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No longer 0.1% rarity?


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6 hours ago, Arcesius said:


Points made in this thread:


- Game was on PS+ and is this probably too rare to start with.

- Players have been at it for years and finally got the plat after a long grind.

- The game isn't even as challenging as its reputation.

- Vita Hackers skew the rarity, too 



Way to ignore everything but one argument to make a negative comment... 



Oh so my comment is negative. Good to know.

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16 hours ago, StylerX01 said:

This is shocking to me as this is one of the hardest platinums out there, it was on 0.1% for such a long time too. 
Are people hacking this game, or what caused this?

Considering it's on Vita, and Vita has trophy hackers...

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10 hours ago, Startropy X said:

Name me three platformers out there that have a more challenging list than SMB. Just so I have something to play in the future. 

Attacking Zegeta 1 & 2?

1 hour ago, LucienNL said:

Blame trophyhacker worldranking. He is a hacker/cheater. He told me he sells the plat to people. This site should ban him.

Are you sure they're hacking, or are they playing for people. I don't think the latter is against PSNP's rules. But you should be reporting such users to the mods, not nameshaming on a public forum. 

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7 hours ago, DeMz90 said:

Oh so my comment is negative. Good to know.


If this stuff is triggering you, either play the game for yourself and earn that platinum, or don't bother going for it.


Super Meat Boy is my proudest platinum, there's no question about that because I think everyone who so much as skims through my profile will point that out.


Vita hackers will basically put custom timestamps on games they can't finish on their own. Meat Boy just happens to be one of the more popular games to do it.

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16 hours ago, Sikutai said:

410 Platinum Achievers are a lot, the Rarity is just so high because of so many Gamer have this game. Without PS Plus I think the Rarity would be between 0,5 and 1 %. And the Rarity do not say anything about the Difficulty, my Trove Platinum is Super Rare but it's not hard, just very grindy.

Agree, being on PS Plus makes it artificially lower than it would be otherwise.  The try-hards will get it with enough repetition.  But it being PS Plus means a lot just tried it out and moved on.

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It was 0.19 percent a few months ago. So it went up a whole 0.01 percent. It's not a huge increase. 

For those concerned about cheaters, this is one of those games you're probably being flagged for if you're not on the in-game scoreboards where it matters, and/or have played it entirely offline, and sync it in it's entirety a year late.

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31 minutes ago, B1rvine said:

For those concerned about cheaters, this is one of those games you're probably being flagged for if you're not on the in-game scoreboards where it matters, and/or have played it entirely offline, and sync it in it's entirety a year late.


Hold the phone, am I getting this right? Are you really saying people are getting flagged with no further proof for playing an entirely offline game offline? Huh?

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32 minutes ago, B1rvine said:

It was 0.19 percent a few months ago. So it went up a whole 0.01 percent. It's not a huge increase. 

For those concerned about cheaters, this is one of those games you're probably being flagged for if you're not on the in-game scoreboards where it matters, and/or have played it entirely offline, and sync it in it's entirety a year late.


I occasionally see cheaters with less than a minute platinums for this game. But it's not just Super Meat Boy it's a whole slew of games on the Vita.


As long as they are removed in due time, then we shouldn't have much to worry about. You guys just have to keep taking them off.

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58 minutes ago, B1rvine said:


For those concerned about cheaters, this is one of those games you're probably being flagged for if you're not on the in-game scoreboards where it matters, and/or have played it entirely offline, and sync it in it's entirety a year late.

How about the most recent achiever? It’s lists like these that I find very hard to believe are legit. And you see them all the time with SMB.

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51 minutes ago, BB-BakkerJ said:

How about the most recent achiever? It’s lists like these that I find very hard to believe are legit. And you see them all the time with SMB.


A user by the name of The_Hunter_Fr posted a platinum time of 2 days and 2 hours. Pretty impressive stats.. if they were legit.


He was caught doing custom timestamps and was removed from the leaderboards. But he ended up being on there for a few years.


If this person did indeed cheat, he should be removed. I found a lot of profiles with very impressive times with just Super Meat Boy, I don't find it likely that they played through everything a second time just to be one of the fastest achievers.


With how long the Vita has been around at this point you can easily look up YouTube videos that give you a step by step walkthrough on how to utilize custom timestamps. It's outright cheating.

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On 11/4/2020 at 8:55 PM, Deceptrox said:

Yes, there are new profiles on this site from time to time with a hacked trophy list, usually of seconds which makes it easy to ban those profiles permanently from the leaderboards.


There are also some profiles that edited timestamps with convincing completion times, this makes it hard to prove the game was hacked.


Finally, there are profiles belonging to people who pay other people to earn the platinum for them. This practice is pathetic and almost impossible to prove.


The sad thing is that they wouldn't. Even if are hacked profiles, they surely would pass as "legit" ones. I want to believe that people did it legit with pure sheer willpower and commitment to earn those platimuns that borders the impossible, but who knows? If you actually legit it, and even it took you years to accomplish it, you can send to heck those who unfairly boast for their feat. 

