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RealM722's Trophy Cabinet


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5 hours ago, realm722 said:

Why ST:BotS? I cannot express with enough fervor how much I want to thank @Cassylvania for their review from nearly a year ago. They even nominated it as their Game of the Year for 2021 which further brought it to the forefront of my mind. I LOVE this forum for this very specific reason. Games pop up on my radar that I had glossed over hundreds of times. I would have never, in a million years, ever attempted this game on my own without a recommendation from a source I trusted. I had seen it pop up on sale for $5 time and time again and always skimmed past it given 1) The 50+ hour time commitment is a lot for a game I'd heard so little about and 2) It didn't even qualify for an ultra-rare plat at 6% so.... even less incentive. I'll admit that whenever I see a gigantic review on a game I've never heard of, I'll typically skip over to the end to see if it's a game that one of y'all are pounding on the table for. I don't want to get spoiled (even in non-spoiler ways) on a game I think I may love in the future. Once I saw Cassy's glowing positivity in the closing statements, Shadow Tactics entered that stratosphere.


Loved your review! Wasn't sure anybody was going to bite the bullet on this one. I don't think I was going to give it GOTY when I wrote that review, but I remember the game lingering in my mind a few weeks after that and I was like, "Damn, that was the most fun I had in a video game in a while." You even pointed out some things I'm sure I glossed over, such as the hilarious over-the-top voice lines from the enemies. "Stick the needle, stab the neck" is a classic. I'm also glad you went more into depth about Mugen's storyline, as I had to tiptoe around that in my review. I wasn't kidding when I said this game belongs in the same tier as Dark Souls and XCOM (which you know I never shut up about).


I actually bought Desperadoes III shortly after finishing the game, but it's been sitting on my shelf. If you get around to it before me, you'll have to let me know how it is. It looks very similar and that excites me.

Edited by Cassylvania
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It's interesting to see your thoughts on this. I have started to use this stat a bit more myself when looking at trophy lists. I don't spend a ton of time doing it, but I'll often check a handful of the names of people playing the current game I am and seeing if it is a stretch game for me or something I could probably do. If I see a bunch of your Tier D types actively playing it, I'll mentally prepare for a challenge. If I see Tier A or B types playing, then I feel like I shouldn't have too much of a problem. Of course there are always outliers, but similarly to what @Cassylvania said, I think it's the most meaningful stat on the site to gauge the type of trophy hunter someone is.


Before the New Year, I had a goal of getting mine under 40% (currently at 39.38%). While I fall into Tier C by a nose, I feel like my gaming habits more align with Tier B. I don't mind playing some 'soft' games, but I also like to challenge myself at times as well. Unless a 100% is unobtainable, I'll pretty much consider any game and if you catch me in the right mood and suggest it, I'll probably start it. Sometimes, I just like being stupid (looking at you Injustice.....). Very entertaining read!

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Hot damn, finally the topic I've been waiting for <3 

8 hours ago, realm722 said:

Warning: Some trophy hunting snobbery is found in this.

Make way please for the C) Soft Games Need Not Apply Gang!



This has been one fun topic to read. I do agree with the classification and the fact that most players do fall in the 40% category (which ain't a bad thing, mind you, those people enjoy their games and don't play stuff they don't enjoy).


I did want to initially say that the C point is not entirely true, but after reading this



8 hours ago, realm722 said:


Analysis: Is it a jerk move to put MY OWN account in this slot? Tell me in the comments. The essential difference between the every man and a category C player is the latter almost always avoids going for anything that can even be remotely associated with a cupcake. Hell, muffins and macarons are off the table! This is most easily displayed by the fact the "Common" trophy % goes from nearly taking 50% of the pie chart to a hash over 25%. This requires a very strict diet.

and checking my own account's rarity...yeah I will shut up xD I do pick a tasty eclaire from time to time (hell, Cat Quest easily beats most of the UR games I've played in terms of quality), but no jumping Cupcake Turbo Edition, that's true.


