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Not buying modern games or consoles until later...


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2 hours ago, Beyondthegrave07 said:

I'm almost always lagging a year behind on new games. I probably won't get the new God of War until Christmas and who knows when I'll get around to playing it. I still have Fallout 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Far Cry 3, etc. sitting on my shelf from last year that I haven't even touched.


I'm the same way.


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a game I want to eventually platinum but Mein Leben is going to be quite time consuming. But there are other games I have had for longer that I haven't really gotten around to yet. Like Vanquish, Dead Space 2 and Rogue Legacy, all of which will probably be a lot easier than Wolfenstein II.


Then there's Assassins Creed Rogue and Origins.


Just so many games to play. Sucks I don't have the time like I used to since I'm older and have a family, job and college courses to worry about.


22 minutes ago, audiopile said:

I have more games than free cash so i wait for deals and ps+.  I can’t understand preorders and people who wait in line for games. 


I used to be into preorders in around 2007 - 2012 but I realized that you can get most of everything by just waiting for a Game of the Year edition or something along those lines.


A game really has to stand out for me to even consider preordering.

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When I worked at a video game store, I almost always bought day 1 if it was something I knew I was going to get anyway, since I had a discount. But now that that's no longer the case, I'm trying to instead go back to my older games I either didn't finish or didn't 100%, just to save some money.

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I'm glad a lot of people here are so noble about why they buy games at launch...but I can assure you that is NOT why the masses do it, Most people don't give a damn about supporting developers, they do it because they want to be apart of a crowd that says "I played that from the start"...like they're going to miss out on something if they had to wait.


Me? I pre-order one, MAYBE two games a year and they have to be something I just don't want to wait on. This year it was Spider-Man. I was going to Pre-order God of War as well, but something got screwed up on my order so I had to wait a week. But even then, I'm a Gamers Club Unlocked member from Best Buy, so I got 20% off, plus I had $20 in rewards points...so I paid $40 for both.


I can't even tell you the last time I bought a game at full price. I always shop around for the best deals, wait for the occasional great sale on the PS Store (those great sales used to be more frequent), shop eBay for a crazy deal someone happened to post (I've gotten games that are brand new for as low as $15 on eBay before). I'm cheap, I prefer to stretch my dollar as far as possible and get more out of it. Then again, I have to as I don't have money to blow like that.

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I have exactly the same reasoning as the op regarding when to buy games. The only ever game i bought on release day was FFXV...and look where that brought me. Sure i had lots of fun and i knew there where going to be the episodes DLC, but after that they kept making tons of stuff that i just cant keep up anymore. Its also worse that im mostly a non DLC buyer except if the dlc isn't already in the game lol.


Today i bought horizon zero dawn complete esition for just $20, i wanted this game since it was released, but i was sure it was gonna have an expansion of sorts and i did not want to buy a game on release again due to the previous experience. (Not to mention the DLC in itself costs as much as the complete edition xD)


That being said, i am only going to buy one more game on release day, which will be Kingdom Hearts 3. Ive been waiting for so long and i love the series so much that i will be taking the risk and buy it day one, also to avoid spoilers as much as possible (might even logout from my youtube account during that time)

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I think I can relate. I'm constantly working on my backlog because I'm up to my neck in games but not much time to play them all. So buying games day 1 or even get overexcited about them doesn't work for me. I still check out some E3 press but only about 10% catches my eye. I don't jump on a hype train, in fact if something is overhyped I'm less likely to get it. I'm perfectly capable of deciding for myself what I like and what I don't, no matter how "in" a game is and play them at my own pace. After all, I play games for me and not others.


There are maybe 3 games I get in a year at release but they're usually established franchises that I love (F1 is always one of them). If I were to buy more that'd be a waste of money since I can't play them all right away and by the time I do a lot of time has passed (sometimes even years) and the games have been majorly discounted and/or a GOTY version is out. Like many people in here I also don't spend more than $30 on games usually.


And about Pro, 4K and all that jazz, my family and friends are trying to nudge me into that (and I may just buckle under the pressure come Black Friday) but honestly it's not all that important to me. I can still enjoy stuff from a couple of generations ago. Actually I played way more PS3 games than PS4 this year (also 360 titles on my XB1) and I try to sneak in a game from PS1/PS2 each year into my schedule.

