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12 hours ago, Crimson Idol said:

Game 1, Day 1: Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni (PS Vita)



But wait... did I just say that the partner transforms into a weapon? Yes, they transform into a weapon, although they are humans. But how? That's where the story kicks in. Valkyrie Drive Bhikkhuni plays in a universe where a virus affects girls in their teens and early twenties. This virus causes them to gain higher physical and mental strength. To analyse the cause of the virus and minimize the infection rate all afflicted girls are send to one of five artificial islands which have a special program to cure the girls. One of those islands is Bhikkhuni which is more or less designed like a holiday resort. The program to cure the disease is btw not really surprising: The girls simply have to fight each other.

A virus that causes an increase in strength and intelligence, so what are the repercussions? It sounds like the virus Albert Wesker managed to activate after getting killed for the first time, so there should be a catch for these girls. Although having seen the story for Shinovi Versus, I have high doubts the writer/director knows the definition of a virus.

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Okay, so since my brother-in-law is going to play Portal 2 with me today (meaning I'll have to move the PS3 from the mancave to the living room anyway), I decided on doing another theme with only PS3 games, where it definitely helps that two of the three games were on his "would like to watch" list.


Day 2...


Strange Lands

  1. Abyss Odyssey
  2. From Dust
  3. ICO


16 hours ago, FFHannibal said:

The online for BlazeRush is very screwed up. I don't remember how exactly I eventually managed to connect, but your best bet is to give your PS3 a static IP and look up which ports need to be forwarded for BlazeRush, after that it's just keep trying to connect to a match and hope you get in eventually. I think I didn't reset my settings yet, so if you want I can look them up exactly. It's such a shame as well cause I really enjoyed the game and mp could've been a lot of fun.


I'd very much like getting your settings, though I don't know yet if I want to fuck up my regular settings which have been working fine. I remember having to do a lot of shit to get GTA Online to work on my X360 and then having to change it all again for other games.


Well, as long as you still have the settings, feel free to PM them to me and I can always choose to go for them later on.


12 hours ago, MarkusT1992 said:

Game #1: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Day 1)




How do I start my review of this game? After booting the game, the first thing you see is a cutsceen telling you what happened before the actual game.

After that you are in the game menu where you can start the game. You can choose different difficulty settings, ranging from easy to very hard. I chose normal for my playthrough.

You start the games as little Aloy, the main character of the game. You are an Outcast from the Nora Tribe, living by your foster father called Rost.

The game starts with you falling in a cave, you have to leave. After leaving you start your training for the Proving, a contest to become a warrior of the Nora Tribe. During this traing you get much older and rise to a young woman. That's all I will tell about the story. In my opinion you should experience it for yourselfe.


The game is set in an open world a few years after our time. Machine Beast roame the land and the humans have formed new tribes.

Most of the Machines are hostile against you as soon as they see you. The battly system is pretty good, although I had some problems with it at first. You have a bow for ranged attcks and a spear for melee combat. With your bow you can shoot different arrows like normal ones or fire arrows. There are more types but these are the only ones I have so far. With your spear you can use a light or a heavy attack. The heavy attack knocks your opponent down, which gives you time to deal more damage. You can avoid getting hit with a dogde roll.

Beneath these two main weapons you can use a trip wire to set traps or an explosive trap. You also have a gadget called Focus, which lets you see the paths from some Machines. That's important when you want to set up a trip wire.


As an open world game you have much to discover. So far most things I did were main quests but I also found two side quests. Completing quest nets you Exp. to level up and learn new skills. You gain a skill point per level up and for completed main quests. The skills range from combat to hunting. It's up to you on what you want to focus first. Better skills cost more skill points though.


I only just left the starting area after nearly 5 hours. The intro felt a bit long to me but it was a great experience so far. Let's see what happens next.


Time played: 4h 40min

Trophies: 4/56

Rating: Not quite sure.


If you already thought the intro was a great experience, then you'll do just fine. The game didn't get really awesome for me until ten or so hours in, when I started to discover more about the setting and its past.


11 hours ago, Hemiak said:

Hem time game #1


1 hr 45 min played. 4/28 trophies. 


So I hit play at 12:01 and I'm treated to a very brief intro. A man/boy/girl :dunno: a bow, and one arrow spinning around each other. Then the game starts. 


You have an isometric view of your hero, a 16 bit land to explore, and no direction at all. The controls are pretty simple. Square, triangle, and both R buttons fire your arrow. Holding them longer shoots farther and faster. Once the arrow is gone you can hold the same button to call the arrow back to you, during which you can't be moving. Circle, X, and the L buttons make you roll and sprint.


Rolling onto stairs makes you bounce backwards, but you can apparently roll up into vines on a wall just fine. :o You can roll down stairs quite fast, and it seems like you would just keep rolling infinitely if the stairs were long enough. 