7 hours ago, AihaLoveleaf said:

This has been true to my experience as well. I've witnessed players in this category stick games like Persona 4 Arena with a 7/10 difficulty which, as you've stated, isn't going to be helpful for others, when it's coming from somebody living in a realm us mortals will never occupy.

Yup agreed with this too, Persona 4 Arena is a perfect example since I encountered that too with that specific gamexD 

Mad, MAD respect for those in the D tier, because those are battle hardened veterans with a dash of cocaine, but maaaan they can't gauge an overall game difficulty to save their lives. They are usually the people to single vote a 10-difficulty game as a "6/10 ,eh I've played worse". Not blaming them in the end, when they go through the flames of fire and UR.


Ok enough elitism from my side ?another amazing coffee read! Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, realm722 said:


Game: Persona 5 Strikers


Awesome work as always, my dude!


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

Analysis: I got P5S for Free


My dumb brain initially misread this, and for a split second I not only thought you got a free PS5, but said it in a thick Russian accent. If you have a moment where you aren't feeling very bright, just remember that at least you didn't think that?


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

After being stuck in the vortex for 55 hours, I finally earned the platinum. It presently sits in my bottom 5 games of the Playstation 4/5 era and one of only two proper, fully made games in the cellar pit of my rankings. (Shoutout to Trico preventing it from being labeled THE WORST). I say all this to say, this game permanently scarred any possible interest I could have with Dynasty Warriors games in the future.


Bruh... every time I try to go back to DW8 Empires I'm reminded of what a miserable slog it is. I 100% feel your pain here!


2 hours ago, realm722 said:

One of the reasons the grind wasn't that bad this time around is because I was watching and revisiting one of my favorite TV shows of All-Time. It's called "Nathan For You". I was inspired to rewatch it after seeing the first two episodes of the "The Rehearsal". A new show by the same creator, Nathan Fielder. I LOVE this show.


Duuuuude what a great shout, my wife and I are huge fans of this one too. Poop flavored froyo, free miniature pizzas... with foolproof ideas like these, it should be no surprise that he got really good grades.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2022 at 3:31 PM, realm722 said:

(B The Every Man's Challenger


Analysis: There are few things as easy to root for in a film or game as the every man. He just like me fr. Fr fr. I consider any account in the 40-50% range to be the "every man" player. They're here for a challenge every now and then and will typically rise to the occasion and succeed but also enjoys kicking back and taking a couple FCS-quality "opponents" if the situation presents itself. This is a very balanced approach to trophy hunting. They're not going to kill themselves going for an ultra rare % every other week but they're also not burning time playing 10-minute platinums that they bought for $2 leading them to contemplate their purpose in life. I think these players are typically excellent tellers of an experience since they play a very wide variety of games. They'll know when a game is properly busting their gut or if an achievement is extremely doable if you put enough time into learning the mechanics. I trust them to tell it like it is. I imagine the vast majority of accounts fall into this category(based on zero scientific research) and without them, it'd be like living without the middle class. Gee, I sure hope that pool doesn't shrink and virtually evaporate in the coming years! 

The Artifex Mundi games really tanked me to borderline under 50%, but I really do enjoy them as puzzle games. Looks like I need to try harder!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recommendations? Yeah I can give some recommendations. ?

I’ll do it realm722-style: with colours and links!!

I’ve played the green recommendations. The others are all on my own wishlist. Red are those that I think will be up your alley and orange might be up your alley. 


The Wolf Among Us (link) is a visual novel. All Telltale Games post-Sam & Max are visual novels. ...Yes. There. I said it.

It’s great. A noir-style detective mystery where you play as Sheriff Bigby Wolf (the big bad wolf) while hunting down someone killing prostitutes. The fairy tale characters have only recently moved to New York City. Great vibes ensue. 


Kind of on the same frequency is Chicken Police (link) which has had a great review by @rjkclarke and is on the wishlist of many PSNP checklisters. Taking a step towards interactivity for point and click suggestions leads me into uncharted territory, however, I’m keen on getting into The Secret of Monkey Island (link), Full Throttle (link) and Leisure Suit Larry (link). 


