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What if... Sony would take away trophies. (Scenario)


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I would play more mainstream games since I'm not trophy hunting. Trophies have lead me to some good smaller games that I would have never played otherwise. I would also just play campaigns without looking to collect things. I would just beat the game and that's it. 

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I'm actually quite surprised that a lot of people on a trophy hunting website don't care about trophies. :P


I'd probably stop playing PS games altogether except for a few games and stay with Nintendo. Trophy huntig is the fun part of videogames for me.

Also: All the money and time I have spent on those games would be for nothing. I wouldn't have liked that...

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Being a gamer since the Commodore 64, trophies are relatively a new thing.


So if trophies were taken away I'd play games like I used to - until I finished them or I loved the game enough to finish it on the highest levels, quickest times etc. I might have a dabble at multiplayer but that's never interested me unless it's with friends.


The reason I love trophies is because it gives you your gaming history, how amazing it would be to have:


Rocket Ranger - Defeat all Nazi Soldiers in hand-to-hand combat - Achieved 23/09/1989


Oh well, just thought I'd reply to one "What If..." with another....



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I'd probably play games on other systems again. Dust off the Wii U. Maybe turn on my Xbox One, see if it still even works. Maybe I'd go outside for a change. I heard that there was this gigantic ball of fire in the sky. Would be cool to see it at least once in my life.

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I would be really upset and would probably give up on PS and play solely on xbox 1, I got really into trophy hunting 2 years ago now and Its like there apart of me now, I can't wait to look at trophy list before new games come out :D :D.

I think losing trophies would take away a lot from the games I play. They make me want to explore, kill x amount, find collectibles and generally go off track instead of following the game story, therefore adding more depth to the game and increasing time played. Losing trophies essentially equates to rushing through games and not getting much enjoyment from it. The ability to explore would still be there, but that shiny prize and the 'ding' sound make it a lot more attractive to do!.


This +1

Edited by sephirothdude
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Complain on every forum say hateful words towards Sony then the following...


Go over my backlog then Sell/Destroy all the half completed games I don't want to continue playing.
Then stick to mostly JRPG type games but not worry about collectables or over the top grinding or the low % RNG events that would no longer be needed as much.

Edited by fisty123
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-Would probably never touch online again
-Would finally get around to play through my PS2/Gameboy Advance/DS/3DS backlog, which I always delay because I'm hunting trophies for some game or other.
-Would certainly play more games because I would be determining my own notion of 100% for each of them - as I used to do before trophies.

BUT, I would certainly miss the sense of completion.

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What would you do if you got a email from PlayStation or found out in the news that Sony has decided to delete trophies from existence to improve members experience (typical excuse)because they feel people get too competitive? This would mean you lost all your trophies and plats.


I would only game on my PS3 that isn't connected to the internet and I would join Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat and post images of my TV I take with my camera of my trophies and plats as I acquired more.


Since almost my entire PS3 collection is physical, I'd have dozens of games to get trophies on and everyone would be jealous of me because I still have trophies and no one else would.


If others wanted to do the same thing, the used game market would become more popular and the value of physical games would increase. I'd start a website where people who have physical collections and PS3's offline could post their now ultra-rare trophy images and levels and we would create a community. We would look down on people who have digital collections for being so short sighted when they said nothing would ever happen.

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??? It has literally 3 exclusive games anything worth talking about, and if you're not into racing or shooters, then meh, nothing. I think they are losing one of these very soon too. I assume this applies to you as well, so nothing. If you don't count exclusives, then PS4 has about twice as many as X1.


You could say that about all console releases at the moment. Only Uncharted 4 has the world on fire.

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You could say that about all console releases at the moment. Only Uncharted 4 has the world on fire.


I'm not just talking about new games. X1 has Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive. Forza 6 is no longer exclusive, so that's one less. So yeah, I was wrong, I should have said 2 games.


PS4 exclusives with 80+ on metacritic:



Disgaea 5


InFamous: Second Son

Tearaway Unfolded

Until Dawn

Ratchet & Clank (2016), you can ignore this one if you think it's too much of a remake

Resogun, because the PS3 version is little to nothing like the PS4 version




InFamous: First Light

Killzone: Shadow Fall


There would have been more if I counted games only released in Japan atm.

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Most of them just don't have confirmed localization date.

But out of those 43, you will surely find 15-20 that will be brought to west.


Scratch what I said about X1 exclusives earlier...


X1 exclusives 80+ metacritic:

Sunset Overdrive


X1 exclusives 70+ metacritic:

Forza 5


Halo 5 is going to PC...


So that's it.

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If Sony would remove the trophy system I'd be very happy and play games for fun again.

No more dumb grinds for collectibles or kills online. I would just rush through every game on easy and be done with them. Or if I don't like them quit and play something else.

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I miss how invested I could get into certain games.  Like sports franchises.  Creating players and what not, and letting my imagination go.  but I love(d) certain great games with a good/rewarding plat that pushes me to potentially do a crazy mode... that I might not have done if no trophies didn't exist.  A weird conundrum.  Deep down, secretly I wouldn't mind at all if trophies went away.

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