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Game Franchise you can't get into


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On 3/10/2018 at 0:04 PM, Satoshi Ookami said:


Does Persona really seem that complicated to newcomers? :/ 

Well the first time I played P4G I didn't care about the trophies and just played the game. I think if I tried to go for all the social links on my first playthrough I would have been overwhelmed but just playing the game isn't complicated.


See it is often hard to see whether people complain because the trophies are too hard...or they didn't like the game. 

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I also have never finished a Persona game. There are just franchises where I'm way late to the party and have zero motivation to learn mechanics of yet another JRPG. Also my enthusiasm with the genre is originally more about the fantasy and sometimes scifi worlds (and nowadays also moe), rather than urban fantasy. I have several favorite anime/manga/VN/LN with the whole japanese school thing going on, but when I browse some discount JRPGs to buy, I'd more likely buy something like DQ Heroes.

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Unfortunately, Assassins Creed =( I've tried so many times to get into the series and own four of them (I planned on binging them) but it was boring to me. Loved the concept and visuals but not so much gameplay or the stealth missions. I'll probably give it another shot sometime in the future. 

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Not a big fan of racing games, sports games, fighting games, or shooters.  I am playing a golf game now and liking it, so perhaps my tastes will slowly change over time.


Edit: My list doesn't consist of franchises, rather genres, but you get the idea.

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On 10/03/2018 at 6:04 PM, Satoshi Ookami said:


Does Persona really seem that complicated to newcomers? :/ 

Well, for me it was that there was too much going on at once. Personally I prefer linear games like FFX, XIII and if they were to be bit less linear, a game with a main story and then a bunch of side quests like the Tales games. Persona's random generated dungeons, commu links, having to decide what to do each time of the day and keep track of deadlines for certain quests and missions, being sure to take the right personas in increase commu links, and also juggling commu links, the events with other characters, and doing things like reading books, playing sports and going to cafes while keeping track of dates, the weather and deadlines made it too much effort. For these games someone like me would need a super spoon feeding walkthrough that tells you exactly what to do and when, as I'm pretty careless and don't think I'd be able to keep track of so many things at once. 

Hence I was not really bothered with the series as games like FF, Tales, Nier Automata etc. with the right amount of story, game system and side quest balance appeal to me more. 

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On 12/03/2018 at 7:47 PM, i-Panik said:

Unfortunately, Assassins Creed =( I've tried so many times to get into the series and own four of them (I planned on binging them) but it was boring to me. Loved the concept and visuals but not so much gameplay or the stealth missions. I'll probably give it another shot sometime in the future. 


Same here.


I bought a bundle that had several of the games on XBox (I'm a recent PS4 convert), and just couldn't get into it at all. I don't get why that "memories of ancestors" crap was even a thing, it kept breaking off the immersion/gameplay and annoying me. Would've been better to cut that crap out and just stay as the Assassin characters. Also the actual gameplay was....not for me. Though, I'm not great at stealth games anyway.


Also when I was meant to pickpocket some guy at the start and I pressed the wrong button and stabbed him instead (which failed the mission), I think it was a sign that I shouldn't play these games.

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1 hour ago, Kristycism said:


Same here.


I bought a bundle that had several of the games on XBox (I'm a recent PS4 convert), and just couldn't get into it at all. I don't get why that "memories of ancestors" crap was even a thing, it kept breaking off the immersion/gameplay and annoying me. Would've been better to cut that crap out and just stay as the Assassin characters. Also the actual gameplay was....not for me. Though, I'm not great at stealth games anyway.


Also when I was meant to pickpocket some guy at the start and I pressed the wrong button and stabbed him instead (which failed the mission), I think it was a sign that I shouldn't play these games.


Yesssss! I feel your pain. Stealth also isn't my strong suit. I'm not incredibly patient. I also couldn't get into the whole memories of ancestors thing. It sounds cool on paper but it was a little disorienting to me switching between something that felt like a movie and gameplay that wasn't actually happening? Playing everything in flashbacks? Just not my thing. I just hate when so many people are obsessed with a series and I'm like yeah...I can't finish a single one.

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Whilst being a very unpopular opinion it has to be the Persona series for me as well. I haven't played it myself but I've watched various let's plays and they have always been a great indicator of whether I'd enjoy any given game. I know this game has fantastic reviews, great artistic flair, excellent music score but it just doesn't feel like my cup of tea. There are segments where you have to read text for like 30 minutes before anything happens and I'd rather just go and read a book. Also didn't like the artificially imposed time constraints. In the end it just comes down to personal taste and preference. I've played pretty much every single genre over the years including a tonne of JRPGs, but this is the one franchise I can't get into.

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This will anger everyone so be prepared to be pissed lol. 


1. Battlefield series: they look awesome, it appears to be awesome but I suck so bad at MP, let alone cooperative games. I always like to go solo in MP games if I ever played one and this clearly won't work in a game like BF


2. Soulsborne series: Too hard for me ( I should git gud blah blah) , and I can't fathom having to redo everything over and over and over from the beginning just because I died at a boss for my first or second time, etc


3. DMC/ Bayonetta: cheesy as hell that's all I gotta see. 


4. FIFA series: I used to love them actually but I can't touch one nowadays for some reason. Sorry Max lol if you're reading this. 


5. Mass effect/dead space: Don't enjoy spacey things( alien isolation was amazing though).


6. Resident evil: not a fan of the genre in general ( not the horror part, but the game just doesn't resonate with me)


7. Hitman: I played absolution and while it was fun, I can't see myself continuing to play the rest because I have no patience waiting for the right moment to make a move and then restart if I failed at something. 


8. Final Fantasy games ( I loved FFXV by the way, blasphemous I know) but the rest just don't connect with me. That and I'm not a fan of turn based RPGs.


9. Jak and Daxter/ ratchet and Clank/ sly: Platformers aren't made for me clearly. Ratchet and Clank though is something I might tolerate but I certainly wouldn't enjoy the series that much


10. COD... I don't need to explain

...( with the exception of the Modern Warfare series which are flipping awesome).


11. Racing games in general. I get to drive a car in GTA/ sleeping dogs or any open world game in a city plus I get to do other things so there's no need to buy a game just for driving a car. 


12. Assassin's Creed: the game looks good, nice story, nice everything but for some reason I just never feel motivated to play them so I'm putting it here. 


13. Any fighting game besides TEKKEN. 


14. Star wars franchise: space stuff man.. I couldn't care less.


15. Metal Gear: Story feels complicated and I happen to not enjoy stealth.


16. Killzone/crysis: All feel the same sci-fi shooter to me.


17. Dead island: booooooring story and gameplay. Dying Light on the other hand was freaking awesme. 


Did I miss something? :P. There's probably more lol.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Mass Effect
Final Fantasy

Demon Souls



I noticed a few people aren't really into the Assassins Creed series.  I was actually the same way.  I played Black Flag a few years ago because i loved the pirate theme.  I ended up buying Syndicate in 2015, never played it.  Randomly installed it in January of this year, played the hell out of it...ended up buying the Ezio trilogy, played the hell out of all 3....bought Origins soon after finishing Revelations.  Needless to say, I'm Assassins Creed-ed out right now lol



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