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Games you managed to Plat after initially giving up on them.


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So like the title says, any games you played and you just weren't feeling it so you put it down, considered it done, didn't want to look at it anymore...but then a day comes few months later, maybe even years, you picked it back up and finally completed it? Preferably games where you were sure you were done with them, not ones you took a break from already intending to come back to later. 



I have 4 big ones that stick out for me.


WWE '13 - I've brought this game up before in other threads, and anyone who put themselves through this Plat knew how bad it was. The issue was getting to Max Rank Online. While easily boostable, it took a painstakingly long amount of time to get there...long boosting sessions full of boredom and anguish to move on...all the while you were at risk of logging on one day and the game just randomly reset your progress...this happened to a few of my boosting partners, who gave up after that (I don't blame them). The whole ranking system was just horribly designed, you earned XP by playing matches a certain way for a certain amount of time (so going in and just passing around DQ's right away didn't work), and you filled up stars...and the higher your level got the more stars you had to fill...so while Max level was only 14, by the time you hit level 10, you had 4 sets of stars you needed to fill (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and this weird Gold color with blue in it) before you ever saw level 11, and you had to do it all over again. 


So I hit level 10, and I couldn't do it anymore. I was so over the boredom and the horrible gameplay loop that I just called it quits...being at level 10 meant I was on the longest part of the grind and I just couldn't do it anymore. So it was almost 2 years later, someone asked for my help in boosting the online again, they were super close to getting the Plat and it wouldn't take very long, so I helped them out. Realized my progress never got reset and figured, I was in the groove again, had a nice break from the game and would attempt it and managed to get it done. 


It was also a lesson learned though...I was never going to do something like that again. 


Fallout 3 - For quite awhile this was my longest Plat completion time of over 4 years (and over 8 years for the 100%). This one isn't as elaborate as above...I bought the game in 2010 from GameStop during some sale of theirs, I heard how much people loved it and figured I'd give it shot even though I wasn't really into RPG's at that point. I just couldn't get into it...never really saw what everyone else saw in it, I was never charmed by the Bethesda glitches (felt the same about Skyrim). But I decided to give it a second chance 4 years later...and while I enjoyed it more the second time, enough to Plat it...still not a favorite of mine. But I bought the DLC on sale...but for whatever reason took another 4 years to actually play them. 


Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The game that dethroned Fallout 3 as the longest Plat time. This one is over 7 years. Played this in 2013 when we got it on PS+...and while I really enjoyed it, I had to restart it 4 times just to make sure I was being as meticulous as possible for the Foxiest of the Hounds trophy (not raising a single alarm the entire game). And I did everything right, got to the end to see like 4 trophies pop back to back...but no Foxiest of the Hounds. If a trophy could break your heart...this would be the closest thing to it. I loved the game, but when that trophy didn't pop, and reloading saves didn't help...I walked away from it. I couldn't do another playthrough only for it to possibly happen again. 


Fast forward to 2020 and I played and got the Plat for Mankind Divided...and figured I'm in that Deus Ex mindset, got that muscle memory going, so why not give Human Revolution another shot? Glad I did...enjoyed the game again, and got Foxiest on that one try. I ended up buying the DLC right after that but still haven't played it...so that'll be the longest 100% whenever I do lol. 


Dragon Ball: Xenoverse - Nothing complicated here. The game was great, but the RNG wasn't. It's literally RNG: The Game. You have to get all the Supers and Ultimates, but they're random drops from Parallel Quests, so you have to play some over and over and over and get nothing. I got sick of it and gave it up. Went back over a year later because a friend needed help with it, and like WWE '13, I was there doing it...might as well get on the grind again. The RNG was so bad I almost gave up on it again but got through it. 

Edited by Viper
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Oh my God, WWE '13 was the absolute worst Platinum ever. I don't even want to think about how many hours I wasted grinding out those stupid online ranks. I hate how WWE games have these INSANE online grinds, while also having a reputation for shutting down the servers less than 2 years after the game releases, so you kinda *HAVE* to sit there and grind yourself to tears, before it becomes unobtainable. 


