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[EVENT] PSNP Kaleidoscope Challenge! 2023 [ENDED]

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Was planning to do Wobbledogs for yellow or maybe one of the blue ones, but one trophy seems to be bugged/unattainable currenly so who knows if that will be fixed in time... Either way, gonna start digging through my backlog soon to hopefully find some remaining missing colors!

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18 hours ago, lady-reze said:

For pink, I played Unpacking. This game has interested me for a long while, and I'm so happy it got added to PS Plus! I didn't expect it to be so stressful.. The game doesn't let you progress if you place certain items in inappropriate places, and realizing I'd have to completely redo an entire section of a room I had unpacked because I had misplaced one thing was pretty awful. I had to Google a few items because I could not figure out where to place them for the life of me lol. Overall I liked it a lot though. It was interesting how much you could learn about the main character and what was going on in their life solely based on the stuff you unpacked for them. I grew up Jewish so it was cool seeing dreidels and menorahs in the game. I've been playing games for a long time, and I don't think I've ever seen that. 

I was the same way with unpacking. Was getting stressed about having things in the right place and having no idea wtf dome items were.


I learned later after the plat that there was an accessibility mode that let's you place stuff wherever... you want a toaster on your toilet? Printer in the bathtub? Have at it!

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