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"What The Hell Is That Still Doing There" Backlog Event

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:


Both are fake, Shovel Knight is a very rare exception for me. I liked Titan Souls as well - it's not that I hate it always and ever.


There's a few different reasons why I could dislike something:

I dislike 8-bit fake nostalgia games mostly because they often look and sound ugly. The few examples that I enjoyed a lot managed to still look, sound and feel fun to me (Shovel Knight, Fez...).

I dislike the New Super Mario Bros and Super Mario 3D World for moving backwards; Super Mario 64 started a whole new era of Mario games yet we haven't seen anything that continued that trend since Super Mario Galaxy 2. I would not have minded them as much if they'd been side games, with main games that are open worlds still coming out.

I prefer the new courses in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe; I feel the better graphics and gameplay get more out of the new tracks. They should have also done more with A-B tracks, now we only have one real one (the Wario slope) and one fake one (N64 Rainbow Road being cut up into one instead of doing three full laps). Now we have this cool new way of racing and they barely do anything with it, in favour of revisiting old tracks.

And Super Mario Maker was just not the full deal, so much was missing from that game... And it was even more dev resources that were not going into an actual Mario game.

Okay, that makes more sense, although I don't agree with you for the most part. 


I don't think the SMB series needed to move entirely to 3D. The first New SMB game came out right before Galaxy 1, and it was apparently very successful since it generated lots of sequels. I don't know if it sold better than the 3D games or if Nintendo enjoyed making them more (or they are less intensive in terms of development resources), but that's the way things turned out. I don't think either type of platforming is better than the other, so I don't think making more 2D platformers is moving backwards. I actually think Nintendo should focus on both types of games at the same time, or alternate between styles. I feel the same way about Metroid. The 2D entries do things that the 3D ones don't, and vice versa. I would like to see new games in both styles, but instead we get nothing in either style (at least Mario is getting new games). 


I don't understand your point about Super Mario Maker. What was missing from the game? I know a lot was added via patching, and I didn't play it at release. But the version I played recently felt like a pretty full toolset to me. Keep in mind I'm not a creative type though, I have no interest in things like Minecraft and mainly wanted the game to play other people's creations. I understand your point about development resources though, but the game was very successful and the reviewers and fans loved it. I don't begrudge Nintendo for making something unique in the Mario franchise that a lot of fans wanted for years. 


This is why everybody likes making fun of Nintendo fans, we can't even agree on what we like among ourselves. Give us new games and even proud Nintendo fans will find something to dislike. :P

Edited by MosesRockefeller
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Been focusing on Destiny mainly since my last update since I really want the game to be over and done with as soon as possible. I only have a few trophies to get for both the platinum and the third DLC to be completed, while I'm waiting on my boosting partners to organise a day we can get it done I've been doing the final DLC. It's pretty boring so I've been making slow progress but have earned a few more trophies. In regards to the other games on my list I've only played a bit of NFS: Most Wanted just to finish the first DLC and work on the second but as I said I've mainly focused on getting Destiny done. Feels like I'm closing in on the platinum and 100%, I'm going to be so happy when it's over.


  • Destiny: 1st Trophy (16/01/15), Latest (23/05/17)
  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted [PS3]: 1st Trophy (04/08/13), Latest (17/05/17)
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Note to all the events I'm in: you'll notice I will be a lot less active on the threads. Nothing dramatic, just need/want to spend more time on other stuff (like actual gaming, and planning my next holiday). I will keep doing events though and I will keep updating the events I run at least once a month, probably at least once a week.


Everybody should be up te date in the OP again.


On 22-5-2017 at 7:18 PM, MosesRockefeller said:

Okay, that makes more sense, although I don't agree with you for the most part. 