My pick would be WipEout HD. A fantastic game, but I realized back in 2011 or 2012 that I wasn't skilled enough to ever get the Platinum trophy, so I kind of abandoned it, after having put numerous hours into it. Well, I came back to it in 2016, and amazingly got the Platinum trophy within a week or so. One of my proudest plats ever. 

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Giving up is kind of a big word. Let's say, temporarily walking away from them. 😇


To my mind come Dragon Ball Xenoverse, WipEout Omega Collection, Fall Guys and Street Fighter X Tekken.


Edit: Knack too

Edited by KenjiCBZ
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As a personal rule regarding my trophy-hunting, I have actually never given up. However, instead, I have put many games on a long waiting list.

Sometimes I get really stuck, or I'm not in the correct mind-set to complete the game, or not inspired, motivated to continue. And it irritates me.

This has been the case with both relatively easy titles, and more difficult ones too. I have left games for as long as 8 years. That's crazy. Right?

Sometimes I forget about them, because I always take on far more than I can handle. So, inevitably, they get pushed back farther and farther.

Let's be honest here, many of us play, buy, more than we can deal with for the most-part. I am guilty as charged in that respect. So much to play.

When you have almost every console, that compounds the problem even further. It can become a chore if one lets it. I want to have some fun. 


Will add list later...

Edited by TheDarkKratos
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Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Stopped playing it because of the Bounty: Arcana trophy which requires to collect all bounty cards. Pure RNG.

Came back after 2 years and finished it.


Guitar Hero Live

Strumillionaire trophy. Strum 1,000,000 times. Worst thing ever. Took a break a bunch of times.

2.5 years



Don't remember exactly what's the reason there, It was something to do with collectibles and RNG.
Took me 3.5 yrs total.


and finally...

Knytt Underground

7.5 years

Had initially on Vita, but it couldn't be completed, so had to quit. Then I actually got a PS3 and came back to complete and Plat this game




Also have some games that I don't play and yet to platinum (and probably never will)... [Hello RE0 and RE1]

Edited by VSBroN87
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) - This took me almost ten years to platinum after nearly giving up on it due to the Spec Ops trophies. Luckily with some help from my brother I managed to snag it. (8 years, 9 months)


Yakuza 6: The Song of Life - Put off platinuming because I was unsure of how Clan Creator worked. Luckily, it was pretty easy. (2 years, 3 months)

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FF14 PS4 for the sake of my mind sanity, i put this away for months and get back at it later, the grind is insane to get that one

otherwise if i m stucking hard on something i put the  game aside and start something easier to regain some stamina and get back at i it when i m ready

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Fallout: New Vegas. A masterpiece, for sure. However, marred by performance issues on PS3, especially with a larger save file size. It took me years to go back to it and I only did for the sake of completion. I’d honestly recommend against playing the game on PlayStation. 

Another game is Yakuza Kiwami. Started it when it came out on PS+, met Majima, and thought, it’s not for me. Now, years down the line, I’m a couple of trophies away from platinum and eager to continue with the rest of the series. 

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Got a few, less than I thought I had actually 


1. Sly Cooper 2

So the PS plus streaming of the sly trilogy, for whatever reason, just sucks. It's extremely bad. Worse than any other premium game. But after a while I returned and luckily enough I was able to get it going smoothly and went through the game. 


2. Spyro 2

Not difficulty related, I started it right after spyro 1 and was just bored of it at that point, eventually returned and did spyro 2 and 3 back to back


3. Madden 19

The curse of glitched trophies. Nothing ruins a game more for me. 

You have to win a game with every team, which failed to pop multiple times. I sold that game years ago before buying it last year again for a dollar so I could finally get it done. After a while I finally sat down and grinded it out and got it done after almost 5 years. Good riddance 


4. Uncharted Lost Legacy

This was an odd one. The game is amazing, and isn't long at all. But I just could not get through it for the longest time. And since it was crushing I got stuck on the part where you have to stealth around a truck and blow it up. Eventually I realized I never beat the game much less platinumed it. So I booted it up and finally got it done. I'm glad I did, highly recommend it.


