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3 hours ago, CJ_Mystery said:

And this is why everyone hates FFXIII and I am glad I got rid of it after playing through four boring linear chapters. (I only got to where Saaz, Vanille and Lightning crashed in the volcano after escaping Cocoon.)


I hope, if they release a FFXIII trilogy collection for PS4 or PS5, they nerf this trophy.


I actually liked FFXIII when I played it :P

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4 hours ago, CJ_Mystery said:

And this is why everyone hates FFXIII and I am glad I got rid of it after playing through four boring linear chapters. (I only got to where Saaz, Vanille and Lightning crashed in the volcano after escaping Cocoon.)


I hope, if they release a FFXIII trilogy collection for PS4 or PS5, they nerf this trophy.


Honestly, I'd just be good with it if they did like Tales of games and had the info about the equipment you found in the datalog with "???" spots for stuff you were missing.  Either that or have a way to get the info from Bhakti when he says there is equipment to be found still.  Heck, even just telling me what category was still incomplete would have saved hours of farming.

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5 hours ago, ladynadiad said:


Actually, I played a bit of Star Ocean 4 and then just got distracted before I earned any achievements (I have it on Xbox 360).  That actually doesn't look as horrible because there's stuff in game to track your progress so you know what you missed.  My biggest issue with FFXIII was there was no way to see what I was missing and even not selling anything isn't foolproof because you upgrade stuff to become other stuff.  I'd rather go back and do Tales of Vesperia again because at least there I have the books to keep tabs on all the items and monsters and that was a 200+ hour long 100%.  I also thought Sorcery Saga was tedious, but again at least I had something in game I could look at to see what I missed.  And FFXIII even has a datalog and they totally could have added a category for equipment, so that feels like a huge oversight.


Only other one that outright annoyed me was the treasure related achievement in Lost Odyssey that people swear up and down isn't missable and I found out the hard way that it is.  But at least that game is enjoyable enough that I didn't mind playing it a second time for that achievement, FFXIII isn't. 

In Star Ocean you don't know which items you create, you don't know how many of anything you collect, you don't know how many kills you have done and it all has to be done on 1 playthrough as nothing carries over (despite you needing 4 or 5 playthroughs).


As for me the guide was incorrect so while doing the quests I missed on that the guide said was unmissable. So I messaged the guide writer, he fixed it and I started again...only to miss another fucking quest that he said was unmissable. 


So yeah that was about 100 hours wasted (that isn't an exaggeration either)

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6 minutes ago, Toogie53 said:

Just finished Resogun. Damn! I am actually proud of this one. It was very challenging. I heard the 1CC trophy is easier with two players, but it didn't work out that way for me. Anytime I had some one join, it seemed like they were more of a liability than a help. Therefore, I ended up doing it solo. I had several great runs that ended with the final boss killing me multiple times. I knew I just needed to get a little bit more lucky and I'd be there. Overall, probably a total of 25 or so attempts before I finally pulled it off. I got a high score of over 87 million doing it. I think that's pretty damn good because the next closest behind me in my friends list has 25 million or so and it's 3,000ish on the all-time leader board.  


Awesome Toogie! that's a tough game from what I can remember, nice work

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6 minutes ago, Dessane said:


Awesome Toogie! that's a tough game from what I can remember, nice work

Thank you! The guides say it's like a five but I think it's more like an eight. It never felt impossible, but I did feel like I was right on the very edge of my abilities. My wife also threatened to take it away because of an outburst I had last night. I went into the final boss fight with five lives and still screwed it up. No controllers went through the TV though, so overall things are good. ?

Edited by Toogie53
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Last minute Sunday update~


47% → 80%


Just finished up all of the collectible trophies and I now have the white coat. Finding the "whale room" was weirdly tough for me in particular... I still need to meet ten unique companions and finish the game with one partner for most of the game, so if anyone needs that trophy (or any other trophies) for the PS4, hit me up~

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Just now, ShakeNBake663 said:

Last minute Sunday update~


47% → 80%


Just finished up all of the collectible trophies and I now have the white coat. Finding the "whale room" was weirdly tough for me in particular... I still need to meet ten unique companions and finish the game with one partner for most of the game, so if anyone needs that trophy (or any other trophies) for the PS4, hit me up~

Are you up for it right now?

