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PSNP unbearably slow most of the time

Go to solution Solved by Sly Ripper,

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  • 6 years later...

Didn't want to create a new topic so this 7 year old one will have to do, but I am experiencing very slow "forum" speeds. It takes awhile for pages to load, when before it would be pretty fast, almost instant. Now it seems to be close to a minute. I notice these little things! Something is wrong. Anyone else experiencing this too recently?

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I thought it would go away as well.  For months fine, then on game pages it started 404 Bad Error, so I cleared my cache on my phone.  Yet I've had to do that twice in two weeks, and even when i get that 404 Error, it's only on this site and not on other sites.


When I question if my internet is working I always go to nf dot com because they have thumbnails all over for videos and if that loads than I know the internet is good.


At work it's somewhat slow, it doesn't take 10 or 15 seconds, yet it does take a bit for it to load a different page now, not like before when it was very consistent and fast speeds.

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20 minutes ago, DaivRules said:

I'm wondering how many of you have this experience because of your ISP and their DNS and that it isn't necessarily anything to do with the site. Are any of you using VPNs on your internet connections?


Just run page performance test (e.g. PageSpeed Insights) and see for yourself. It's always sitting at ~5 seconds for the initial server response.

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