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is the leaderboard rigged?


is the leaderboard rigged?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think the leaderboard is rigged?

    • yes
    • no
  2. 2. how sure are you?

    • i based my yes vote in the poll on facts which make me quite sure about it
    • i based my yes vote in the poll on reason which make me think it is, but i'm not really sure about it.
    • i based my no vote in the poll on facts which make me quite sure about it
    • i based my no vote in the poll on reason which make me think it is not, but i'm not really sure about it.

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first of all, i really like the idea of having a leaderboard for the worldwide and country based trophy ranking.

but there are a few things why it looks like cheaters get involved into the ranking too.


1: because there are games involved with a completion time that's really unrealistic.

2: the nr 1 holds 1314 plats and 57899 trophies with an average or more then 17 trophies each day. of course there are easy games. and with multiple people you can play 24 hours, and for more then 9 years long. but still at some moment you run out of games and have to play harder ones, probably even very hard games. with this in mind he also has a platinum about every 60 hours (about every 2,5 day) in average. 


keep also in mind that i might not know enough about it to tell this for sure. so just take this as a question and not an accusing. just want to know more about it.


if you can explain why i am right/wrong about it i like to know. thx.

Edited by yiazmat50112254
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What do you call an unrealistic time? If it seems very suspicious you can get premium and flag those games if you have enough proof that the times are unrealistic

I'm not saying it's the case with the number 1 but some of the top players are known for being a team, if you have more than one person playing games for the same account it's not very hard to achieve a platinum every 2 days, for example Duck360 is known for being a 4 person team, if you had 4 people playing games on your account you would be able to get a plat every 2 days without much effort

I don't think you'd ever run out of games, there are 5922 games registered on this site and Roughdawg4 only has 1853 so not even close to half of the games

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I think quite a few in the leaderboards have more than 1 person playing on the same account so it's not a fair leaderboard due to that only. I came to this answer because if you look at a random player in the 1-10 in the board for instance, certain trophy times and completion dates for a week, that would mean they would have had to play those games straight for the entire week without stopping for getting their 7-10 platinums, taken the account of sleep, eating, job and other activities/duties... I'm suprise their consoles haven't overheated by now if this is not the case.

Edited by ZachBoardyHD
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18 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I'm relatively high level - for a casual -, but I'm not purely a gamer. I'm also a father and husband, have a full time job and other time-consuming hobbies (I write, I watch a lot of movies etc) and have a large family. I won't ever have the time to challenge the position of someone who has infinite free time/ cash to trophy hunt all day long.

Very smart assumption, I realised that as well.

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Roughdawg seems like a very genuine person from podcasts I've seen him in and conversations I've had. His trophy log doesn't really ever look like he has multiple users from what I've seen. GermanProGaming is a whole new story though but I won't dive into that again lol.

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1 minute ago, DarkSamuraii- said:

Roughdawg seems like a very genuine person from podcasts I've seen him in and conversations I've had. His trophy log doesn't really ever look like he has multiple users from what I've seen. GermanProGaming is a whole new story though but I won't dive into that again lol.

yeah GermanProGaming.......

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There are cheaters on the leaderboard there always will be. Somebody having more trophies and getting them faster than you do doesn't make them a cheater though. You can't assume your gaming habits are the norm and suspect everybody who doesn't fit your idea of what a max number of trophies a day is etc. We don't know these people, we don't know their personal situation. Someone high on the leaderboard could be a recluse who inherited millions. Bottomless pit of cash and as much free time as they want. Of course they will have more trophies than the average Joe with a wife and kids who works 9-5 5 days a week 

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Believe me, more of them forgot why they playing game and they forgot what mean "FUN" They are addict and they need  to continue. This is more a full time job.

They are Bored like most Player in MMORPG.  Other are account with multiple player and using this for markething. if you check the account you will see a link to another site. Like a gaming store etc.. Some are just idiot and other realy have fun.. but they are rare =P


This not apply to everyone in the top leaderboard.. All addiction mean something wrong in real life. 


so keep in mind Trophy is a personal thing. Trophy should not stop you to buy a Nintendo Switch, because Nintendo not supporting trophy. 

Playing for  trophy only = miss alot of good game  =P And like everything cheater will always find a way to ... cheat. 

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1 hour ago, yiazmat50112254 said:


 the nr 1 holds 1314 plats and 57899 trophies with an average or more then 17 trophies each day. 


Ohhh boy:rolleyes:


I average 8.57 trophies a day and I have a job, a wife and two kids.......also two dogs, a bathroom with taps, a kitchen with a toaster, a bed with cover, a door mat and a patch of grass in my yard I have to water every night. 