I don't think the SMB series needed to move entirely to 3D. The first New SMB game came out right before Galaxy 1, and it was apparently very successful since it generated lots of sequels. I don't know if it sold better than the 3D games or if Nintendo enjoyed making them more (or they are less intensive in terms of development resources), but that's the way things turned out. I don't think either type of platforming is better than the other, so I don't think making more 2D platformers is moving backwards. I actually think Nintendo should focus on both types of games at the same time, or alternate between styles. I feel the same way about Metroid. The 2D entries do things that the 3D ones don't, and vice versa. I would like to see new games in both styles, but instead we get nothing in either style (at least Mario is getting new games). 


I don't understand your point about Super Mario Maker. What was missing from the game? I know a lot was added via patching, and I didn't play it at release. But the version I played recently felt like a pretty full toolset to me. Keep in mind I'm not a creative type though, I have no interest in things like Minecraft and mainly wanted the game to play other people's creations. I understand your point about development resources though, but the game was very successful and the reviewers and fans loved it. I don't begrudge Nintendo for making something unique in the Mario franchise that a lot of fans wanted for years. 


This is why everybody likes making fun of Nintendo fans, we can't even agree on what we like among ourselves. Give us new games and even proud Nintendo fans will find something to dislike. :P


Didn't know that the New series started before Galaxy, my bad. I don't like it though that it has gotten so many sequels and that 3D World happened, while the actual open 3D level games have been ignored for a while now.


I never played Maker but as far as I've heard, warp pipes still have not been added to the game, among other stuff.


And I don't think any fanbase is in complete agreement with itself, just watch the Star Wars fanbase when talking about literally anything at all.

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Personal update (and trying to get back to doing full reviews now that I'm at it):




I finally played through rain yesterday. I played through the first part of the game in August 2015, the month after I obtained it through PS+. I liked the game at first but I quickly got bored with it. Just like with Shadow Of The Colossus, I might have enjoyed this more when it was released but unlike Colossus, I doubt that this game would have given me any sense of wonder.


It's just all so... "mèh". The graphics are dull, the story is too artistic for its own good and they never really know what to do with the setting/story. There were hints of a much better story in there, a story that never actually came about. The gameplay is pretty dull as well, not much to do except walking onwards, climbing ladders and ushing stuff... though I guess it's a puzzle to figure out where the devs wanted you to go with all the dead-end streets.


I didn't hate this game but I didn't really enjoy it towards the end either. I had to push myself this month to finally finish it (I want to do more PS3 stuff, I've been ignoring the PS3 outside of KYC events for a year now) and I only chose it because I was probably only one or two hours away from finishing it (which was true) and I wanted to keep God Of War: Ascension for when I could finish it in two days back to back in some weekend.


I don't know if I'll go for the 100% in this. With a guid I could probably get those memory trophies in an hour or two, maybe three but those two or three hours could also be spent in games that are much more fun (which is often why I fail to get 100% in many games, like two out of three Jak games with dull collectable trophies). Perhaps I'll get it when I don't actually feel like starting/playing anything but I have a couple of hours to kill.


Recommendation: If you want an easy 100% that doesn't make you want to scratch your eyes out, this game could be for you. If you enjoy easy games with a unique style, this game could be for you. Otherwise, you probably don't have to bother.

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Okay, so I caved and 100%ed rain anyway. First I tried getting into Kung Fu Rabbit again for the final trophy, but I couldn't get into it. Then I tried out Laser Disco Defenders, liked it for a bit but got bored with it before getting really far. By then it was getting late so I figured I could better just suck it up and quickly 100% rain instead of starting something else that I would not be able to finish.

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I haven't made much progress honestly. I'm near the end of Specter Knight's campaign in Shovel Knight but not sure if I'll continue onto Plague Knight. 


I'm in a place now where I'm having trouble finding motivation to move onto more backlog games. It seems like I'm playing the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 games onthe PS4 more than anything else right now. Those are technically on my backlog but don't count here. There are several games I want to get back to but I keep finding excuses not to. Hopefully I'll get my motivation back soon. I know the problem, now I need to work on it!