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50 minutes ago, Xenoblast91 said:


The sad thing is that they wouldn't. Even if are hacked profiles, they surely would pass as "legit" ones. I want to believe that people did it legit with pure sheer willpower and commitment to earn those platimuns that borders the impossible, but who knows? If you actually legit it, and even it took you years to accomplish it, you can send to heck those who unfairly boast for their feat. 


I have video proof of me getting the platinum saved on my PS4. It was definitely a tough one.


Someone made mention of this several months ago because Super Meat Boy is indeed a game a lot of people use custom timestamps for. If someone can't do it due to lack of skill and commitment, then they should just move on. It's that simple.


49 minutes ago, DiegoMolinams said:

must be the quarantine 


It is. No jobs for a lot of us.

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Quarantine definitely has to do with it, I noticed many of my games, even ones that are mostly dead got an huge spike in trophy rarity.

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1 hour ago, Xenoblast91 said:


The sad thing is that they wouldn't. Even if are hacked profiles, they surely would pass as "legit" ones. I want to believe that people did it legit with pure sheer willpower and commitment to earn those platimuns that borders the impossible, but who knows? If you actually legit it, and even it took you years to accomplish it, you can send to heck those who unfairly boast for their feat. 


In some cases you can tell if a registered psnp earned the platinum legitimately if there are posts from that person in the SMB threads about their progress. Some of them post screenshots or videos with the platinum or other non-dying trophies popping (in my case the former as I played the whole game on Vita).


The platinum is not impossible but it takes practice and persistence. It took me more than half a year to plat it but I took a long break before taking it seriously. After that, it took me a few months to earn all trophies from Missile Boy onwards. I'm now sure I could plat it in under a week though. 


Some people are getting the platinum after months or years due to the experience acquired from practicing the levels and their persistence as they know they can plat the game due to the acquired confidence again from practicing the levels several times.


Non-legit achievers usually have fast completion times for the game but after checking their profiles you don't find that many challenging games.


There are also more clever non-legit achievers who have longer completion times (many months or years) that are harder to report due to the fact of more convincing timestamps. In these cases, that's where trophy order comes into play, most of them have at least one trophy out of order and this gave them away. However there are some who have both, right trophy order and credible timestamps for SMB, when this happens you should check for other games which are familiar to you, specially if the are challenging too or if they have very few 100% achievers.


The vast majority of cheaters will be caught, there will be a few who will get away with it though, but they will be found eventually.

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1 hour ago, Deceptrox said:


In some cases you can tell if a registered psnp earned the platinum legitimately if there are posts from that person in the SMB threads about their progress. Some of them post screenshots or videos with the platinum or other non-dying trophies popping (in my case the former as I played the whole game on Vita).


The platinum is not impossible but it takes practice and persistence. It took me more than half a year to plat it but I took a long break before taking it seriously. After that, it took me a few months to earn all trophies from Missile Boy onwards. I'm now sure I could plat it in under a week though. 


Some people are getting the platinum after months or years due to the experience acquired from practicing the levels and their persistence as they know they can plat the game due to the acquired confidence again from practicing the levels several times.


Non-legit achievers usually have fast completion times for the game but after checking their profiles you don't find that many challenging games.


There are also more clever non-legit achievers who have longer completion times (many months or years) that are harder to report due to the fact of more convincing timestamps. In these cases, that's where trophy order comes into play, most of them have at least one trophy out of order and this gave them away. However there are some who have both, right trophy order and credible timestamps for SMB, when this happens you should check for other games which are familiar to you, specially if the are challenging too or if they have very few 100% achievers.


The vast majority of cheaters will be caught, there will be a few who will get away with it though, but they will be found eventually.


Fact is you're the same guy who was convincing me to keep pushing forward, even though I had to take months break from Super Meat Boy. It's better to approach tough games like that when you're ready for them, regardless of how long they may take.


I know Smithy has done the platinum at least three times, but for the most part I don't see anybody really doing this game more than twice. Maybe to play through it again on another account, who knows.


Well yes, that one guy who got caught had a rather unusual time between a specific set of trophies. Somebody found that he was using custom timestamps, easily possible using software on PC and Vita thanks to YouTube videos on the subject.


The people who post less than a minute platinums are mostly doing a bunch of games on the Vita. The guys who are more careful with custom timestamps may only do certain games, I'm convinced this guy did it because he wasn't going to spend the time to practice and earn those trophies legit.


I hope this makes sense to you.

Edited by Spaz
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5 hours ago, Spaz said:


Fact is you're the same guy who was convincing me to keep pushing forward, even though I had to take months break from Super Meat Boy. It's better to approach tough games like that when you're ready for them, regardless of how long they may take.


I know Smithy has done the platinum at least three times, but for the most part I don't see anybody really doing this game more than twice. Maybe to play through it again on another account, who knows.


Well yes, that one guy who got caught had a rather unusual time between a specific set of trophies. Somebody found that he was using custom timestamps, easily possible using software on PC and Vita thanks to YouTube videos on the subject.


