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Anyone else dislike/hate winter?


Anyone else dislike/hate winter?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of winter?

    • So LAME!! I seriously hate it! (Me: Yeah! I'm with ya!)
    • I don't like it.
    • I can take it or leave it.
    • Actually, I do like it. (Me: Wait... WHAT?)
    • Yeah! I love it! (Me: Tch... You're insane.)

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Now that winter has started and January (my most hated month) is coming, winter has gotten to be a real problem.  These temps in the teens and even single digits are just LAME.  Same for the snow, and having to drive in & shovel it.  And don't get me started on that freezing rain. 


There just ain't much to do in winter.  Sorry but skiing, sledding, building snowmen, and snowboarding just aren't my jam.  OK, I guess it means some extra time to read another chapter of a book, play some more games, etc.  Tch... that's a small consolation!


Fuck winter.  I seriously hate it.  I got hit by the flu a couple years ago in January and that was THE worst.  Summer is my favorite season, because there's so much more to do.  The amusement parks are open, the good movies start coming out, and you're not putting up with winter's shit.  I'll take a "too hot" day over a freezing one anytime.  A temperature over 90 just won't faze me quite as badly as one under 32.


OK...   Your turn.



Edited by gameoverDude189
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Single digits? That is like -15 in real world temperature...I just got through a week of -30-42 weather. We were colder than Mars and the North Pole...that means when Santa and Marvin the Martian get together they go anywhere else BUT Winnipeg




Edit...so yeah I kind of hate fucking Winter.



Edited by Dr_Mayus
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I don't mind it too much, I just don't like driving in it already about went into a ditch earlier this month(I'm pretty sure I need new car tires which I'll get probably in the summer assuming I survive the winter) although I do kind of like on how the trees look with covered in ice, cold temperatures I don't mind too much as long it is not windy out or if the temperatures are below 25 degrees

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For me, Spring >> Winter > Autumn >>>>> Summer.

Winter is generally nice and warm were I live (Southern Italy). On the other side, I don't feel like doing anything when it's too warm. Playing, working, sometimes even just moving. Who wants to do that at 38-40 *C? Oh, and it's incredibly worse when we get Sirocco wind - it's living hell, believe me.

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I love winter, I'm more of a night owl and I'm a lot more active and motivated to do stuff during the night or at least whenever it's dark. I'm not sure why that is but I've been that way ever since I was kid. Maybe its because I'm more acclimatized to activity during the winter months. I used to play in goal for the primary and high school football teams and the majority of the Scottish football season runs through winter. With no football during summer me and my friends would stay indoors and play videogames all day :P 


I wonder if working in food retail has something to do with it too. Since I was 16 I've been working around refrigeration units, and in the last four years I've been working in the bakery department. Since I work the backshift I have to spend 80 - 90 minutes setting stuff up for the next day, inside a freezer that hovers between -20 to -25 celsius, (-4 to -13F) so leaving the store after work with the temperature just below freezing feels like heaven in comparison. 


It's not like anyone in Scotland can complain about winter anyway. Our winters are warmer due to the Gulf Stream from the Atlantic, so while places at similar latitudes such as Newfoundland in Canada or Moscow (Edinburgh is actually further North than Moscow) drop to as low as -30c (-22f), it drops a few degrees below zero here as that's usually as bad as it gets. Whenever someone complains about how cold it is I always remind them it could be a lot worse. 


Of course being used to the cold means I don't deal with summer very well. Anything above 7 or 8c is t shirt and shorts weather :lol: You can imagine what happens to me when it reaches 20 - 25c during Summer, ugh!

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I don't necessarily enjoy it, but I prefer it over summer. Plus I actually think it's cool driving to work in the morning when it's still dark out, then leave work early enough where it's light out. Really the only thing I really dislike is having to drive in snow, as my car really isn't built for it.

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I dislike winter for a couple of reasons:


1. I don't like driving in snow. The secret to driving through snow and ice is to just drive slow. HOWEVER, 90% of people just drive as if it's a normal day and get into wrecks which just makes the commute that much worse. When it comes to how much snow we get, you might as well roll a dice. We've had winters with no snow or 30 inches of snow and anytime there is snow, it's like no one knows how to drive. 1 inch or 10 inches, they'll find a way to slide off the road.


2. I like to run for exercise. Winter sucks because it's always too cold to run outside and running on a treadmill is soooo boring. Much rather it be any season but winter for this. Winters here also have some wind, so it just sucks walking to your vehicle because it just numbs your entire face. Just being outside is miserable.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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It depends on where you live I guess. I live in the UK (NW) and before that I lived in Ireland where I'm from, and winters are horrible here. No snow, just wind, rain/ sleet or ice, darkness with the sun setting at like 4pm and an endless stretch of cloudy days without the sun ever in sight. I can't even remember the last time I saw the sun as it's cloudy and grey literally everyday day. In the Southern parts of the UK though, there was heavy snow this year which literally halted the whole place as snow is something we can't effectively deal with like they do in places like Canada and Switzerland. Summers are cool here, like maximum 28 degrees celsius (82F) but for the most part in the low 20s (68-75F).  


However, I love winters in places like Switzerland where there's snow and skiing. I used to go every year to Davos to ski as my dad had conferences there and loved it. The skii resorts were always really fun. 