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Was working on Zestiria, but I'm now committed to working on Ayesha Plus. With having just completed Meruru and having alchemy system fresh in my mind (it's not the same, but still worth it), I thought it would be better to get it over with. It also would count for Monthly Madness' theme for June. 


Ayesha's alchemy system is one big pile of crap. For the other ateliers I've played, it's not taken me this long to make ultimate weapons. I also have to synth ultimate items as well to survive the additional bosses. What's worse is that there's so much information, so much going back-and-forth to list what is the right equip. It's so hard to follow it all. I used this site's guide, but it didn't include weaponry for Ayesha. I found something that might work. There's not even a guarantee that it does, which makes your whole effort of synthesizing go down the drain when you realize you'll have to start over again. 


This game's a real test of patience.

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Completed most of the stuff for the final DLC in Destiny this week. Just two trophies in Destiny left! One for a quest that can't be finished until the next weekly reset which is Tuesday, and the other is for the final Raid on Heroic difficulty. Just waiting on the Raiding group to be available so in the meantime I'll go back to Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Also, you mind adding Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 to my "Game(s) Planned for Event" list, please? Thanks ^^



  • Destiny: 1st Trophy (16/01/15), Latest (30/05/17)
  • Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2: 1st Trophy (15/09/16), Latest (17/09/16)
Edited by LeetWolf2
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You can add GTA Vice City to my working on list as I'm playing it for Monthly Madness.


I still need one trophy in Shadow of Modor, which is the Test of the Wild. I haven't tried the test yet but I want to give it a try this weekend. Fortunately we have a holiday on monday, so I have more time to get the trophy.

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Games played through during event

February: Final Fantasy XIII (obtained platinum)

May: Dokuro (obtained platinum)

June: Atelier Ayesha Plus (obtained platinum)


Game(s) working on now

None at the moment.


Earned the plat for Atelier Ayesha Plus. So happy! :)

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I haven't updated the OP yet, will probably do that some time within the next week.


... I did create a banner (of sorts) though. Yesterday I had people over all day, my brother-in-law was here earlier and we decided to do some Portal 2 multiplayer (I've given up on doing it online as I refuse to buy the game for a steam account I never use). To that end, I moved the PS3 from the mancave to the living room. It was then that I noticed what a few uninterrupted years of collecting dust will do to a console (haven't moved it in two years I think, barely used it for the last year either but it sits in a small television cabinet so I could use it without seeing the dust).


I figured I couldn't let an opportunity like this go to waste, and thus I present to you your new event banner:






On 2017-6-1 at 9:54 PM, MosesRockefeller said:

I haven't made much progress honestly. I'm near the end of Specter Knight's campaign in Shovel Knight but not sure if I'll continue onto Plague Knight. 


I'm in a place now where I'm having trouble finding motivation to move onto more backlog games. It seems like I'm playing the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 games onthe PS4 more than anything else right now. Those are technically on my backlog but don't count here. There are several games I want to get back to but I keep finding excuses not to. Hopefully I'll get my motivation back soon. I know the problem, now I need to work on it!


Please don't kill your motivation by only playing old backlog games. That doesn't work for me either. Play some backlog games you've never done before, or something you bought recently or even buy something new, then get back to this later.


Personally I can't stick with only backlog games for too long either; that's what killed my drive on X360 (that and the size of my backlog). Treat yourself on one new game if you've been doing well, then continue on your backlog afterwards. It's still a net gain if you don't buy stuff too often.


Edited by BillyHorrible
Today -> Yesterday, finished post in the morning
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Update May/June:

Made a little progress in May:

Completed: The Arrival DLC (Mass Effect 2)

Completed: Left Behind DLC (The Last of Us)


Ended up finishing other games that were under a year. I’ll still chip away at ME2, & possibly finish King’s Quest (if it ever stops crashing on me).


If you need something to update, a few games of mine rolled over the year plus mark recently.


