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The Ultra Rare Cleanup 2024

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On 1/1/2024 at 1:23 AM, Kishnabe said:

Joining again this year:


Tier 1 


1. Titan Souls (1.99%) 1% 

2. Ziggurat(2.51%) 0% 

3. Weird West (4.91% 0% 

4. Foul Play (4.53%) 12% 

5. Raining Coins (4.05%) 43% 

Swapping Ziggurat for Tennis World Tour 2 (0.56%) 88%



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11 minutes ago, Mastrospaccasoul said:

I platinumed titan souls,totally random,can i join the competition?

Also eldest souls is eligible platinum?


I think you should had joined before platting the games, there was a grace period on January (I think) but don't know if it's still up... @Copanele

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14 minutes ago, Mastrospaccasoul said:

I platinumed titan souls,totally random,can i join the competition?

Also eldest souls is eligible platinum?

Yep, all good, since you platinumed the moment you signed up (or rather in a super short time frame) :D 

Sadly I can't take Eldest Souls into consideration, there was a grace period but only in January. So only Titan Souls counts.

2 minutes ago, DeepEyes7 said:


I think you should had joined before platting the games, there was a grace period on January (I think) but don't know if it's still up... @Copanele

Hah you were faster than me 😂

Edited by Copanele
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5 minutes ago, DeepEyes7 said:


I think you should had joined before platting the games, there was a grace period on January (I think) but don't know if it's still up... @Copanele

Ah ok,i read the post  in the home now 

3 minutes ago, Copanele said:

Yep, all good, since you platinumed the moment you signed up (or rather in a super short time frame) :D 

Sadly I can't take Eldest Souls into consideration, there was a grace period but only in January. So only Titan Souls counts.

Hah you were faster than me 😂

Ok is not a problem for eldest souls, i can do other stuff in most wanted thread, ty 

Edited by Mastrospaccasoul
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15 hours ago, Riiszk said:



Warface (100%) - 0.55%

Fun - 4/10

Difficulty - 8/10 for the 3 player hard spec ops. 4/10 for everything else.


Finally got my first game of the year done! Took me a while, though I've been ploughing through a few other UR games at the same time. I also 100% Warface Breakout, but I won't add it to this event as only the NA version is UR which is also the version I happened to autopop. That was such an easy and 'nothing to it' boost anyway, it's not even worth going into detail about the game.


Warface is a free FPS game with basic modes like you'd imagine any Call Of Duty might have. It is somewhat dead with only half a dozen modes being available at most times and when you do find a match, it'll always have people who have quite literally 5,000-10,000 hours in the game (I had a habit of checking their profiles) and gear so much better than yours if you refuse to drop money into the game plus a few years of equipment grinding. Oh yes, it's very much a pay-to-win game. Definitely isn't impossible if you don't pay a single dollar, but every few minutes I'd ask how 10 hits didn't kill someone when I die in literally 2 shots. It's very doable, but boy can you feel the pay-to-win in this. As an Aussie, playing every single game at 300+ ping is infuriating as well. The list for the most part is quite basic and straightforward. Win 10 games in different modes, heal X amount of health, revive a bunch, different types of kills, bunch of co-op stuff, etc. That's all the easy part, but once that's done you're looking at two hurdles, one annoying and one hard.


'The hard' part is beating any spec op mission on hard difficulty. You can do this with 4 players, though there was only 3 of us which proved to make things worse. We chose some dark mission where cyborg/monster things would run at your group while you escorted a truck. If you all died before getting to a checkpoint or if the truck died, you'd lose. So basically cod zombies if it had an escort mission. We didn't know what to expect, but holy hell were we not prepared. We got overrun every. single. time. I watched videos and they would have such an easy time. That's when we found out that in the earlier years there was hard, but also another difficulty called insane which is BRUTAL. For whatever reason, hard got removed and insane is now called hard which made more sense seeing as we struggled so much with this as a 3. I looked up insane runs on youtube and only one single video had 3 players, but they all had heavily modded and upgraded all the best guns and wore the best armour. I thought we had no chance with our basic bitch bootcamp loadout, but after persisting for about 6 or 7 hours, we beat it. Had to get real tactical learning every spawn location for all enemies in a whole 30min run and each of us having our own sides and set up to cover the truck and to not be leaving an opening for the cyborgs to overrun us. Definitely didn't think this game would get to that sort of level.


'The annoying' part was definitely coming top 3 in battle royale 10 times. Needing 16 players minimum was bad enough, but needing 16 that were all over the required level of 25 made it so we couldn't use alts or new players wanting to join. Only people who were basically already near the plat. As you can imagine, getting 16 on at one time took hours and hours of waiting in lobbies. Then when the lobby finally started, we'd get the sweatiest randoms who no-life the game join and never leave because even they're shocked a battle royale game is going. 


But at the end of the 100% for this, I don't regret doing it. The pay-to-win ordeal is just something I never want to deal with again. It's just one of those games designed to make you stay for a long time. The longer you play, the better your loadout gets, therefore, the easier it is to be good. Not my thing really.



Tier 1:

  • Warface 0.55% 

Good stuff on this completion buddy! 


I won't lie I don't actually think there is much of a P2W factor in the online on this and more so the fact that you were on 300 ping haha. When I did this game not super long ago I held a 2.5 k/d all the way to level 30 for the trophy even through the "pro" lobbies where the lifers lived, but I'm also from NA so I probably wasn't lagging! That and being very accurate with headshots can ensure the online modes and the hard mission (can usually) be done without too much trouble. That being said the hard mission with 3 is very impressive so GGs to that👍

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On 1/1/2024 at 1:23 AM, Kishnabe said:

Joining again this year:


Tier 1 


1. Titan Souls (1.99%) 1% 

2. Tennis World Tour 2 (0.56%) 88%

3. Weird West (4.91% 0% 

4. Rollerdrome (4.56%) 0% 

5. Raining Coins (4.05%) 43% 

Swapped Foul Play for Rollerdrome.

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