17 trophies a day is feasible if you have the cash and the easy games are always around especially with different region accounts where you can plat the same game four times, let's not get into the Japanese Vita VN. 

Just to answer that part of your question

Edited by DF007gamer
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3 hours ago, DarkSamuraii- said:

Roughdawg seems like a very genuine person from podcasts I've seen him in and conversations I've had. His trophy log doesn't really ever look like he has multiple users from what I've seen. GermanProGaming is a whole new story though but I won't dive into that again lol.


I've talked to GPG a bit, and I'd say he's generally salty about all of what happened. Yes, he, and others, pay people to earn them trophies. GPG got screwed over by some of the people who did trophies for him. I'm not going to dive into all the details about this, but it's pretty clear that most of the people on the top of the leaderboards has had people get them trophies. Very many has paid for it. And, I think it's fair to say there's likely been some cheating among some of those who does it, especially with the high completion ratio accounts where they focus on getting 100% etc (just extra motivation). The account holders may not always want cheated trophies, but other people might have used CFW or save files without their knowledge etc.


And this I think is something you can pretty much figure out on your own by just thinking a bit about it. I've also had it been told to me plenty of times, and I've found plenty of evidence as well.


And for those who think the leaderboard is rigged, not entirely sure what that is supposed to mean. Yes, people cheat, and once detected there's no special treatment, at least not by me. If you go through the top 200 people, see how many have hidden trophies. If they do, chances are they might have been caught cheating some of them. If they don't have anything hidden trophies, you can be sure they haven't been caught for anything. Ignoring all the people who has been permanently removed, or have removed themselves etc, I know 9 of the top 50 has been caught at least once. -_- 10 from top 50-100. Only 3 from top 100-150. 8 from 150-200... etc :P


The point is, don't think they are treated differently. They get flagged like everyone else when they are caught cheating, and if they are caught enough, they're out.


One thing to note here is that many of these cheated games are from long ago, back when they first started the account and perhaps played around with using save files etc (usually unencrypted saves), or in some few cases some modder online popping trophies for them and they synced the trophies afterwards. And yes, it's 15% from top 200, that's 85% that has not been caught. I can safely say the top 5 hasn't been. :) 


Have a good day everyone! :) 



And on a side-note. If you are interested in cleaning up the leaderboards a bit, then do contact me about it. There is info most people who has played a lot of games know that can be more useful than you'd think.

Edited by MMDE
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Leaderboard isn't rigged, how can it be? It just reports data from PSN.


Maybe some of the trophies earned by some of the players on the leaderboard were not earned legit, but that can be found out and then they are removed from the leaderboard. To be honest I don't think the leaderboard could be much better than it is, the fact cheaters can even be removed and have been removed from it is something to be very happy with in my opinion.


I don't agree with people playing in teams and account sharing since it makes the 0.1% of people who do that more competitive than the rest of us. But at some point you have to draw a line on what is realistic in terms of rules for a leaderboard. Account sharing is hard to prove and it would open up a can of worms trying to say it should not be allowed.


2 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I think its just more the case that  no matter how serious you are about it, there will always be a top echelon for whom the thing you compete in - whatever it is - is all they care about.


This. It happens in everything, some people will go to any lengths and bend the rules to be No. 1 it's human nature.


I'm a gamer, and a father, work full time and can't play as much as I would like. My collection is not full of junk games and reflects me as a gamer ... Being in the top 200 of my country is just a cherry on the top! One day I'd like to make it to the top 100 but if I never make it there it's no big deal, I still play the games I play because I want to add the platinum to my collection rather than the soul purpose of climbing the leaderboard.

Edited by tpepper1985
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Rigged - manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to produce a result or situation that is advantageous to a particular person.


Is the leaderboard rigged? Absolutely not. The gap between #1 and #1000 is due to a lack of resources. Time, money, etc. If we all had as much resources as Rawdawg, we'd all be having 17 trophies a day or even better.

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Rigged? I don't think so. There's are simply a good amount of people who have the time to spend their day trophy hunting. I barely manage a trophy a day and sometimes not even because of my college, work, and family responsibilities. 

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3 hours ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I'm relatively high level - for a casual

Relatively!? ? I consider myself...well....good I guess and also pretty active, and I'm 10 levels below you *sheds a single tear*

1 hour ago, MMDE said:

it's 15% from top 200, that's 85% that has not been caught. I can safely say the top 5 hasn't been. :) 

What about Hakoom? Isn't he #1 on other sites since they're lenient on his *ahem* "methods"?

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@skroq Thanks for sharing the Video, I just laughed out loud when I saw "Horse is boosting" xD haha.


If that's the dedication it takes to be in the top 20 then it isn't for me I think. Real question though are you actually having fun playing this way? Or is this just an extreme example of how crazy it can get?