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1 hour ago, TheViper4Life said:

I'm glad a lot of people here are so noble about why they buy games at launch...but I can assure you that is NOT why the masses do it, Most people don't give a damn about supporting developers, they do it because they want to be apart of a crowd that says "I played that from the start"...like they're going to miss out on something if they had to wait.


Me? I pre-order one, MAYBE two games a year and they have to be something I just don't want to wait on. This year it was Spider-Man. I was going to Pre-order God of War as well, but something got screwed up on my order so I had to wait a week. But even then, I'm a Gamers Club Unlocked member from Best Buy, so I got 20% off, plus I had $20 in rewards points...so I paid $40 for both.


I can't even tell you the last time I bought a game at full price. I always shop around for the best deals, wait for the occasional great sale on the PS Store (those great sales used to be more frequent), shop eBay for a crazy deal someone happened to post (I've gotten games that are brand new for as low as $15 on eBay before). I'm cheap, I prefer to stretch my dollar as far as possible and get more out of it. Then again, I have to as I don't have money to blow like that.



Yeah, I like to play an anticipated game as soon as it's available as well as supporting the devs.. I have a good amount of disposable income right now so why wait if there's something I really want to play. I also very rarely pay the full $60 for a new game. I'm a Best Buy GCU member as well (at least until early 2020 unless they pull the plug before then) who gets plenty of reward points from my Best Buy credit card which I pay in full every month. I'm also Elite Plus thanks to my credit card so I get the 45 day price match window on top of everything else. Once GCU is done though, I might not buy as many games at launch unless something else similar shows up.

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I haven't purchased a game at full price in a long time, if I remember correctly it was FF VII (I got FF VIII and God of War II new as well, but both were gifts purchased by gfs).  Last game I bought for $30 was AC2.  Since then I set a limit for myself of $20 per game.  In recent years I haven't even spent that.  In the last 2 years I've only purchased 8 physical games, all for under $15, most under $10, and a handful of digital titles.  I don't buy anything digital for over $5, and usually wait until it's a dollar or two.  I mostly borrow physical copies of games from friends or get frees copies through my contacts.  I have a massive backlog (well over 50 games) just on my own, plus all the PS+ and friends games and it's well over 100, so it's not really worth buying any anymore.  I also never really get DLC, unless it comes with a GOTY, Collectors, or Special edition.  Oh, and I don't buy used, not ever.


I don't pre-order, I don't buy brand new/full price, and I don't do hype.  It's all bullshit, imo.  To each their own though, I do not tell others how to game or what/when to buy, so I don't expect them to pull that shit with me either.

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If I buy a game day one, which are for the rare series I absolutely love like Souls and God of War, I preorder the collector's edition. It is near impossible getting collectors edition on those series any other way.


If not, I wait and try to get the collector's edition on the cheap. This worked for Doom ($39), Mirror's Edge: Catalyst ($42), Uncharted 4 ($17) and Wolfenstein 2($34), which I still have yet to play.


If that doesn't work I wait for the Game of the Year/Gold edition.  Honestly my backlog is big enough I could stop buying games for years and still hunt different platinums consistently so why pay full price?

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I very rarely buy any games at release for the full price, it really has to be a game that I absolutely can't wait to play for me to do that. Also if I know a game is going to get DLC I usually wait for the GOTY release. I currently have about 70 games on PS4 and I've paid full price for two of those, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition and Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition, though HZD was the reason I got a PS4 so you could say I paid about 2300€ for it (PS4 Pro + a new 65" 4K HDR TV)


The games I've paid full price for in the last 10 years or so:


Life is Strange: Before the Storm Deluxe Edition (PS4)

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition (PS4)

Mass Effect Andromeda Deluxe Edition preorder (PC, yeah, I think I learned my lesson about preordering)

Mass Effect 3 (PC)

Mass Effect 2 (PC)

Witcher III: The Wild Hunt (PC, absolutely worth every cent)

Witcher II: Assasins of Kings (PC)

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age

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I'm one of those who waits. I want to spent as low money as possible and also get the full package at the same time. I buy mostly 2nd hand retail or digital and very few games new retail...


