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Starting New account from being Country Rank 1


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4 hours ago, closertim said:

Sounds stupid to me, but hey, do what you gotta do!

I have to agree with this guy. Time is not an endless commodity and you are going to piss away the time you invested on your original account over 3%??? 


Takes all kinds to make the world, I suppose . . .

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The only thing that holds me to my account the last couple years is the amount of stuff I own on the PSN. I hit 120 odd in my country a good 4 or so years back now when I completely gave up trophies. In the last 3 months or so all I've done trophy wise is popping one in Ms Pac-Man by chance, autopopping some stuff in the Jak games for no real reason, and letting my PS4 get dust.


While you're not dropping trophies entirely, you're at least dropping the racing aspect of it, and I'll applaud you for that. Anyone who gives up trophies and goes back to playing for themselves, in your case 100%ing things, is taking a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. If trophies have become such an important thing for an individual, it's probably time to give up trophies.


God, I hope the Switch doesn't get an achievement update.

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I gave up on my original NES profile after platinuming almost 40. All that time I invested I just pissed away. Then I eventually gave up on my SNES profile. I had a higher completion rate, but less Platinums.


I totally understand. Luckily, your account doesn’t disappear off the face of the planet and you can always get back to it later if you choose.


Good luck!

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I respect your desicion. It’d be nice to see you get that final 450 before walking away from your account, but that’s your choice.


Well about the leaderboard, the rankings has lost it’s purpose in my book due to these new less than 1h plats combined with region stacking and such. It’s very impressive that you’ve maintained your spot for so long with the games you play.


Good luck on your new account, i’m looking forward to follow your progress.

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honestly, I don't think I could care much less what you do with your profile as I'm sure you couldn't care much less about mine...good luck with whatever you decide...i hope you find whatever satisfaction it is you're looking to get out of this...evolution is often good...the future is now...

Edited by ProfBambam55
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I'm confused of what you want. 100% completion? Or to replay games?


I wouldn't totally abandon your current account, but maybe having another account you play in parallel with your current one. That way if there are games you want to play but not necessarily want 100% in, then you can go back to your current account.

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congrats on being nr 1 from your country, but i think dont start a new account, you worked so hard for it many years, you can still try to get better on the world rank list, and maybe someone new register his account on this site that is better then you and you will lose your first place

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I always wonder if people at the top of the leaderboards drive themselves to insanity to stay up there, playing a bunch of pointless games they hate instead of just playing the titles they love and taking as much time as they desire without them. Like something you feel you're bound to do even though you could slow down any time.


Maybe Tomy came to that realization. I always hope people at the top of the boards never drive themselves mad. In the end your ranking isn't all that important, it should only be used as a neat gauge to see where you land among others. Have fun playing games most of all :) 

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10 hours ago, AndresLionheart said:

Talk about OCD... starting again over a 3% completion. Yes, I know it's mostly because you want to replay and re complete games you liked, but it still doesn't mean you can't replay games on another account while you play newer games on that one.


Anyway, you do you, man. I wish I had that much time to just play games.

Yes there are many series i wanna re do like Starting with God Of War :) 

10 hours ago, Abysm_Nucleus said:

I don't think it will worth it my dude. I imagine how amazing it would be to have a perfect account. That is every hunters' dream for sure. But judging from the way you have reached and time you have invested so far, in my opinion your current situation is a place that doesn't have a turning back. Take my post as encouragement to you to keep pushing your journey like you have done so far. However, if starting a new journey will make you feel better, just go for it. Do whatever you want.


Also new beginning comes with new name! Take something different and start your new journey! Good luck my dude.

I take your post as Encouragement :) Thanks for that Maybe i get tired of the new account. So i can always go back. But for now im planning and looking forward too start fresh :) 

9 hours ago, TheYuriG said:

I know an UK girl that started over after completing stuff like Warhawk, she is also doing 100% completion now.


I wouldn't do it myself, but I can get really close to 100% now, since now my only impossible game is BZB and almost everything else (except for VVVVVV), i believe I have a very good shot at completing.

