "an historical..." not "a historical...")



Are you sure about that? In "historical" the "h" is pronounced. Unlike the "h" in "hour", "homage" or "heir".... I always thought it was "a historical event". Maybe it differs in American English as opposed to British English? 



To continue with the topic, I hate when someone says, "it is, what it is", or the phrase that everyone hears in their lifetime, "if x, jumped off a bridge, would you too?" Though being older I don't hear it often, but when I do, it gives me shivers. Childhood memories.

Edited by Edunstar84
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  • YOLO (I really want to know when this became a thing.. I must have been hiding under a rock when this happened).

Using text speak; u, c, 4 etc.  It's annoying.

"Epic" mainly my nephew just does this but he says Epic near enough about everything when it had became a thing.  Made me hate the word hearing it constantly.

"Kawaii" Instead of saying it in English (Cute/Pretty), there's a lot out there that feel like they're into Japanese stuff so they must mix it up.  Seriously, stop.  I'm into Japanese stuff too but it's flipping annoying, either speak in Japanese completely when you do it or don't do it at all.  I can take it being said as a joke but when you are saying it because that's how you describe things that you find cute.. just stop.

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  • 4 months later...


  • YOLO (I really want to know when this became a thing.. I must have been hiding under a rock when this happened).
  • Using text speak; u, c, 4 etc.  It's annoying.
  • "Epic" mainly my nephew just does this but he says Epic near enough about everything when it had became a thing.  Made me hate the word hearing it constantly.
  • "Kawaii" Instead of saying it in English (Cute/Pretty), there's a lot out there that feel like they're into Japanese stuff so they must mix it up.  Seriously, stop.  I'm into Japanese stuff too but it's flipping annoying, either speak in Japanese completely when you do it or don't do it at all.  I can take it being said as a joke but when you are saying it because that's how you describe things that you find cute.. just stop.



Pretty much all of those especially the text speak and kawaii. Also, when people end their sentences with 'you know?' when telling their stories.

Edited by Royalredpanda
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"Nuculer". It's "nuclear", you dipshit. It doesn't help that none other than a former President of the United States pronounced it that way, frequently, on live television.


"Irregardless" isn't a goddamn word. Don't make me throw a dictionary at you.


I work in aviation, and an acronym frequently used in it is "FOD". This stands for "foreign object debris" or "foreign object damage", which is any object accidentally introduced to an aircraft system that could possibly damage it, like a rock going into an engine. If an engine has been damaged by a foreign object, you'll hear people says "That engine got fodded." You can't make a past tense verb out of an acronym, you moron!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to add some that I had forgotten with my previous post;

  • Pwn, Pwned & Pwnage: These are just seriously stupid words, for one they aren't pronounced as they are spelled, and the definition is as equally nonsensical (Pwn & Pwnage: To continuously & thoroughly dominate in a game. Pwned: To be continuously & thoroughly dominated in a game). It's bad enough when people use them online, but to hear a character in a game spout those words in nearly every line is beyond annoying  :shakefist: .
  • Sucks Balls: This just sounds incredibly stupid, it's normally used when something is excruciatingly unpleasant or just outright annoying, so I don't get the origin behind it.
  • Nintendo Hard: A phrase used to describe a game as incredibly difficult, it originates from the fact that NES & SNES games were intentionally made much harder to increase replay value. Seriously though, is it too much to just say a game is hard? I don't think so.
  • Adorkable: Seriously, something is either dorky or adorable, not both.
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Are you sure about that? In "historical" the "h" is pronounced. Unlike the "h" in "hour", "homage" or "heir".... I always thought it was "a historical event". Maybe it differs in American English as opposed to British English?

I can vouch that in American English it is "an historical". The reason for it is the combination of the leading consonant "h", and the emphasis is on the second syllable rather than the first. I think the flow of speech is smoother when it's used this way, so that's probably why it became one of those "exception-to-the-rules" rules.


What do you mean honest opinion? It should always be honest, you don't need to tell us it's honest.

I think it also means "in my humble opinion", which to me is slightly more annoying, because if a person points out anything about themselves as humble, it's anything but.

As to the original topic...

Pronouncing humble as "umble"

"Mood point" instead of "moot point"

Nearly every (mis)use of the word "literal" nowadays

...so many other grammatical errors.

Plus, management-speak like "grow our business" and "shift our paradigm".

Mixing or all-out butchering of metaphors! "That'll throw a monkey into the wrench" ?!

However, my most-hated phrases run along the lines of "to be honest", "I'm not going to lie", "honestly", and "okay, here's the honest truth". I know most people use them innocently, it's just that I once knew someone from whom I learned it meant, "everything out of my mouth before now has been a lie".

Edited by DaisyVilla102
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