5. Lego Batman 3

I know, a lot of easy platinums. I typically enjoy Lego games but this game was just boring. I couldn't enjoy most of it because it just felt so meh. Lego Batman 1 and 2 were much more enjoyable for me. But eventually I got it after a while of not thinking about it. 


6. Farming Simulator 19

So I haven't actually finished this yet, but I'm on the last trophy. But waiting for 100 contracts to come in and then do them is so unbelievably boring and quite honestly a stupid requirement. But I'm doing it little by little and once I get it I'll be happy about it. 


If this post teaches you anything, it's that I am bored easily. But I typically finish what I start do it evens out. 

Got a few, less than I thought I had actually 


1. Sly Cooper 2

So the PS plus streaming of the sly trilogy, for whatever reason, just sucks. It's extremely bad. Worse than any other premium game. But after a while I returned and luckily enough I was able to get it going smoothly and went through the game. 


2. Spyro 2

Not difficulty related, I started it right after spyro 1 and was just bored of it at that point, eventually returned and did spyro 2 and 3 back to back


3. Madden 19

The curse of glitched trophies. Nothing ruins a game more for me. 

You have to win a game with every team, which failed to pop multiple times. I sold that game years ago before buying it last year again for a dollar so I could finally get it done. After a while I finally sat down and grinded it out and got it done after almost 5 years. Good riddance 


4. Uncharted Lost Legacy

This was an odd one. The game is amazing, and isn't long at all. But I just could not get through it for the longest time. And since it was crushing I got stuck on the part where you have to stealth around a truck and blow it up. Eventually I realized I never beat the game much less platinumed it. So I booted it up and finally got it done. I'm glad I did, highly recommend it.


5. Lego Batman 3

I know, a lot of easy platinums. I typically enjoy Lego games but this game was just boring. I couldn't enjoy most of it because it just felt so meh. Lego Batman 1 and 2 were much more enjoyable for me. But eventually I got it after a while of not thinking about it. 


6. Farming Simulator 19

So I haven't actually finished this yet, but I'm on the last trophy. But waiting for 100 contracts to come in and then do them is so unbelievably boring and quite honestly a stupid requirement. But I'm doing it little by little and once I get it I'll be happy about it. 


If this post teaches you anything, it's that I am bored easily. But I typically finish what I start do it evens out. 

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Aliens vs Predator - This one became an acquired taste. I initially played the demo (among so so many demos back in the day) and didn't really think much of it. My father however witnessed me playing said demo and for some unknown reason, despite me having vocalised my disappointment at the demo... he spontaneously bought me the game some short while later xD


So, I gave it a shot. After all the demo only showcased the Marine IIRC and the full game did have the Alien and Predator campaigns to try out. I remember doing a full playthrough of each, didn't really get invested at all but at least I finished them. Skipped on most the collectables and just slogged to the end though. Maybe dabbled in some online, can't remember.


Years down the line, some time after the abysmal Colonial Marines (and I'm sure around the time either Isolation either released or had some hype before release) I decided to revisit the game on a whim and somehow it clicked better second time around. It's as if the 'worse' Alien game got me to appreciate the Alien game I had lol. Anyway I did the campaigns again on nightmare and looked around for collectables etc. and played the online which was surprisingly still active (not greatly, but enough to have a fun time) so I had some fun there. I think part of that though was that I was actually doing good at it to the point I'd get hate messages xD definitely a bit of power fantasy going on, especially if I got to play as Predator.


I'm not going to say that I suddenly think the game is an amazing masterpiece but I'm glad I gave it a second chance and didn't truly give up on it in the end.

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For the most part, I always start a game with plans to plat them eventually. For Atelier Ayesha for the PSVita, there was so much I had to do right, and I was time constrained. I had to alchemize specific items and equips with certain passive conditions. In order to do that, I needed specific items that I had to harvest. The developers added 4 special boss dragons not included in the PS3 version, and I remember feeling pretty disappointed because I really loved the Dusk series and its aesthetics. 