Thx to all others who throw their money out on the newly released games :P


Regarding consoles: i only bought a ps2 new. 4x ps3s and 1x ps4 used :P and rather late (first ps3 in 2012, ps4 in 2016). So even if they'd release a ps5 next year i'd wait a few years to enjoy ps3 and ps4 games :D

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I always wait around a year to buy games. By that time the games are cheap and you have the complete editions. I never buy games over €30. In the past couple of years I made one exception. I bought FFXV close to release date and paid full price for it as it's my favorite franchise. Big mistake as the game cost me more than €100 already with still more DLC to come in the future.


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There's no reason to pay full price for a game. It's going to go on sale sooner or later. And so many games go on sale all the time that it's easy to build a backlog, so there's always games to play. It helps that I generally hate multiplayer, so there's no incentive to have the game when others have it.


That said, probably the closest I've come to paying full price for a game is Fallout 4. I bought the season pass full price for $15, right before they raised it to $30, so in my mind it was 50% off. Then I still had to wait like 6 months for the actual game to go on sale for 50% off! This one was definitely worth the price. I had so much fun with it and Final Fantasy XIV, that Fallout 76 might be the first game I truly pay full price for and actually buy around release.


Special mention: I would have bought the Sega Genesis collection on release for full price (actually 10% off because the pre-order was discounted), but they made a terrible trophy list so I couldn't justify those trophies for a bunch of games I've already played.


Edit: in case anyone looks at my profile and sees I played Dying Light around the time it came out--it came with my PS4.

Edited by Milktastrophe
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Honestly, for me, it’s just a matter of having the money or not.

New games shine in a way that it’s difficult to resist them. I try not to buy many games on release day, because I know that most games don’t stay for 70€ for long, but I also don’t wait a lot of time to get them, if I have the money. For example, I just bought the new GoW in the “Days of Play” sale, for 50€. It was still pretty expensive, but I had the money and I couldn’t resist seeing for myself what the hype is about. I’m actually enjoying it a lot and I think the quality of the game totally justifies what I paid for it.

Honestly, it pains me not to be able to buy a game I want to play a lot, but, at least, when I finally get it, it’s always a special moment. This happened to me with “The Last of Us”. As much as I wanted to play it, for a long time, I really couldn’t afford it. I ended up buying it used for 24€ almost a year after it released and what an experience it was. It instantly became my favorite game! Then, when my family offered me the PS4, I only had 50€ to buy a game. Most of you would buy a PS4 exclusive, right? You know what I bought, with a big smile on my face? “The Last of Us Remastered”, because I wanted to do the trophies again and to support and thank Naughty Dog for the masterpiece.

Something similar happened with “Rise of the Tomb Raider”, due to the exclusivity deal. I love these new TR games, since they became similar to Uncharted. I’d go to the game store and it pained to see a game that I wanted to play so much in a green case, instead of in a blue one. If I had the money, I think I wouldn’t resist buying a XBox just to play it! When the game finally came for PS4, I bought it as soon as I could afford it. I spent 70€ on it, but I had a blast playing it and doing the 100%, because of all the amazing content the PS4 edition has.

Regarding E3 and other game events, I also always get very excited about announcements and trailers.

So, yeah, I’m not with the OP in these matters. I’m a very passionate gamer and I love this industry.

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7 hours ago, Valyrious said:

But would you spend $10-$15 (whatever the cost may be) to go and see a two and a half hour film in the theatres?

This is an unfair question, because, no I wouldn't, but it's not my choice. My girlfriend likes seeing movies in theaters, so I end up spending like $50 because we need snacks too.


Actually, stuff like this is why I find it hard to justify paying full price for games. I'm already spending a lot of money for other forms entertainment that's consumed immediately, I don't want to pay full price for something that I'm not going to touch for six months.

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I remember in the late 1990s, early 2000s when I was obsessed with the latest games coming out. I was a subscriber to PC Gamer Magazine and Nintendo Power because I eagerly wanted to hear more on games like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Diablo II and Starcraft. This was a time when getting general info on the internet wasn’t quite as easy, so I often looked up such games in the magazine. 


My issue is today’s games aren’t quite complete anymore since they are so big and they need tons of play testers to get rid of the bugs. I appreciate when companies like Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica delay their games so they come out more polished. More companies need to be doing that. If that is what Bend Studios is doing with Days Gone, then I’m the more happy about it. Hopefully Insomniac Games is making Spider Man more presentable at launch. 