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2 hours ago, ShakeNBake663 said:

Just finished up all of the collectible trophies and I now have the white coat. Finding the "whale room" was weirdly tough for me in particular... I still need to meet ten unique companions and finish the game with one partner for most of the game, so if anyone needs that trophy (or any other trophies) for the PS4, hit me up~


I volunteer to play through Journey with you :)  I haven't started it yet but maybe we can agree on a time. I'm playing nighttime (10 pm gmt and later) in Europe...


@Toogie53 since no change for my games yet i'll give you a reminder :)


Journey in Companion Ship, delete the current one

Hatoful Boyfriend in Love Ship, delete the current one

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12 hours ago, ladynadiad said:


Someone on Gamefaqs also checked and had me type up my active accessory inventory since they were pretty sure with how I went through a second time that it was more along the lines of I thought I owned a lower tier one and actually hadn't and when I did that, I found the culprit.  It was the Aquashield Earrings, which was the last of a set of a bunch of elemental brooches to upgrade and I missed upgrading the brooch and somehow checked it off twice in error.  I was suspecting I probably missed a weapon somewhere since I was far from at my best on the days I was doing those upgrades (running on under 4 hours of sleep for two days in a row).  So I now have that game from hell done and that's two off my list.  On to Sen no Kiseki since I want that to be my 40th plat as well and FFXIII just made 39. 



Glad you finally made it ? and I feel ya, I got confused while upgrading the accesories so I had to reload my game a few times, I did not have much time to farm yesterday and also the time I had was not really eficient, at least I manage to putlevel up all tier 1 weapons to the max, no I need to farm the catalyzers I need and upgrade 2 weapons to tier 3... And hopefully that will be all?

12 hours ago, ladynadiad said:


Though I admit, it's also tempting to have FFX replace Journey since I'm so close to finishing it and FFX definitely is a game that could fit almost any category at some point in the game, but really it will depend on if I can get past those last two trophies because I seriously suck at that chocobo race in remiem temple.



Btw you should try to plat FFX since is perfect for the Relationship theme, your are just at one zanmato of the plat ? you propable have already watch it but there's a path you should take on the race to get the 5 chest and win, but yeah you will have to retry it quite a few times (it was my case at least), the strategy is in this sites trophy guide and you can also try :


Edited by Uchiha_Snake__
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8 hours ago, Toogie53 said:

I finally got the narwhal badges from last event done. If you think you earned one, and I didn't send it. Let me know. Also, I ran into an issue I didn't know about. Apparently, you can only have two images in your signature at a time. So if you want me to combine your badges into one image, I'm totally willing to do it. You can look at my signature for an example. I have three badges, but they are in a single .jpg file. I took out the text of the event titles on mine, but I'll leave yours if it is your preference. 


Many thanks! Don't worry about me I already combine the badges from Halloweem and Christmas so I have no problem adding more when I have the time, btw I like the color  ?

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1 hour ago, Uchiha_Snake__ said:

Btw you should try to plat FFX since is perfect for the Relationship theme, your are just at one zanmato of the plat 1f602.png you propable have already watch it but there's a path you should take on the race to get the 5 chest and win, but yeah you will have to retry it quite a few times (it was my case at least), the strategy is in this sites trophy guide and you can also try :


I already finished my relatinship title though and FFXIII was partnership and I'm not changing friendship.


And you mean I'm one zanmato and a bunch of dark aeons away and yeah I've looked at the video and map and still suck at the race.

