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2 hours ago, SmileSlice said:

As a MASSIVE, HARDCORE fan of the series, I can sadly attest that the first original game will not give you the best impression (original versions of 2 and 3 are still really good). Pretty well any other in the series, ESPECIALLY the Re;Birth titles, will hopefully have you hooked.


The series as a whole is a very chill and fun experience in my opinion, and I can very highly recommend every single one so far, apart from the original. I’m still glad I own it, but I’ve not finished it myself yet, and it has quite some different mechanics than the rest of them.

Noted, and much appreciated! I'll try to not let the game discourage me as I do plan to play the first three chronologically. I usually tend to keep my expectations low on any game I play nowadays just due to fear of potential disappointment lol. I'm (hoping) to platinum the first three then figure out which games in the series I'd wanna play from there on. 

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1 hour ago, Spageos said:

Noted, and much appreciated! I'll try to not let the game discourage me as I do plan to play the first three chronologically. I usually tend to keep my expectations low on any game I play nowadays just due to fear of potential disappointment lol. I'm (hoping) to platinum the first three then figure out which games in the series I'd wanna play from there on. 

Sounds good! I also 100% agree with @AihaLoveleaf regarding the story (at least for as much as I’ve played so far of the original), and I should have been more specific in my original post that I was generally referring to the gameplay. Their explanation is spot-on with everything they mentioned.


HDN mk2 was actually the first one in the mainline series I played (the spin-off Cyberdimension: 4 Goddesses Online was actually my very first Neptunia experience when I still had no idea about the series). But mk2 (not the ReBirth version) made me fall absolutely in love with the rest of the series.


I also recommend the anime, and dubbed if you get the chance. You’ll notice that the VA for Konata from Lucky Star as well as Haruhi Suzumiya voices Blanc (White Heart) in the anime and games. However, play the games first, as characters in the anime are in the games, so to avoid spoilers I suppose.

Edited by SmileSlice
Corrected spelling and grammar.
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4 hours ago, AihaLoveleaf said:

I'll be the other side of the coin here and tell you that Hyperdimension Neptunia is the superior experience of the beginning of the franchise story-wise—even superior to Re;Birth1 in that regard. The pacing and development of characters and their relationships feels more organic in the original, whereas Re;Birth1's party feels more like an old group of friends getting back together despite not knowing each other beforehand. The PS3 original is ridiculously primitive by 2023 standards, and the combat has its annoyances, but if you can stomach the sour parts then you're in for a unique experience that even its "remakes" don't capture 1:1.


If you have a bit of cash to spare, it's worth picking up the "Events" bundles for the following characters:

It's the most character development either girl receives in the entire franchise, and I found both of their storylines to be rather compelling. You can always watch those events on YouTube though.


Whichever way you go, try to give the series at least two games to catch your interest; mk2 brings a massive number of QOL updates and brings the series in line with modern entries.

My bad, I'm not sure how I missed this comment. I'm taking note on all of this - I think next week I'll finally start the game. Based on my track record with like, weeb games I'm certain I'll like it despite what flaws it may have. If I enjoy a game enough I tend to get dlc, I'll keep an eye on all that. Thanks. 


33 minutes ago, SmileSlice said:

Sounds good! I also 100% agree with @AihaLoveleaf regarding the story (at least for as much as I’ve played so far of the original), and I should have been more specific in my original post that I was generally referring to the gameplay. Their explanation is spot-on with everything they mentioned.


HDN mk2 was actually the first one in the mainline series I played (the spin-off Cyberdimension: 4 Goddesses Online was actually my very first Neptunia experience when I still had no idea about the series). But mk2 (not the ReBirth version) made me fall absolutely in love with the rest of the series.


I also recommend the anime, and dubbed if you get the chance. You’ll notice that the VA for Konata from Lucky Star as well as Haruhi Suzumiya voices Blanc (White Heart) in the anime and games. However, play the games first, as characters in the anime are in the games, so to avoid spoilers I suppose.

This might be frowned upon but I actually (despite spoilers) did watch the anime, dubbed (Tara Platt, Cherami Leigh being in the same anime definitely caught my eye.)

I enjoyed it, found it to be goofy fun and I liked the dynamic of the cast - though it's also why I've been wanting to give the games a proper go. 

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L6b0166.png + Sb33c1d.png L9c2f1e.png


No pictures today as these are PSN only games.


Picked these up today from UK store. Goat Simulator was only £7.39, which I just had to get after getting the Platinum and 100% on the PS4 version.

As for Costume Quest, I actually bought the Costume Quest on Ice bundle for £9.99, which was cheaper than the base game on it's own (£11.99). I love all things Double Fine!





Wolfenstein 3D


Bought this from US store for $4.99, after noticing a post stating that it was available to buy there. I assumed this was delisted, as it's not on UK store. Grab it while you can...

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Ah yes, my curiousity involving obscure peripherals. I already have the complete set of Wonderbook games ready to go, but my eyes fell onto another mostly forgotten peripheral. Yes, I know one of these games has an unobtainable plat and I'm currently going back and forth whether to play it anyway. I still have some time to figure that out because the hardware unfortunately was missing the usb dongle to connect it and I can't even figure out if that had never been included or just fell out of the box it was sent in. The condition of the terrible packaging used to send it to me leaves both options open.


Anyway, it's the uDraw with a complete set of PS3 games published for it. €12 for the whole thing (5 for Marvel, 7 for the rest), I couldn't resist.


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They're going on the backlog for now, but I recently found Puppeteer and 3D Dot Game Heroes for reasonable prices. I've been looking for those two for a while, but the prices kept going up, but seemed to have gone back down again. I also picked up Nier at the same time as 3D Dot Game Heroes, but I already got all the achievements on the 360, and got the platinum on the PS4 version; I just wanted it for my collection to be honest.

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