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Why do people play bad games just for trophies?


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Hey, interesting topic.

I cannot say I didn't chase some silly trophies just for the sake of it while being bored at the same time. It's a sort of addiction, but relatively "safe" - I keep telling myself ;)


But.. (a bit of autopromotion here) there are games that have easy plats and can be fun at the same time. Our "Hidden Cats in.." or "..Full of Cats" series can be treated as a nice change of pace between AAA titles and give you a plat after 1-2 hours of "looking for cats". Just saying ;)

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You don't know a games bad until you play it, I've played loads of so called bad games I've enjoyed. 


I have played a fair amount of games I know will be bad though, sometimes it's good to play a shit game, makes you appreciate the good ones. It's also kind of relaxing getting piss easy trophies, it can be a stress relief. 

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21 minutes ago, TeflonJon07 said:

“We’re addicted to the “pop” in top right corner  of our screen it’s what fuels us, what drives us, it is our purpose.” (Smith voice)

Speak for yourself.


I'm addicted to top left corner pop

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32 minutes ago, VigilantCrow said:

Trophy hunting and gaming are seperate hobbies. 

A game's quality is irrelevant, when you play for trophies.


This tbh. Like I am more of a trophy hunter than gamer. Some people are more gamers than trophy hunters. And thats fine.

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Posted (edited)

Some play silly non-games for higher total plat count, others play crappy real games because they have high rarity values due to most people not bothering to finish them, and they have a better shot of remaining rare than good games that might find popularity down the line.


Depends on their individual goal, I suppose.

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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3 hours ago, VigilantCrow said:

Trophy hunting and gaming are seperate hobbies. 

A game's quality is irrelevant, when you play for trophies.



In my humble opinion, that's a rather weird take. I thought it was or less agreed upon in the community that it usually starts with a passion for gaming, which then spills over to obtaining trophies.


And since they work in tangent, both are ever-present, albeit not always in perfect unison.


That's how I see it, anyway.🙂



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some arent bad. some of these easy games could of been  fun with even more time in them, but some are only fun enough for the small amount of time put in them. i avoided them for a long time. eventualy i played hannah montana and it wasnt to bad. i also like gameshow games or movie games that are usually pretty horrible in graphics but you have to do misc things that arent repetitive like in other games. someone could ask why do people play 400 hours of call of duty  running in circles. i think the majorityof people like cheap plats. i just put close to 200 hours into ff12, and then  bought like 20 shovelware games because i have small pockets of time to fill the next few days where i need to be able to play something but not focus on a strategy to kill time. and i dont have much money to spend this month. so for 50 cents a game its better then $80 for a top tier game that will only last a week. do whatever fits your lifestyle and  your fun. i use to never understand it and hate it and grumble. and now i play them and dont care. my shovelware takes up like maybe 5% of my overall time im guessing. my profile looks like i do nothing but play shovelware. when in reality ill spend a long time on a game, play a bunch of shovelware for 2 days, then go back to a long game again. but people only care that i played a shovelware game. its whatever. theres been a few shovelware games that were absolutely horrible. and a few i enjoyed. 

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Your sig says “every trophy counts”, y’know…



It does, the classic playstationtriphies.org moddo

but OP has a distinguished elitist behavior and then you check his profile and he literally has 1 trophy, no platinums, not even alot of games

why do people bash other people for the games they play and OP doesnt even play or finish HIS games? Prople with no trophy experience bitching about trophies, you see?

Edited by Property_Damage
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1 minute ago, Property_Damage said:

It does, the classic playstationtriphies.org moddo

but OP has a distinguished elitist behavior and then you check his profile and he literally has 1 trophy, no platinums, not even alot of games

why do people bash other people for the games they play and OP doesnt even play or finish HIS games?


His main account has a few more: https://psnprofiles.com/DieHardDavidN

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1 minute ago, Property_Damage said:

It does, the classic playstationtriphies.org moddo

but OP has a distinguished elitist behavior and then you check his profile and he literally has 1 trophy, no platinums, not even alot of games

why do people bash other people for the games they play and OP doesnt even play or finish HIS games?