Games played through during event

February: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (Aug 2013 – Feb 2017)

March: Star Trek (May 2013 – Mar 2017)

April: Need for Speed: Rivals (Aug 2015 – Apr 2017), Gravity Rush (Feb 2015 - Apr 2017)


Game(s) working on right now

{PS3} Mass Effect 2 (December 2015) [Main]

{PS4} King’s Quest (December 2015) [Story]


Games on card for longer than 12 months


{PSV} Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dust (November 2015) [Main]

{PS4} Batman: Arkham Knight (May 2016) [Main + DLC]

{PS4} Borderlands 2 (February 2016) [Story]

{PS3/PSV} Borderlands 2 (December 2014) [Main + DLC]

{PS4} Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (February 2016) [Story]

{PSV} Deception IV: Blood Ties (April 2015) [Main]

{PSV} Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (September 2015) [Story]

{PSV} Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited (May 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Dragon Age: Origins (December 2010) [Main + DLC]

{PS3} Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (August 2015) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Final Fantasy X HD (January 2015) [Main]

{PSV} Final Fantasy X-2 (February 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Grand Theft Auto V (June 2014) [Main + Online]

{PSV} Gravity Rush (February 2015) [DLC]

{PS3} James Bond 007: Bloodstone (December 2010) [Main + Online]

{PS3} Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (December 2013) [Story]

{PS3} Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (December 2013) [Story]

{PS3} Little Big Planet (December 2010) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Rainbow Moon (September 2015) [Story]

{PS3} Resonance of Fate (June 2015) [Story]

{PSV} Sorcery Sage: Curse of the Great Curry God (February 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (July 2011) [Main]

{PS4} Table Top Racing: World Tour (May 2016) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Tales of Hearts R (July 2015) [Main]

{PS4} The Evil Within (December 2015) [Main]

{PS3} The Last of Us (October 2014) [Online]

{PS3} Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (May 2013) [Online]

{PS3} Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception (December 2012) [Online]



P.S. I like the new banner ☺️

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14 hours ago, Gretchen27 said:

Update May/June:

Made a little progress in May:

Completed: The Arrival DLC (Mass Effect 2)

Completed: Left Behind DLC (The Last of Us)


Ended up finishing other games that were under a year. I’ll still chip away at ME2, & possibly finish King’s Quest (if it ever stops crashing on me).


If you need something to update, a few games of mine rolled over the year plus mark recently.

  Hide contents

Games played through during event

February: Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (Aug 2013 – Feb 2017)

March: Star Trek (May 2013 – Mar 2017)

April: Need for Speed: Rivals (Aug 2015 – Apr 2017), Gravity Rush (Feb 2015 - Apr 2017)


Game(s) working on right now

{PS3} Mass Effect 2 (December 2015) [Main]

{PS4} King’s Quest (December 2015) [Story]


Games on card for longer than 12 months

  Reveal hidden contents

{PSV} Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dust (November 2015) [Main]

{PS4} Batman: Arkham Knight (May 2016) [Main + DLC]

{PS4} Borderlands 2 (February 2016) [Story]

{PS3/PSV} Borderlands 2 (December 2014) [Main + DLC]

{PS4} Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (February 2016) [Story]

{PSV} Deception IV: Blood Ties (April 2015) [Main]

{PSV} Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (September 2015) [Story]

{PSV} Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited (May 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Dragon Age: Origins (December 2010) [Main + DLC]

{PS3} Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (August 2015) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Final Fantasy X HD (January 2015) [Main]

{PSV} Final Fantasy X-2 (February 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Grand Theft Auto V (June 2014) [Main + Online]

{PSV} Gravity Rush (February 2015) [DLC]

{PS3} James Bond 007: Bloodstone (December 2010) [Main + Online]

{PS3} Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (December 2013) [Story]

{PS3} Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories (December 2013) [Story]

{PS3} Little Big Planet (December 2010) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Rainbow Moon (September 2015) [Story]

{PS3} Resonance of Fate (June 2015) [Story]

{PSV} Sorcery Sage: Curse of the Great Curry God (February 2015) [Main]

{PS3} Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (July 2011) [Main]

{PS4} Table Top Racing: World Tour (May 2016) [Main + DLC]

{PSV} Tales of Hearts R (July 2015) [Main]

{PS4} The Evil Within (December 2015) [Main]

{PS3} The Last of Us (October 2014) [Online]

{PS3} Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (May 2013) [Online]

{PS3} Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception (December 2012) [Online]



P.S. I like the new banner 263a.png


Nice going. DLC counts for games played through (check my own list where I added AC Syndicate just for doing the DLC), so we can add those two games in May for you.