The people who post less than a minute platinums are mostly doing a bunch of games on the Vita. The guys who are more careful with custom timestamps may only do certain games, I'm convinced this guy did it because he wasn't going to spend the time to practice and earn those trophies legit.


I hope this makes sense to you.


Yeah, I remember him. I thought he got the platinum legit until I saw his dispute. He deleted his psnp profile soon after. 


Thing is that if somebody cheats, that person will eventually get caught for one game or another even if they are extra careful to make their timestamps look convincing, they will always make a mistake sooner or later.

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11 hours ago, Deceptrox said:


Yeah, I remember him. I thought he got the platinum legit until I saw his dispute. He deleted his psnp profile soon after. 


Thing is that if somebody cheats, that person will eventually get caught for one game or another even if they are extra careful to make their timestamps look convincing, they will always make a mistake sooner or later.


Well we don't know. I've played MMOs in the past where there were always an abundance of cheaters. However what goes on this website is different because everybody is playing different games, so it's a lot easier to track down who actually cheated. This is of course taking into account games with exploits and cheats that don't disable trophies that are perfectly allowed according to the staff and the rules. A good example is using the Debug Menu for the Jak and Daxter trilogy.


I don't think getting the Run Like the Wind trophy in the PS3 version of GTA V is still allowed, because you have to get someone who modded the game to get it for you because the ability was removed. Some old games like Call of Duty: World at War will get you flagged if you join a modded lobby that gets you trophies.


You're not going to get everybody, but I'm glad to see plenty of people who study the timestamps and look to see if someone cheated or did it legit. The obvious ones are easy enough, but some try to conceal their cheating.

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On 13.04.2020 at 2:02 AM, Spaz said:


If this stuff is triggering you, either play the game for yourself and earn that platinum, or don't bother going for it.


Super Meat Boy is my proudest platinum, there's no question about that because I think everyone who so much as skims through my profile will point that out.


Vita hackers will basically put custom timestamps on games they can't finish on their own. Meat Boy just happens to be one of the more popular games to do it.

You should be triggered, because all they're saying is that if you have the platinum in this game you must've hacked it or bought it. Yet you find my comment negative.

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40 minutes ago, DeMz90 said:

You should be triggered, because all they're saying is that if you have the plainum in this game you must've hacked it or bought it. Yet you find my comment negative.


It was me who said your comment is negative, not Spaz. You apparently didn't bother reading through the thread, or even worse just decided to ignore everything but the argument that suits your rhetoric, which honestly doesn't contribute anything to the discussion but instead aims at creating a negative atmosphere.


So yes, your comment was negative. 

Edited by Arcesius
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I believe the term hard is a relative term. I didn't find the SMB platinum to be that hard of course that could be because I put 1000 hours into that and binding of Isaac when I use to speed run games. 


I believe alot of these games get in our head before we play them-we let guides and the experience of others influence alot of this. 


Was there a few tricky levels? Of course but if I became stuck I'd watch a streamer or a video and formulate a game plan to better approach with that Level. 


This platinum is extremely doable on a larger scale than the percentage shows all it takes is a shit load of trial and error. Consistency is key.


Good luck to anyone trying! Just remember put in the hours learn the level and its very doable.  

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15 hours ago, DeMz90 said:

You should be triggered, because all they're saying is that if you have the platinum in this game you must've hacked it or bought it. Yet you find my comment negative.


Misdirected anger my friend. Not a good approach.


I busted my ass to get this platinum trophy. I respect people who got this platinum legit through hard work and determination. Even moreso if they got it relatively quickly.


Obviously you're the guy being triggered. I just find your comment amusing.

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On 4/12/2020 at 8:24 PM, BB-BakkerJ said:

How about the most recent achiever? It’s lists like these that I find very hard to believe are legit. And you see them all the time with SMB.


Yeah, I actually perused the list myself. Lots of people suddenly became expert in a years old game, and finished it in a month or two.

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On 4/12/2020 at 10:03 PM, Deceptrox said:


However there are some who have both, right trophy order and credible timestamps for SMB, when this happens you should check for other games which are familiar to you, specially if the are challenging too or if they have very few 100% achievers.


I mentioned this in a different thread about gatekeeping, but this right here is how it starts. Someone cheats something in a dummy hard game and now everyone who makes any progress at all is on the chopping block. This in of itself isn't a major problem, the community should take a moment and check new achievers when there is a known wave of easy cheating going around. The problem is the "check for other challenging games" part. That's the "I don't think they are good enough, so it must be cheating" no proof argument you see on Necrodancer and Jamestown that do nothing but waste mod time and destroy communities. Of course, it's not good to go the other direction either and just shrug.


There are no easy answers here, but going on a public witch hunt doesn't seem like a step in the right direction.


Edit: ON THE OTHER HAND, anyone who did get it legit doesn't really need to worry about people nitpicking. People can say what they like, but solid proof is solid proof, you either have it or you don't.

Edited by Jelly Soup
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