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Arcana Heart 3


I played this game a TON when it was new, as I loved the concept and the gameplay. I even tried the online but it was just as bad as it was now - and also as dead - so I was trying to get the achievements on it, because it didn't have a lot of content. After a while I just gave up, because I was bored and because I needed online. Also back then I wasn't a trophy hunter, so I wasn't really as determined into doing it. 


10 years later, I finally got it, after a long boosting sessions that lasted (I think) 2-3 months, and a lot of sweat for doing the final trophies offline. On the Streets and So Forth was my last trophy to get the platinum and I remember playing it for weeks in order to get it. I remember the night I got it I was so tired, and I saw the combo being done, but nothing popped. 2 seconds later I was on my knees, finally achieving that thing! I'm not good at fighting games, but this gave me a big boost in self confidence, in hopes to do more games like this. Because while I'm not much of a fighting fan, I do like some of them.

Edited by Darghel
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Mafia: Definitive Edition

I got this game in November 2020 and played it and really enjoyed it, then I beat the game and tried to get all the collectables in Free Ride, I was trying to get some vehicles and I was doing one of the phone booth side missions and after I beat one of them, my game crashed, I thought nothing of it, so I went back in the game and I come to find that it had erased everything, so I had to replay the entire game and collect everything all. over. again. So, this lost a lot on me, so I stopped playing. Then, a year later I come back to it and start the classic mode difficulty run and I kinda play through it and I stop playing sometime, skip another 2 years to a few days ago, where i pick up the game again and determined to plat it, so I finally beat classic mode and I spend hours in free ride getting all the collectables and then... i did it


On October 21, 2023 at around 12:22 AM, i finally platinumed Mafia: Definitive Edition after an almost 3 year journey

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Ooh, I like this question.


Crash Bandicoot - I don't remember why I stopped playing it, but I returned to it almost 2 years later and got the platinum. I got it 2 days after returning, but it took me almost a month after that to get the gold relic on Stormy Ascent to complete all the trophies.


Jak and Daxter - I believe I stopped playing this because I was streaming a playthrough. I returned about a year later and streamed the rest of my playthrough, finishing it in one night.


Kingdom Hearts - I think this was another instance of I started off streaming this game, and then didn't play for a while because I didn't have time to stream. I returned almost 3 years later, unconcerned with streaming it, and got the platinum about a month after.


The Last of Us Part 2 - I finished the game and got as many trophies as I could on my first playthrough. Arms Master and Survival Expert require a New Game+ file, and so I returned to the game almost 2 years after I first finished it.


BioShock - I had played the PS4 version before I got into trophy hunting, and the no Vita survivor difficulty intimidated me. I did another playthrough almost 4 years later with those settings and got the platinum.


Fallout 4 - I also played this before I got into trophy hunting, and I didn't care about getting all of the endings needed for the platinum. I went back to it after 5 years for another playthrough, getting the platinum and 100%.


Moonlighter - This is the one I'm proudest of returning to for the platinum. When the game first came out, it was very difficult to get the platinum due to glitches. For example, there is a trophy for killing 10,000 enemies, but the in-game counter resets when you quit the game and start it up again. I tried to play by keeping my game on when I wasn't playing. I think the power went out at some point. I tried again and the game was glitchy. When I did finish the story, I didn't get the credit for doing so. Frustrated, I quit. I went back to it 3 years later after hearing that the enemy counter glitch was resolved. I was finally able to platinum the game about 3 weeks later.

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Jotun, the plat was originally meant to be my 50th platinum milestone but it was brutally hard as well as requiring a lot of luck on top of damn near perfect player input in order to get the two hardest trophies. I legit just abandoned it and had no intention of picking it up again, for 3 years or so I didn't touch it before finally giving it another serious go a few weeks ago, and this time I managed to unlock it given that I recently got rid of a life long affliction which used to impact my gaming abilities, so I knew that I was better than ever and used that as motivation, still a very challenging game to complete.