Any thanks!


11 hours ago, Hemiak said:

HEY Billy. 


Go ahead and put me on the inactive pile for the moment. Not sure when I'll get back to any of these games, but it probably won't be until at least after July. 


Good luck on your other stuff, just let me know when you want back in. I figured July would be busy for you with other stuff :)






Now that we're talking about inactive people and before I've done my OP update for the week, I'd like to know from these people if they want to go on the inactive list... If you've posted an update since my last post, I apologise. If I don't hear anything, I'll just move you to the inactive pile, moving you back to the active participants is easy enough.


Note that I know that some games take longer than others to get through. If you're on this list, it only means that your last completed game was in April or earlier, I think there are several people in here who have posted updates in May and are just playing through something larger or in between newer games.


Joined in February, no games played through

@damage_6-9 @gazdavis11 @HaserPL @Kevvik @Psy-Tychist


Joined in February, last game played through in February

@Edunstar84 @Thruygie


Joined in February, last game played through in March

@ladynadiad @Willstown @wolverine123


Joined in February, last game played through in April

@Crimson Idol @Fitzquaid


Joined in March, no games played through



Joined in April, no games played through

@Aexuz @Vermachtnis @Zanreo


Joined in April, last game played through in April



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I've not posted for ages, sorry about that. I've not made any progress on my games on my list since godfather. I've actually been working on need for speed undercover the last week or so which qualifies for this. Im gonna make more off an effort on this from now on with more regular posts, I've been finding it hard to motivate myself to play older games. But I've dusted the ps3 off for nfs so once that's done I'll jump back on Spider-Man.

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5 minutes ago, wolverine123 said:

I've not posted for ages, sorry about that. I've not made any progress on my games on my list since godfather. I've actually been working on need for speed undercover the last week or so which qualifies for this. Im gonna make more off an effort on this from now on with more regular posts, I've been finding it hard to motivate myself to play older games. But I've dusted the ps3 off for nfs so once that's done I'll jump back on Spider-Man.


Personally I can't focus on older games alone, so I'm switching between old and new every now and then. Good luck on your games!

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On 6/4/2017 at 9:14 AM, Edunstar84 said:

Games played through during event

February: Final Fantasy XIII (obtained platinum)

May: Dokuro (obtained platinum)

June: Atelier Ayesha Plus (obtained platinum)


Game(s) working on now

None at the moment.


Earned the plat for Atelier Ayesha Plus. So happy! :)


Wasn't sure if you saw this or not. But I have been actively working on my games :)

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6 minutes ago, Edunstar84 said:


Wasn't sure if you saw this or not. But I have been actively working on my games :)


Saw and liked it the same day, but I haven't updated the OP yet and didn't recall everything, my post with everyone in it was just a quick one based on the OP.


Here, have another like because I so shamelessly forgot about your progress!

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1 hour ago, BillyHorrible said:

Joined in February, last game played through in April

@Crimson Idol


I guess it was one of those updated the post but the editor screwed up situations but my last game played was in May:



Nonetheless, you can put me into the inactive players list.

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5 minutes ago, Crimson Idol said:


I guess it was one of those updated the post but the editor screwed up situations but my last game played was in May:



Nonetheless, you can put me into the inactive players list.


Yeah, I seem to have complied with your request of removing your to-play list, then forgot about actually adding the game you completed.


See you around, just let me know when you want to get back to this!