Asking why people play bad games for trophies isn’t elitist behaviour- it’s a perfectly legitimate question.


The answers might sometimes be elitist, but there’s nothing elitist in the question itself.

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4 minutes ago, DaivRules said:


His main account has a few more: https://psnprofiles.com/DieHardDavidN

Oh goodie, he shoulda posted on his multi then


4 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

Asking why people play bad games for trophies isn’t elitist behaviour- it’s a perfectly legitimate question.


The answers might sometimes be elitist, but there’s nothing elitist in the question itself.

sure it is, who is a guy with 1 bronze trophy to decide whats a good game and whats a bad game

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People are funny.

"How can you say it's bad? you haven't even played it?"
"Why would you play a bad game."


Can't ever win, there's always somebody complaining about what you do (instead of worrying about what they themselves are doing). No better way to understanding why a game doesn't work than to experience it first hand. Why do you are is the apt question

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Mellenthin said:


In my humble opinion, that's a rather weird take. I thought it was or less agreed upon in the community that it usually starts with a passion for gaming, which then spills over to obtaining trophies.


And since they work in tangent, both are ever-present, albeit not always in perfect unison.


That's how I see it, anyway.🙂



Gaming is generally a hobby, the only goal is having fun while engaging in the act of playing something. What you accomplish is irrelevant so long as you have a smile on your face when you turn the console off.


Trophy hunting is more akin to project management, where the goal is to create an end product. Fun isn't important, the goal is the end result and being able to use that result for whatever reason (leaderboard bragging, a "perfect" profile, comparing lists with other people for x reason, getting attention/praise online, dopamine shots, etc). 


Gaming is solely about you, trophy hunting is about what other people think of you. That's why they're different hobbies.





Edited by VigilantCrow
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7 hours ago, Leesider said:

Hey, interesting topic.

I cannot say I didn't chase some silly trophies just for the sake of it while being bored at the same time. It's a sort of addiction, but relatively "safe" - I keep telling myself ;)


But.. (a bit of autopromotion here) there are games that have easy plats and can be fun at the same time. Our "Hidden Cats in.." or "..Full of Cats" series can be treated as a nice change of pace between AAA titles and give you a plat after 1-2 hours of "looking for cats". Just saying ;)


Yeah, some games that would be considered shovelware, I actually enjoyed, I suppose it's still shovelware even if you enjoy it, but the excuses that people are playing these games with no joy is absurd. Like Black Wolf, Worm War, Animal Drop are 3 I have, and I enjoyed playing. Same with Milo's quest. Music wasn't bad, I liked it wasn't tedious and long (Unlike a certain Assassin Creed game that I am on 140 hours with and yet to be finished with the platinum, especially because of Cairns minigame). Sometimes, I just want to sit back, play silly games, some I do enjoy, and you know what, it's okay.  The fact I had more fun playing those 3 then Valhalla right now with it's trophies, says something.


End of days, it's no one business but yours. Sure, there's judgemental people, but uh, there's a lot of judging in the gaming community. I mean people who play shovelware are judged by trophy hunters, whom also judge those who do easy plats. Trophy hunters are judged by non trophy hunter gamers (So many just go "Why do people care about a crappy trophy" even for the AAA games). And the gamers are judged by non gamers in real life because apparently you can get excited over sports on TV, but not a game you just finished.

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if the question is why do people play bad game then that's a stupid question, a bad game for someone could be fun game for someone else and viceversa, people have different tastes


and if the question is why do people play shovelware (bad games) for trophies it's because it's an addiction, it's loads of easy trophies in quick time to make the profile looked stacked and to rise the leaderboards

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Sometimes you just want to turn your brain off for an hour and play something simple.  Extra props when it ended up costing less than 25 cents more often then not lately.  Also historical PlayStation Rewards used to give out points for trophies earned, so any platinum that cost you under $1 ended up being basically free

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