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After a while, finally I finished Naruto Shippuden UNS 2 (PS4). I can say that this Platinum is special for me because the PS3 version of this game is the first game I've Plat'ed. However, I did not remember that the trophy that requires getting all titles was so boring... (there're titles for playing with a character 30 times, one title for EACH character...) - it could be worse if I could not self-boost the online ones (despite having two trophies for winning one and ten online ranked matches, you would need to win 50 and lose 20 ranked matches for some titles...).


This weekend I could also made considerably progress towards Journey - I've gotten all trophies excepting that one which requires completing the game together with a companion for majority of the journey. It has said that if you start from penultimate of last choosable stage (the "tower" and the snowy stage, respectively), meet your companion there, and finish the game together with him unlocks the trophy, but my Internet connection screwed up with me... (at the final of the snowy level, my comanion had suddently disappeared, but while I was compaining my "lack of luck" about companions, I've discovered that my "lack of luck" was about Internet connections... :facepalm:). Despite this, I'm looking forward to another PSNP event that would demand me to complete the PS3 version of this game.


This week I will complete Hatoful Boyfriend (this game is nice to be completed piece by piece, in my opinion), and this weekend I'm going to (finally) start MLB...


Updated (personal) list:

  1. Journey - 90%
  2. MLB The Show 17 - 0%
  3. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 - :platinum:
  4. Hatoful Boyfriend - 42%
  5. MXGP 2 - :platinum:
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On 2/16/2018 at 11:46 AM, Toogie53 said:

I work in a systems analyst role. I am the go between for business and dev. I talk to the business people and find out what their needs are. Then I go through the existing processes and software until I understand how everything involved works together. Then I plan solutions. If it involves development of software, I then draft the requirements document that the dev team will work from. They are free to design and develop as they wish, as long as requirements are met. I consult heavily with dev while they work on the project. They have their own dev QA. But I draft test cases and organize people for the user acceptance testing portion. Once it's dev complete and user accepted, we deploy the updated software. Then the next few days is usually spent watching for bugs and weird behaviors. Which there always is something.


So it also sounds like you kind of do project management. That's awesome.


I am between jobs because my contract was terminated last week. I was caught sleeping. Which I think is a bit of bs considering it was the first time and they didn't even ask me what was going on. I mean, for all they knew, I could have a newborn at home and my sleep patterns are rekt. That isn't the case. It is actually narcolepsy, and even though Texas is an at-will state, they can't fire you for a pre-existing condition. So I am fighting it, but in the meantime, I have to look for something else so I have money coming in. And considering I was getting my work done despite the narcolepsy, it was definitely bs.


Anyway, quick Monday update. Uncharted: Lost Legacy is at 44%. Still haven't started Journey. Maybe tonight, but most likely after I 100% Lost Legacy.

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7 hours ago, ShakeNBake663 said:

Last minute Sunday update~


47% → 80%


Just finished up all of the collectible trophies and I now have the white coat. Finding the "whale room" was weirdly tough for me in particular... I still need to meet ten unique companions and finish the game with one partner for most of the game, so if anyone needs that trophy (or any other trophies) for the PS4, hit me up~

The 10 travelers is a tough one as they need to be different and not too many people are playing Journey any more.  I can sit for over an hour on a level (usually snow or bridges) and not see a soul.

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Gather 'round, everyone, I have a story!


Last night Toogie offered to help me knock out the Companion trophy, so after quite a few tries it seemed like we finally synced up at the mountain. We traveled through the level, making small talk all the while... But then Toogie mentions that he somehow is at the beginning of the level, while I was at the end, fighting against the wind. We had been talking like we were synced up with each other, but it turns out that we were both with completely different partners. Luckily my partner had the white coat, so they needed the trophy as well, and the moment they showed up I also (very luckily) had the Wonder trophy pop. That being said...


80% → 100% https://psnprofiles.com/lib/img/icons/complete-icon.png


Journey is a great game... For the casual playthrough. Looking for the glyphs and symbols is pretty annoying, and getting the Companion trophy was very buggy for me. Before last night I swear I had four different partners that I could've unlocked it with, but in every one of those times either I was booted out or I assume they were. There's a reason I took so long to complete this list, and that was to save my own sanity.