That's basically it so far. Explore around, fight bosses, open gates. You start in some ruins, then I found a forest area, an ice area, and a lava cave area. More on the actual bosses later, though I will say that I've found and killed 13 of them so far, and I have 97 deaths. The game is pretty fun so far. Some of the bosses are harder to figure out than others, and even then some are pretty tricky to pull off once you figure them out. 


I don't know exactly why but somehow I find it hilarious that you're skimming over talking about this game's bosses, since that's just about the only thing to do in the game :)


I really liked the game and already figured it was a safe bet to say you'd enjoy it.


11 hours ago, MosesRockefeller said:

Game #1: ABZU



ABZU is a game where you are a person/robot (I don't know which and it doesn't really matter) swimming around with sea life and enjoying the sites. There are a lot of underwater ruins, reminding me of Tomb Raider but underwater. 


15 minutes is enough time to get a feel for the game, but I enjoyed it so much that I kept playing until I finished the story. You can spend more time with the game and explore everything, get all collectibles, etc. But I didn't feel the need for that, and only went for a few random trophies that didn't require going out of my way. 


Visually the game is very nice, and even though the graphics aren't photorealistic, they do a great job of conveying a sense of wonder at the world under the water. The audio does the job, with some music that doesn't overshadow the rest of the game. Nothing earth-shattering though.


There are some great moments in the game. When the whales first showed up, I really enjoyed the sense of scale and beauty that the game conveyed. That cool moment made a lasting impression on me. 


Now we come to the gameplay. The camera combined with the game's invisible walls sometimes turning you around, can get a little frustrating. Other than that the controls are fine. I also tried Vita Remote Play, and sadly that is not ideal. The developers didn't map R2 (which you use to swim and dive) to R1 on the Vita, instead you have to hold down the read-right-top touchpad area which I always hate. Overall the controls are pretty basic and easy to use. The gameplay itself is relaxing but it's exploration-based, meaning there is always a goal in sight. There are some light puzzles but nothing difficult; they basically consist of tracing cables and chains and hitting a button. This is no Professor Layton type of game. :)


I really enjoyed the game. I won't be going back for 100% completion, but that shouldn't be seen as a knock against the game, it's just me not caring about my completion rate and having so many other games to play. I think the game was worth buying. 


Playtime: 2-3 hours

Trophies obtained: 7/12

Completion Percentage: 40% for a C rank

Score: 8/10


Okay, now I'm even more sad that I got Alienation instead of this game on PS+.

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2 hours ago, DamagingRob said:

^Lol. FFVII review, FFXV trophy card. What madness is this!? 



That massive FFXV update was installed while I was playing FFVII :P When I updated my profile, I was like "wait, that's not Cloud...".

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1 hour ago, Edward_FOX_86 said:


PS- How do I insert Images of the game? 


Go to your trophy page, click on the game image so it opens in another page. Copy the html address and paste that Into your forum post. 



Got about another hour in Titan Souls today. Killed two bosses, then realized I was close to the final boss, so I went back, found, and killed the two bosses I had missed. I then attempted the next boss 10 or 15 times before I had to leave. I'm hoping to finish the main story tonight, at which point I'll post my next full review. 

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@Hemiak and @all, sorry to say this but I'm going to have to drop out.


A lot of stuff, both on and off the site, have made me decide that I'm moving away from the forum, at least for a while. The off-site things are all positive but they're taking up a lot of my time and energy nontheless, and I've decided that I'd rather spend the time I'm spending on here either doing more stuff for the things in my personal life, or actually gaming.


It's been a pleasure gaming with you lot, KYC1 was actually the moment I got into the PSNP forum so it seems weirdly poetic that I've decided to take a break at the start of Year Two. Game on!

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53 minutes ago, BillyHorrible said:

@Hemiak and @all, sorry to say this but I'm going to have to drop out.


A lot of stuff, both on and off the site, have made me decide that I'm moving away from the forum, at least for a while. The off-site things are all positive but they're taking up a lot of my time and energy nontheless, and I've decided that I'd rather spend the time I'm spending on here either doing more stuff for the things in my personal life, or actually gaming.





Sorry to hear that but at least the reasons are of positve nature. Still, the forum and this event specifically won't be the same without you. Take care!



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Hi guys and galls, 


I don´t really have a update on the games I´m playing only that I´ve started with dishonored, and yesterday also started with a other game on the list.. because of the bloody sun.. Wasn´t able to see the screen that great with all the reflections and all =( 


I had a fun weekend, maybe best since a while. But it was really terribly as the kickoff for this event.. =( 

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4 hours ago, BillyHorrible said:

@Hemiak and @all, sorry to say this but I'm going to have to drop out.


A lot of stuff, both on and off the site, have made me decide that I'm moving away from the forum, at least for a while. The off-site things are all positive but they're taking up a lot of my time and energy nontheless, and I've decided that I'd rather spend the time I'm spending on here either doing more stuff for the things in my personal life, or actually gaming.


It's been a pleasure gaming with you lot, KYC1 was actually the moment I got into the PSNP forum so it seems weirdly poetic that I've decided to take a break at the start of Year Two. Game on!




We'll miss you! Keep in touch! 

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