Winters in countries like Dubai, India, Singapore etc. are probably a lot better and more tolerable than the heat of their summers, so I like winters in those parts. I've been to India and Dubai in winter and it was still roasting hot for me, hotter than summers in the UK anyway. 


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I prefer winter over summer. When it's cold, it is so cozy being in my bed and use a blanket (or two blankets :P) to feel better. Also, sitting in front of a fireplace or just a heater makes me feel happy and comfortable, whereas I don't like the heat in the summer since it feels like there's not much you can do about that.


I like temperatures in between, like in early spring for example. When the sun is shining and you can feel a soft warmth, that's my favorite weather. 

Edited by Izul
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6 hours ago, Feral said:

Winter is the best, although it doesn't snow where I live unfortunately. But yeah 100 times better than bloody Summer.


@Dr_Mayus I'll swap you Doc. You can have Aussie Summer and I'll have Canadian Winter. Fair trade.

See that is the thing. I will take a freezing winter over a boiling summer any day. In Winnipeg we get -41 in winter but +40 in Summer so we get both extremes. The thing is in Winter you can bundle up to stay warm when you go outside but it is hard to get cooler in summer while outside.

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Our weather here is pretty mild.  I look forward to winter so we can get some rain and overcast days.  Unfortunately, we haven't had any rain yet this winter which is a bummer.  We are staying around 70-75F, which I'm missing the colder weather and fog.  

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Winter is where I feel most comfortable. I despise summer. Sweating is gross, heat makes me cranky, can barely do anything because it's too hot and you're still sweating with fans on bust and sitting in your chair doing nothing. At least in winter, I can keep bundling up. I'm not an active person, so as long as I can use my hands, I'm fine. Plus, no bugs. Mosquitoes like O blood. I'm O blood. I even love blizzards. I heard someone on the radio explain that perfectly: It makes you feel safe. I love the shorter days, too. Sun hurts the eyes.


It's amusing how many seem to like winter here. All I hear at work is people whining about the snow or cold. Yes, it's freezing, it's the end of December.

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I love winter because it's cold and I get to choose how warm I want to be and when. Plus the aesthetic is nice like how clouds will often be a different shade of color at certain times some days, or they look kind of like bed sheets. There's also the fact there's hardly any bugs that get into your house like mosquito's or flies in general. Then if/when it snows it generally looks really nice and peaceful.

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7 hours ago, Dr_Mayus said:

See that is the thing. I will take a freezing winter over a boiling summer any day. In Winnipeg we get -41 in winter but +40 in Summer so we get both extremes. The thing is in Winter you can bundle up to stay warm when you go outside but it is hard to get cooler in summer while outside.

Lol and they say Australia is the land of extremes. Winnipeg has us beaten along with probably the rest of Canada too.


You just accurately described why I like Winter because you can always add more layers for warmth. Can't rip your skin off and get cool in Summer.

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8 hours ago, Feral said:

Lol and they say Australia is the land of extremes. Winnipeg has us beaten along with probably the rest of Canada too.


You just accurately described why I like Winter because you can always add more layers for warmth. Can't rip your skin off and get cool in Summer.

The rest of Canada isn't as bad. The extremes happen as we are in the Prairies so it all kind of settles.


Oh well, I will happily come to Australia one day :) It is one my list of countries I want to visit

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5 hours ago, Dr_Mayus said:

The rest of Canada isn't as bad. The extremes happen as we are in the Prairies so it all kind of settles.

whoa, hold up here...which rest of canada?...the northern portion of many provinces are not much different than the prairies...i'm in Ottawa (currently - 33 while y'all are at what, - 29 today?) here and we get the same range - 40 to + 40...i know northern ontario and quebec are also not much different...and did you know Nova Scotia gets the most snow every year?...from what I hear temperatures are also pretty extreme out east...i realize you guys in the Prairies might have more days at these lower temp but still, - 40 is not pleasant...


on topic, I could definitely do without winter...first reason, women...although I find my wife quite attractive all bundled up in her snow gear with only eyes showing and figure of a sumo wrestler, I much prefer watching her prancing around in a bikini on the beach...love having bbqs with friends and family...outdoor patios...safer driving...not having salt on the roads that gets dragged everywhere ruining footwear, clothes, cars, etc...speaking of cars I like washing/taking care of my car wearing pretty much only a pair of shorts and shoes and although we have a heated garage this is not nearly as pleasant in the winter...furthermore, my drive to/from work often goes from 30 minutes to up to 2+ hours... 


i work in the construction industry and nothing costs more money than winter...i could expand on this point but it would just be boring...playgrounds are closed so no taking the kids to splash pads or parks...dark early so can't even take them out after supper which really sucks cause I spend long hours working...so many fun outdoor activities are lost due to cold weather...yes, there's still skating, sliding, skiing, building forts, etc but frost bite is a reality so always gotta worry about bundling up enough and outdoor time is greatly reduced on - 40 days (kids don't go out at recess at school and come home quite wound up)...takes much longer to get the kids ready as well...in summer we all just jump into our shoes and head out...often we're gone the whole day and forgetting things, like a back up pair of mittens, doesn't force us to head back home or reconsider our plans...


i tend to be a slow, laid back kind of dude but not so much in winter...i love summer and every year when winter comes I ask myself "what the f**k is this?"...it's a shock every year...still haven't gotten used to it and I've spent 25 years of my life living here...

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