I love puzzle games. As you’ve already played The Witness, let me instead recommend Return of the Obra Dinn (watch this video from one of my favourite YouTubers to see what it is. There are extremely few spoilers...just enough to explain what the game is). Also, consider Untitled Goose Game (link), The Gardens Between (link) and Donut County (link) (I think that those last two may have been designed with you specifically in mind). 


Multiplayer games... how about Divinity: Original Sin II (link) for a co-op RPG? Or maybe the classic Portal 2 (link) to mix in the puzzle genre? What about Team 17’s Overcooked (link) and Moving Out (link)? I preferred Moving Out but everyone else I talk to seems to prefer Overcooked. Multiplayer games with Wacky Controls makes me think of Gang Beasts (link) and Human Fall Flat (link) by the same developer. The former is a multiplayer wrestling game and the latter is a co-op experience with the same wacky control ideas. 


Arcade games are harder for me to pin down as I don’t play many. N++ (link) is a modern 2D platformer with gameplay choices that stem from the best of original Arcade platformers. 


And then while I was looking at my lists thinking of you, some of these came to mind even though they aren’t in the requested genres: The Plane Effect (link), Golf Club Wasteland (link), Hyper Light Drifter (link... and I reviewed it here), Rain World (link), Northgard (link) and Surviving Mars (link). 


Also: have you seen the trailer for Wreckreation? (link)


Enjoy ?

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On 8/24/2022 at 2:21 AM, Copanele said:

Obviously, removing the MMOs from this equation (whoever continues playing a MMO despite hating it might be abit insane honestly 1f605.png), I will give ONE game as example, everyone knows it: Catherine

You might be surprised, they didn't call it World of Warcrack for no reason. I know this from personal experience. You pay the monthly dues and start to invest time in the game then eventually end up in a guild and start to get committed to getting better gear which requires scheduled times to raid the bigger dungeons, of course this is before they made it easy to get into random groups like it is now. Once you get sucked in, it gets hard to quit and leave those people even if you start to hate the game.

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On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:
On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:

Oh, the dread of playing a disliked genre...this is an experience that vastly varies from player to player, so I will speak from my own point of view. For me, there's one slight difference - genres that I have no experience with (such as jRPG) and genres that I actually dislike (such as pure platformers).

Genres that I have no experience with, I can't pronounce myself about. Obviously, how could I hate jRPG if I never attempted to play one from start to finish? (Just starting FF7 doesn't count, I know xD )


Oh yes! While I dedicated the article in large part to disliking genres, I definitely think most players should at least try one of every game flavor just to see what's out there! We're in agreement on that front. 


On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:
On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:

 Catherine. Why can't I see this through? Because it's one of those games that I despise so much that it overwrites my desire to "finish my plate". It's that beautiful loathing sentiment towards a piece of media.


Hahahha, oh Catherine ?. That's actually a reasonable one to just punt on ever completing. That's an ultra-rare (<1.30%) plat AND it takes over 60 hours to complete according to the trophy guide. You've undoubtedly already played it for 30+ in all likelihood. When I refer to people quitting on games, I'm talking about posts I've seen on games like Guacamelee! or Detroit: Become Human. I'm not ever gonna begrudge someone for putting in fair shake of a mammoth game (Witcher 3, Souls games, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, etc...) but just don't reach the end. For a lot of people's "play time window", playing that game alone may take a handful of months and I get why they'd wanna move on to something faster. 


On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:
On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:

Giving reasons is something that I agree with.

Sometimes however, you just want to avoid the arguments started by stuff like " I think Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful nothing that put me to sleep because oh god it's so boring I want to cry".

Diplomacy xD 


Oh of course. If I see somebody absolutely love a game that I particularly disliked, being a jerk and pooping all over their enjoyment isn't a good approach. But I think on most cabinets on this forum and in general discourse without complete strangers I think you can present your argument in a way that doesn't get anyone riled up. I know for me personally, I will go down to my grave defending Batman: Arkham Knight's inclusion of the batmobile. The sheer prominence it was used. The only point I will concede is that they did completely fall short making the boss fights strictly batmobile-related. But in terms of all the activities and "tank mode" fights? I thought it was a fun game system. With that being said, when I see the extremely common "way too much batmobile, Arkham City better" I at least get why they view Knight the way they ultimately do. 


