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Why did you become a gamer?


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Because some games hold deep stories and character development on a level as complex as some of the literary greats, so who would skip the opportunity to experience them?   ;)  Plus, video games add another layer of immersion that even books and films don't have.


But on a personal level, I owe a lot to video games for my education as a small kid.  I remember learning a lot of new words and vocabulary through games like Pokémon, and since English isn't my first language per se, I have a lot to owe to video games to develop my command of the language at such a fast pace.

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When my brother and I were little our parents were pretty heavy into partying and what not.


Probably around '86 they bought us the NES with Mario/Duck Hunt and the grey zapper. My brother would play the crap out of Duck Hunt and later games like Bayou Billy, Batman, Friday 13, Super Mario Bros 3, Final Fantasy. 


So, games were just a big part of my life early on and they kind of stayed that way. Even now while I do not play nearly as much as I once did, gaming still gives me more pleasure then almost any of my other hobbies.

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  • 7 years later...

I started playing video games back with the Atari 2600 and later on the NES when the U.S video game market was being rebuilt.  At the time a video game console was marketed as the cool new "toy" for young boys and girls and many of us in my generation wanted to be a part of it.  Since then some people have fallen off and some of us has continued with the hobby to this day.  


To answer the question why did I become a gamer I guess I didn't?  I picked up a new toy when I was young and it became a lifelong hobby for entertainment, exploration and expression.

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I've been playing games since I was 2 or 3 years old, back when the Acorn Electron was still the new hotness in home computers but I didn't become a near full time gamer until my family got an Amiga A500 for Christmas in the early 90's. The Acorn got me interested and the Amiga got me hooked but it was the PS1 and a decent gaming PC that sealed the deal a few brief years later :).

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My brother had amazing games like Banjo Kazooie, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Silver, Mario Kart etc. I could't finish most of them, I was too young to understand what I had to do, but I loved the music, the visuals, these fantasy worlds, so I played the beginning of these games a hundred times and was never bored of it! We sometimes played games like Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. against each other :D

I loved them, still do. I play them occasionally when I'm in the mood for old games!

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My Parents bought a PC and we installed on Floppy Disc "The Lion King" and later "battle Arnea Toshiden", "Power Rangers" "Prince of Persia" "math Blaster" and i remmber "battletoads"


Yes have to search for these title a few years back but that was the start and i could not finish any oth these Games, cause they where hard.

But this keeps me on going and with the Gameboy, Playsttaion and SNES i had a good follow up soon after this.


Long Story short: im playing since i can remember :D

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I've been a gamer all my life ever since arcades in the 80s. As I got older, I developed medical issues that sidelined me from doing a lot of activities, so raiding tombs, playing sports, having superpowers, fighting monsters, traveling back in time, traveling through space, being a secret agent, etc. was something I could do via video games.

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Not sure who, but someone from my family bought a Playstation 1, I was a bit too young for that, but ocasionally played.
What really got me hooked was when my Uncle bought me and my brother a PS2. I was like 7 or 8 at the time.

Like someone said before, the kinda shy person. Had some friends, but wasnt too keen on getting more.

As time went by I did grow out of the shy phase. Now all I do is play Virtual Reality games and own pretty much all PS consoles.

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When i was around 18, i had massive kidney issues and most of the time i was lying in my bed. 

On any Day i walked to my Brothers room and he played Fallout 3 at that time.

Thenceforth i watched him nearly two Weeks every Day a few hours.


It was a really big help in a really hard situation because it was just no longer everything about Dialysis or Death in my mind.

After a few Month in Hospitals i bought a Brand New ps3 (she is still working 🙂) and started my Hobby.


(sry for my englisch, its not my first Language)



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I don't know that I've become anything. I had games, I played the games, various levels of ADHD factored in, I sought out more when I finished what I had. If there was really a 'what' or 'when', I guess it would be my mother deciding that a Gamboy and an NES made, quote, "seemed like a financially sound investment considering the use the C64 was getting".

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