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What if... Sony would take away trophies. (Scenario)


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I would probably play less and not get my moneys worth, since you can "finish" most games in 10 hours storywise ex. COD, Uncharted


But when I was playing R6 for a long period i had months with 0 trophies, because I didnt simply care about "hunting" as joy and fun on R6 was more dominant, than playing more games for trophues

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If I woke up one morning and found out that trophies were gone and/or replaced with another type of system, I would more than likely wipe a good 80% of games from my various gaming libraries.


A world without trophies would more than likely make me return to my old ways of playing the few games I actually enjoyed (usually only a handful per gaming generation if I’m being brutally honest ?).


But I definitely had many awesome memories that wouldn’t have existed without trophies, so whatever the future, those memories won’t disappear ?.

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I've given up on trophy completions now, but I can also see gaming not lasting much longer for me because of it. 


You see as I got older trophies gave me targets to aim for, the kudos for doing it was zero... I just like making sure the job is done before moving on. But I've accepted I'm just too shit at gaming to pursue it any longer but the problem is that gaming is then too expensive to not go for everything and being an older person you can't dick around on games at my age as that then makes it feel like its a toy. 


So if they removed them I would probably finish with gaming. 


I've always said though that both the achievement and trophy system is flawed in many, many ways. Most times the requirements end up ruining the experience rather than enhancing it. And I'm not talking about difficult trophies, but pointless grind trophies and such. 


If I could have designed the trophy/achievement system I would have simply made it as 'you have earned 10 trophies in this game' as opposed to 'you have earned 10/50 trophies in this game'. I think this would then show devs that most of the times collectibles are done wrong and totally pointless and could concentrate on ways to enhance the game as opposed to dragging it out. 

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  • 1 month later...



Life goes on I guess.


For video games itself, I'd be wondering if more gamers would like certain titles less. I'm playing The Quarry  right now which requires several playthroughs inc. good ending and stuff. Something I've noticed from peer reviews is that non-trophy hunters aren't impressed with the game, relative to the trophy hunters who made multiple playthroughs and are able to appreciate the muti-POV/scenario perspective of the cinematic horror narrative which Supermassive Games does.

Edited by Eraezr
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5 hours ago, Eraezr said:



Life goes on I guess.


For video games itself, I'd be wondering if more gamers would like certain titles less. I'm playing The Quarry  right now which requires several playthroughs inc. good ending and stuff. Something I've noticed from peer reviews is that non-trophy hunters aren't impressed with the game, relative to the trophy hunters who made multiple playthroughs and are able to appreciate the muti-POV/scenario perspective of the cinematic horror narrative which Supermassive Games does.

Personally I'd say you're right on the money with that thought. I myself being one of those gamers. Trophies have changed the way I play through the decades 

My early ps1 and ps2 days I would try almost anything from shooters to racers but with the introduction of trophies on ps3 I slowly drifted into a picky "can I plat" player and if trophies were to go away I can safely say there are quite a few titles I probably would have never tried. 

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It would have zero impact on my daily life. 


I go for trophies as part of playing games i like. If you look at my profile, i have games not finished (some would say many games), and im fine with leaving a game at 1% if i play it and don't feel it. 


The games i plat and/or 100%, are games i think are good games, and have fun playing. I also plat games for the challenge. 


If trophies got removed, i would still play games. I have put around 2500 hours into CS:GO on PC, and maybe 3-500 hours into MADFUT on my iphone. For no trophies. So yeah, makes no difference. I go for trophies because they are there, and if they weren't there, no big deal :) 

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  • 1 year later...

Maybe i would still be buying Sony games, but maybe as stated before, just not doing random stuff like playing over 100 hours, or rewinding over and over a save state to grind money, those kind of things that make people see you with wtf eyes when they dont know what are you doing exactly



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youre playing with my emotions smokie

6 minutes ago, TheDarkKratos said:

It would be like playing games prior to 2007. You know back in the good old days when people used to actually play videogames for fun. REAL fun.


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yah but before trophies alot of games still had checklists and stuff or in game 100%. i played gta4 for the 100% and then the damn trophies came out and it wouldnt let me use my save i had to do it all over haha. but we were basiclaly doing the same thing in some games with checklists instead of trophies

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I would likely play the same games as my friends. I would for sure find myself online much less. No more shut down chasing, no unobtainables. Some might call this freedom!

Edited by Mina
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