On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:
On 8/24/2022 at 5:21 AM, Copanele said:

HOWEVER, and this is the main thing when it comes to disagreeing with "you should play genres that you dislike" - if you have an extended experience in playing videogames and you still segments - game was good but I didn't want to play it anymore.

Nowadays - I played Crash Bandicoot and I loathed it. This is so bad that it actually affects a game that I actually enjoy - Mirror's Edge - which I can't finish just because of how much I hate platforming in general. I like the idea, but the execution is killing me. Finished the game on Normal and Hard and the parkour is nice, but the trials? I hate them because they ask me to be efficient in jumpy mode.

Suffice to say, I will never play Super Meat Boy xD 


??? I love your honesty as always Copa. Honestly, I give you a ton of credit for repeatedly trying platformers as much s you have. I will say you appear to have an attraction to difficulty as I've never played the Crash games specifically because of how hard I've heard the original is - and the Mirror's Edge time trials are no joke either! Heck you played Unravel which is the game that made me fall in love with trophy hunting in the first place! I think you've done your fair share of broadening your horizons. But if I may give two recommendations(since I think they'd be more in line with an enjoyable/leisure time vs. head crushing difficult). 2D Platformer - Thomas Was Alone & 3D Platformer - Astros' Playroom. Neither are very long. They have elements benefitting them beyond the gameplay (Thomas in the narration & Astro in the trip down memory lane for Playstation). If you hate them you can swear off platformers forever ?


and thank you for your recommendations! Samurai Shodown, Tekken 7, & Blazblue Cross Tag have officially been added to my PlatPrices Wishlist! It'll be fun reporting back and thank you again for such a detailed reply :D


On 8/25/2022 at 8:14 AM, Platinum_Vice said:

I’ll do it realm722-style: with colours and links!!

I’ve played the green recommendations. The others are all on my own wishlist. Red are those that I think will be up your alley and orange might be up your alley. 




On 8/25/2022 at 8:14 AM, Platinum_Vice said:



After some meticulous research on all of them, these are the ones I'm most intrigued by!


The Wolf Among Us - Always heard AMAZING things about it. I see the much anticipated Season 2 is due for next year. Def gonna pick it up.

Return of the Obra Dinn - I love Lucas Pope. I have never played Papers, Please(no vita :() but I LOVE watching playthroughs. Will 100% get.  

Untitled Goose Game - This one I'm curious about since it's def a "meme" game but I played Octodad well after the hype and found it had some merit. 

Donut County - I won't lie. The super easy plat held me off for a long time but I can schedule it as a cupcake. I'll give it a shot!

Divinity Original Sin II - I have had TREMENDOUS things about it.. but that is damn near a "forever" game lmao at least for the plat. Maybe circa 2025 ?

Portal 2 - Is there any way to play them on PS4/PS5? As far as I understand it's limited to PS3. OR else 10000% they're super beloved.

Overcooked - I have both games from PS+ offers! I actually have a buddy who could help me out with 'em. May mention it and see what all the fuss is about.

The Plane Effect - Added it to the wishlist! It's not typical for a game to completely slip my radar and that one most definitely did. 

Gold Club: Wasteland - Looks weird as hell. I love it. Trophy guide says 6 hours which is even better. Will check it out!

Hyper Light Drifter - Agh.... see this article November 2020. I'm still a coward. You and Arceius speak SO glowingly about it though. Just need to buy it and let it sit in the backlog long enough to irritate me so I muster up the courage to finally start it.

Rain World - Also found in that same article hahaha. It's hella weird and unintuitive. I'ma give myself a rule and say I gotta plat HLD first before even thinking of it ?

Northgard - Looks solid. <1% platinum is a bit mortifying. Also seems like a hella long-term game. Maybe if I can snag it cheap.