Nice List going. I know @MMDE Have done VVVVVV 

9 hours ago, Hvalpen said:

For 3 percent it is NOT worth it mate. And you lock yourself out of a lot of great titles.Games like Shadow warrior and super meat boy for example. Fuck percentage brother, i will take a 30% completion account involving super meat boy, surgeon simulator, N++ etc over a 100% account thats all one hour plats and JAP novels(i know thats not u, just giving an example). My advise, dont do it. ur feat is impressive as is.

I will add those. Later but for now im gona focus on online ps3/Vita 

9 hours ago, Property_Damage said:

Such a massive waste of time

Ive spent almost 6 years with my account

i would never abandon it for a meaningless completion rating no one cares about, but yourself

to each their own i suppose

I still have my account so no time wasted :) But i get your point 

9 hours ago, HardXDXtraga said:

Honestly came here thinking 'this dude is probably tired of playing VN's and super easy/shitty games' but your lineup is actually pretty good, you've got a very respectable amount of ultra rares and diversity in the games you play.

I get what you mean though, trophy hunting to me doesn't have that exciting feeling it used to have and leaderboards don't mean anything since the top people just play easy games to maintain their position. The only thing I get a kick out of now is finishing hard games and being the 1st in the country to do so.

If you think that's what it takes to renew your love of gaming and trophy hunting then go ahead, beats playing games just for trophies, Good Luck on your new account! 1f601.png

Yes im avoiding those easy trophy whore games. Still gona do 

8 hours ago, Bezenko said:

Good luck! I started a new account myself 4,5 years ago, completing everything to 100% and also trying slowly to complete series. Most importantly, I'm staying away from unenjoyable trophy-whore games as I will never reach any significant world rank with my time an resources anyway. I have doubled the plat-count from my old account and I'm enjoying every game, hope you do the same!

True keep up the good job :) 


And thanks for everyone else posting :) 

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Mate, I did this over 2 years ago! I still use my old account from time to time for fun and what not, but this account (my newer account) is my main now. I initially made it just for trophy hunting on the side but over time it took over as a main. It felt like a huge leap as I already had plats on LBP, GTA 4 and Kz2, etc.. on my old one, but making the leap definitely freshened up gaming for me! I've still got a bit of a backlog but atleast I've no longer got hidden trophies and server-dead games I can't complete anymore! It's not for everyone and it's kinda OCD but for me it was the right choice! I hope this helps in some way! :) Good luck, pal!

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1 hour ago, Tomy_IV said:

Nice List going. I know @MMDE Have done VVVVVV 


I have not done VVVVVV. :P I probably should though, but I got a feeling that one section where the gravity is messed up is going to be super annoying. What I have done is a lot of other platformers.

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You have over 500 games completed, that´s alot!. And many long and hard. Your completion is great as well.

Imo its too much to start over. And maintaining a 100% profile can be quite a chore. Of course we all dream of it but. A singel game with surprise shutdown server can screw you over.


I personally can´t ever see myself start over. Invested too much time on this account. But if it makes you happy then by all means go for it.


Just my 2 cents :)

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I say go for it. If you really want to do it, then do it. Rather than regret it in the future. The longer you wait and the more platinums you gain on your current account, the harder it would be to start a new profile. I mean it could probably be nice to start fresh, if that is what you want. And I believe if you want to be Country Rank #1 again, it will happen. Goodluck to you with whatever decision you decide on. 

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6 hours ago, BlindMango said:



Maybe Tomy came to that realization. I always hope people at the top of the boards never drive themselves mad. In the end your ranking isn't all that important, it should only be used as a neat gauge to see where you land among others. Have fun playing games most of all :) 


Lol, from what I have seen the problems aren't at the top of the boards. At least those people have their life together enough to be able to sustain it. If you really want to see madness have a look in the middle, now that sir is truly scary.


But let's be honest there are many reason to throw away an account but I don't think to many reasonable people would agree reinvesting 1000's of hours over an artificial 3% completion bump is very logical.

Edited by cjshaitan
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