I just find waiting a couple months after a game is released is more beneficial because many of the patches and updates have already been released to make the games a better experience. 


My backlog hasn’t really decreased in the past year, which is another reason why I tend to wait a while before I buy a newer game. 


At times I feel like I’m a bit behind playing older games spanning from 2007 - 2011 that I’ve wanted to play but just haven’t gotten around to them. While a lot of people have moved on to newer games, namely Unravel 2 and Detroit: Become Human.

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I'm a cheapskate so I always wait for a sale, and by used. Typically its the yearly anniversary sale where the game gets 50% off (I got FFXII TZA and Persona 4 Golden this way), or the companies anniversary sale (such as Square Enix's 20th Anniversary sale where I bought KH 1.5+2.5 and Nier Automata for half price and the Tales series Anniversary sale where I got Berseria half price). 


Also, I like to wait for a hope that the game even comes free on PS Plus. So far on Plus i've got Disgaea 4, Disgaea 5, Psychopass, Steins Gate, Atelier Sophie, Life is Strange, Witch and the hundred knight, and Tearaway all free. 


So yeah, I have a sharp eye for the PSN sales and only ever buy physical copies used after the price has dropped to at least half. I haven't bought a new game on release day since the FF13 series, after which I unfortunately lost access to daddy bank when I graduated and now have to use my own hard-earned cash. 


Also, with my backlog from all the sales and ps plus games, I have no incentive to buy release games as I've got plenty of unplayed games already and I'm the type who prefers to finish (and platinum) one game before moving onto the next. I tend not to jump from game to game or play multiple games at once.  

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I never really buy games on release day i usually wait about 6 months - 1 year before buying the games i really want to play.  The new God of War looks amazing, but i'll wait for a sale.  The most expensive game i ever bought was (Tekken Tag Tournament 2) only because i used to play it competitively on-line.


And if you check PSN from time to time you might find something even if it's a game you never heard of.  I normally look for game-play footage on you tube before buying.

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Considering I got my PS3 in 2012 I feel like the money I saved on all the games I got used and in B2G1's...not to mention the fact I hadn't bought any games from like 2008-2012, I don't mind pre-ordering certain games mainly because I can pay it off over time until release. Even then it's not for all games. For example, I most likely will not be pre-ordering Metro Exodus even though it's my most anticipated game coming out soon. (It would have to have a seriously badass CE) But I have pre-ordered Shadow of the Tomb Raider because my dad and I always enjoyed playing the games. (old and new ones) I can wait for a game that's mainly for myself, but if it's something my brother and/or my father can enjoy together then it's worth it. 


Also, between the time of my last pre-order on the PS2, KH2 in 2006, and my first pre-order on the PS3, AC Rogue in 2014, I don't feel much guilt over pre-ordering a few titles here and there knowing I'm going to enjoy the games myself, with my dad/brother, or being pretty goddamn sure that if they do well it might influence further development of something else. (There have been 9 games I pre-ordered of varying prices as well as 2 more coming out. 11 total in 4 years.)

^examples for bold? Darksiders Warmastered. I was very hopeful that if the first 2 games did ok on the PS4 then Darksiders 3 would be coming eventually. I've also pre-ordered Crash Bandicoot and the upcoming Mega Man X Collection games because I'm hoping that in some way this will mean more PS1 games will come along. (Looking at you Wild Arms and Legend of Mana.) Long shots for the ps1 games? Sure. But I did love the original games of the remasters anyways and would love to have them again. (or had in the case of Crash Bandicoot lol.)


As time goes on there will most likely be less and less games I'm interested in and won't pre-order anyways. Might as well have my fun while I can.


As for consoles...I'm at a point in my life where I will be buying them for myself. My ps1/ps2 were christmas presents as when they came out I was too young to work. My ps3 I bought for myself and my ps4 was a birthday present from my brother because he knew I would have waited at least 5 years to get one and he felt bad that I might miss out on some really cool stuff. By the time ps5, or whatever name it may have, comes out I imagine I'll have the money for it, but it will not be day 1. I will wait to see what is done with it such as always online? Digital only? Those 2 things alone would stop me from buying it no matter what.