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Updating myself: I'm removing Sly 4 from my "on agenda" list, but I'm putting Sly 3 on "working on now" list, together with Worms Crazy Golf (listed on my primary list) and Street Fighter III Online Edition (last trophy was earned in March 2016, but since I'd considered I wouldn't be able to complete 55 trials, I had not listened it when I signed up here, but after trying a glitch shown by playstationtrophies.org, I was able to achieve 55 trials' trophy yesterday and finally I can dust off this game from my backlog once for all...).


To make all things a bit easier to you, you can just copy-paste contents below that are not underlined (I keep my own status on this event on my Trophy Checklist also, so I had not much work doing this... :P):



Games played through during event

March 2017 - Jeopardy! (February 2016, Platinum); Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution (March 2015, Platinum)

April 2017 - Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL (January 2015, Platinum); Sly 2: Band of Thieves (December 2014, Platinum)

May 2017 - Pixeljunk Shooter (November 2014, 100%)


Game(s) working on right now

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves [PS3] (December 2014)

Street Fighter III: Online Edition (March 2016)

Worms Crazy Golf (August 2013)


Games on agenda for event

Nothing for now...


Games on card for longer than 12 months (primary list) [there are minor adjustments inside spoiler tag]


BattleFantasia (April 2016)

Burnout Paradise (August 2014)

Crazy Taxi (October 2014)

DIRT 3 (November 2014)

Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z (August 2014)

Droplitz (February 2014)

Ferrari Challenge (July 2014)

Ferrari Racing Legends (September 2014)

Flower [PS3] (July 2014)

Flower [Vita] (July 2014)

Guily Gear XX Λ Core Plus R (April 2015)

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational [PS3] (May 2014)

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational [Vita] (May 2016)

Injustice: Gods Among Us [PS3] (June 2015)

Injustice: Gods Among Us [PS4] (June 2015)

Krinkle Krusher [PS4] (May 2015)

LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 (January 2014)

LittleBigPlanet [Vita] (September 2015)

LittleBigPlanet Karting (January 2014)

London 2012 (September 2015)

ModNation Racers (December 2012)

MUD (November 2014)

Muramasa Rebirth (April 2015)

NBA 2k14 (November 2014)

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (July 2014)

Okami HD (August 2013)

One Piece Pirate Warriors (January 2015)

Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: Batalha no Santuário (January 2014)

Plants vs Zombies [PS3] (May 2014)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 [PS4 - EU] (August 2015)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 [PS4 - NA] (May 2016)

Puppeteer (February 2014)

Racquet Sports (August 2013)

Scott Pilgrim vs The World (March 2013)

Shake Spears (November 2014)

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time [Vita] (August 2014)

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [Vita] (January 2015)

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (September 2013)

Soulcalibur V (August 2013)

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (August 2013)

Supercar Challenge (March 2013)

Tales of Graces f (February 2015)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (March 2013)

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD (September 2014)

Worms Revolution (September 2013)

Worms Ultimate Mayhem (April 2012)

Zack Zero (July 2013)



Games on card for longer than 12 months (secondary list) - I did not any change on this tag, so it will keep untouched...


Games eligible later in the event (already listed to prevent needless work later on) [there are not any content inside spoiler tag, if you want, you can remove this tag - it's up to you]


Nothing for now...

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8 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:



Joined in February, no games played through





Not entirely true.  I did restart playing Final Fantasy X, now have 10 trophies from the "0" that I started with, now heading to Mt Gagazet.  Got distracted with other stuff and until the last few days, pretty much only touched my Vita over last month and a half.  Might get to other stuff later this month but I've been dungeon crawling except for a quick break to Kings' Quest since it finally went on sale ($10) for a price I was willing to pay.  Back to Operation Babel (first Vita game I ever pre-ordered) and then some other stuff.  Haven't had much console time to myself lately, heck, Deponia and half of King's Quest were done on my Vita via remote play.

Edited by Kevvik
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