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Attack on Completion 2024

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Yup, I am in. I will be right around 92%, and with the unobtainable lists, I don't see myself getting to 97% easily, so my goal will be *gulp* 95%. Which is still going to be real hard for me lmao.

I will be doing stats again this year. I will run a start of the year stats generation and post that. Then a mid-month "test" post to make sure we have everyone in the list. Then the first real monthly stats post on 2/1. 

Good luck everyone and let's get those uncompleted games finished!

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Yep sign me up! 


I've been waiting for this one to renew as wanted to try a community event. 


So I'm hoping to reach 75% as my minimum goal. (Unsure if I'll go up 1 percent before the new year so wanted to add over 5%) 


And if I achieve that then 80%.


Also a quick question.. Sorry if you've answered this before.. Why does highest completion have to be 2021 or before?

Edited by Loz_42
I had a question
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sign me up my starting pcg is  19.93 i want to increase it with 5% this event last year have helped me to improve in gaming and unlocking platinum trophies and i do 1 game at a time almost finished south park the stick of truth i beat the game 2 times already just 2 trophies left and those are collecting all the clothes and weapons in the game that is all that is left to do 

Edited by maxfighter23___
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I’m in! My starting percentage is 95.87% and my goal is to reach 99% this year! This has been my trophy hunting goal for the past two years and I’ve gotten my percentage up around 20% since then. Good luck to all and I hope everyone meets or exceeds their goals!

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Well my Goal is of course 90% starting of 2024 with 86%. (or 91% if 5% is the minimum)


The Thing is, i got like stuck on 85% for over than one Year. I guess it now start to increase, since i hit something magical :D


i would like to sing up

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I tried it this year and saw my percentage go up by 3% in total.

Really want to try again in 2024. At the moment my overall percentage is 80.04% which will most likely slightly increase before the end of the year.

My goal for the end of 2024 is to be at least at 85%

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On 12/21/2023 at 11:06 AM, Loz_42 said:

Also a quick question.. Sorry if you've answered this before.. Why does highest completion have to be 2021 or before?

If I am not mistaken, the part you are referring to is under the monthly goals. Kingofbattle copy pasted the original post from previous Attack on Completion events and probably overlooked the date.


As for 2024 sign ups, I am undecided. 100% is impossible for me to reach and I am currently almost at 97% though it's sure to dip by 2024.

Edited by da-Noob123
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I'll join again please.
I was 57.42% when I started this year, I'm now at 57.47% because I stupidly started a load of games last month and can't be bothered with them! The AoC Comp helped me go back to games and build up the percentages on them, even if it was only a few quick trophies.


Dead by Daylight screwed me though, played it and didn't realize they bought out another new trophy list that's separate, so it put on an additional 108 trophies I'm never going to get!


62.48 % goal next year... because THAT will definitely happen 😅

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I'd like to join, please. I will aim for the 5% increase, which might be quite a challenge for me.  I signed up for the cozy games event, and I'm probably going to join the bingo event. The key will be getting the most out of games that I already have started.


Last year I set a personal goal to get my unearned trophy count below 5000 (I added 700, oops) and finish playing the story of all the games I started (total fail). My goals for this year will be to have a lower unearned trophy count 12/31/2024 than I have on 1/1/2024 and to finish the single player story of all games I start in 2024.

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Aye, sign me up again.


A 100% profile isn't going to be my primary target next year admittedly - I quite fancy trying a consecutive A-Z at some point - but I enjoy reading and writing the posts on the thread and I figure my numbers will be going up anyway (hopefully!), so why not?


Currently 90.26%, which won't go up spectacularly in the next week, so  I'll aim for 95% at year end and hope that quantity will get me there!




Edited by stuthesheep
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Sign me up, please. I have way too many games in my backlog that I've been avoiding that I really need to get back to, and this will be good motivation to also return to lists that I can still make progress on, but can't 100% for whatever reason. I'm still trying to finish the 2023 Kaleidoscope challenge by the end of the year. So, my current completion percentage (53.87) will likely (hopefully) go up. So, with that in mind, I'll set my goal for 2024 at 70% for now, since that will hopefully give me at least a 5% wiggle-room, depending on how 2023 ends. If I need to, I'll push my goal to 75%. But, I'm not trying to be overly ambitious (at least for me, anyway).

Edited by InfinateEternity
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Sign me up again this year.


I've been participating the last 3 years and have thoroughly enjoyed myself! I like the extra motivation this event gives me to finish each new game I start and to go back and finish games I started long ago. The first time I joined this event I believe my profile was at around 50%. This year I crested 92% so this event has really done what it set out to do!


I'm now entering the territory of diminishing returns where further percentage increases are a lot more hard fought. Starting and finishing a game only gives me an increase of 0.05% (and that increase will only continue to decrease). Also, the only games left on my profile to clean up besides God of War, RE0, & Nioh are either ultra-rares that will be tough, or unobtainables.


With that in mind I very much doubt that I'll be able to manage a full 5% increase. I'd like to try and get another ~3.5% and will set a goal of 96%. 


I look forward to another year of reading everyone's progress and adventures in games. A big thanks again to @Squirlruler and @kingofbattle8174 for putting on this event every year and also to all the participants that give me some very enjoyable posts to look forward to each week!

Edited by Llobster12
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