8 hours ago, Evil_Joker88 said:

I volunteer to play through Journey with you :)  I haven't started it yet but maybe we can agree on a time. I'm playing nighttime (10 pm gmt and later) in Europe...


I must admit, I gotta pass on this. I'm honestly so tired of looking at Journey, and I just want to move on to other games. Luckily you don't actually need to do the entire game with the same partner, just go to the mountain level with your partner and you should be golden. I can confirm this from firsthand experience :)

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@ShakeNBake663 Congrats on getting the trophy.  Couple of years ago this was a fun (and populated) game.  If someone dusted on you it was no big deal; someone else would show up.  Any more it is difficult for the unique travelers trophy.  Still like the game, but hate spending so much time to get a trophy.

Edited by PermaFox
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7 hours ago, ShakeNBake663 said:

Gather 'round, everyone, I have a story!


Last night Toogie offered to help me knock out the Companion trophy, so after quite a few tries it seemed like we finally synced up at the mountain. We traveled through the level, making small talk all the while... But then Toogie mentions that he somehow is at the beginning of the level, while I was at the end, fighting against the wind. We had been talking like we were synced up with each other, but it turns out that we were both with completely different partners. Luckily my partner had the white coat, so they needed the trophy as well, and the moment they showed up I also (very luckily) had the Wonder trophy pop. That being said...


80% → 100% https://psnprofiles.com/lib/img/icons/complete-icon.png


Journey is a great game... For the casual playthrough. Looking for the glyphs and symbols is pretty annoying, and getting the Companion trophy was very buggy for me. Before last night I swear I had four different partners that I could've unlocked it with, but in every one of those times either I was booted out or I assume they were. There's a reason I took so long to complete this list, and that was to save my own sanity.



I must admit, I gotta pass on this. I'm honestly so tired of looking at Journey, and I just want to move on to other games. Luckily you don't actually need to do the entire game with the same partner, just go to the mountain level with your partner and you should be golden. I can confirm this from firsthand experience :)

It was pretty funny. I kept insisting Shake got turned around and was walking the wrong way. They kept telling me I was crazy. We had to try going through the portals several times before it seemed like we got teamed up. Then somehow we both got different partners at the exact same moment.

5 hours ago, Evil_Joker88 said:


Congrats that you've completed the game :) And don't worry looking around here it seems like there'll be enough partners to play with :D


I'm still willing to help with Journey. I was very tired of it when I got my 100% but its been a couple of weeks, so I can go through the last bit of the game without my annoyance level getting too high.

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Made some good progress in Sen no Kiseki III tonight.  I have almost all of the first chapter done, but have completed what I need to do in this chapter for my missing trophies.  It's also just amazing the sheer difference between a game like this and a game like FFXIII.  Seriously, I'm on my third playthrough of this game, and am so not sick of it yet, though I really hope I get the plat with this run because I plan to play it again when its localized and don't want to get sick of it.  With FFXIII, I couldn't wait for it to be over.  The difference is like night and day, seriously.  Even the NPCs seem to have more personality than most of the characters in FFXIII and you really can just see the love the developers had in creating all the various places in this game.  The graphics may not be as stellar as something like FFXIII (despite this being a PS4 game), but they do the job in creating gorgeous scenery and a world that just comes alive and characters who feel like real people and you really come to care about the stuff that is happening.  I admit, the Isthmia Great Forest never fails to impress me at how freaking gorgeous and magical looking it is (that's one area I ran through tonight and it's just so pretty).

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Well I made it too! here's the :platinum: for Final Fantasy XIII I got some troubles with some items I thought I had but actually not ? just as @ladynadiad but once I figured out wich items I had forgot it was easy to look for them or buy them, well I spend so much time on that unnecesary farming but I'm glad is over so I can move on with some other games ? 

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