Edited by Dauersack
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After I got my first Platinum in 2015 ( Assassin's Creed: Rogue on the PS3 ) I returned to some that I hadn't finished starting with:


Uncharted:Drake's Fortune on PS3 at a total of 6 years and 10 months, could have been my first Platinum but I wasn't thinking about them back then.  Ironically it only took me 1 week and 3 hours to Platinum on my second account 3 years ago.


Assassin's Creed 2 on the PS3 at a total of 5 years and 2 months, the same as above.


Tomb Raider: Underworld on PS3 at a total of 6 years and 9 months and I guess I just didn't enjoy it and gave up on it and kept going back to it until I got the Platinum in 2016, but it wasn't my favourite of the Legend trilogy.  


Jak 2: Renegade [ UK title ] on the PS3 took 5 years and 11 months and on PS4 took 2 years and 9 months and the same goes for Jak 3 on both systems.  It was the Orb collection, I didn't know about the debug exploit until 3 years ago. 


Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty:  This took 1 year because I had played initially on the PS3, however it ran really badly on the system.  Some of the cutscenes would not load, the Paramites would glitch through areas that you would think that Abe was safe but got killed and Elum was a serious pain to control.   So I re downloaded onto my PS4 and got the Speedrun by narrowing a lot of times down in Chapter select to gain the Platinum.  


Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando [ or Locked and Loaded here in the UK ] took me 2 years and 1 month due to very grindy trophies like getting 2 million bolts, the RYNO 2, the Zodiac [ terrible weapon ], all the Nanotech Boosts [ the one with the glider where you have to turn around or stall in the air whichever way you want to do it, is a pain ] and the races and the Carbonox Armour.   


Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal [ or just 3 here in the UK ] took 5 years and 4 months, my favourite of the the original trilogy but the 40 skill points alluded me, but I eventually got them all 3 years ago.


Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time took a whopping 9 years and 10 months, almost shy of a decade to gain the Platinum because of that bloody mini game - screw Qwark and his blaster and its a bronze trophy as well, such an insult it should have been a Silver or even Gold it was hard.  


The Following games I came back too because I got a Plus Account so was able to access the MP Trophies:


Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - 4 years and 2 months.


The Last of Us: Remastered - 2 years and 5 months.



Alice Madness Returns: Took me 4 years and 4 months because I got stuck on a couple of difficult trophies and the DLC, but came back 3 years ago and finished it off.


Tomb Raider: Anniversary:  Took me 2 years and 9 months, I gave up on trying not to get hit by the Tesla Ball in the Hephaestus Room [ which Core Design erroneously called Thor, which is a Norse God as we know and not Greek ] and the Time Trials.


Tomb Raider: Legend:  Took the same amount of time as above and it was the Time Trials again.


The following I went back to after getting the DLC:


Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Took me 1 year and 8 months to 100%


Assassin's Creed: Origins : Took me 2 years and 5 months to 100%


Assassin's Creed: Odyssey:  Took me 1 year and 8 months to 100%


Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Took me 1 year and 6 months to 100%


The Last of Us Part 2: Took me 2 years and 11 months to 100% 

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Little Big Planet. I have this game in my hands since 2011 and it's the same story of me not being able to beat all of those levels without dying and doing the online stuff. I finally did it in 2020 and since this is not my first acc this game actually took me 9 years to plat.


The whole Uncharted saga. I swore I could't beat those games but playing it along with my cousin made those games really fun to plat. (UC 1-3 took me 6 years, UC4 took me 4 years and UC: LL took me 3 years.



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(PS3) 10 years, 2 months, 1 week.


I didn’t think I’d be able to do it so I never bothered. I resigned my hat and gaming skills to not be capable. When the PS4 version came out, I thought a bit differently. So insanely decided to get the platinum in both versions at the same time. And it would’ve been within the same minute of time but the PS4 version was glitched at the time so RIP. I literally was running up and down the stairs to get both at once for nothing. Item spam makes it a lot easier than you’d expect. But the collectibles and some challenges were infuriating especially on the PS3 with the framerate.