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2 hours ago, Lava_Yuki said:

So yeah, I have a sharp eye for the PSN sales and only ever buy physical copies used after the price has dropped to at least half. I haven't bought a new game on release day since the FF13 series, after which I unfortunately lost access to daddy bank when I graduated and now have to use my own hard-earned cash. 


Also, with my backlog from all the sales and ps plus games, I have no incentive to buy release games as I've got plenty of unplayed games already and I'm the type who prefers to finish (and platinum) one game before moving onto the next. I tend not to jump from game to game or play multiple games at once.  


The PSN sales have done a lot to hurt my backlog, I bought dozens of games through the sales. But they're a good way to save up, especially if you felt a game you wanted to get was a bit too much to pay for when it initially came out.


I still have PS4 games from 2015 - 2016 I haven't played yet, which will be a big priority once I finish The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Also got to worry about online trophies on the PS3 as inevitably all games on that console will have server shutdowns.


1 hour ago, Jun_Kazama316 said:

I never really buy games on release day i usually wait about 6 months - 1 year before buying the games i really want to play.  The new God of War looks amazing, but i'll wait for a sale.  The most expensive game i ever bought was (Tekken Tag Tournament 2) only because i used to play it competitively on-line.


And if you check PSN from time to time you might find something even if it's a game you never heard of.  I normally look for game-play footage on you tube before buying.


I'm the same, but I generally wait at the very least, three to six months or so before I purchase a newer game. Assassins Creed Origins, Wolfenstein II and Middle Earth: Shadow of War I all bought within weeks of their release, in addition to the DLC via Season Passes which was essentially as much as many AAA games I buy. Spent a lot of money on those three AAA games, which I've yet to really experience everything they have to offer.


God of War I bought within two days of release which was $59.99. Thankfully I'm not too far from a state that has no sales tax so that was all I paid for the game.


I check PSN on occasion, not often.


1 hour ago, Avatar_Of_Battle said:

Considering I got my PS3 in 2012 I feel like the money I saved on all the games I got used and in B2G1's...not to mention the fact I hadn't bought any games from like 2008-2012, I don't mind pre-ordering certain games mainly because I can pay it off over time until release. Even then it's not for all games. For example, I most likely will not be pre-ordering Metro Exodus even though it's my most anticipated game coming out soon. (It would have to have a seriously badass CE) But I have pre-ordered Shadow of the Tomb Raider because my dad and I always enjoyed playing the games. (old and new ones) I can wait for a game that's mainly for myself, but if it's something my brother and/or my father can enjoy together then it's worth it. 


Also, between the time of my last pre-order on the PS2, KH2 in 2006, and my first pre-order on the PS3, AC Rogue in 2014, I don't feel much guilt over pre-ordering a few titles here and there knowing I'm going to enjoy the games myself, with my dad/brother, or being pretty goddamn sure that if they do well it might influence further development of something else. (There have been 9 games I pre-ordered of varying prices as well as 2 more coming out. 11 total in 4 years.)

^examples for bold? Darksiders Warmastered. I was very hopeful that if the first 2 games did ok on the PS4 then Darksiders 3 would be coming eventually. I've also pre-ordered Crash Bandicoot and the upcoming Mega Man X Collection games because I'm hoping that in some way this will mean more PS1 games will come along. (Looking at you Wild Arms and Legend of Mana.) Long shots for the ps1 games? Sure. But I did love the original games of the remasters anyways and would love to have them again. (or had in the case of Crash Bandicoot lol.)


As time goes on there will most likely be less and less games I'm interested in and won't pre-order anyways. Might as well have my fun while I can.


As for consoles...I'm at a point in my life where I will be buying them for myself. My ps1/ps2 were christmas presents as when they came out I was too young to work. My ps3 I bought for myself and my ps4 was a birthday present from my brother because he knew I would have waited at least 5 years to get one and he felt bad that I might miss out on some really cool stuff. By the time ps5, or whatever name it may have, comes out I imagine I'll have the money for it, but it will not be day 1. I will wait to see what is done with it such as always online? Digital only? Those 2 things alone would stop me from buying it no matter what.


You jumped on the PS3 late like I did.


The last preorder I made was for Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour. Not a big release by any means and it's in fact an old game from 1996 originally. But it has a lot of sentimental value to it because I literally grew up playing the ever loving shit out of it. Everything else I've done has been after the release date.