Anyhow thanks for the insight!

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9 minutes ago, LeetWolf2 said:

What about Hakoom? Isn't he #1 on other sites since they're lenient on his *ahem* "methods"?


I don't know the story about what happened there. I think he left on his own accord for publicity. He has no flags on this site, not even any reports. That's not to say he can't have been removed manually by Sly or something.


4 minutes ago, tpepper1985 said:

If that's the dedication it takes to be in the top 20 then it isn't for me I think. Real question though are you actually having fun playing this way? Or is this just an extreme example of how crazy it can get?


I've talked to others, some say they still find it fun, others feel it is an obsession. I've even talked to people who want to quit and feel it's ruining their life. :(

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7 minutes ago, MMDE said:


I don't know the story about what happened there. I think he left on his own accord for publicity. He has no flags on this site, not even any reports. That's not to say he can't have been removed manually by Sly or something.


I've talked to others, some say they still find it fun, others feel it is an obsession. I've even talked to people who want to quit and feel it's ruining their life. :(

Ah, okay. Thought I read something somewhere about him getting caught for something. :ninja:

Yeah, that's always sad to hear. Addiction to anything is bad but something that takes up so much of your time when you don't want it to is even worse. I personally find joy even when I'm playing bad or boring games. It's the anticipation of completion, knowing that your hard work will pay off and you can appreciate the good games even more when you get back to them. Also, boosting gives me time to catch up on TV shows or movies I don't usually have time for. No matter how tough it gets, it's always worth it in the end for the accomplishment alone :)

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9 minutes ago, MMDE said:

I've talked to others, some say they still find it fun, others feel it is an obsession. I've even talked to people who want to quit and feel it's ruining their life. :(


I can see it becoming an obsession, I have some of those traits myself but try to keep them in check. Honestly if I wasn't married and had a kid maybe I'd be alone at home after work playing in every available free hour I had who knows. Kind of thankful my life circumstances don't allow it to be honest, I have been there before with World of Warcraft just after I finished school ... playing 10 hours a day between shifts.

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7 minutes ago, tpepper1985 said:

@skroq Thanks for sharing the Video, I just laughed out loud when I saw "Horse is boosting" xD haha.


If that's the dedication it takes to be in the top 20 then it isn't for me I think. Real question though are you actually having fun playing this way? Or is this just an extreme example of how crazy it can get?


Anyhow thanks for the insight!


No problem. Regarding having fun, it's a bit complicated. When I took a break in 2015 I wanted to catch up the top so I played like crazy, so I reached top 10, but now I know that staying there in the top 10 is too hardcore for me becausse of many reasons. Currently I am a bit sick of playing easy games, because "playing" for trophies was like a chore.



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3 hours ago, ZachBoardyHD said:

taken the account of sleep, eating, job and other activities/duties... I'm suprise their consoles haven't overheated by now if this is not the case.

1. I never assume the people in the very top tier of the leaderboards have a job.

2. Addicts of anything tend to prefer doing the addicting activity rather than sleep.

3. I think we've all had our fasting moments when we get too wrapped up into a game. I have no doubt that these top tier guys represent the skinny as a rail gamer in it's entirety.

4. Other activities are not even a thing when your in the top tier. See reason #1

5. I personally keep my bedroom at 64 degrees lol, also my PS3 and PS4 have two incredibly small high velocity fans set up in a way to push exhaust heat up and out.


It's probably not a glamorous life, but it's what they chose to do. These are all speculation, but they are just my opinions.


Around the time that I reached level 39 on my old Main account, I found myself very disappointed with how I was living, I work at a federal prison, I have a gf, we are trying to have a baby, and I only ever wanted to work, train, and play games. 


I had major OCD in regards to achieving 100% completion on all of the games I had ever played and all the games I currently own but still haven't played (roughly 172). As it all started to pile up on me it became frustrating and even to the point where I was having semi nightmares from starting a game that could eventually have it's servers taken down before achieving 100%, doing things with her was turning into a "no, I can't I really do that today, I gotta boost this game at this time, with these people"......she was understanding but you could tell she wasn't happy.....so, I changed my Main PSN email to a random account that I made, asked my gf to change the password to both the PSN and the E-mail to a bunch of random numbers and letters as long and numerous as the requirements would allow and just forget what she put in...She did, and now I have this little speed running account I play for fun. I started this account after injuring myself at work, I'll probably be out for a month or two, but now I only play easy games or games that I know for a fact I can 100% quickly and without threat. No more stress no more bad dreams lol, I also keep an alt account so I can play games that are online multiplayer time sinks for fun with no pressure to ever actually complete it..... LOL wow I didn't expect to make this confession here but it's done.

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