1 year, 1 month, 2 weeks


I liked it but thought it would be too hard so dropped it. Decided on a whim to go at it again. And while the final boss was awful and marred the rest it was fun


(PS4) 1 year, 11 months, 1 week


Because of Pro-Bending I gave up. I wanted to kick some plats off the backlog and tried again and managed it. Still hate that mode but I wish I could do it again on PS3.


1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks


I suck at this game. So figured it would be impossible. Little did I know most trophies are cheesable so that’s why I went back. Still have one set of DLC and idk if I care or not since I hate playing online 


(Vita) 4 years, 1 month, 3 days


gave up due to online and being I am bad at fighting games, but for some reason went back and managed to get most of these ones legit. I remember getting super lucky with some randos.


Ended up doing it on PS3 much faster but had to use boosting for that one iirc 



6 years, 2 weeks, 4 hours


I genuinely found this hard. Until I unlocked the second area abilities. Then I was mad at putting off the game. And for doing the first area 100% because it was dull before you could turn people.


(PS4) 5 years, 11 months, 1 day


One of the instances of the game sucking so much that I dropped it instead of dropping it because I suck. Man I hated this game because I loved the previous game. This has so many design problems I hated like being punished for not doing a crime perfectly or not doing them at all because you’re busy. Wanted to clean up my backlog so finally did it. Still don’t like the game. 


8 years, 3 months, 1 day


I’d love to say I dropped it for sucking but I remember liking it when I first tried it so… idk why I dropped it but I never wanted to go back. Maybe deep down I knew it all along? Oh wait, I got stuck on the first boss. Yet somehow didn’t click it sucks. I realized how much it sucked when I went to get the platinum. What a terrible awful game. Genuinely dreadful. Awesome OST though. 


6 years, 11 months, 3 weeks


Another I found too hard to bother PLUS a massive grind… but it honestly isn’t that hard. Just get comfortable in laying it and endless with be done no problem. I only went back to clear up my backlog and increase my % because I always loved the game. 


11 years, 8 months, 2 weeks


I tried it it wasn’t that great. Tossed it aside. Again to clear up my backlog and increase my % I tried it again, not even intending the platinum just to get more done (see Carnival Games unfinished for how I expected this one to go). 

What a nightmare some of it was. Some of it was fun, but that blowfish game is awful beyond words. I was screaming. 


11 years, 5 days, 16 hours


This was a letdown but like the above dropped it not really intending to go back. In the end I actually quite like the game ASIDE from the awful waggle combat, the rest was pretty fun. 


5 years, 8 months, 4 days

I found normal so hard I didn’t bother. I gave up on the idea of FUBAR. But I loved the game and eventually decided it would be a good milestone at #150. I should have more faith in myself. *side eyes Vanquish*


(PS3) 10 years, 7 months, 2 weeks | (PS4) 8 years, 9 months, 3 weeks


For the same reason: BS online grind. The goal of backlog and % increase led me down the tedious path to do both of these. I did the solo grind at the same time and would’ve got the pots back to back if not for awful internet and my inability to change nat settings or figure out port forwarding. But eventually got them both and never need to touch this game again. 

Edited by Elvick_
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Spy Chameleon: I completed the story mode in one day and enjoyed it. But then I had to speedrun it and some other challenges and I just could not do it. I really started to hate the game. Few years pass, but I always felt annoyed that I could not do it. So I tought to myself to give it one more try. And I did it. It really felt like a burden fell of my shoulders.


Sound Shapes: I really enjoyed the story mode, but I just couldn't do some of those death mode levels. I just didn't think they were fun. So I tried on and off to get them, but there were a few levels I just couldn't do. So after getting the platinum in Spy Chameleon, I tought to myself: "Now is the moment to platinum Sound Shapes." And the next day I got the plat. I was so happy to finally get these two games done. Because I always saw the platinum percentage increase and it really made me feel bad.


So I learned a few things with these two games.

1) I shouldn't trust difficulty ratings blindly

2) I shouldn't let games that I cannot platinum effect me so badly.

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