Surviving Mars - This always pops up on sale! I just haven't had a city builder itch in a while and still gotta play Tropico 6 but after that, maybe!

Wreckreation - Kinda reminds me of Trackmania Turbo but let's make it with wacky obstacles! I'll keep it on radar.


Thank you so much, man! I felt like my wishlist for games was starting to bleed a little bit dry and now I've gotta plenty of stuff to scour for on sales all over again. I just hope you're prepared for the trickle of @'s I'll send your way each time one of them gets completed haha. 


12 hours ago, Grotz99 said:

You might be surprised, they didn't call it World of Warcrack for no reason. I know this from personal experience. You pay the monthly dues and start to invest time in the game then eventually end up in a guild and start to get committed to getting better gear which requires scheduled times to raid the bigger dungeons, of course this is before they made it easy to get into random groups like it is now. Once you get sucked in, it gets hard to quit and leave those people even if you start to hate the game.


I know this was in reply to Copa but that is wild and I had never considered that. Sunk cost fallacy. "I've already committed SO much. Can't stop now." The idea of PAYING a monthly subscription for one specific game blows my mind. Can't believe the games got as popular as they did with that caveat. 

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Glad to hear someone found that helpful! While my opinion of Foregone is likely ever so slightly higher than your own, I agree with the overall sentiment. My first impression was pretty negative (I actually referred to it as "a mediocre Dead Cells clone" following the initial 2-3 gameplay hours), but it gradually grew on me to the point where I ultimately had a fairly decent time hacking and blasting my way through the levels. In truth, I'm not that difficult to please when it concerns to 2D action games, seeing as I'm hopelessly addicted to them.


"Fine" is about right; certainly not a game I would ever desire to revisit.

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Game: Peaky Blinders - Mastermind


Analysis: I bought this game on sale for $4.99 back in mid-June 2022 along with a handful of other titles. It's fine!


Why Peaky Blinders? This game actually appeared on my radar thanks to a recommendation! Shoutout to @rjkclarke for reviewing the game back in early April 2022 (and an even bigger shoutout to his masterfully put-together front page which makes it even easier to find old reviews rather than manically scrolling through each individual page like a lunatic) He suggested it as a puzzle game that covers the "unique indie title" space I so covet and as it could be platinumed in less than 10 hours, it also fulfilled its role as a quick completion! That's all I needed to hear to mark it as one of my wishlisted games on PlatPrices and when it was discounted for 75% off I snatched it up. I'll preface this review with two very important qualifiers. 1) I have NEVER seen the show the game is based on. Peaky Blinders is a wildly successful crime drama out of the UK. It debuted in 2013 and ended in 2022. It stars Cillian Murphy and a trillion other actors and actresses according to Wikipedia. It's rated as the 74th greatest show of All-Time according to IMDB scoring in at an 8.7. Just ahead of One Piece & Ted Lasso yet behind two iterations of Dragon Ball Z. I say all this to say that I have absolutely zero emotional attachment to these characters and though the game serves as a prequel to the show, I imagine those who love the show would pick up some nuances in the story and setting that completely slipped under my radar. 2) If I had played this game back as early as June, I may have had a wildly different reaction to it than I do having played it in August. There's a very specific reason for that which I'll cover in a later paragraph. I'll be vague and say that it's mental how much your perception of a game can change so drastically simply due to playing other games in the same genre. 