I personally don't think preordering and waiting in line for hours is worth all the trouble anymore. Video games these days aren't quite the leap and bounds like they were in past generations.


I've heard lots on the Darksiders franchise and I'm wondering if the games are any good.


The Spyro remastered collection is coming out, might want to consider grabbing that if you enjoyed Crash Bandicoot.




I hate the always online bullshit. So much that can go wrong, and unfortunately I live in an area where good internet is hard to come by. Comcast is not a good provider, every day there seems to be problems with their infrastructure and then they have the balls to blame it on their customers. I fucking hate Comcast.


I bought a lot of games through the PSN service, but I generally try to find a physical copy of a game wherever I can. Physical games can be sold off, which you cannot do for digital only. You don't really own digital games either, they are a glorified rental service. If the service goes down, or Sony decides to ban your account for whatever reason, you no longer have access to your digital library.

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I like to buy games on release dates if they're titles that I've got a hunch that I'm going to have issues finding later on.. (example physical copies of: Gravity Rush, Fornite, etc) plus I can't really pass off on Amazon's 20% off when pre-ordering the games. I also enjoy getting pre-order bonuses as well. If it's a game that I'm really on the fence about or especially lego games, I definitely wait for a price drop on those since they drop down like $30 in about 2 - 3 months. Except I'm making an exception for Lego Incredibles this time around. But there's a handful of titles that I do keep an eye on when it comes to price drops because either on the fence, I would like to buy a duplicate to add it to my physical collection or I have one of those "this game is too much for a trophy list like that, definitely gonna wait for a cheaper price" - type of thing lol.


Not to mention if they've got collectors/special editions of some games that I really enjoy or the game seems worth it, I'm definitely sold on buying them day one.


Edit: also I almost always pick up physical copies of indie games because why not. They're not a AAA company, they've managed to get enough to make a physical copy of a non-$60 game. Plus a lot of those types of games I prefer compared to the AAA titles devs have been putting out lately.

Edited by DuckSwimmer
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On 6/10/2018 at 6:23 PM, Spaz said:

You jumped on the PS3 late like I did.


The last preorder I made was for Duke Nukem 3D 20th Anniversary World Tour. Not a big release by any means and it's in fact an old game from 1996 originally. But it has a lot of sentimental value to it because I literally grew up playing the ever loving shit out of it. Everything else I've done has been after the release date.


I personally don't think preordering and waiting in line for hours is worth all the trouble anymore. Video games these days aren't quite the leap and bounds like they were in past generations.


I've heard lots on the Darksiders franchise and I'm wondering if the games are any good.


The Spyro remastered collection is coming out, might want to consider grabbing that if you enjoyed Crash Bandicoot.




I hate the always online bullshit. So much that can go wrong, and unfortunately I live in an area where good internet is hard to come by. Comcast is not a good provider, every day there seems to be problems with their infrastructure and then they have the balls to blame it on their customers. I fucking hate Comcast.


I bought a lot of games through the PSN service, but I generally try to find a physical copy of a game wherever I can. Physical games can be sold off, which you cannot do for digital only. You don't really own digital games either, they are a glorified rental service. If the service goes down, or Sony decides to ban your account for whatever reason, you no longer have access to your digital library.


I didn't have much choice on the PS3. :P  but I'm glad it worked out that way tbh.


Pre-ordering has different worth for each person, but for me I'm pretty much cemented in what I like so I know what is good for me, I know what I want, and what I think is worth pre-ordering I do depending on what's going on. As for trouble...it's not much for me since I tend to wait for days where I have to be out anyways, and the midnight releases here are small. I haven't gone to all of them but I don't remember waiting particularly long. :hmm: 


The first Darksiders is better than its sequel I think. First was fun and relatively different for me story-wise. The 2nd was also good it was just...it felt like it dragged out more than it should have with added RPG elements. I know I've played Spyro back on the PS1...but idr anything about it (not surprising lmfao.) 


The only time I'll go digital is if there's no other option or it's just so cheap the option won't be around for physical probably ever lol. I don't do anything that could get my account banned, not that I know how to anyways, but it's one of the few reasons I don't like digital. 

Edited by Avatar_Of_Battle
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