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Kill Your Completion - CYOA

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5 minutes ago, Orenn16 said:

Why is it called Kill your completion and what's the objective of the event. I'm honestly just curious. Is the idea to just load up your profile with 0% games so you get over completion anxiety? I'm lost.

Thanks in advance for the info to anyone who minds replying!


To my knowledge it's called KYC, as you essentially will drop your completion percentage, because you keep changing to different games on a regular basis for the duration of the event.


I'd say, that there are several objectives to it though. Mainly trying out a bunch of games that have been piling up in the bottomless pit of a backlog, as well as getting opinions from others on games that you might eventually want to try out yourself. It's a bit more in-depth and a different approach to most other events. It doesn't boil down to who gets the most trophies, but rather focuses on sharing people's experiences with games they play. Sticking with only a couple of games would potentially become dull for an event that lasts a month, hence why participants try out several games for the duration of the event.


Most end up getting back to the games that they've played during the course of this at some point, or come to the conclusion that game A or B is not worth putting more time into.


That's my take on it anyway.

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3 hours ago, Jaguargenie said:

Hey hey hey. Everybody's entitled to an opinion around here. Let's put away the hate man. (Read: hippie voice ) 1f607.png

I'm just offering a counter-opinion. :P 


2 hours ago, voodoo_eyes said:

So are 1000 Top Rated (or whatever the hell it's called and the mayo crap. Screw that nonsense. I don't mind easy games, as long as I have fun with them. I highly doubt I'd enjoy Volume though.


33 minutes ago, MosesRockefeller said:

And to be fair, you were responding to someone who said you should get the game because it's an easy Plat. Which I guess was what I should have responded to.

@both: My point was that it's so short, even if you for some reason don't care for it. I thought it was a really great game, myself, with an amazing soundtrack. I also love stealth games. I wouldn't call Mayo or 1000 Top Rated "must-buys," unless I was joking. 

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55 minutes ago, Orenn16 said:

Why is it called Kill your completion and what's the objective of the event. I'm honestly just curious. Is the idea to just load up your profile with 0% games so you get over completion anxiety? I'm lost.

Thanks in advance for the info to anyone who minds replying!

Hey man thanks for stopping in. Others have pretty much covered it already but I'll give you the "official" answer. 


A lot of people have a ton of games sitting around that they've never started for various reasons. I created the event to encourage people to just start 10 of them in one month on a kind of trial basis. People then post thoughts and experiences of each game so the other participants or thread lurkers could follow along. Several people have bought (or avoided) games based on other members reviews. :highfive:


By playing 10 games for 3 days each people generally weren't expected to finish many (or any) of their games, which should theoretically lower their completion percentage. Even though the lowering is actually a secondary objective, behind simply trying out new things and sharing thoughts, Kill Your Completion was catchier than anything else I could think of. :awesome:


This is the 4th edition of the event and we're doing things a little different this time. Regardless, all the info should be in the OP, including links to the first three events. 


Hope that helps, 


Edited by Hemiak
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4 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Fired up Titan Souls and knocked out my iron mode run without too many restarts. Then I went back and earned the last two misc trophies without too much trouble. I finally decided on a boss order for my speed run and gave it a shot. Finished with 17:38 / 20:00 first try. The timer stops before the final boss, but I only died on him once and my actual time would have been about 19 min so that makes me happy.


I then started iron + hard mode to see how far I could get. Each boss gets slightly more aggressive and gets some new / upgrades attacks, although the patterns are close enough that once you figure out the minor changes they still aren't top bad.


I think most of them took me 3-5 tries, except Gol-Set (the statue in the final area), who is an asshole at the best of times. I stopped just before the final boss because it was already too damn late and I had to be up early. So I just need to finish him off and the Plat is mine. 


In the nicest possible way, I hate you. It's almost like I'm not designed for these games.

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9 hours ago, dizzyshadow said:


I finished this just before this KYC event started and i must say its a real chore to get through all those endings, Like you i bought it expecting something totally different, its a conversation game not a driving game (although it does involve driving) and TBH i didn't think the story was great.



The zombie DLC is pretty straight forward even easier than the main game in my opinion. Just be aware if you are going for the 100% there is a lot of grinding to earn enough money to fully upgrade your squad, its the only trophy i have left & not sure if i will ever go back and get it.



Game 2: Micro Machine World Series




Now the big point about this game is there is no single player career. you can do local multiplayer, but really the game is focused at online play, which is fine however to me it feels a little aimless, the only real aim is to try and increase your level. and this for me is the big issue, witha proper single player mode with goals i could see me playing this a lot as it a solid if not spectacular racing game, without that its hard to find reasons to go back to it, together with the fact that when playing online i've had some serious issues with lag (although this could be caused by my broadband) it makes me wonder if i'll ever go back to it.


I guess I should thank you for that information, as that made me lose all potential interest I had in this game. One off the wish list it is :lol:.


4 hours ago, dmland12 said:



Heh, I actually had no idea Forced was currently on sale.


At $2.99 I don't think you can go wrong if you don't mind a challenge.  I paid $4.49 for it in the March flash sale.


Just bought it as well for € 3,99. One more game to add to my checklist.

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Finished up Titan Souls a while ago. Didn't start a new game yet because my kids and wife are really into FFX atm. There's a chance I'll actually start Teo new games tonight, depending on how quick I finish my weekly paperwork. 

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23 hours ago, mking_63 said:


I'm curious how you navigate conversations while you're driving, what are the controls? If you are actually driving and not just picking a point on a map and letting the car auto drive there then this might be something I'd be interested in picking up next time it's on sale.



It's an overhead camera with stick steering and an accelerator button. The thing is, the game will auto-pilot the driving for you. If you feel like speeding up, you can, but once you let the gas go, the auto-pilot will kick right back in. So you can just read the commentary and not concentrate on the road. Hell, I guess you could call it a modern game then as everyone in my town has their eyes on their phone and not the road. :spank:


Essentially, this barely qualifies as a "driving game." True, you are in a car and have a steering option, but that's about it. And it's about as linear as it gets. Typical game from beginning to end lasts 20 minutes and I think you come across only two forks in the road. The commentary is the driver of the game (pun intended) and it's not much. For every question or comment, you get two choices for your response or you can stay mum. 


But, the positives are it's cheap and it's an EASY platinum with a guide. As DizzyShadow stated above, getting all 16 endings will be a bore/chore. But, you will learn some trivial facts about Italy along the way. 

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5 minutes ago, Mesopithecus said:


@MarkusT1992 I can confirm there are puns in the English version too that are pretty funny.  I actually really like the little slime, but I worried initially that he'd end up being another Drippy (Ni No Kuni)

I thought there would but I couldn't hear anything. The voice acting is different to the text at some points. Especially the city names.

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9 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Visually the game is stylish, and the voice acting is apparently in Icelandic to fit the theme.


Personally I would have guessed that the voice acting is Norwegian as some of the regions in the mythology are named similar and/or identical to real regions in Norway AFAIK. But you are right: It's Icelandic:



And yes, the map can be annoying in a few locations (treetop and roots of Yggdrasil) but personally I got used to it that it only gives you a rough direction.

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