Barebones Blinders - Something that immediately stood out to me as soon as I booted up Peaky Blinders: Mastermind is it wastes no time getting right to the meat of the gameplay. There are no fancy introductory cutscenes. You are thrust right to the level selection screen which clearly shows there's 10 levels available. I thought this was curious since most games aren't this blatant about their size and scope. I greatly enjoyed the opening song "Reveller" that blasted through my speakers. But my intrigue soon faded as I underestimated just how small the developers behind the game really were. FuturLab (indie studio out of the UK that recently has reemerged due to their a new hit in PowerWash Simulator) managed to land a massive IP in Peaky Blinders yet does not have the 100+ dev team to flesh out a full scale AAA game. This is quaint puzzle game. It has ZERO voice acting. The dialogue sequences between characters pre and post-level last for barely a minute. The game's core core is figure out how to navigate your way to the end of the level with the characters as your disposal, find the 4-6 collectibles scattered in each one, and has the very minimal replayability of going for the gold medal time. That's really it. It honestly reminds me a ton of the Bithell Games' creation "John Wick Hex". It's a small indie studio that landed a huge pop culture phenomen and they... made this weird, kinda obtuse, really stilted puzzle game that has an entire YouTube comments section offering different suggestions the game could have went in. I feel those same complaints can apply here. I was so looking forward to hearing early 1900s British prattle and instead I got.... nothing. 


An Awkward Gameplay Loop - The actual cycle of the game in each level is also a bit all over the place. You have a constant timer running and must complete tasks within that alloted frame in order to pass the mission. As the game progresses, you will be asked to control more and more characters from the Shelby family. But, you can of course only control one character at a time. The developers decided to implement a rewind mechanic that allows you to complete all the necessary actions for one character, rewind, complete all the necessary actions for another character, rewind, and repeat those juggling sequences time and time again all the way until you reach the desired outcome. You do get a modicum amount of satisfaction when you see things flow beautifully with all 6 characters in motion on the last mission, but I can't help but feel it never felt properly comfortable to manipulate the characters in this cumbersome manner. As you'll be aiming for gold times, you'll frequently rewind for two or three seconds just to avoid walking into the crate or wall that stopped your character's progress. You'll fiddle with the timeline a bunch until you perfectly allign one character opening up a door for another or ensuring Arthur is not left fighting a thug alone while Polly slips a bobby a tenner. It's fine. It works for a puzzle game. It just ultimately has the depth of a kiddie pool as there isn't much beyond figuring out "get X charcater to complete X action" and that's the only solution so there is no real experimentation. 


Living in the Shadow... Tactics - What I will most remember Peaky Blinders: Mastermind for is the fact it almost got me REALLY excited within the first level of two of playing as I legitamately thought it'd be Shadow Tactics: But Brits in Waistcoats. It's the same top down perspective. It's the same idea of juggling multiple character actions at once to complete a team objective. That's where the similarities end. There are no hilarious repetitive voice dialogues that had me in stitches. This game would have been PERFECT for it. I understand that they couldn't have gotten the real actors but even a few generic British lines of "C'MERE YA WANKER" would have added to my enjoyment as opposed to dead silence. When you "fail", there are no consequences. If you're spotted my the Chinese or an opposing guard, you just rewind. There is no fallout. This is a puzzle game. Not a tactics game. There's one solution for all problems and you're not asked to be creative, you're asked to find the solution. It's a bit dull. "Oh hey there's a guard that I need to get to look away? Let me bring Ada here and have him face away for a few seconds." while holding the X button isn't as fun as shiruken throwing a guard as Hayato as I blow my whistle with Yumi and snipe a strawhat from across the map as Takuma. This sensation plagued the entire final half of my time with Peaky Blinders. "Man... I'm playing a way cooler version of this game in my head. It'd be cool if someone made that game instead of this one.


Would I recommend Peaky Blinders: Mastermind? Maybe. If you like puzzle games or the show the game is based on, I think you could have a good time with it! I did not find it particularly bad. The game is easy to fly through and the platinum is incredibly straightforward. There's a phenomenal YouTube playlist showing how to obtain all the gold times + collectibles and I managed to earn the 30.85% rarity platinum in 1 week and 3 days. If you don't really care for puzzle games though, I think there's very little for you take away from it. I'm glad @rjkclarke recommened it to me and I'd like to return the favor by recommending Shadow Tactics! Play it! and tell me afterwards if you'd prefer this current incarnation of Peaky Blinders or sympathize with me wanting a tactics-inspired one where you're bashing bobbies over the 'ead and shuffling the Shelby family all over the map!


Panda Score: 6.4 / 10

Panda Difficulty: 1.8 / 10

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