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Not to be confused with Severed, this is an interesting Metroidvania that I'm not entirely sure I understood (there's Valkyries and Lovecraft monsters and the art reminds me of El Shaddai). I always see it in sales, but shied away due to not knowing much about it other than it supposedly being difficult. For people who like metroidvanias, it's not actually that hard at all, although it did take me a while to get used to the more unique aspects and I prefer Metroidvanias with a little more NPC interaction, world changes, and other characters travelling through the world in parallel with you. This one's pretty much just combat, platforming, and occasional lore chambers, but you are rewarded pretty well for full exploration.


Things I didn't like: some of the later enemy encounters are set over pits of death and it can be hard to keep track of where exactly you are as the cameras zoom out, so I ended up just spamming the grappling hook on enemies to not fall off completely. Bigger enemy attacks also push you back or up really far, which occasionally were useful to completely bypass a difficult platforming section but were mostly annoying. Non key areas are also randomly generated, which brings the level design down a little although it is an interesting solution to making returning to older areas less boring since you'll have to find a different way through every time. There's a bit of an RPG system where you can level up different stats, but it has a cap so every player should end the game maxed out.


It's not a must play, but if it's on sale and you're interested, it's decent.

Edited by PhantomWarcry
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40 minutes ago, DrZero_1983 said:

Platinum 145





The Final Frontier :platinum:


After a lot of years I've come back to this game to get the platinum, thinking that completing all the story on the hardest difficulty using max 3 savegames would be impossible for me, but then I had almost zero problems and all went really smooth... until the last sequence after the final boss, where I died 2 times trying to avoid the falling debris during the escape, forcing me to replay 3 times the last 5 chapters for one little mistake in the last 10 seconds of gameplay :jaymon:


Respect. Dead Space 2 I think deserves a lower rarity just because of the pressure of Hard Core. You had to make three seperate saves depending on how comfortable you felt in certain sections, such as the infamous Eye Poke Machine which was nerve wracking, as well as the falling debris. There was also a section after you aligned the satellites in Chapter 7 where you're basically free falling to get to a certain area, where you can easily die from the debris just coming towards you.


Awesome game. Fun and worthy challenge. Really wish Dead Space 2 was remastered for PS4/PS5.

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